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Some Final Thoughts on Chandra Levy

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Some Final Thoughts on Chandra Levy

Friday, August 02, 2002



I know that this subject has been beat up from just

about every angle there is, but I thought you might be

interested in a few of my thoughts on the matter:

Chandra Levy

April 14, 1977

1:46pm EDT

Cleveland, OH


Lahiri/Vedic Asc: 17 Cancer 40


Levy's chart makes for a very good study, for several

reasons. First, note the very strong connection

between the 1 and 8 houses, the interchange between

the lords. This suggests not only a strong attachment

to sex, as the 8 house almost always suggests a strong

sexual drive, but this setup can also mean that the

person can have a shortened lifespan, especially if

malefics in some way heap up on the 8 house.


Mars is in the 8 house, and in fact, along with the

Moon, it forms the famed Chandra-Mangala Yoga; this

combination is said to make one that in some way gains

through women and the baser needs of men (see Raman's

book, 300 Important Combinations). I have personally

seen this combination in the charts of many women, who

are either prostitutes or in some way work in the porn

industry, or they be sex symbols in some way; for

example, Pamela Anderson-Lee, has such a combination.

Other women with this combination, who may not be in

the afore-mentioned areas per se, still use sexuality

in some way to advance themselves in the society; this

is often seen in women that are not above "sleeping

their way" to the top. A classic example of this, is

in the case of Monica Lewinsky, who also had this

combination in her horoscope.


In Levy's case, we see this combo is quite strong, in

that it is a pretty close conjunction (within 7.5

degrees) and placed in the 8 house of hardcore

sexuality; further, chceking in with the venerable

Sage Mantreshwara, in his Phala Deepika, we see that

if in a woman's chart, the Sun, Moon and Asc are in

signs owned by Mars or Saturn, in either the Rasi

(natal) or Navamsa charts, the woman will be a

prostitute. Here, in Levy's case, a liberal

interpretation is called for, as Saturn rises in the

Asc, the Moon is placed in Saturn's sign, Aquarius,

and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Therefore, the

malefics, Mars and Saturn, all have a direct bearing

on Levy's core being, and thus, falls in with

Mantreshwara's dictum cited above. We know, from

published reports, that Levy was known for her "thing"

for highly-placed, older men.


Note how Venus is so heavily afflicted, in the 9

house, and in the 2 from the Moon. It is further

weakened by its retrograde state, and by the presence

of Rahu in Libra, Venus' sign. One very easy and

simple to gauge the relative strength of a planet in

the natal chart, without the use of the Navamsa, is to

see if there are any planets placed in another

planet's sign(s). Benefics strengthen that planet, and

of course, malefics harm and weaken that planet. In

this case, we can see that the combined effects of

being hemmed in, and a malefic in its sign, has hurt

Venus in Levy's chart to the extent that we can see

that she would have extreme difficulty in the area of



Since Rahu's role has been mention, let's now take a

deeper look at this planet. It is placed in the 4

house, the house of one's morals. Classical texts,

like Phala Deepika, warn of girls who have such

placements, for they are said to have loose morals,

particularly if said placements are not

counterbalanced in some way by benefic planets. Yes,

Mercury does aspect Rahu from the 10, but we have to

remember that Mercury is a benefic only when he is

associated with other benefics. In this case, he is

associated with two malefics, the Sun and Ketu, both

of whom overwhelm Mercury. In the 10 house, her

thoughts would be centered around power and influence

- and with Mercury's placement in the Naksatra of

Bharani, whose symbol is the vagina, it is pretty safe

to say that the echo of her not being above using her

wiles to get what she wanted is there. Note that

Venus, the ruler of Bharani, is afflicted, and so is

Mercury's dispositor Mars, by it receiving the aspect

of Rahu.


Another Naksatra we need to consider, is that of the

Asc, which is Ashlesha, which is long known for its

connection to intrigues, secrets and sex, which we see

plenty of here. In the chart of a woman, the classics

state, such a combination can be a very hot one,

unless benefics are strongly present. Again, look at

the chart of Marilyn Monroe, who also had this

Naksatra rising. And, again, I have personal files of

other such women. It all fits.


For Cancer people, relationships are particularly

difficult, due to fact that the Moon and Saturn are

inimical to one another, and, that Saturn rules the 8

house in addition to the 7. If Venus afflictions are

seen in the same chart, in addition to added

relationship stress as seen in the 7 house, we can be

sure that the Cancer in question would not be very

happy in that area. Just look at the charts of Marilyn

Monroe and Indira Ghandi, two very well known and

powerful women, who nevertheless experienced

inordinate amounts of pain and strife in the area of

marriage/relationship. The same would hold true for



As a rule, I have found that both Cancer and Leo

people, tend to be drawn to partners who are of a

conspicuous age difference, whether much older or

younger, than themselves. This is due to Saturn's

lordship of the 7 houses in both instances. In Levy's

case, we can again see this in her penchant for older,

well-placed men. Note Saturn's close conjunction with

the Asc degree.


We would be remiss if we didn't mention the presence

of Kuja Dosha, the infamous combination of Mars in

certain houses that tie in directly to relationships.

For a woman, Mars in the 8 house is commonly said to

be a combination of widowhood - in this case, I would

think that it would bring about separations. The

Moon-Mars combo is said to cancel KD, but because of

the overall condition of not only the Moon but of the

chart as a whole, I am inclined to see KD in the case

in a full-blown sort of way. Levy's reality, would

seem to agree. Because Levy died well before the age

of 30, the approximate age when Mars is said to

"mature", we can be sure that KD ran unabated in her



Levy's illicit affair with former CA. Congressman Gary

Condit came to light around this time last year - at

that time, Venus Dasa was running, a fitting picture

for a relationship-like scenario. However, the affair

itself, as well as its end, is indicative of what to

expect when Venus is heavily afflicted - and - note

how Venus was running both its major and minor

periods! This is known as Dasa Sandhi, the beginning

and ending points of a Dasa, and is widely regarded as

a weak time for the person experiencing it, even if

the planet running the Dasa itself is strong and well

placed. But if the said planet is weak and afflicted,

as we can see here in the case of Ms. Levy, the

results can really be disasterous.


But, exalted Venus, in the 9 house, would have to be

good for something - wouldn't it? I think it

symbolizes the nature of what became a high-profile

affair with Condit, the publicity it received nation

and worldwide. I think it was beneficial to the extent

that the affair aided in the nationwide search for her

after she had gone missing this time last year.


It has been speculated that Levy could have been

pregnant by Condit at about time of her going missing.

This we may never know for sure, but with the Venus

Dasa running, in the chart of a woman, it IS possible

that this may have been the case. With Levy's 5 lord

Mars being aspected by Rahu, with the 8 house strong,

and with the 7 lord so strong, it is also possible

that talk of abortion cannot be ruled out.


But, how could such a Dasa, even one as bad as Venus,

bring about death? I think it is because of the

affliction of the Dasa itself. Although classical

texts don't mention this per se, it is a fact that a

generally strong Dasa will tend to improve all areas

of life, whereas an afflicted one will tend to bring

about problems in all areas of life as well. And, if

the Dasa is heavily afflicted, as in the case here, we

can see that it can bring about even death.


After nearly a year of searching for Ms. Levy, she was

finally discovered by a runner in one of the parks in

the nation's capital. Police were directed to a lower

part of the park, secluded, and it has been determined

that her death has nothing to do with Condit. Her

meeting a violent end is suggested by noting the

presence of malefics in such close proximity to the

Asc and Moon, and the 8 house, along with the Moon,

also suggests her being found in or near water. This

has been the case.


As for the role of Mr. Condit, to be quite honest, I

am not convinced of his innocence of the whole affair.

Clearly, he is represented in Ms. Levy's chart by 7

AND 8 lords Saturn, and because of the close,

intimate, yet highly inimical connection between the

Moon (Chandra) and Saturn (Condit), it is not out of

the question to still consider Mr. Condit as a prime

suspect in Ms. Levy's murder, even if the police don't

think so. The 6/8 position of the Moon and Saturn is

one suggestive of enemies - and for someone like

Condit, who had a long record of such affairs over the

years, he could be motivated to do whatever was

necessary to neutralize the potential threat of his

affair with Levy being made public. It is so

interesting to see how literally the darker nature of

Saturn manifests itself in Levy's life (Condit), in

its role as both a natural malefic and as well, as the

lord of the 7 and 8 houses.


Since we're talking about Mr. Condit, let's look at

Ms. Levy's chart from a slightly different point of

view. If we rotate the chart so that the 7 house is

now the Asc, we get a much clearer picture of Condit

and, perhaps, what we can expect to see in the years

ahead. As we already know, Venus's Dasa was running

when this whole thing hit the news wires. Now, note

that Venus now is the yogakaraka (YK) from the "new"

Asc of Capricorn - yet, it brought about Condit's

downfall. More evidence of this can be seen in that

Rahu now is in the "10" house from Condit, and Venus'

Dasa activates this Rahu, again suggesting some sort

of downfall. This again is proof of the dictums and

observations laid out about this Venus position, that

it being so heavily afflicted cannot be positive. It

DID bring about all of the publicity of both the

affair and Condit's role in it (afterall, other than

people in his district, did any of us even hear of

Condit before this?), but it also brought about

Condit's downfall in his bid to hold on to his

Congressional seat in DC.


On the basis of this chart, Condit may not be out of

the woods just yet - the Sun's sub period is due to

begin in May of 2003. The Sun rules the "8" in this

chart for Condit - a potential time of major setback,

yet again. Even though the Sun is exalted, note how it

is in a 2/12 relationship to Dasa Lord Venus - and

note the fact that the Sun and Venus are enemies.

Since this sub period will run for a year, I say it is

at that time that we can expect more info on the Levy

case to come out, and it will definitely have links to



Justice, will be served.


Time Will Tell…








Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

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