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The western world turns 2

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Hello List,


I received this letter:






i don't understand why u want to ruin ur

life??.....wives are nothing but a hassle. anyways

after all are we not aiming at something superior,

which would include detachment etc. etc. ......and u r

so good at this stuff, which we all read on

list.......i personally feel that u should get over

this( as it gives nothing but pain) and get on with ur

superb work.I guess ur moon or venus must be making u

currently to do all this.





I agree I should be happy and strong, and now I am. I'm

happy to say. I take no medications, do not think I am

crazy or any such thing, as I used to. If I cry, I am

happy, not miserable. I am not miserable anymore. This is true.


I don't think wives are a hassle, anymore, fore when I did,

they were.


I'm no longer aiming at something superior to this world, I

am now aiming at superiority over my own world, ie, there's

no substitute for self mastery.


In other words, your letter, dear friend, blessed be, is

right on time, as are all things.


For that which is wrong, is out of place,

and that which is out of place, does not exist


have no problems with what is, for it is,


have problems with yourself not accepting

their love, which is what is


I'm back, and I have no need of wife and no wife. I need

love. I need woman. Surely. Wife, and so forth, that

doesn't seem related to my needs. I don't think that way



Woman are strong, beautiful, and half of truth, and of the

two moeties, they are the feeling, holding, annointer,

mother, love, caring, protected, reason, altar, beloved,

basket, vessel, cauldron of life!


Nowhere in my list of their qualities can I find "hassle",

but I know that in the patriarchal world this is one of

their titles, and in patriarchal scriptures, they are called

this. Those are not my scriptures, not personally, and not

of my ancestors. I choose, to be me, Roik, of the Clann

called Aoidh. My cousins rule the highlands and blow pipes.

In secret, we go on despising Roman rule to this day, like

American Indians will never forget, never, it's impossible.

We, the Scots-Irish, we are not truly known, in the world,

except secretly, but I will try to change that.


If you wish to hear me speak through this medium, you can,

but there is no fight, for read what you like, and leave the

rest, and be, yourself. This is my sharing, interwoven. The

age of the blade, raid and slave are over in me. I do not

kill and eat animals, and I despise all the bloodshed I have

seen for thousands of years over these matters.


The little ones (woman) become this (a hassle) when they are

not worshipped properly, for then they, with their love,

must revolt and find alternate ways to be in the power they

deserve, and all sorts of bad things happen as femininity is

placed on the block and made to hide, run, cower, seek

voice, and suffer.


Do we not cherish fine things in fine places? Do we not

keep the finest things of all, the finest things we have or

know or carry in our hearts, in the finest places in all our

abodes? Are these things not called our treasures?


Surely isn't the Vagina one of the most subtle, sensitive,

important and finest things in the whole of creation?

Doesn't creation revolve around it? Should we alienate

ourselves from this, and the carrier of it, the sacrificer

of body for the carrying of the cauldron of life, or should

we worship it, and the scrifice of carriage, from which we

all derive our vehicle, born of the fourth house, Vahana,

Ma, both. Are vehicles a hassle or a convenience? Which?

Do we keep on with vehicles and homes? These are mother

too, for they carry us and protect us.


We cannot ever separate ourselves from this part, or any

part, of life. Celibate priesthood is an invention of

Patriarchs. We Kelts, I, have no interest in that, at all. I

have an interest in Priesthood, but the one called Druid,

which is alot like and friendly to Brahmins, in many ways,

but not all ways. There is much shared, and some not. It

depends which Vedic lineage as well. I have done more than

20 years in a Patriarchal lineage of Vedanta, and I have

spent 7 years in total depression and sorrow in order to

switch back, which I now realize is what was happening.

(Switch back to where I was over 2000 years ago)


Mother, the first angle, who's "rise" is "us", or tenth from

the fourth, hear me, is someone's wife dear and beloved,

whom has received semen from a man in an act of her divine

nature of love, surrender, and nurturance, opened herself to

use and domination, expecting love and protection, spread

herself for penetration and received the life from a man,

this is wife, this is mother, this is Earth, and this is the

Goddess. She is not a hassle, she is our mother.


As you can see, I have changed somewhat, but not really. I

am out more. I have accepted me. I have accepted my mother

and all that is behind her. Think on it. I have accepted my

mother and all that stands under her, behind her, in my

ancestry, and all the way back to Goddess and God, Sita and

Ram, Radha and Krishna, the Moon and the Sun, the reflection

of light, mirroring of self, Keili and Keridwen, Light and

Dark, The Cow and The Bull. I have done so before you so

you can see the pain of not being you, and of not being with

your mother.


But the essence of your message, my blessed friend, is

accepted, perfect, that I should be strong, and that I am

good. Yes, I am good, and I am again strong, by being only

me, and humble, allowing others to be them. I am fragile.

Tread on me, and I die. Leave me be.


Goddess and her servants have won me over. I am no longer

able to resist them. I see their dominion has come again,

and I am happy of it. I lose myself now in mother, but not

that male is lost, oh no, for she loves and protects me

most, and she includes lover, daughter, crone, druidess,

goddess, earth and love, and all of them need me and love

me, and I them. Now that I have accepted all this, I am at

peace, and do not feel alone. I see service, yes, but

nothing dark. I am a powerful and beautiful creature. I

shall serve, which is why I am given the implements of

service, such as a strong body. I shall serve, but I like

me, and my status and nature, and I have no need to change

it. I like me and am happy with me, and I highly suggest

such an attitude for one and all, from within alone, from

life alone, from self alone, I have finally understood this.

I am, my own wife, and the Patriarchs laugh thinking of



For let them all think what they will

and let them real and rally o

for I will wed the girl I love

the flower of Maguerally o


Materially, I am an Irishman, raised by Irish woman and

their chosen Druids whom they called as Catholic Priests.

They were unhappy and it was a sad life. I said goodbye to

Grandmother Joanna and Mother Joan in pain and sorrow, their

lives covered in darkness called Catholic, or "Universal",

in the language of the oppressors. Uni means "1", and is a

patriarchal concept. This killed the woman of Ireland, for

they are the Goddesses of Keltoi, or 2, or 3, but never one.

Three to us is Tri-Yoni, Virgin, Mother and Crone. Their

sensitivities to nature, plants, children, life and herbs,

all of this, to magic, love love love, and spinning and

twirling and being happy and free, was all wrapped up in

pain and black and thrown in the Latin dumpster of "one".


I shall avenge my mothers darkness and life of depression,

by being free from it, and of the light of love, of the

Goddess, who is the 3 they tried to remove. The

unresolvable, the cyclical, like nature, like a woman, the

"hassle" you speak of, in their terms, covered as you are in

the Patriarchal thoughts of Moses and other men of pain and

sorrow like Caesar, who tried to teach this oneness mood,

which trims the hedges, cuts the grass, lays low our sacred

groves with their blades and swords, calling the Woman's

blessed cauldron the same name as that place where they

stick their swords when not fighting... the "vagina", that

culture, that one, which then allowed and brought to the

North the Patriarch, that one, which is not like me and not

like my mother, though I love them too as people as I love

all without reserve, but my mother, and my people, were of

the Goddess, and our flesh responds to that, and we simply

cannot actually survive any other way.


I tell you, open your eyes and look at the peoples who speak

such things about us which are negative. I say, that all

white people are alchoholics, having been oppressed by

alchohol since long ago, because alchohol is of the

vibration of the patriarch, therefore they worship it on

their altars, and use it in their sacrifices, likening it to

the blood of their savior, and in this way, my people have

been down and under, hailing this blood sucking deadly

poison that Caesar brought to us literally, as their

favorite drink, and then my drunken now "Christian"

ancestors, turning on their woman goddesses and saying to my

ears horror again and again for 2000 years my God I heard

the awful:


"ahh, now we are patriarchs, and we burn you witches, and we

take over and rule you, offer you no power, no say so,

cannot vote, cannot talk, stand in the back, cannot be

priestesses any longer- and those of you who seek to know

the earth, and drink the real blood of life, ahhh, you we

shall set afire, for we drink now the alchohol, kill the

Earth, set alight our Goddesses, call them "hassles" and

other bad terms, make them cover their whole selves so that

nobody can see beauty, love, mother, wife, daughter, sister,

any more, remove the "hassle" from our site! "


But we keep her for the bed, four in a row, but covered by

day from head to toe, for this we learned since Abraham, and

Moses, and others who think woman are but ribs, and

misleaders, and that the genital is to be cut and mutilated

while the infant is most impressionable, knowing that the

child will turn away from woman and mother if you do this,

for it will make him insensitive, literally, in the most

sensitive place of all, an act that came from a patriarchal

priesthood conception, which was done to me and 88 million

other unknowing American baby boys... in the name of Jewsus

of the Patriarch of misled peoples, who having turned their

back on the Mother, annilhilated the Matriarchal cultures of

the world, or his misled murderer converted follower and his



No, I am of the old. I say not to all of that, and I say it

outloud. Sorry, this is the duty of the 'Rakshaka' who holds

the line. I do not want to be a warrior, but since they, it,

the Patriarch, killed Joanna, Joan, Esther, Loretta,

Rosemary, Adriane, Maureen, and countless other relatives

who are supposed to be powerful and happy woman of Keltoi

and Matriarch, and put darkness in their hearts, the

darkness of self doubt and self hate, hatred of their own

bodies, and of their Goddess powers, their personal ability

to be powerful, wonderful magical creatures who can give and

create life and coddle and nurture nature itself, they

killed them, my woman, they killed my woman! Do you

understand that? They then taught everyone amongst us to

think this way, which is foreign to us, and since then, we

have been on the alchohol they sold us and introduced to us.


Let them be of Ra, let them be Patriarchs, let America be,

let it be be be.... it's fine with me, but, can we also be?


Dear America, like the Roman name we hate "Americola", can

you also let us be? Rome, Caesar, Jewsus of Paulism, and

all of that, can you let us be? Can you? Can good people

who live free without organization of your type, without

your approval and mark, and without being taxed by you? Do

we need you dear Patriarch? No, some of us do not. We are

just like you, in human body, but it is a different way of

thinking and living. Yes we eat as you do, and mate, produce

children, etc., but can you let us run our own places

without calling us names, invading us, killing, enslaving,

looting, and ruling? Can you? Can you stop that tendency?

Can you?


Can you stop being racist and hateful, avoider of diversity

and "oddity". Can you accept spinning, or rather only

marching is for you?. Yours are lines, ours are circles, can

it be so side by side? Can you wave across the fence

without hatred at our Moed blue painted bodies and tangled





I also say, and this may fly by, but know that a Matriarchal

person thinks this way, that Paul, Moses, and all, thought

always to do the right thing, and tried, sincerely so, in

the interests of all, and Caesar also had some love in him,

and some thought that he too was "on the right path" in what

he did, and therefore, seeing this, we will never hate them.

I do not hate Caesar for what he did to me and mine, and I

do not hate Paul. Rather, of all, I understand Paul the

most, his torment of conversion, and desire to save every

soul from his own blade, the blade he used to wield against

the little ones of love. I know his mind, and it was good

and sincere. How can I hate him? I cannot. Not at all. He

is also, a victim, of misunderstanding of Divine truth.


Just as the Draupadi Pancha Jani Goddess of Hindu Lore

forgave the killer of her children, the murderer of 5

innocent boys in bed as they slept, she forgave him though

her brave husband Arjuna was poised to lop off his head.


Arjuna, stopped, and what did he do?


Though his son was dead of this mans blade, this man, I

think it was Asvatama, sat cuffed at his feet, Arjuna

stopped. Why?


Because DRAUPADI was present.


SHE. HIS WIFE, whom he shared with 5 brothers as we Kelts

often do....


He stopped, and let her direct the situation.


And what did she do?


Forgave the killer, the very bad and hateful person who

killed ALL of her dear sons of her dear 5 husbands who were

brothers, humiliated the ignoble one in warrior status,

simply by shaving half his head, or telling Arjuna to do so,

which he did, serving exactly his wife's orders, and set the

bad person, the killer of his son, free. That's ALL. This is

totally impossible for Arjuna by himself alone, as his

nature would have roasted the man on the spot with Pitta,

Fire, Warrior RAGE. (Note: "Raige" in Keltish means

obstinate, the opposite of adjustable, which is what he was

when SHE was around.)


Dear Hindus, please read your scriptures in a new free mind,

free from Christ and Islam. See yourself as you are, or at

least, if you say you love these ancestors you praise, then

see how they really lived, how freely and of great spirit

and love, in the moment, without great thought, but with

love and a guided heart in the spirit of love of life and

that is all. And see that they were Matriarchal.


It was a Queen who told Vyas to conceive children in the

womb of the maidservants of the house of Kuru. Gosh, you

sound just like Kelts, or we like you. Our stories, which

like you were spoken and not written, paralell those of the

Hindus so much.


Did Vyas report to the Queen like a good son, and servant?

Did he tell her of the truths of the coming children using

his knowledge of Divination? Again, just like our Druids,

whom we respect greatly. Our Druids are like your Sanjay-

seeing distant events in clarity. They are in great peace

and vision, and therefore we relied on and honored their

instructions. Caesar faulted this. In so doing, he faults

the Hindus as well, as they are the same.


Dear Hindu friends, the British you know of well. Do you

know what they are of? From where did they come prior to

Christ? They came to your India with this "Christ" on their

tongues. Do you know of their past? Do you know, those

Scottish Bag Pipes you associated with the British Army-

those were Scottish men, Pagans, a conguered and enlisted

people, my people. They lived, like "Indians" we would now

say, as we say of you too. We were conguered and made

"Latin". Then we were made to be under German brothers, who

were also made prior into Latin and so called "Christian".


It was a mixed race, all conquered, the Norsk/German/Kelt

mix that become the British South, the London British, and

all over it was mixed and mixed. That's the "Brits"

themselves, a mix. This all happened under the rule of

Rome. In Early AD, Latin men ruled England, treating the

people there as "natives", "barbarians" and Indians, of

America- no respect given, just "saveges".


In early AD one of our Queens, Boudichea, gave her life to

try to fight off Romans. Her form in statue on Chariot with

huge blades coming from the axle outwards, raised spear, a

Matriarchal warrior woman, sits before Parliament in

England. England is a melting pot of conquered white tribes,

that with Latin forced on them in early AD, eventually

became a shadow representation of their founding father

Julius Caesar, and in his way and with his ignorance of the

truth, went off to conquer you. Forgive them.


The scots who were with them, where a conquered tribe so to

speak. Just as the Brits used the, what are they called,

those soldiers from the North in India, "Gerkas" or

something like that???, so they also used the Scots, from

Northern England. This was the subject of "Braveheart". You

can watch a movie and catch some of this.


But the pipers and many of the soldiers they had with them,

the ones with Mac names often, well, those were more of pure

Keltic blood. They were there fully, but only because they

were oppressed so long before by the same IDEAS that marched

into India, IDEAS which are FOREIGN to many of the people

being FORCED to march there. Do you start to see this?


Last night I visited a Scotsman here down the street, whos

Grandfather was the piper major in the battle of the

rebellion of Lucknow. So I was talking last night to the

grandson of the man who led the Scottish Bagpipers who were

blowing for the Brits on those sad days in Lucknow. OK?

That's one scene from my evening last, during which, when he

showed me the painting of the British army storming back

into Lucknow, his grandfather is the piper up front in the

painting. So when he is pointing this out to me, it's all

fine, until he gets to the part like "Yeah, he was there

alright, piping for the British who...


and then his voice dropped. I could hear it.


He had to finish the story, like a good oppressed mercenary

without any choice...


"Had to go in to save their troops against an uprising or

rebellion from the natives."


There was a sad silence.


We both knew and shared at that moment, this old scotsman,

now called "Smith" because his ancestors, MacGilveries, were

just turned into Smiths along with so many others...no

matter what he was, this old man standing before me, or what

I was, as a hippie 42 year old or whatever, he knew I knew

that I was an Aoidh, and I knew that he knew that he was a

Gilvery, and we both knew that we were once the natives, and

that others conquered merceneries working for Caesar under

constant threat of death conguered us just as they had then

conquered India, and he couldn't really finish the sentence

with any happiness. It wasn't a great place for his

grandfather to be, in other words, just another sign of the

2000 year old rule of the Patriarch.


You see dear friends in India and of Indian derivation, you

may not know it, but many of us whites, are not knowing any

longer that we were once you. Our peoples were like you, so

much, and then we were conquered by Julius Caesar. Our great

warrior leader, Verkingetorix, was kept in prison in Rome

for 6 years after his capture on the most unholy day of Sept

27 52 BC, and then they strangled him to add drama to a

celebration held to honor Caesars conquering us. They had no

problem watching our great man being killed by them in their

presence for fun. Think on it Hindu friends and American

Indian friends and African friends. Please know the Kelts to

be, like you, simply another oppressed and conquered

people's, dealing with life in the aftermath of the life of

Julius Caesar.


When you look to Britain, and think of "the oppressor", know

that you are wrong. The oppressor of you is Patriarchal

thinking. The oppressor and enslavor is the mood of the

Patriarch, the sole singular alone power who is thinking in

ways which are insensitive to mother nature directly. We,

like you, lived more in harmony with nature. Our stories

tell like your stores and cause the same moods. Like you,

they simply did not understand us. So like you, they

enslaved us and conquered us and then raped our lands, used

us, taught our children to hate the past culture. Is it not

familiar? Do your sons and daughters call you crazy? Yes,

they do, I know, because I have to talk to them about it

constantly. Constantly I hear from Hindus this sad phrase:




and all's I'm doing is talking straight out of their own

scriptures. Sad. They have cellphones and Honda cars, but

they do not like talking to their Grandmothers. Look out

Indians. It's happening to you bigtime as well.


We were turned into their slaves. The "they" here is not a

race, not a culture, not a person. It's a disease.


The disease started in the South of us, as it came from

there in both forms, first as Roman Soldier, Roman ways,

Roman oppression, Roman culture, Roman rulers. Then, it came

as Christianity more and more as Rome itself chose this new

faith as it's own, again, "from the top down" with

Constantine. Paul plays a very major role in this process,

of turning Christianity from a "Jew and Israel Only"

religion as per Jesus's repeated teachings on that matter,

to one literally owned again, by none other than Rome. In so

doing, Paul played unfortunately into the hands of his own

negative karma, and became the Judas Saga Part 2, who

delivered poor little Jewsus to Rome yet a second time. We

understand how painful being delivered to Roman soldiers for

death is. We understand Jewsus's axiety and teachings in

their proper context.


We use the knot, the tangle, a feminine, non-straight,

non-linear, but rather cyclical circular and surrendered

approach to thinking. We seek not to conquer, straighten,

align, or even necessarily understand. We seek not to

cleanse as a Patriarch does, nor do we cut bushes and trees.

Nor do we cut our hair as much usually. We like to bear what

is, rather than change it. Find the meaning and reason for

the plant you call a weed. We would not with our ways end up

poisoning the earth with pesticides.


Now the 2 has come. The reflection, dependent, discarded and

abandoned shall arise and be noticed. And it was so while

Saturn was in Taurus, which is understood as on time as always.


In the face of the Sun, before Ra and Ram, the King in Leo,

I stand up and say, facing the High Sun on this day here,

and I click "Send", and like Adam, just watch, I won't die

tommorrow. It's just "hot air". I eat of the tree of life,

of knowledge, but mostly, of all trees, in all gardens, I

look down, and see where they are rooted, where their

uncuttable roots go, in tangles in mothers love, and above

give me an apple happily, with love, and honey, the essence

of the flowers, who are again like a mother to me, and again

are feminine, fertile, fragile, and beautiful. I am a bee,

not a florist. I sample her nectar gracefully leaving her

whole and alive. She gives me life, for she is the Queen

Mother. I do not cut her and put her in a picture frame on

the wall or a vase for my glancing pleasure at her dead form

limp and rotting.


Think before you cut flowers and place them before a male

deity or male Guru. Think and feel. Does it feel right to

you? Does it actually make YOU feel happy and blissful? Or

are YOU rotting in the process, filled with doubts,

dichotomies, conundrums and quandrys?


I was. I'm not anymore.


Are you told you are bad and full of "sin and lust"?

Notice: Men feel lust only in the presence of woman when

they are not one with woman- be clear on this, you call is

Sankya Yoga Hindu Friends.


If you are loved, you have no lust.


Think on it America. If you are loved, you will not have

this lust you feel burning you constantly. I have been you

so that I might know it personally. So now you cannot hide

from me longer. I know it.


YOU BURN WITH LUST because you are currently hating woman in

the base of your culture.


Patriarchs think we Matriarchs do this for sex. No, we feel

less sex desire than them. I have been both. I know. We are

peaceful, because we feel love from the source of life, love

and power, because we are properly aware of the feminine

principle. We are not at war with it at all. They are not

Vaginis for our fighting swords. Rather than put them in the

back, we put them in the front, rather than ask them not to

speak, we ask them to speak, for from their immense ability

to be one with nature, will come love and peace for all. Men

are their servants, not the other way around.


I am with you, and I love you, and I have no hate for any

being at all. I have knowledge enough to know that which

comes to threaten the Matriarchal cultures. Now in the

openly Matriarchal numeric year of "our lord", a male

patriarchal conception, of 2002, I, a lover of Matriarchs, a

strong man who can speak and reason, and love and act, who

has travelled the world in search of truth and read all the

books of truth espoused, say simply to you, my Mother is

always holding me, always birthing me, and I shall always

return. The voice of her defense shall never be silenced.


I know as a mathematician, circles are built by the number

3, or pi, the unresolvable, now think of Om please, and it's

symbol, and how this came to be "3" in the world at large,

and notice, how the US, the most massive Patriarch in

history, taxes it's citizens on the day the Sun, the Ra, the

one, the Father, enters the sign of the Leader of War,

Caesar, and this is it's sign of exaltation the Hindus say,

and we understand what they mean.


Hindus are both, Matriarchal and Patriarchal, but I've seen

personally o hay o, that it is certainly ever so hard to

sort which is which in their scriptures and teachings, as

they go in and out of both deftly, until you are very

learned and practiced. It took me til now to sort. 23 years

of Hinduism, 15 years of computers, 9 years of Jyotish, 9

years of internet and email, 2 long marriages, one to a

Patriarch surrendee, and her dire opposite. I thank them

both for their teachings. Lots of meds from the "burry it"

medical system, lots of drugs from the "bury it" reactionary

society of long forgotten but cellular remembered

Matriarchal oppression from which they suffer, and all the

side effects and other horrors, have taught me much and I

thank them too. I thank Caesar and Verkingetorix, Darwin and

Paul, and everybody else, for showing me what different

ideas ultimately lead to. You have all taught who my mother

was, for she could not, as she was a captive of a foreign

conception, and didn't know it. I know better. I will free

her now. Free her to be the Queen she really was and is,

that all mothers should be to all children, as they are

Goddesses, Annointers, Blessers, and Givers of life and joy

to husbands, brothers, warriors, farmers, sons, daughters,

and everyone else.


I have respect for India, Indians, that culture, their

scriptures, still, as always, fully. I spent last evening in

a Hari Katha Bhajan and Satsang, as I have so many nights of

these 23 years. I know that yesterday was "Ekadashi" in my

area, and I taught to one the meaning of Ekadashi as per

Hindu conception yesterday.


It was no problem- I have no problems with it, and them, the

Hindus, ONLY BECAUSE I do not dissapear any longer around

them, (slavery) neither do I need them to dissapear around

me (honor diversity). I am a servant of the Goddess. We

accept. We make room, and adjust. We are not "the one", nor

"the center", neither, nor do we have anywhere to go, even

in the afterlife. We are happy now, right now, as it is, as

things are. We will be taken care of by mother, as always.

There is nothing to think about. (this may be lost in the

interpretations- so note- this is not directly against

thinking, it's describing a mood. We are not at all opposed

to full and intelligent thought, rather, quite the contrary.

The overall design of life is good and requires not so

much to be understood for the purpose of mastery over it,

but accepted, for the purpose of happy and symbiotic life

within it, within "her", the mother)


We (the Kelts) lost because we are not Solar, the one, the

center, the Victor. We tried because we had to, and we shall

continue to try to protect her and save her, but we can only

as always pray, that the larger, more powerful, and more

organized, more driven, more materialistic, more unhappy,

more grudge bearing and book bearing, the non-dancers,

non-singers and non lovers, (not describing any particular

anybody here, not by race, region, country, or date-it's in

all of us) that they will somehow take mercy on us, the

children of Mother, and not bash our brains and bodies,

enslave us and cage us, take us away from our families in

slavery, away from our lands and altars and groves. (we do

not "single out" people by nature, we speak in poetry for

all of us, the whole)


See and feel that we the Kelts lost ourselves to alchohol of

Romans over 2000 years ago, and they then overthrough us and

wiped out our priests and lineages as hard as they could,

and they cut the groves, spread their teachings, which are

now considered "knowledge"even amongst our own children. Our

own descendents, our children, have come to hate the Mother,

and so many things terrible they say which I actually cannot

mention here. We do not have a conception of blocking

sensitive matters, but they do. We speak all, but speak it

and we stand. We need not books exactly, nor do we hide

behind "lawyers" and "courts" which are of their invent.


Their language, letters and ways are everywhere. Read "The

Conquest of Gaul" by Julius Caesar. It's a real book, and

anybody can read it. Read it. Go back. Remember. Remember.


See the Patriarch in the writing. See who he talks about. Be

shocked. Where are these numerous "tribes, clans and so

forth". Read the Patriarch. Read the bias and cold cunning

materialistic approach, disconcern for the original truth,

but rather, only "Rome" (ra-m) sun patriarch one power


He wiped out my ancestors culture.


If you are a Kelt: (not for everyone, these next two

sentences, only Kelts)



Julius Caesar, this man, is leading your life dear Kelt.

Read his book on how he conquered and enslaved your

ancestors, and his total disregard and disrespect for them.

Hear me Kelt, you have a choice as to how you want to live now.



This is NOT about bloody revolution. This is about inside

you. Those bloody days are gone. Now, it is the time to show

with flare what you're made of, and love the feminine

principle again. Be happy and clean in spirit, that is,

merry, happy, a giver of life like your mother, a protector

like your father, a lover in return for the love we are

receiving by being alive. Men, you protect now with humility

and service, and by being happy, free and strong, as always.

The law of the Solar people has come full circle to enslave

them in their own schemes for domination. Now they have

extended their laws so far and thin, that we can use them

against them now, and we are, passing "laws" protecting land

and so forth. We are using them against them. Let them of

law die of law in their own laws, in their own prisons, in

their own courts. Live by domination, and die by it. Live in

balance and peace, and you will live in balance and peace.


Live with mother in your heart, and you will live with

mother in your heart.


It's your choice. You have a choice. You do not have to a

be a Jew with guilt in heart and penis cut. You don't have

to be afraid of nature and constantly spraying her with

poison. You can choose life and joy. You can. You can CHOOSE



The secret of predeterminism, is a secret, kept with

Brahmins and Druids, who can handle it.


Better to tell everyone else, CHOOSE LIFE AND JOY.


For then, fortune will follow them, which is what the seers,

the knowers want, for all the little people. I speak to you,

because you are attempting to be a seer. I am instructing

you that seers have the duty of secrecy. I have made a

mistake in this regard til now, which I will attempt to

reverse to honor my new conception. This means only, a

change in my writing style on certain subjects.


They did not understand us, and so they conquered us and now

our culture is nearly gone, but I will, as are others, do

our best to make sure this reversed somewhat, for all our

healths and hearts, not just back to Christ's time, no,

before that. We believe in evolution, and will keep what's

good. We also know about circles and cycles. We will keep

what was good from before too, now, that the covering

cycle/circle is over, and the open circle begins. Like the

Hindu Rahu/Ketu, two opposites but one, so there is cycles,

and though seemingly opposite, they are one.


The son of Pagans, Barbarians and Savages, according to

Caesar, writing to you in Buerla(English), the mixed

language of many cultures, - Vedic, Latin, Germanic, Norsk,

Danish, Keltish... etc all conquered, which uses Latin

letters, like most conquered countries. So the good of their

exploits, is they have united us now, their word, UNIted,

and so now that they have made us united, we can say:


In Bo-Bha we trust, (we trust cows and woman, and think they

are treasures)

and with love we think, (we let love and acceptance of

magical truth that is everywhere guide us)

share me your jai, (show me your joy, whatever it is)

spare me the drink (don't try to cloud my mind and oppress me)




Roik MacAoi

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