Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 I was going to write a tactful letter, but to prove that my Mercury is combust, I'll just go with the feeling that I'm just "too burnt out" to lie (oh sorry, I mean, be diplomatic) I think our ayanamsha creating friend is not aware of the seriousness of the matters with which he currently is playing. That's my impression anyway. In the last few days he changed his precession rate by 20 sec/arc/yr, and increased his alignment date to compensate. You end up with the same values today, but with the added convenience of using the correct precession rate (observable reality comes to our aid on that number). I need not proceed amongst the learned, but to protect the innocent, oh well, damn duty again, boring.... Ayanamsha, "the subtracted amont", is directly related to the precession of the equinoxes, or the difference between the sidereal and tropical zodiacs. The tropical zodiac is observable in the Northern Hemisphere life world as the seasons. The earth is on a wobble like any good 'spinning-top' toy, Gods little human maker/cage ball here named Gaia being no different. The sidereal zodiac is the real stars. The Sun for example enters the Stars of Aries on about April 14th each year. However, you know that solstice stuff, you know, the longest day shortest day of the year stuff? Yeah, that's "real" in that it's "observable", k-no-wa what I minno ? So, like if you start your signs on those days, then like, whenever those days are, like thats when the sign starts according to you then, right? RIght. OK, so like, what if the Earths wobbling motion is each making that solstice happen a little bit sooner or later or such? Is that possible? Yes, definitely- later, by 52 seconds of arc distance in space, or in other words, if you see the Earth as a ball comprising 360 degrees, each of those degs having 60 minutes within themselves, and each of those having 60 seconds within, so the movement forward is this: The year lengthens really, so people say stuff like "the earth is slowing down" and sell lots of video tapes. See that where the Sun is in the zodiac, against that back drop, is 50 seconds earlier in distance traversed against the starry backdrop, each year, which after 70 years or so is around a degree, and so after 2000 years or so you have like say 23 degrees difference like we do now. There are 23 degrees difference between the 2 "we are going to say 'aries starts here' groups", the tropicalist and the siderealists. Tropical is sun sign, solstice based, our seasons based, astrology. Sidereal astrology, RELIES on the ayanamsha to calculate backwards from tropical values arrived at by the computations. Since astronomers don't care about reading charts, they are fine if the zodiac slips, so long as they all know what each other is talking about. But they will look at planets, and they know the difference between the two "referencing systems" which is really all this is to astronomy knowers. It's all negotiable when the science is dry. But when the look at Saturn today, they see where it is, and they know where Tropical calcs would put it, and they adjust much like with an ayanamsha. They KNOW as I do that our current calculations are correct. We know what the sep currently is, that is not in question. Lahiri is best for this and for us therefore as far as I understand. Ayanamsha is a not a perfect science yet from NASA's viewpoint as some parts of that puzzle a not fully solved to exacting numbers, such as alignment date if any existed, ... more on the wobble... it has not been observed in the modern tracking sense all that long, but ancient cultures knew of the problem, so it's also not a new thing at all. I find that to stand and say "my ayanamsha" is a very risky proposeful on the field of intellectuals who know better. But, there is one thing I too will do anything for, yes, love. And in that arena, I'm a fool, no intellectual. Is love worth overlooking astronomy? Hell yeah! Wait, don't be a Kelt for a moment. Uhhh, of course not! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 Das Wrote: > But when they look at Saturn today, they see where it is, and > they know where Tropical calcs would put it, and they adjust > much like with an ayanamsha. They KNOW as I do that our > current calculations are correct. We know what the sep > currently is, that is not in question. Lahiri is best for > this and for us therefore as far as I understand. Yes Das, Absolutely, 100%, positively, indisputably correct!! I don't know why these issues of ayanamsha keep surfacing year after year but I suspect it may be due to some astrologers trying to make sense of charts with incorrect T.O.B. They fiddle with the ayanamsha trying to rectify the situation...instead of fiddling with the time. Another reason is inexperienced astrologers adjusting charts to fit with what they think they should be. I'm sorry to say that the recent discussion on Paramahansa (with Venus moving to 5th) is way off the mark. Following the events of his life as manifested through vimsottari dasa system there can be no doubt that his chart according to Lahiri ayanamsha is correct. Best Wishes, Wendy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 MY preferred ayanamsha is Raman; I continue to test it against other values and I do not find any line ups better than what I get with Raman. Curtis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 MY preferred ayanamsha is Raman; I continue to test it against other values and I do not find any line ups better than what I get with Raman. Curtis And then there's Rick Houck! He formulated his own ayanamsha and turned out to be one of the very few published astrologers who accurately predicted G W Bush to win US presidency instead of Gore. You know about recent discoveries in physics; it's been shown that the eye of the observer scientist who expects a certain result, has a proved effect upon the results themselves. Could this include expectations based upon firm belief in a certain ayanamsha? "Balderdash!", says the majority...but what about Curtis, what about Rick, what about Tarun? Different ayanamshas that they use could be considered analogous to the glasses that a person wears who has not got 20-20 vision without specially corrected lenses, who sees what everyone else sees, but through a glass brightly! Love to you all, Carol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 I have seen what I call localized astrological Personal reality. This is my term for the following: Each of us has karma, and therefore a locality also in local space, or local spacial existence and therefore reality. This means we are living somewhere, and we are somebody. Our karma is blocking us from being other people, rather, it is giving us one perspective, one opening, one capability set, and this is "ours" alone. I have noticed for example, that I see and know way more Swati Moon people than is statistically correct. It's very lopsided in fact. Nearly half the woman in my immediate life of relatives, friends, past associates, etc., are Swati Moons. This is one point. Another point: I am a fire rising sign. As an astrologer, I've noticed without exception that my friends fall into my life by their rising signs- fire always have a certain position with me which is easier, more natural. The kinship of the 3 fire rising signs is clear to me and it drives my life alot. I have consistant and similar problems with certain Moon sign people, no matter what else they have in their charts. People who are Virgo Moon or Rising are generally involved with me in my life only in ways and relationships which are at least not easy, if not containing some definite strife, even when neither of us wants it, and it may not be, isn't always, between us, but one way or the other something comes along that is at least a little hard and involves sixth house issues for me, which is where I have Virgo. Now, this I say because, Tarun has many charts he says, and they match a pattern. I bet these are predominantly people in his area, or his race, and who have come to him somehow. This is all tied in various ways you see, into his "Localized Astrological Personal Reality". I find in mine there are patterns that I am karma to, that I am supposed to be living and learning from, but since I'm an astrologer, I can see them, and if I make the mistake of thinking they are universal patterns, that would be wrong. I think it is TOTALLY possible, for one of us to have a predominance of one kind of type of chart more heavily in our personal collections, without thinking much about it. If you are a member of any "group", then you may get your charts primarily from other members, and this will surely swing your findings in ANY research you do with THESE charts ALONE because they all already share something common amongst themselves which is a RIPE aspect of karma, that is, which Guru to pick, or Church, or any other such thing. So watch for this fact in your minds if it applies to you, and think about other such things. For example, I have noticed a fairly reliable trend that people who have saturn in the 2nd come from stricter families than what is normal around them in their areas. I have noticed that often these have been, in my experience, comprised mostly of the children of Jewish and Japanese families. Now note, this will not be true for someone looking at charts in Japan. It may end up not working out as well there locally, but here it does because here most families are not up to that level of strictness of family life within the family structure in COMPARISON TO the other families around them. Similarly, Hindus in America, white hindus that is, like me and my friends, often have a Node in the first or with the Moon. This will not apply in India, because there a Hindu is not a foreignor. So we must remember these things. In Tarun's reality and world, his findings may work. In ours, they may not. But certainly one thing is true. One must use the same ruler length on all their viewings and tests, otherwise, it really becomes a joke to talk about houses in hundreds of charts. They must all be redone and re-examined now that the ayanamsa has again changed. To mention past feelings about "hundreds of charts" is probably based on looking over time. Since the new ayanamsa is only a few days old, did you already re-look at 200 charts with transits on marriage dates? I'm sensing here something quite odd. I see you are sincere, and I am not attacking you, but now this I think what I say is pertinent. I am only doing this, continuing on, for the sake of not being a quitter. And Tarun, that thing about not being kicked off the list, I wouldn't do that unless someone was outwardly totally rude and obnoxious to others, and you are not like that at all. But you don't need to call me sir. Consider me your friend. I am just a man, nothing special, and such formalities we don't use here, so don't feel obliged to keep calling me sir. Consider me friendly, no such things needed with me personally anyway. I hope this helps. Tarun, maybe you need to step back and think exactly what has been the order of events for you, and what is driving you, and what is correct to think about these matters. Perhaps it might also help for me to tell you this: Histories numerous astrological scientists and scholars has produced a wealth of what can be referred to as "trustworthy cross verified observations throughout modern history, which includes the entire time of the tilt really, or the last 2000 years. Thus when Lahiri and others who are scientists formulated their theories, they were looking at those observations made by past astronomers, which are recorded observations of planets against exact star background points in the zodiac, ie, the observable zodiac, ie, the real one, the Sidereal one. So what we have when we have observed placements is EXACT AND REAL SIDEREAL placements. So this tell us if our ayanamsa theory is correct or not. They have come to find that to make it correct, you cannot use a straight line. So right off the bat, you should know that your approach is limited in that it is a straight line, ie, having only an alignment date and rate of change per year. So, we know where planets were here and there throughout history for real, then we know the current movement rate for sure, so your anamsa, THE ayanamsa we should say, as there can be only one, it must match the current rate, and observations made over time. This is what the real ayanamsa scientists work with, and other things known from astronomy. In the code below, you can see the standard alignment dates and rates used, and you'll notice most use the scientifically arrived at rate of "50.2564 per year". That's the real rate used in the mainstream ayanamsas. Notice the first portion, which covers "nutation". This is the nuance calculation of this game, and accounts for the curvature in the wobble, since we're on a ball, not a plane, so it's not a straight line, it has a curvurture or swing to it which changes the precessional rate over time as well. So firstly, there's a direct and immediate problem with the straight line approach, though it's not THAT great, but still.... You can see most have wisely agreed to accept the standard rate, but why some dare to differ so much with observations made is only explainable in that, we humans generate things, not always logically, and we just have to be with it. There's not much to say about it. I think if one is honest, one will say, this is OUT of my hands. The only way one should mess with anything other than Lahiri is of one is able to say: 1. I have the recorded observations from savants through history. 2. I have noted them, worked against them, and have found the pattern that works. 3. I have also accepted the standard rate or have found a better one, not because of intuition or reveltation, but because of observational data from an observatory, and records, and I'm prepared to document these matters. 4. I have understood the principle of nutation, and have considered that, and still can demostrate that I have found something better than Lahiri 5. Everything I'm doing is based on science, not anything else, as this part of our field is purely physical science. We are looking for the REAL thing, the one that MATCHES data we have, primarily and firstly, this is the whole point. If you're not able to say that, you really shouldn't do this. Now, the one acceptable exception, is what Rick Houck did. He simply said "make this small, and steadily applied, difference with Lairi. It should be an amount of say a degree or two, or less. This is somewhat rational, but I won't go into why, I've done my duty. However, I feel from what I know, it should be a good bit less than a degree. NASA feels that their calculations are correct to within minutes of a degree with the Moon, and that's the hardest one. Other than that, they feel they are closer, quite a bit. If you understand these things, you will realize that you are kindof doing a weird thing here. I'm just trying to say it many ways and make it clear. This is not scientific. I know Wendy supports me, as she wrote. Thank You. I am wondering if there is anyone with more scientific knowledge or equal maybe, to me, who could verify or deny any of my points as being incorrect? I seek only to be correct, not respected, so it's fine to tell me where I'm wrong. I seek not at all to cause harm to you Tarun. You have, fortunately for many, caused me and others to write some things that will problably be helpful to others. So good! No worries. peace Here is the code in computer language for Lahiris ayanamsa: /* Precession and Nutation */ { double ln, ms; ln = fMod360 (259.183275 - 1934.142008 * aT + (2e-6 * aT + 0.002078) * aT2); ms = 279.5955778 + 36000.76892 * aT + 0.0003025 * aT2; /* mean long of sun */ nutation = (-(17.2327 + 0.01737 * aT) * dSin (ln) - 1.273 * dSin (2.0 * ms)) / 3600.0; } switch (ayanamsaStyle) { case LAHIRI_AYANAMSA: /* 22ø27'37.57" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (80857.57 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case B_V_RAMAN_AYANAMSA: /* 21ø00'51.98" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (75651.984 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case SRI_YUKTESWAR_AYANAMSA: /* To match David Frawley's "The Astrology of Seers" in 1/1/1950 */ /* 21ø00'41" at 01/01/1900 with 54" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (75641.0 + (5400.0 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); /* ayanamsa += nutation; */ break; case J_N_BHASIN_AYANAMSA: /* 21ø20'37.69" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (76837.69199 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case FAGAN_BRADLEY_AYANAMSA: /* 23ø20'38.15" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (84038.148 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case KRISHNAMURTI_AYANAMSA: /* 22ø22'09.59" at 01/01/1900 with 50.23" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (80529.588 + (5023.0 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case DELUCE_AYANAMSA: /* 26ø24'46.98" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (95086.98 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case USHA_SHASHI_AYANAMSA: /* 18ø39'39.46" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (67179.456 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case SUNDARA_RAJAN_AYANAMSA: /* 21ø30'25.24" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (77425.236 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case LARRY_ELY_AYANAMSA: /* 26ø36'39.79" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (95799.78 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case SHILL_POND_AYANAMSA: /* 19ø10'37.81" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (69037.812 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case HOUCK_AYANAMSA: /* 22ø22'27.57" at 01/01/1900 with 50.2564" per year */ ayanamsa = secsToDegs (80547.57 + (5025.64 + 1.11 * aT) * aT); ayanamsa += nutation; break; case TROPICAL_AYANAMSA: ayanamsa = -nutation; break; } } -- Das Goravani , President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, Oregon, 97405 USA Voice: or <> Home of "Goravani Jyotish" Vedic Astrology Software , and more... 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Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Dear Das you <<I was going to write a tactful letter, but to prove that my Mercury is combust, I'll just go with the feeling that I'm just "too burnt out" to lie (oh sorry, I mean, be diplomatic)>> me I am happy for you that you are starting to come back. Yes, yoy are right, you have Mercury combust but of all the planets Mercury has also some good points when combust. Somewhere Raman says that when the Sun and Mercury are either on the 2nd, 4th or 5th house indicate an astrologer. Because you have the Sun and Mercury in the 2nd indicate that you have the potential of an astrologer. This life is the result of our purva punya, or merits done in a previous life. And the 5th house shows as well our purva punya. By having Rahu in the 5th house indicates that you commited some aparadhas in a past life in your intentions, and 5th lord the Sun is in the 2nd house indicates that aparadhas were commited by you in speech. (The sun being a malefic in the 2nd indicates that). Furthermore, 5th lord the sun is with Mercury, a dusthana lord by ruling the 6th house. However, when the lords of dusthana houses are in dusthana house in either the rasi or the navamsa charts, the bad propensities come down in intensity. We can see this example in your chart. Furthermore, because Mercury is the owner of the 6th house, the house representing service, by associating with lord of the 5th indicates that you made some service (seva) in a previous life, which gave you good credits. That unseen seva, resulted in you having good concessions in this life. All the representations from the 12 houses can dissapear at death or at the point of liberation, except for dharma as indicated by the 9th house. Sanatana dharma, or our eternal engagemet, our eternal duty will never dissapear. Even when Jupiter is weak, his dristhi (vision) protects. In your chart, Jupiter as lord of dharma is aspecting your ascendant and youy 5th house, giving you some protection. The only problem is that Jupiter is not aspecting Mars, your lagna lord, but that aspect can be seen in the navamsa chart, indicating a protection in a subtle level (navamsa), rather than the physical (rasi). In 1985, in our ashram in black heath, Greewich, London, a nice devotee that helped the printing of our Guru Maharaja's Bhagavad Gita, was telling us about one of his experiences in Mexico in the past. He said that when travelling in a remote mountain of Mexico, he committed some "aparadha" to the police chief of that small village, and therefore, he experienced jail for few days, but he thought that his luck was due to his apparadha to that guy. An example that we never know when apparadha can be done. J Best wishes Natabara das Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Dear Carol I also published that Bush will win and I'll tell you how. <she takes a deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake caution> Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek the Republican nomination he said "I will see if there is support for my making a run." He did not say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be the best for it." He spoke as one who has grown to work with the KSY...there was great support and the rest is history. He also had the best transits. No, I was not a supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I believe I was detached enough to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no Houck, but I do get my share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential election recount. And, I have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and see if I get even better results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as winner too! Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much caffeine this morning. Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so ASAP. These are the texts we have been waiting for! I just wish they were around when I was a beginner. The information is very organized and clear. If you know a beginner or an old hand these are must reads. c - Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com gjlist Wednesday, August 21, 2002 9:03 PM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha In a message dated 8/21/2002 1:11:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, curtisburns (AT) qwest (DOT) net writes: MY preferred ayanamsha is Raman; I continue to test it against other values and I do not find any line ups better than what I get with Raman.Curtiswww.starworldnews.comAnd then there's Rick Houck! He formulated his own ayanamsha and turned out to be one of the very few published astrologers who accurately predicted G W Bush to win US presidency instead of Gore.You know about recent discoveries in physics; it's been shown that the eye of the observer scientist who expects a certain result, has a proved effect upon the results themselves.Could this include expectations based upon firm belief in a certain ayanamsha? "Balderdash!", says the majority...but what about Curtis, what about Rick, what about Tarun? Different ayanamshas that they use could be considered analogous to the glasses that a person wears who has not got 20-20 vision without specially corrected lenses, who sees what everyone else sees, but through a glass brightly!Love to you all,CarolOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Natabar, Your analysis of my chart is too Hindu for me. And I don't want you to discuss my chart before others a'more please, especially from Breton where you are, speaking of me, as you are, in the letter and tongue of oppression, now trying to oppress me with Hinduism, which I know as well of or better than thou, and which I've served more dearly than thou, or at least equally. And I am only subject to all your Hindu based fears should I choose to make them real to me, which nowadays, I do not as I used to same, so I noticed you putting the "our guru" our our our all over the game, say 'my' instead from now on please, when tempted to with me group your sleeze. Let me speak for myself regarding my allegiances, thanks. I am not a "subject" to such a degree that others can say "oh he is subject here, let us persuade using these names and places" There is much I wrote and deleted. Because of the year, I must hold back the sword of my tongue. Speak a'more on my chart publicly, and eventually, I will not be able to your duplicity and diplomacy show more, as indeed, I choose not to be diplomatic, and I therefore have sent Mercury to some small amount of "rest" in this life for me. I carry the napping Lugh inside. In his stead, the Druid is wide awake. I am feeling anger, because you are talking to others, trying to gain support for your paradigm, and are acting as if talking to me "Dear das and best wishes". This is diplomacy only. I am no longer going to sit in rooms with persons who speak to me from foreign preachers telling me I'm bad. Sorry. Peace, but you are not above me, Roik mc A || _/||\_ || || || || || v Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2002 Report Share Posted August 25, 2002 Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's win, (all political preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's ayanamsha. This is good for us to continue wondering how astrologers using different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same accurate conclusion! Das said that less than a full degree off seems plausible. Curtis says we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara quotes that faith sees a different world entirely. I'm most especially impressed with your prediction about the terrorist attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the same Lahiri that others used, but you saw what others did not see. Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! Thanks for your comments about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. Love, Carol In a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, c.a.novak (AT) worldnet (DOT) writes: Dear Carol I also published that Bush will win and I'll tell you how. <she takes a deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake caution> Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek the Republican nomination he said "I will see if there is support for my making a run." He did not say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be the best for it." He spoke as one who has grown to work with the KSY...there was great support and the rest is history. He also had the best transits. No, I was not a supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I believe I was detached enough to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no Houck, but I do get my share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential election recount. And, I have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and see if I get even better results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as winner too! Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much caffeine this morning. Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so ASAP. These are the texts we have been waiting for! I just wish they were around when I was a beginner. The information is very organized and clear. If you know a beginner or an old hand these are must reads. c Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2002 Report Share Posted August 25, 2002 hi friends i m prashant from delhi.i ve recently joined ur group. regarding meat eating: see meat eating is associated with 2nd house.if 2nd house or 2nd lord has connections with malefics or posited in signs of mars ,sat, sun, then the person has tamasic taste. on the whole meat eating is a tamasic guna. if most of the planets & lagna falls in signs of mars ,sat ,sun the person will be tamasic in nature prashant --- Carolhook wrote: > Dear Cynthia, > Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's > win, (all political > preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's > ayanamsha. > This is good for us to continue wondering how > astrologers using > different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same > accurate conclusion! > Das said that less than a full degree off > seems plausible. Curtis says > we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara > quotes that faith sees a > different world entirely. > I'm most especially impressed with your > prediction about the terrorist > attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the > same Lahiri that others > used, but you saw what others did not see. > Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! > Thanks for your comments > about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. > > Love, > Carol > > > In a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern > Daylight Time, > c.a.novak writes: > > > > Dear Carol > > I also published that Bush will win and I'll tell > you how. <she takes a > > deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake > caution> > > > > Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek > the Republican nomination > > he said "I will see if there is support for my > making a run." He did not > > say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be > the best for it." He > > spoke as one who has grown to work with the > KSY...there was great support > > and the rest is history. He also had the best > transits. No, I was not a > > supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I > believe I was detached enough > > to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no > Houck, but I do get my > > share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential > election recount. And, I > > have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and > see if I get even better > > results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as > winner too! > > > > Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much > caffeine this morning. > > > > Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so > ASAP. These are the texts > > we have been waiting for! I just wish they were > around when I was a > > beginner. The information is very organized and > clear. If you know a > > beginner or an old hand these are must reads. > > > > c > > > > > > Finance - Get real-time stock quotes http://finance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2002 Report Share Posted August 25, 2002 Dear Carol Sometimes I think an astrology chart is a lot like tea leaves. The reader needs to be in the right space to "see" what will come. I've recently been wrong about Saddam Hussein. The chart I have looks very ominous. I'm wondering if the time of birth is off. There are so many maraka indicators. I'll post the data I have below. The 9-11 prediction was really pretty east if you do what I do each month: Sit and look at the charts of the 4 primary moon phases. It helps to get acclimated to the coming planetary flow or frustration ahead of time. Makes my daily work as an astrologer so much easier<great grins>. I think that if more astrologers looked they would have seen it. That chart was really very painful. To be precise, I said that if a terrorist attack would come it would come the week of the 10th. I cried the whole time I wrote last September's newsletter. On the contrary, I've been pretty happy throughout Septembers. Sure looks like opportunity for peace talks. Just glad we got through the summer. Sill wondering about a coupe de tat in Iraq. Here is Husseins data as I have it. I believe it came from Astrodatabank. April 28, 1937 8:55am Tikrit Iraq I have lagna at 12 GE 07 Since he made it through the Summer his next big survival challenge appears to be when Ketu crosses Moon and Mars next February What do y'all think? c - Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com gjlist Sunday, August 25, 2002 4:15 PM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Cynthia, Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's win, (all political preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's ayanamsha. This is good for us to continue wondering how astrologers using different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same accurate conclusion! Das said that less than a full degree off seems plausible. Curtis says we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara quotes that faith sees a different world entirely. I'm most especially impressed with your prediction about the terrorist attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the same Lahiri that others used, but you saw what others did not see. Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! Thanks for your comments about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. Love, CarolIn a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, c.a.novak (AT) worldnet (DOT) writes: Dear CarolI also published that Bush will win and I'll tell you how. <she takes a deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake caution>Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek the Republican nomination he said "I will see if there is support for my making a run." He did not say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be the best for it." He spoke as one who has grown to work with the KSY...there was great support and the rest is history. He also had the best transits. No, I was not a supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I believe I was detached enough to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no Houck, but I do get my share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential election recount. And, I have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and see if I get even better results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as winner too!Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much caffeine this morning.Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so ASAP. These are the texts we have been waiting for! I just wish they were around when I was a beginner. The information is very organized and clear. If you know a beginner or an old hand these are must reads.cOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2002 Report Share Posted August 25, 2002 Dear Cynthia What do you mean by the four primary Moon phases and how does it connect to predictions ? Nicholas - cynthia novak gjlist Monday, August 26, 2002 10:05 AM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Carol Sometimes I think an astrology chart is a lot like tea leaves. The reader needs to be in the right space to "see" what will come. I've recently been wrong about Saddam Hussein. The chart I have looks very ominous. I'm wondering if the time of birth is off. There are so many maraka indicators. I'll post the data I have below. The 9-11 prediction was really pretty east if you do what I do each month: Sit and look at the charts of the 4 primary moon phases. It helps to get acclimated to the coming planetary flow or frustration ahead of time. Makes my daily work as an astrologer so much easier<great grins>. I think that if more astrologers looked they would have seen it. That chart was really very painful. To be precise, I said that if a terrorist attack would come it would come the week of the 10th. I cried the whole time I wrote last September's newsletter. On the contrary, I've been pretty happy throughout Septembers. Sure looks like opportunity for peace talks. Just glad we got through the summer. Sill wondering about a coupe de tat in Iraq. Here is Husseins data as I have it. I believe it came from Astrodatabank. April 28, 1937 8:55am Tikrit Iraq I have lagna at 12 GE 07 Since he made it through the Summer his next big survival challenge appears to be when Ketu crosses Moon and Mars next February What do y'all think? c - Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com gjlist Sunday, August 25, 2002 4:15 PM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Cynthia, Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's win, (all political preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's ayanamsha. This is good for us to continue wondering how astrologers using different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same accurate conclusion! Das said that less than a full degree off seems plausible. Curtis says we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara quotes that faith sees a different world entirely. I'm most especially impressed with your prediction about the terrorist attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the same Lahiri that others used, but you saw what others did not see. Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! Thanks for your comments about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. Love, CarolIn a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, c.a.novak (AT) worldnet (DOT) writes: Dear CarolI also published that Bush will win and I'll tell you how. <she takes a deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake caution>Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek the Republican nomination he said "I will see if there is support for my making a run." He did not say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be the best for it." He spoke as one who has grown to work with the KSY...there was great support and the rest is history. He also had the best transits. No, I was not a supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I believe I was detached enough to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no Houck, but I do get my share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential election recount. And, I have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and see if I get even better results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as winner too!Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much caffeine this morning.Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so ASAP. These are the texts we have been waiting for! I just wish they were around when I was a beginner. The information is very organized and clear. If you know a beginner or an old hand these are must reads.cOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2002 Report Share Posted August 25, 2002 Dear List, Astrologers are blessed with intuition they use it often but they think they are predicting by some system but it is more intuition than system. So all having different Ayanamsha able to predict. I will ask all astrologers let try for a week forget astrology try to give answers without any system you will see you will able to give answer properly. Because when we start using any system then we start using our brain and mind a rational mind and when we don’t go by brain we go by pure intuition and intuition is the voice of God, the voice of your soul. The soul is tuned with the time. Have you ever wonder when you go to sleep and tell your self that you want to wake up at this specific time you are able to get awake at precise time so try to follow your soul inner voice. And mean time do research on lots of charts with various Ayanamsha don’t only stick to Lahiri’s it has never said that one system discover is going to be always correct. Best wishes Tarun Chopra --- Carolhook wrote: > Dear Cynthia, > Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's > win, (all political > preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's > ayanamsha. > This is good for us to continue wondering how > astrologers using > different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same > accurate conclusion! > Das said that less than a full degree off > seems plausible. Curtis says > we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara > quotes that faith sees a > different world entirely. > I'm most especially impressed with your > prediction about the terrorist > attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the > same Lahiri that others > used, but you saw what others did not see. > Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! > Thanks for your comments > about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. > > Love, > Carol > > > In a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern > Daylight Time, > c.a.novak writes: > > > > Dear Carol > > I also published that Bush will win and I'll tell > you how. <she takes a > > deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake > caution> > > > > Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek > the Republican nomination > > he said "I will see if there is support for my > making a run." He did not > > say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be > the best for it." He > > spoke as one who has grown to work with the > KSY...there was great support > > and the rest is history. He also had the best > transits. No, I was not a > > supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I > believe I was detached enough > > to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no > Houck, but I do get my > > share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential > election recount. And, I > > have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and > see if I get even better > > results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as > winner too! > > > > Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much > caffeine this morning. > > > > Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so > ASAP. These are the texts > > we have been waiting for! I just wish they were > around when I was a > > beginner. The information is very organized and > clear. If you know a > > beginner or an old hand these are must reads. > > > > c > > > > > > Finance - Get real-time stock quotes http://finance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2002 Report Share Posted August 26, 2002 Dear Nicholas It's really pretty simple. I see the new moon as the beginning. It is dark and difficult to see any obstacle so you charge in. The monthly planets at theNew Moon suggest when we dive in without looking. The 1st Quarter is more aware of others and a time to thin the seedlings in whatever you have planted. The Full Moon is very bright and aware of what is around us. This time of clarity helps to see the direction your actions are taking. Finally the 3rd quarter is time to clean out the closets or pull out the plants that did not thrive. I do charts each month for these phases and so I get to see the planetary movements more clearly. I also use the 2ndry phases as divided by Dane Rudhyar. The Crescent phase is very creative the first crescent of light to help you see what you have gotten yourself into, the Gibbous phase (between 1st 1/4 and full) is time to share what you have and to make friends. The Disseminating phase (between full and 3rd 1/4) is about teaching and sharing information. The Balsamic phase, just before the New Moon is the reflective philosopher phase. The moon is very dark but it is a more circumspect mind than the new moon which is more action. The Balsamic phase is the time when we look full circle at before we make a decision. A preparation time if you will. These cycles of energy help to see timing of events more clearly. Little energy during the balsamic phase high energy but not particularly conscious during the new. c - Nicholas gjlist Sunday, August 25, 2002 7:31 PM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Cynthia What do you mean by the four primary Moon phases and how does it connect to predictions ? Nicholas - cynthia novak gjlist Monday, August 26, 2002 10:05 AM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Carol Sometimes I think an astrology chart is a lot like tea leaves. The reader needs to be in the right space to "see" what will come. I've recently been wrong about Saddam Hussein. The chart I have looks very ominous. I'm wondering if the time of birth is off. There are so many maraka indicators. I'll post the data I have below. The 9-11 prediction was really pretty east if you do what I do each month: Sit and look at the charts of the 4 primary moon phases. It helps to get acclimated to the coming planetary flow or frustration ahead of time. Makes my daily work as an astrologer so much easier<great grins>. I think that if more astrologers looked they would have seen it. That chart was really very painful. To be precise, I said that if a terrorist attack would come it would come the week of the 10th. I cried the whole time I wrote last September's newsletter. On the contrary, I've been pretty happy throughout Septembers. Sure looks like opportunity for peace talks. Just glad we got through the summer. Sill wondering about a coupe de tat in Iraq. Here is Husseins data as I have it. I believe it came from Astrodatabank. April 28, 1937 8:55am Tikrit Iraq I have lagna at 12 GE 07 Since he made it through the Summer his next big survival challenge appears to be when Ketu crosses Moon and Mars next February What do y'all think? c - Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com gjlist Sunday, August 25, 2002 4:15 PM Re: [GJ] My Ayanamsha Dear Cynthia, Both you and Nalini accurately predicted Bush's win, (all political preferences aside), and you used Lahiri, not Houck's ayanamsha. This is good for us to continue wondering how astrologers using different ayanamshas, may arrive to the same accurate conclusion! Das said that less than a full degree off seems plausible. Curtis says we do not have perfect knowledge, ever. Natabara quotes that faith sees a different world entirely. I'm most especially impressed with your prediction about the terrorist attacks that would happen, Cynthia. You used the same Lahiri that others used, but you saw what others did not see. Hope you see many good days ahead, dear Cynthia! Thanks for your comments about Ernst's books; a good reminder for me. Love, CarolIn a message dated 8/22/2002 11:45:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, c.a.novak (AT) worldnet (DOT) writes: Dear CarolI also published that Bush will win and I'll tell you how. <she takes a deep breath and her Mars Mercury union overtake caution>Bush is a kala sarpa yoga. When he began to seek the Republican nomination he said "I will see if there is support for my making a run." He did not say "I want it" "I should have it" or "I will be the best for it." He spoke as one who has grown to work with the KSY...there was great support and the rest is history. He also had the best transits. No, I was not a supporter, nor was I a GOre supporter and I I believe I was detached enough to see the obvious in the chart analysis. I am no Houck, but I do get my share of hits including 9-11 and the presidential election recount. And, I have used Lahiri. I'm going to try Ernst's and see if I get even better results. Oh, I almost forgot, Nalini named GWB as winner too!Not kicking on you. Just have a a little too much caffeine this morning.Oh, if y'all haven't gotten Ernst's books do so ASAP. These are the texts we have been waiting for! I just wish they were around when I was a beginner. The information is very organized and clear. If you know a beginner or an old hand these are must reads.cOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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