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What Can Astrologers Learn From Sep 11?

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Mu, astrologers need to know that all knowledge can and should not be

gleaned solely from the stars. In fact we didn't need the stars to tell us

that a terrorist attack of the magnitude of 9-11 was inevitable. In an

increasingly hostile and angry world, America only became more lost in its

own Neptune in Capricorn fantasy world.


The shattering message of the prick of karma temporarily brings us back to

reality; the dream, the hope, the delusions; however, swiftly come

back. We are lulled back to sleep in our materialistic, abysmally

egoistic, and vainglorious world.


Shame on us all, 9-11 was a wake up call. The stars were plain enough:

Pluto on the US Ascendant opposed by Saturn during 2001; the astrology of

GWB, the Inauguration, and the US; and just the fact that we have turned

the century.


If one looks at the chart of the moment of the first WTC crash-bombing,

mendacity can also be seen; a weak Jupiter and Rahu in 10 in Gemini, but a

strongly malefic Mars/Ketu tight conjunction in Mula, not in the 7th of

enemies, the 6th or the 12th of enemies, or even the 9th of foreign

interests. Mars and Ketu were in the 4th, the enemies were within our very



Was 9-11 a conspiracy? Maybe so, maybe not so.


I daresay that only a fool (God knows fools abound in government circles)

would not see such a thing coming. The US has halved its military might

while extending itself at the same time in many different foreign

entanglements; we have almost no viable protection for our borders, and

ungrateful "traitors" fill our media, universities, and worlds of business.


9-11 was no surprise to me. Various voices in the wilderness have shouted

warning for decades. Will such things happen again? If nothing is done to

re-establish honor, integrity, and a real fear of God in a government of,

by, and for the People; yes it will, and it will not be a nice as 9-11 was.


There are far more terrible engines of war that exist on planet earth; the

former Soviet military and Chinese have in the past 5 years amassed the

most sophisticated and destructive forces of military power that the world

has ever seen. No outlay of time, money, and material could be

accomplished without a clear objective. If anyone would like to see what

those outlays are, I can easily furnish the information. I can also tell

you what their eminent objective is.


The trouble is, people may refuse to believe the very testimony of the

evidence. So what is new?!


Mu, it did not take, the latest of technological abilities to see this

eventuality; it took a simple look at the major astrological factors, and

an unbiased and objective look at the state of geo-political affairs. It

is only a miracle that 9-11 occurred so late.


9-11 COULD have been avoided, and without astrology even; the voices of

warning were there; people just refused to listen.





PS I recently wrote an article on the 9-11 astrology with links to various

article I have written on 9-11 over the last year on my website at:





At 10:32 PM 9/14/02 -0700, you wrote:


>Hello All,


>With the week of the first anniversary of Sep 11

>drawing to a close, I thought now would be a good time

>to raise some issues, ask a few rhetorical questions

>and make a few suggestions about the State of

>Astrology, in light of the past year's events.


>Without question, Astrology has come a very long way

>in the past century; with the aid of computer

>technology, complex calculations are now completed in

>mere seconds; we can now warehouse immense amounts of

>horoscope data; and we can experiment with totally

>brand new techniques that were not even known to such

>greats in Astrology as Evangeline Adams and Dane

>Rudhyar (Astrocartography would be among one of the

>newer techniques). In addition, the Century of

>Psychology has greatly augmented our Craft; planets

>evolved from mere harbingers of events into symbols of

>potential. These two major advancements - technology

>and psychology - have given Astrology that much-needed

>push into the 21st Century. As a result, there has

>been a renewed interest in the Celestial Sciences not

>seen since the late 60s, or even the turn of the

>century - the 20th century, during Ms. Adams' time.

>Computer programs, the Internet and better written

>books have made Astrology, of all forms, more

>accessible to the general public than at any other

>time in the History of the Human Race.


>But there is still the issue of Prediction - being

>able to foretell an event or series of events, with

>some degree of specificity, before it/they happens.

>For all of Astrology's evolution, with all of its

>computer-assisted precision and sophistication, this

>key aspect of our Science still remains at the heart

>of what we do. And, it is my contention, that Sep 11,

>2001, the events of that day, has, and I think

>rightly, brought this fundamental issue of Prediction

>back to the forefront of discourse and if need be,

>debate, within the World Astrological Community.


>Astrology, and those that practice it, faces a serious

>issue here - for, as far as the public is concerned,

>the acid test of our Art lies in its ability (or the

>lack thereof) to predict events of such massive scope.

>To date, there is no article, lecture or statement

>from any Astrologer that I know of (and I am immersed

>in both the Western and Vedic Astrological Worlds,

>have been for at least 4 years now) that foretold of a

>Terrorist Attack on the United States beforehand. What

>we all DID see, was all manner of articles, lectures

>and statements made by Astrologers of all stripes,

>about what had ALREADY had occured. This creates a

>significant problem for us, in the All-World

>Astrological Community, for if we cannot or will not

>refine our Predictive Ability in this area, Astrology

>will have failed its mandate - that of improving the

>Human Condition.


>There are those in the Astrological Community, that

>will read this, and will attempt to downplay or in

>some other way try to sidestep my comments today. They

>do so at great risk of harming Astrology even further,

>for it is my contention that Astrology CAN give us the

>tools we need to foretell of such calamities before

>they occur. Afterall, this is the idea that has

>existed and currently persists in Medical Astrology -

>to be able to give early warning of the onset of an

>illness before they happen. This gives the patient the

>ability to plan ahead, to avert what is surely to

>come. The same thing holds true, here in the area of

>what has become known as Mundane Astrology.


>In Jan of 2001, I wrote an extensive article on the

>first 100 days of the Bush Administration. Written

>about a week before Bush was inaugurated, I clearly

>stated that military action could take place in early

>Sep or shortly afterward. I also stated that he (Bush)

>would be forced to enter the fray occuring in the

>Middle East, bewteen the Israelis and Palestinians. I

>was correct on both counts - but, like the rest of my

>colleagues, I totally missed the signals that

>manifested themselves in the form of 19 men flying

>planes into American buildings. It was an ey-opening

>experience for me; my Astrological senses were awash

>in new info, new ways of looking at things, and my

>mind raced to consider things that, and I think this

>is fair to say of most of us, I had never even thought

>of before.


>I think Sep 11 has given us in the Astrological

>Community a great opportunity to assist Humanity in so

>many ways - for example, we can assemble the language

>of Astrology to fashion for us a Terrorist Profile,

>from Astrological point of view. We can research past

>incidences of terrorism around the world, discern what

>common factors exist there, and come up with a "Early

>Warning System" Astrologically. We can then taken this

>along with other pieces of Astrological evidence, and

>present this to the general public. Think of the

>horrors that yet to come, how they can be averted.


>For me, these things can be done. The Question is, do

>we, in the All-World Astrological Community, have the

>WILL to do it? Can we find a way to work together, to

>get this done? Are we willing to put the work in to do

>it? And if so, when? And if not, why?


>What have we Astrologers, learned from Sep 11?


>We'll see...









>Mu'Min M. Bey

>Western and Vedic Astrologer


>AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

>2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

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