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Yuga or Yoke?

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We hear Krishna telling Udhava in 11th Canto of Bhagavatam: "Kali Yuga

is about to begin, don't stay here, for after I leave, it's gonna be bad

here on Earth, and you won't be happy, so leave"


We hear many times, in Hinduism, of the bad qualities of Kali Yuga, and

we hear the West is ruled by Saturn, which is "a malefic" and we hear

that these times, in which "our culture" has begun, and spread, and has

brought India back to hear here, and so on, all of that, is under

Krishna's disapproval in one sense.


I have a keen ear for abandonment, having feeling like I lived it so

much, and now I have realized the power of "I/myself", not abandoning



So I'm declaring, that a time will come when Westerners will realize, as

they are with Christianity, which is kindof a peace making political

outgrowth movement based on one tribes story, that Hinduism too, is not

their story, the Bhagavatam, not our story, but from these we can learn

much, but we have to turn to our own story, to finish it. That's what

time it is, or is becoming.


When I go to the realms and depths of compassion, for the struggling,

starving, malnourished, misdirected, disenchanted, amongst my own race,

in my own country, here today, I cannot help but reach now the

conclusion that I must be "involved" fully, and not try to float

separate from it under Indian conception. To fix the white people, we

must face the white histories, and unique problems. Now this will be

true of everyone, each to his own history turn for answers about

yourself. This is not unique.


But we have turned our backs, some of us, on our own histories, problems

and issues, and chosen anothers to move under that reality instead, for

answers and more.


But now I choose to have faith in what I'm doing, and what others are

doing. I don't want to see only failure and going down as realities. I

have met with too much belief in this direction in my sojourn into

Hinduism. The fatalism is quite present. The Celtic paradigm was to

emphasize the other side. I have maxed myself out on patriarchy and

floating antiseptically above life in so many ways inside me.


It's not one or the other. As Ma and Pa are not on a direct axis in the

Vedic chart, so it is actually true that Celtic and Hindu are not

opposed on this issue, but one/six, not one/seven. One serves the other,

but will defend if threatened. It's male and female.


I don't want to longer be negative about what age it is. That doesn't

work for me. The unevolving India, and the evolving West, will arrive in

the same place, one day, perhaps at 22:22:22 on 2/2/2222 ? We, the

We-st, are evolving into something, and we maxed one thing too much...

now we will have to turn back a bit to more connection to Earth. The

aggressive explorer spirit and "make stuff at any cost" spirit has to

subside to the one in balance with nature, otherwise, we die.


So it's time to be positive and proactive about going backwards a bit in

many ways, and finding there actually more pleasure and peace than ever

before, now that we have other systems in place. The feminine can come

out now that the masculine has nearly run it's ruling/deadly course, and

is panting, begging for some loving directions. The Sun is tired. But

we have the interent! Bravo Sunny boy, take a bow, and a break.


India, the pure priest, much watch it's tendency to side with the male

power because of the ease of being thus supported as a priest. The

priest must also accept everyone, and not rule out anyone. Already in

the West a great deal of elitarianism springs up around Hinduism, and

everything is clean clean clean, and thus, average people stay away. It

has yet to reach down really. Hindu Gurus are complex, thus only the

best understand, and it can be those with money who attend things, and

thus, smart, money, not much of a commoners mix.


Jupiter must watch it's tendency to befriend Mars and Sun mostly. This

trio is the patriarch, the judges, politicians, and military.


Now that British Royalty die underground scorpio hitting saturnine

pillars in German Sun cars on British or French soil (both Celtic

countries originally, and this is a Germanic royalty), whilst being

chased Mars by Paparatzi Venus/Mercury, thus we see that in the inner

court, the inner planets have run amock as they easily do, thus we know

they are out of control under the current paradim, thus a new age is

upon the West, the age of 2, where feminity returns to a large degree,

and thus unity begins, exploration/exploitation lessens, and unity is

more possible. When Diana died, what actually happened was she was

killed by the low class of the Solar Court for having tried to switch

sides a bit to some Saturn, darker, foreign people. Nobody had to think

this up, it was done by nature. I see all the omens it portends.


It is not that we become 1 when we unite, rather, it is acceptence fully

of both separately, that makes a 1 where there is actually 2.


Now the West turns 2, 2002 being a reflection of 2 inside the 2, the

first one, the first reflection, so I'm thinking of these things.


It's not a Yuga Yoke, for for a Celt, a yoke is a joke

rather, it's an opportunity, mother is teaching feliciously








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