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What Can Astrologers Learn From Sep 11?-to Curtis

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Hi Curtis,


Replies below:



CB: Mu, astrologers need to know that all knowledge


> and should not be

> gleaned solely from the stars. In fact we didn't

> need the stars to tell us

> that a terrorist attack of the magnitude of 9-11 was

> inevitable. In an

> increasingly hostile and angry world, America only

> became more lost in its

> own Neptune in Capricorn fantasy world.


MU: True dat.


CB: The shattering message of the prick of karma

> temporarily brings us back to

> reality; the dream, the hope, the delusions;

> however, swiftly come

> back. We are lulled back to sleep in our

> materialistic, abysmally

> egoistic, and vainglorious world.


MU: Indeed.


CB: Shame on us all, 9-11 was a wake up call. The


> were plain enough:

> Pluto on the US Ascendant opposed by Saturn during

> 2001; the astrology of

> GWB, the Inauguration, and the US; and just the fact

> that we have turned

> the century.


Now, this is interesting - there are some Astrologers

who have advocated the use of the USA chart w/Sag

rising, Tropical/Western system; this would definitely

place Pluto on the Asc w/Saturn opposing at the time

of the attacks. As you may well know, there exists at

least 5 different times and dates for the USA, and

personally, I have had great success with the Gemini

Asc, Jul 4, 1776. But, to avoid all of the back and

forth that we Astrologers are wont to do when such a

controversial subject comes up, I just skipped that

part all together in my article and instead focused

only on GWB's charts and that of his Inaugural.

Really, just looking at the latter told the story

then, and especially now in terms of his foriegn

policy (or the woeful lack thereof).


CB: If one looks at the chart of the moment of the


> WTC crash-bombing,

> mendacity can also be seen; a weak Jupiter and Rahu

> in 10 in Gemini, but a

> strongly malefic Mars/Ketu tight conjunction in

> Mula, not in the 7th of

> enemies, the 6th or the 12th of enemies, or even the

> 9th of foreign

> interests. Mars and Ketu were in the 4th, the

> enemies were within our very

> land.


MU: Yes, I have the very same chart, in Vedic format,

on my screen right now; the Mars/Ketu combo you

mentioned certainly does bear witness to the mass

destruction you noted. I also notice that the Moon on

that day is also tightly aligned with Rahu, surely an

ominous signal of foreboding. I also find it

interesting when, looking at the Navamsa, we see that

Mars and Ketu have now shifted to the 12 house and

Rahu is now in the 6 (Rahu=foriegners, Muslims,

enemies); the 6-12 axis, associated with both open and

hidden enemies, is now highlited with the very same

Rahu-Mars/Ketu axis from the Rasi chart! This could

provide clues as to what to lookout for in the future.

I would be most interested in working with you on



CB: Was 9-11 a conspiracy? Maybe so, maybe not so.


MU: With the Nodes being so strong and prominent, who

knows. It has been reported in recent days that the US

gov't had known about the attacks before the fact, but

they didn't know exactly where and when - others say

that they did. I don't know, but it wouldn't suprise



CB: dresay that only a fool (God knows fools abound

> in government circles)

> would not see such a thing coming. The US has

> halved its military might

> while extending itself at the same time in many

> different foreign

> entanglements; we have almost no viable protection

> for our borders, and

> ungrateful "traitors" fill our media, universities,

> and worlds of business.

MU: What a minute, Curt - the USA spends more on its

military than the entire world combined.



CB:11 was no surprise to me. Various voices in the

> wilderness have shouted

> warning for decades. Will such things happen again?

> If nothing is done to

> re-establish honor, integrity, and a real fear of

> God in a government of,

> by, and for the People; yes it will, and it will not

> be a nice as 9-11 was.


MU: Well, that was part of the reason for my post - to

create or formulate an Astrological Early Warning

System. I would be very interested in hearing any

ideas you may have.


CB:ere are far more terrible engines of war that

> exist on planet earth; the

> former Soviet military and Chinese have in the past

> 5 years amassed the

> most sophisticated and destructive forces of

> military power that the world

> has ever seen. No outlay of time, money, and

> material could be

> accomplished without a clear objective. If anyone

> would like to see what

> those outlays are, I can easily furnish the

> information. I can also tell

> you what their eminent objective is.


MU: Yea, please do send that along.


> The trouble is, people may refuse to believe the

> very testimony of the

> evidence. So what is new?!


MU: I think that everyone's attention is riveted these



Mu, it did not take, the latest of technological

> abilities to see this

> eventuality; it took a simple look at the major

> astrological factors, and

> an unbiased and objective look at the state of

> geo-political affairs. It

> is only a miracle that 9-11 occurred so late.


MU: Yea, you're right there.


> 9-11 COULD have been avoided, and without astrology

> even; the voices of

> warning were there; people just refused to listen.


MU: Yea. What a shame.


> Curtis

> http://www.starworldnews.com


> PS I recently wrote an article on the 9-11 astrology

> with links to various

> article I have written on 9-11 over the last year on

> my website at:

> http://www.starworldnews.com/current/911anniv.htm


MU: Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out sometime

today. You can put my article up on your site too if

you want.


Thanks so much for your response. I look forward to

more many productive conservations!








Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


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Mu -


I have great respect for your inputs here on this list, but...


Hi Curtis,


Replies below:


> CB: Mu, astrologers need to know that all knowledge can

> and should not be gleaned solely from the stars. In fact we


> need the stars to tell us that a terrorist attack of the magnitude

of 9-11 was

> inevitable. In an increasingly hostile and angry world, America


> became more lost in its own Neptune in Capricorn fantasy world.


MU: True dat.

Exactly what I was saying last week regarding E vs. W astrology...


> CB: The shattering message of the prick of karma temporarily

brings us back to

> reality; the dream, the hope, the delusions; however, swiftly come


> back. We are lulled back to sleep in our materialistic, abysmally


> egoistic, and vainglorious world.

MU: Indeed.

It seems to be great sport to be critical of the nation as a whole. I find

this offensive

in the extreme. Yes, the US has problems, much like any teenager. We ARE


all still a relatively young country. But we learn from our mistakes -

usually - and we

DO take better care of our friends than most other countries have a history

of doing

with us, including some of OUR friends. 9/11 PROVED this. You are correct

in that

people seem to have relaxed. BUT, isn't THAT the point of what we were

trying to

say to the terrorists - that they can't mess our lives up? This is one of

our greatest

strengths - resilience. Guys, you can't have it both ways. Yes, we can be

vain - I AM

proud to be American. But rarely are we selfish. If we have a major fault,

it is that we

are overly anxious to share. And I, for one, DON'T find it "fashionable" to

criticize the

country for being who we are - Americans.


> CB: Shame on us all, 9-11 was a wake up call. The stars were

plain enough:

> Pluto on the US Ascendant opposed by Saturn during 2001; the

astrology of

> GWB, the Inauguration, and the US; and just the fact that we have


> the century.

Now, this is interesting - there are some Astrologers who have

advocated the use

of the USA chart w/Sag rising, Tropical/Western system; this would


place Pluto on the Asc w/Saturn opposing at the time of the attacks.

As you may

well know, there exists at least 5 different times and dates for the

USA, and

personally, I have had great success with the Gemini Asc, Jul 4,

1776. But, to

avoid all of the back and forth that we Astrologers are wont to do

when such a

controversial subject comes up, I just skipped that part all

together in my article

and instead focused only on GWB's charts and that of his Inaugural.

Really, just looking at the latter told the story then, and

especially now in terms of

his foreign policy (or the woeful lack thereof).

....Here is one where I cannot allow the criticism without a retort. GWB has

done a

very fine job. (Certainly, more so than Al Gore or his mentor Bill Clinton.

It tells ANYONE

with any sense something when Gore could not get even close to a majority

vote IN HIS

OWN HOME STATE.) He, too, still learning after all. He is sincere, and

honest - at least

as politicians go. He maybe isn't the smartest guy in the world, but he has


sense. He has the right people (with one or two exceptions) in his cabinet,

and more

importantly, he LISTENS to them. It appears that he hears ALL sides before


decisions. I cite the (apparent) disagreement between Rumsfeld and Powell,

in which

Powell was right. GWB listened and modified his admittedly aggressive (I DO


he is right. Discussions of Saddam's charts of late bear witness to this.)

stance to

one more patient in nature. I MAINLY believe that "patience" was the

correct call

though because Saddam will undoubtedly renege on his promise to allow the


back into Iraq. It will then be apparent to everyone that Saddam needs to

be gone.


> CB: Was 9-11 a conspiracy? Maybe so, maybe not so.

MU: With the Nodes being so strong and prominent, who knows. It has


reported in recent days that the US gov't had known about the

attacks before

the fact, but they didn't know exactly where and when - others say

that they

did. I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me.

It is ridiculous to suggest such a thing. There was information indicating

an attack COULD

take place. There was also information indicating the kind of attack. But,


has it been indicated the White House knew of this information. THAT was

the problem -

the information was filtered out of the reports to the White House as

unreliable or

unsubstantiated. A mistake to be sure, but there was no conspiracy. To

imply otherwise

is simply unforgivable.


> CB: daresay that only a fool (God knows fools abound in government


> would not see such a thing coming. The US has halved its military


> while extending itself at the same time in many different foreign

> entanglements; we have almost no viable protection for our

borders, and

> ungrateful "traitors" fill our media, universities, and worlds of


MU: What a minute, Curt - the USA spends more on its military than

the entire

world combined.

Again, this is an unfair statement - and untrue. I'm talking to you, MU.

Russia was

much worse about this than the US. This is ultimately what caused their


This is proven. But then again, the Soviet economy was never in as good a

shape as

the US. I will say this, the US economy DOES tend to thrive (at least more)


war-time. But, I also believe that we do not spend ENOUGH on our military.

I don't

think we need MORE weapons, though better is always good. But, we do need


for training and exercises - and yes, better pay. Bases need to be

improved, not

shutdown as the Democrats seem want. I like peace (I AM a combat veteran.),


if I have to fight, I want the biggest and best gun.


> CB:11 was no surprise to me. Various voices in the wilderness

have shouted

> warning for decades. Will such things happen again? If nothing

is done to

> re-establish honor, integrity, and a real fear of God in a

government of,

> by, and for the People; yes it will, and it will not be a nice as

9-11 was.

MU: Well, that was part of the reason for my post - to create or

formulate an

Astrological Early Warning System. I would be very interested in

hearing any

ideas you may have.

I agree on this. But then - I, along with most of you, obviously - BELIEVE

in these

signs. The trick will be to prove the accuracy. No small trick. It is

easy to demonstrate

20/20 hindsight vision. Can anyone out SHOW e-mails predicting 9/11? I

would love

for this to be true.


> CB:ere are far more terrible engines of war that exist on planet

earth; the

> former Soviet military and Chinese have in the past 5 years

amassed the

> most sophisticated and destructive forces of military power that

the world

> has ever seen. No outlay of time, money, and material could be

> accomplished without a clear objective. If anyone would like to

see what

> those outlays are, I can easily furnish the information. I can

also tell

> you what their eminent objective is.

MU: Yea, please do send that along.

THIS is the kind of stuff we need... But there also needs to be some

indication of an

accurate history involved. THIS might get the right people interested -


Believe it or not - they do a good job most of the time.


> The trouble is, people may refuse to believe the very testimony of


> evidence. So what is new?!

MU: I think that everyone's attention is riveted these days.


> Mu, it did not take, the latest of technological abilities to see


> eventuality; it took a simple look at the major astrological

factors, and

> an unbiased and objective look at the state of geo-political

affairs. It

> is only a miracle that 9-11 occurred so late.

MU: Yea, you're right there.


> 9-11 COULD have been avoided, and without astrology even; the

voices of

> warning were there; people just refused to listen.

MU: Yea. What a shame.

CB, did you mean late in the day? As far as the "state of political

affairs", well, we've

had enemies for as long as we have existed. The fanatic "Muslims" are only

the latest.

And why they blame the US, in particular isn't hard to figure. We have the


media, so they get more exposure here. We are not their enemies. Most of


real Muslim know this. But there are those few who will exploit anyone for

their own

ends. The ones who don't - well, I think it will become apparent sooner or

later that

it is better to have a rich friend, than a rich enemy. The US SEEMS to have


"back to sleep". I, for one, have not, and there are more like me than you




> Curtis

> http://www.starworldnews.com


> PS I recently wrote an article on the 9-11 astrology with links to


> article I have written on 9-11 over the last year on my website


> http://www.starworldnews.com/current/911anniv.htm

MU: Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out sometime

today. You can put my article up on your site too if

you want.


Thanks so much for your response. I look forward to

more many productive conservations!




Best wishes to both of you, and all others,

Martin Michaels

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