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Wars, Aliens and Personal Dignity

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Lately, we hear much of Saddam, his chemical weapons, and the GWB saga. We

are made to feel fear and alarm, if we wish to respond as we're supposed to.


I also daily see young girls in painted on pants, and this too, has a

"natural" response I'm supposed to feel.


Both of these things, the "news" and the "woman" result in me feeling like

shit, if I allow it. Both have always been there for me. Both have always

made me feel terrible.





I also these days hear about Grays, Arcturians, Draconis, and other "Aliens"

who are supposedly here, some negative, some positive, helping us fight our

wars, protecting our evolution, and/or farming us like slaves. I hear all

kinds of things I have no way of knowing if they be true or false.





I think of Queen Boudica, the last Celtic Queen of England, who committed

suicide in retreat from Roman troops, as have many Celts in history,

especially pre-history.


Just as masturbation is one's OWN way of handling sexual agitation,

similarly suicide is one's OWN way of handling the advance of the enemy.


If, and I mean IF, GWB's antics, and Saddams antics, or ANYBODYS antics, end

up causing you to have burning skin, dieing organs while you live, or

WHATEVER, you ALWAYS have the option of snuffing yourself, and preserving

your dignity. We only have to be victims if we want to be victims, just as

we only have to look at girlies, or get fearful over news, if we CHOOSE to.


I do not watch TV, nor read magazines or newspapers, nor log onto news

sites, none of that. The ONLY WAY I knew anything was up with Iraq was on

this list, believe it or not. I live in a happy bubble these days. Email is

the only way I get any news, and it sucks, as usual. Nobody covers the good

that good people are doing. They only cover war and the exploits of the

warring types.


Nobody can take your time or dignity, unless you allow them too, through

weakness. We should be focusing on what is truly good for our eternal

evolution. In other words, focus on being a better SOUL, and stay focused.

And certainly your body will one day die. Focus on that too. Know your

death, and be at peace with your own mortal death. See it, feel it, be at

peace with the temporary pain, which may be extreme.


Know that you can usually hasten it yourself, and doing so is full of

dignity, in certain circumstances. Do not allow fear to overwhealm you at

times like these. These assholes, whoever they are, whatever their names,

races, countries or creeds are, those who threaten you if you are good, let

them be, think not of them, unless you are a serious warrior and want to

engage them in battle. Otherwise, focus on spirit, develop yourself, knowing

that this life is a developmental opportunity which ends. It WILL END.


So make use the time appropriately, and don't let the thieves called WORRY

and FEAR waste YOUR TIME.


I bid you good days filled with useful good development of


your knowledge of truth and spirit

your practice of applying same

and bliss, happiness, which is your due privelage and right as souls of









Das Goravani, President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America

Voice: or in America

fax: 541-343-0344




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