Guest guest Posted October 3, 2002 Report Share Posted October 3, 2002 Hey Sanjay dude, A tip: Dinanath, is not a "normal" Westerner, in that, he is VERY involved in ISKCON, and in India no less. So this is highly unusual. Most Westerners, will not feel comfortable with the "ownership" and "connectivity" feelings which are so normal to Indians. The statement below, wherein you clealry say, "see, you've learned so much from me", made ME feel uncomfortable just hearing you say it. It's a kind of territorial and heavy relating kind of thing. Remember, the West is ruled by Saturn, a Vatta increasing, windy, detached, planet. The people are more or less like that. They are not so into feeling connected. Fierce independence would be more appropriate to understand. That's why, here, things have developed the way they have. It's why there are no more lineages, Gurus, etc., in the West, really. It doesn't work here. It's better to offer something, have a price, and give the exchange, and put all things into that. Like for example, I have this Chi-Kung kit (Qiqong), it's a type of secret science from the Shaolin Masters of China. This is equivalent to your situation. Herein, a Master named Chunyi Lin is teaching an energy balancing system and how to mystically heal people. It's the kindof knowledge that used to be locked up in Chinese "Sampradays" if you will. So there is the usual master/disciple issues, and other issues. In the kit, he clearly states, with no apology, that NOBODY can be a HEALER unless they are FORGIVING AND LOVING, and so on. He says it, just like it says it in BPHS. So this is the Kula Yuga, and in the West, way... You SAY IT. You leave it at that. It's up to the person to pay attention. It used to be that the Guru would simply not admit a bad student to his ashram or Gurukula. However, now, you do not know who is buying your course, attending your classes, etc. If you want to keep your trip to just those who are qualified, you can do that, but forget about working much in the West, not much, because, you're gonna find alot of unqualified people and you're gonna seem like a judgemental and uptight person if you turn people away, so that's heavy, and difficult to face, but you can do it, it's your right. So like, I distribute Jyotish software, and I'm twice now initiated as a Brahmin, once in ISKCON, and once in Gaudiya Math. Whatever. Anyway, I have great respect for Veda, and it's admonitions regarding distribution of the knowledge to the unqualified, non-theistic, non-sattvic (me ;-() etc.... So, what I do, is I put tons of Krishna all over it, and make sure that it's said clealy on my website and literature, that this is a theistic possession, a possession of the sampradayas who brought it down, and I leave it at that. In general, most people LOVE ME for what I've done, and how I do it. Many have found Hinduism through me, and benefitted. So, as Sridhar said, "Mercy before Justice". The west, looking from Puri, is a place one gives mercy. So, distribution of sciences helps, it does. I've seen this. People "Get it" more if they get the inside scoops, like Jyotish, Ayurveda, Meditation, Mantra, and so on. These things help the West greatly. I no longer see myself as a White Guy who hates the West, loves India, and converted. I see myself now as a person who is Celt, and Pict, and Germanic, and proud of our own histories, and a current representation of our evolution, and a member therefore of the Western-Saturn camp of humans, who has gotten ALOT from Sister India, and is bringing that good stuff back to my own people, to help them, because they need help in many ways, and I believe I found some good stuff from Sister India and her teachers who were merciful to give it to me clearly, including my Gurus, and BV Raman, KN Rao, You, and many others, Dr Charak, and many white people who preceded me on this quest including David Frawley, Dennis Harness, Drew Lawrence, Nalini Kanta, and so many others. I thank you all. Trying to set up Brahminical system of free teaching, and other things, even the so called Sampradaya you're trying to get going, calling teachers Gurus, personally, I think it's a mistake. The term Guru here now has become VERY tainted. You are almost harming your friends by encouraging this word. Some new people like to play the India game, and get titles like that. In general, people are very tired of Gurus in the Western new age circles, generally speaking, it's true. Those who are successful, such as Hart Defouw and Maharishi, they don't do that. You could TRANSLATE the ESSENCE into new modern terms. For example, you could have the "Sanjay Stamp of Approval" which you give, and remove, at your whim. Simply have a website of YOUR OWN which thereon you list who you recognize as representing what you've given. END OF STORY. It's THAT simple. Those people could then put that on their literature "I am Sanjay Approved". And their prospects could check your site to see the proof. You could remove names easily. This is no big deal. That's modern Sampradaya. It's called "references". "Check their references" we say. People CALL ME TO CHECK YOUR REFERENCES ALL THE TIME. In other words Sanjay, I AM a Sampradaya by my actions. I get asked often if YOU and YOUR GROUP are "GOOD" in my estimation. So you see, this is how it works here, as in business now in India. "Please the customer" and the show goes on nicely. Don't please that person, and you're finished. So this is the modern western paradigm. You know what I see, I see that you have brought something ancient to the modern times and places and it's blowing up in your face. Messing wiith those deeply entrenched in ISKCON is mistake #1. They are fanatics, always. You are too, by dint of your birth and place, but for you it's natural, for them it is usually a manifestation of self hate, hatred of their own peoples, and so on. As I've said, MOST white people in ISKCON have serious issues with self love. They often hate their own families, cultures, etc. There has been MUCH pain here, over the last 2000 years, and there is much healing to be done. The system of Guru/Sisya and all the devotion and formalities, etc., is very foreign to this place. At the conference, I saw Indians bowing to the feet of white Gurus. Yes, I saw young Indians, and older ones, BOWING at the feet of Brenden Feeley. That's FINE WITH ME. I am familiar with all this. I've done it TONS of times. However, it WILL CAUSE YOU PROBLEMS and it will SHRINK your mission tremendously. You are already suffering the typical cult crap right here and now. This is oh so typical. This is all the Gaudiya Math and ISKCON do. They constantly fight, do politics, etc. Check this out: EVERY DEVOTEE bootlegs my software if possible. What is that? The Prabhupada Folio software has to have a friggin hardware dongal on it. This is because they have a mandate to be dishonest. This is insane, for a so called holier than everybody religious movement. It shows the disease. The age of the power of being a pure Guru, with all the bowing and all that, is basically over. Even if one has the qualities internally, better, at least in the West, to do here as we do here, when in Rome, act Roman. Make products, and teaching is a product. Have the products parameters of delivery very clear. Then stick to that system. Have one price, and charge it. People are selling astrology and astrological teaching now. There's NO USE in bucking this trend. You are setup to be one of the Kings of this field. I suggest you here me, or stay in your way and be Guru and all that, but understand you yourself will lose the cash generated (maybe you don't care), and your sampraday of teachers will bicker, fight, and go away, very soon. Your knowledge will be picked up by others, who will teach it for a price. There is no such thing as real devotion to a teacher here. Forget it. Just see how those who brought Rao here have left him, you yourself are teacing some of his "students" and so on. It's a free market here. That's what's happening here. So either you make the sale, or somebody else will. Do you want to be Bruce Lee, and get next to nothing for what you yourself brought and carry, or do you want to be the movie producers, who make millions on his image? There is NOTHING WRONG with charging for your services and knowledge. I hope you get this, and teach this. It seems to me you fueled Dinanath. You are even now claiming "see how much you learned from me" thus you are STILL trying to connect him to yourself in some loving way. He is not actually that way. His act of total devotion, Sattvic ways, Hindu ways, it will go away in time. It's false. He IS a westerner, and HE WILL ACT like one eventually. Stop holding onto him. You are grasping Saturn and hugging him, which is only gonna piss him off more. Let Saturn blow free. That's the only way he'll be nice to you. I saw KN Rao blow it here, acting all Indian. Now he doesn't want to return, and nobody wants him either, hardly nobody at all. Including me. It's too hard to deal with Indians in THEIR way. We're not used to it. It's VERY sticky. It's like ETERNAL relationships are constantly being set up and eventually most people just want to get away from that. I am in a cityn where modern thinking develops. From here, modern thought emanates, rather than being received. I know what I'm saying. The future in the West is more so what I'm saying, not less. More and more the divine knowledge is being given freely, but at each class, in each book, there is always the introduction which clearly states the exact material qualifications, such as truthfulness, etc., that should be in the person for any success in the subject to manifest. This is the way now. Fighting it will lead to failure. If you figure out what you got that works, and then make a program of OWNING the products yourself, then you will be wealthy. Fight this, and you will be India based, with little connection to success in the West. I don't care. It's totally up to you. I'm just telling it like IT IS. If there was a "Sanjay Rath Kit", which included books, tapes, CD's, Videos, you could sell that thing for years, at $295 a pop, or $195, and people would appreciate that they didn't HAVE TO GO to a seminar to hear you, see you, take your classes, etc. Then, you could have a "Mastery Course", which is ONLY IN PERSON, and even ONLY IN INDIA, if you wanted. You can have many levels. But EVERYTHING should have a material MONEY price. NEVER should you force people to go for any kind of relating which is artificial to their hearts, and believe me, this Guru/Sisya stuff is artificial to us. Some who are lost, may get off on getting an identity, but do you only want them? DO YOU ONLY WANT TO KNOW THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR POWER ???? Do it the right way, and you'll be like Deepak Chopra, known and successful. What do you want? Do you want to be small and hide, or be big and strong? Also, talking about curses, so much, is not going to be good for you here at all. I would like to see you successful. I would like to see Indians not blow it here so often, which they seem to always do, because of the vast cultural differences. Marc Boney and the like who are so into saying Sri Rao and Sri Rath, and playing all those respect games, they are not directing you properly in my opinion. Nobody says Sri Deepak, and he's the one winning big bucks. Not that money is the only aim, but I'm trying to make it clear to you what country you are dealing with. This is NOT india AT ALL. And again I declare loud and clear: We Westerners are NOT BAD AND EVIL. Just because America has serious problems, doesn't mean everything about white people sucks. I will not go for that any longer. I know too much history now to be so foolish and turn my back on my own evolution. We are good, but we are not just like India. India is not the boss of us, and will never be. India has alot and can give alot. It's wealth is in it's ancient culture, and you are bringing a portion of that very well, to the West. You are young, able, good looking, intelligent, properly birthed, for the whole thing. Success, grand success, huge success, COULD BE YOURS if you would realize what country you are dealing with, and how things work here. See yourself on Larry King Live in a couple years if you play it right. Yes, you could be that big, if you play it right. Dinanaths will appear over and over so long as you try to Indianize Westerners. The few, like Brenden, Robert, Myself, and others who are ex ISKCON and like movement followers, we will fool you. We are SUCH A MINORITY here. Most people do not know, and do not like the sight and smell of, the kinds of things we few do- because we learned them in India. Gosh, Brenden and Robert and myself, we, like Dinanath too, we have spent SO MUCH TIME chasing India and it's gifts, for our own reasons. We will fool you. We are easy, but we are only your landing pillow. You have to learn beyond us, how to deal with Westerners in their way, and sell yourself here. IF YOU WANT TO DO SO. If you care about teaching the West BIG TIME, then change your Modus Operandus VERY SOON, as this little war is only the first wave of what you're gonna get if you keep up the current MO. I'd hate to see you run and hide as others have done. But if that's what to be, as in "this is my last letter on this matter", then so be it. Kindof sad. "Et tu brute" you're own people will stab you if you do things a certain way. There are ways where this is not what happens, at all. Interesting the title including 1040, which is the number American hate the most, because 1040 is the name of our yearly tax form we fill out. We call it "Form 1040" all across America. Just seeing that number sends shivers down our spines. It's GOVERNMENT PERSONIFIED and it's on April 15th (Sun entering Aries) that we MUST submit them to the big guns, big guys, the guys in power. And interestingly, that form was ORIGINALLY intended for only Canadians filing who work in the US. So, our tax system is rooted in Sham, and related to foreignors... strange but true. Anyway, it's an omenic example. I know many are flocking to you and your Gurus for training. JHLite software has deeply reduced my sales. You are making an impact. Personally, I don't like alot of the info and teachings. Too strange to me, curses and remedies. I ain't into it personally. But apparently many are so far. I see however that what is going on, mainly with this new organization, has already wrought havoc and despair, big time. That's probably why I broke down at Laksmis. Feeling it, just wiped me out. I know Robert and Brenden for years. I've known Laksmi forever as well. I know what we want and need, and I don't see it from yet another "Indian at the top" sampradaya, with all the kissing of rings and feet, and clamoring for position, that goes with it. This is not the way for us here and now, in my opinion. In my opinion, a big mistake was made by trying to organize a movement, a sampradaya, a system of Gurus, etc. It was a mistake. Drop the word and MO of Guru completely, and go Western. If you are going to distribute Indian knowledg to Westerners, then do it so that they can GET IT. It's a matter of targetting your audience in THEIR LANGUAGE If you want to confuse and make it hard, then lecture in Hindi in America. That would be more honest. I will be blunt and say that there are some people amongst us, some westerners, who want the distinction offered by the title of "Guru", and for them, this clarity with an Indian official stamp is required for them to operate the way they want. They don't like the market standard here, and want that kind of hierarchy. They will keep you locked in the old and small. It's simply true. Sorry. So it's up to you, what do you want, old and small, with lots of fighting for position going on around you always, or big and new, successful, where you meet the powerful people, and work with them? It's your choice, my choice, all our choice. It's 2002. This is English. Guru is not a word in our language, neither is Sisya, Sampradaya. The english equivalents Priest/Bishop Disciple Discipleship/Monastery These are words most people RUN FROM FAST If you want success, you don't want to pin these badges on yourself. I hope I have been clear, and that others don't think I don't believe in God or some stupid thing. I am only talking about how to move for success of purpose, and I think we are after that. Success of our missions. Peace, and do as you will. I am only giving free advice. I am not seeking any. Thanks, Das Goravani, President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America Voice: or in America fax: 541-343-0344 > "Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna > gjlist > Thu, 3 Oct 2002 19:24:03 +0530 > "SJC" <>, "Varahamihira (AT) (DOT) " > <varahamihira>, "Vedic-Astrology (AT) (DOT) " > <vedic astrology>, "Gjlist (AT) (DOT) " > <gjlist> > [GJ] Digest Number 1040 > > This proves how much you have learnt from me. Everyone is well aware that > those good yogas will also fructify in their time just like the curse in > fructifying in its time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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