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Hot Babes and Masturbation

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I chase one and do the other.


Actually, to be honest, I have a very deep and meaningful 7 year

relationship with Bernadette, who other than being a "hot swiss babe", I

guess, well, is a woman going through deep pain about the earth's condition,

the condition of the HK movement, and her relationship with me, the man she

loves dearly, and with her ex husband, whom she cares about, and her 2

daughters, who live in 2 different countries.


She's an excellent person, who is trying hard to do what she feels is right.

I wanted more of her in the past, because I was very sick. I was sick

because of my whole life, and how I had lived it. Healing this was very

hard, and shrinks and counselors couldn't help me it seemed.


A woman, meat eater, who's been through hell, helped me, by talking directly

to me about my real life and my real issues. Her website is REJUV.ORG


Yay to Rita Hartman


She is now progressing along the lines towards vegetarianism, so we help

each other.


I no longer judge about that one, at ALL, meat eating that is. It used to

dominate my life as a front line way of judging. If you ate meat, I didn't

know you. It was that simple. Krishna put the opposite reality IN MY FACE

and I GOT IT.


By the way, a number of devotees go to her, and are benefitting.


I pray for real healing for everyone, including her, and she's been through

the ringer. I won't go into it, but don't challenge me here. She's dealt

with it, and that's why she can heal others.


We can get over these things. It's about expectations. It's about imagery,

spin, marketting, telling ourselves who we are based on our parents

realities, and not our own...


It's about getting over alot of ancient history.


It's about sticking to what is real, what is truly good, and what works for



It's about avoiding trying to manipulate others, and being totally ready and

willing to do our own work for ourselves, and pay the full price for things.


It's about not using one's own bodily purity and convictions as a weapon to

control others, and make them feel guilty for being themselvs.


It's about respecting different cultures, and realizing that we are all in

cultures actually, and they are not the same.


I am not the same as someone raised by Germans. I am raised Irish Catholic.

That is a very specific culture. Germans are different. Indians are

different. British is different from Irish. American is different. Respect

cultures. People are doing the best they can. Education, love, acceptance,

and education, education, is needed.


Hansadutta has been through alot (Laxmis/Lynns husband). This past includes

things we don't need to mention. He's not a bad man, he's just a certain

guy, and it didn't fit the HK paradigm. I'm protecting him a wee bit because

i am his old friend. We were very close, and he alone is responsible for

bringing me to so many things, including Sridhar Maharaj. I love the guy

like a father. However, he did some funny things. Lets just let those things

go. He's not under any charges of any kind at this time. That is a past



So I'm speaking out for Lynn and Hans, their children, that family. You

don't need to be attacking them. Leave them alone. Now you are getting up my

Irish. You don't want to go there. I stand in front of them and protect

them. Do not start attacking Hansadutta, Lynn, and their 3 wonderful

children. For whatever he did in the past, he apologized A TON and has done

other forms of retribution, and he should be left alone. He's not attacking

anybody. He just chants Hare Krishna alot.


Try to focus on what you really want in life. Try to stop attacking and just

do what is good for you. If other no longer want your company, then walk






Das Goravani, President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America

Voice: or in America

fax: 541-343-0344




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