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to DINAnatha-ie DEJAN -

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Dear Friends,

Ok Id like a chance to join the conversation

(If you are looking for alot of jyotish then you might want to pass on this post.)

This is just a response to the psychological catharsis/breakdown of dnd that has

spilled over into all our lives.

And since he has had his day to blow-off some steam I would like a chance to expound too!

Yogas in a chart- We all know many thugs, mafia and gang members,

rapists,murderers, drug addicts, blackmailers, hijackers, theifs, etc etc have

raja yogas in their charts! .My take on the yoga dnd quotes from Robert e-mail-

is that Robert was indirectly(or directly) conveying that you are acting like a

real low life.

Some good yogas can be totally ruined and 100% destroyed by poorly placed

malefic planets in the chart. If you only fixate on just a few placements of

benefics you can be decieved,Basic stuff.

I may not be an excellent astrologer, actually I dont even have to look at dnd

chart, but common sense tells me that someone who acts out by hijacking his

gurus web site, hurling canstant insults, that have nothing to do with the

matter at hand, and does his utmost to make a number of people unhappy-

all for the sake of his own self...is being extremely selfish. DND you are

making it clear why you shouldnt be given any responsibility or be trusted at

all because this is what you have done with the little power you do have.

...you were given the responsibilty and entrusted to manage sjvcs web site. But

when you werent given the "title" you so deperately wanted" you decided to act

out your hurt feelings very similiar to a 2year old. But now since I found out

you are capable of speaking like a full grown thug I will just tell you what I


I dont know you , you dont know me...I only exchanged a few letters with you

...After I could see that you were a very defensive and paranoid person with

easily hurt feelings, I apoligized several times for making you cry.

Though i only.asked you why you didnt know the status of the non-profit you

were supposed to be the secretary of.

(And that after telling you you could call me collect and you said that you'd

have to walk 2 blocks to a phone so you couldnt.do it and I expressed my

frustration with your talent as a "secretary")

mr. competent, You DIDNT even have a copy of the non-profit papers till recently!

By the way, I hope everyone has noticed that dnd is only speaking for himself

and NOT Sruti kirti (who is saintly)nor his good wife Kusa, whom Im sure would

be sad to see dnd using their names to malign Sanjay whom they the have the

utmost respect for!

This is what DND does when he is given a little power.Just see the malefics in

your chart DND. That conjunction of mars/sat and rahu placement says it all.

perhaps your talents of

blackmail, backstabbing, threats and 100%totally malicious activites would soot

a mobster lifestyle better.If this is what you do to your guru, and fellow

jyotish, I hate to see what YOU DO TO YOUR WIFE WHEN YOU GET MAD!!!! I guess

you cant produce children, but obviously they wouldnt be safe around a person

who is as out of control as you.! Just imagine, you did all this because your

feelings got hurt.!

If this is how you treat the innocent members(that had nothing to do with your

temper tamtrum) by Hijacking the web site and putting only your filth on it.

-yes dnd ,sanjay made a big mistake trusting you as the only webmaster.

regarding your insults and diatribe about myself.

For the record- you seem to like to bad mouth my ex-husband, who has absolutely

nothing to do with astrology,sjvc etc. But he did open up temples all over the

world, print Bhagavad-Gitas, Srimad Bhagavatams, yes dnd that vinyl BG and one

volume S.B you see was printed by Hansadutta! Srila Prabhaupada thought highly

of him, enough to keep him as a senior man. Have you noticed how many of the

"letters to Srila Prabhuapda were to Hansadutta- or maybe you havent even read

the books.?

Yes he had a breakdown and fell down of which he to this day is remorseful and

depressed about .He also has published a booklet apoligizing for his fall down

and repeatedly in public apogized to his ex-students and his Spiritual

master.And for the record he was NEVER arrested for smuggling guns drugs, etc


Yes, He was arrested for shooting at a building almost 20 years AGO.How old

were you then? TWO or Three? But the rest of your claims are based on your own

evil heartedness to try and hurt me or you just eagerly lapped up some hearsay

or gossip you heard somewhere.Like MR. MD who is foolish enough to think

whatever he reads on a search engine will tell the truth.

For example I could put on a web site that DND raped a 10 year old child, and is

evading the law.. and blast it all over the internet. DOES THAT MAKE IT TRUE????

(Well for all we know it could be) But the differnece between me and dnd is Im

not going to do that to him.(Ill just respond with a little of what he dished

out to me over the past week.) Sorry im not pure, and I have my limits how long

I want to take some you know what from mr. dnd

Regarding being a devotee: Keep in mind though that while you were a child

wearing diapers Hansadutta and Patraka,( Robert Koch) were performing REAL

austerities serving their spiritual master in whatever capacity they could-

whether it be to go to foreign countries with a few dollars in their pocket or

eating just cabbage and potatoes for days when money was tight, or getting sick

with malaria in a foreign country. You have NO clue what the real Srila

Prabhapada devotee/disciples did to serve their guru.What are you doing?

Sitting around a temple,eating mahaprasad all day, deliberatling on the raja

yogas in your chart? lately we can see that while you arent on the alter you

are trying to make a fool out of yourself, YOUR guru and everyone else.WHAT A

100% hypocrite- or maybe you havent noticed that while you are full of such

vile stuff you are STILL thinking you are on the platform of a real devotee.

Hey you already fell down in case you havent noticed!

For the record: I have never been arrested, involved with the law, etc etc. Im

not a smoker drinker or anything else..just trying to learn some jyotish and

trying to do some service for sanjay....as I deeply apprecaite all the time and

energy he has given to me over the past few years!

I DONT CLAIM to be a good devotee AND NEVER HAVE. I wont comment on your other

rantings as you will say whatever you think will make me look bad. The list of

crap a paranoid and mad person can come up with is endless.And besides, what

does it have to do with me wanting to help Sanjay?ZERO. Anyway in the spirit of

thinking like a devotee should, I accept that you are part of some bad karma of

mine that I have to tolerate you to some extent.(but i will do what is

necessary- so dont expect me to lie down and let you continue on, unabated)

Regarding my lying to get into SJVC...who are you joking? everyone knows you

just follow the links to the site and log on. Some people assume the worst and

only hear what they want to hear. This is the case here. I never lied about

anything.maybe you have wax in your ears. Did ever occur to you that maybe you

were mistaken?You seem to believe whatever soots you. I have been on the

VA,sjvc etc list for years!!!! And I never asked to be appointed I just

offered to do some service and Sanjay thought me capable.

In your other "issue" I told Narayan that you were only supposed to collect for

the web site dues, and that any other doantions were to be held off till we had

our meeting in the usa. I never said that you werent affiliated with sjvc. I

only said that you were supposed to send me the non-profit papers and that

Sanjay said he made some new appointments that you werent acknowledging

..TO this day you havent gotten the picture.! NOR, DID YOU EVER SEND THE

PAPERS.as you were insructed to do...

You are STILL obcessed with your real or imagined loss of a potential postion.

When I asked you to account for the money you collected and few other

administrative points you went inside out and decided to hate me for all your


Im not worried about people like you dnd, all that malefic stuff rots from

the inside out. Im more interested in giving my energy to someone who has been

sharing Jyotish to everyone for years till all hours of the day and night.I

feel indebted by the generosity and love that he shows by answering even the

most basic inquiry on the list from a beginner- he reaches out and

encourages.Thats what I appreciate. So dnd I hope you dont mind if I ignore

your tantrum and get back to work.

So there it is Jyotish world. If any one is interested in the conference CDs

please contact me. I have Sanjays books available too.

Tomorrows another day.Lets get on with it.

The dogs will bark but the caravan will pass.

My regards,


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hello Laxmi:


You Wrote:

"Like MR. MD who is foolish enough to think whatever he reads on a

search engine will tell the truth"


My response:

Over and over again I told you in public postings as well as a

private e-mail that if allegations made by Dina are untrue and post a

rebuttal that Dina's allegations are untrue and post the truth as



This debate has been going on for a week now and you were the

invisible person. It is not my fault that you didn't post a rebuttal

or an explanation even after I directly and specifically asked you to.


Hence, there is no need to call me foolish. You had your ample

opportunity to tell the truth and confront Dina, you didn't until

today so who was I to believe???? The one who can't post a rebuttal

or the one who posts a confident allegation? Think about it.






gjlist, "Lakshmi Kary" <laksmi_k@n...> wrote:

> Greetings!

> Dear Friends,

> Ok Id like a chance to join the conversation

> (If you are looking for alot of jyotish then you might want to pass

on this post.)

> This is just a response to the psychological catharsis/breakdown of

dnd that has spilled over into all our lives.

> And since he has had his day to blow-off some steam I would like a

chance to expound too!

> Yogas in a chart- We all know many thugs, mafia and gang members,

rapists,murderers, drug addicts, blackmailers, hijackers, theifs, etc

etc have raja yogas in their charts! .My take on the yoga dnd quotes

from Robert e-mail- is that Robert was indirectly(or directly)

conveying that you are acting like a real low life.

> Some good yogas can be totally ruined and 100% destroyed by poorly

placed malefic planets in the chart. If you only fixate on just a few

placements of benefics you can be decieved,Basic stuff.

> I may not be an excellent astrologer, actually I dont even have to

look at dnd chart, but common sense tells me that someone who acts

out by hijacking his gurus web site, hurling canstant insults, that

have nothing to do with the matter at hand, and does his utmost to

make a number of people unhappy-

> all for the sake of his own self...is being extremely selfish. DND

you are making it clear why you shouldnt be given any responsibility

or be trusted at all because this is what you have done with the

little power you do have.

> ..you were given the responsibilty and entrusted to manage sjvcs

web site. But when you werent given the "title" you so deperately

wanted" you decided to act out your hurt feelings very similiar to a

2year old. But now since I found out you are capable of speaking like

a full grown thug I will just tell you what I think!

> I dont know you , you dont know me...I only exchanged a few letters

with you ..After I could see that you were a very defensive and

paranoid person with easily hurt feelings, I apoligized several times

for making you cry.

> Though i only.asked you why you didnt know the status of the non-

profit you were supposed to be the secretary of.

> (And that after telling you you could call me collect and you said

that you'd have to walk 2 blocks to a phone so you couldnt.do it and

I expressed my frustration with your talent as a "secretary")

> mr. competent, You DIDNT even have a copy of the non-profit

papers till recently!

> By the way, I hope everyone has noticed that dnd is only speaking

for himself and NOT Sruti kirti (who is saintly)nor his good wife

Kusa, whom Im sure would be sad to see dnd using their names to

malign Sanjay whom they the have the utmost respect for!

> This is what DND does when he is given a little power.Just see the

malefics in your chart DND. That conjunction of mars/sat and rahu

placement says it all. perhaps your talents of

> blackmail, backstabbing, threats and 100%totally malicious

activites would soot a mobster lifestyle better.If this is what you

do to your guru, and fellow jyotish, I hate to see what YOU DO TO

YOUR WIFE WHEN YOU GET MAD!!!! I guess you cant produce children,

but obviously they wouldnt be safe around a person who is as out of

control as you.! Just imagine, you did all this because your feelings

got hurt.!

> If this is how you treat the innocent members(that had nothing to

do with your temper tamtrum) by Hijacking the web site and putting

only your filth on it.

> -yes dnd ,sanjay made a big mistake trusting you as the only


> regarding your insults and diatribe about myself.

> For the record- you seem to like to bad mouth my ex-husband, who

has absolutely nothing to do with astrology,sjvc etc. But he did open

up temples all over the world, print Bhagavad-Gitas, Srimad

Bhagavatams, yes dnd that vinyl BG and one volume S.B you see was

printed by Hansadutta! Srila Prabhaupada thought highly of him,

enough to keep him as a senior man. Have you noticed how many of

the "letters to Srila Prabhuapda were to Hansadutta- or maybe you

havent even read the books.?

> Yes he had a breakdown and fell down of which he to this day is

remorseful and depressed about .He also has published a booklet

apoligizing for his fall down and repeatedly in public apogized to

his ex-students and his Spiritual master.And for the record he was

NEVER arrested for smuggling guns drugs, etc etc.

> Yes, He was arrested for shooting at a building almost 20 years

AGO.How old were you then? TWO or Three? But the rest of your claims

are based on your own evil heartedness to try and hurt me or you just

eagerly lapped up some hearsay or gossip you heard somewhere.Like MR.

MD who is foolish enough to think whatever he reads on a search

engine will tell the truth.

> For example I could put on a web site that DND raped a 10 year old

child, and is evading the law.. and blast it all over the internet.

DOES THAT MAKE IT TRUE???? (Well for all we know it could be) But the

differnece between me and dnd is Im not going to do that to him.(Ill

just respond with a little of what he dished out to me over the past

week.) Sorry im not pure, and I have my limits how long I want to

take some you know what from mr. dnd

> Regarding being a devotee: Keep in mind though that while you were

a child wearing diapers Hansadutta and Patraka,( Robert Koch) were

performing REAL austerities serving their spiritual master in

whatever capacity they could- whether it be to go to foreign

countries with a few dollars in their pocket or eating just cabbage

and potatoes for days when money was tight, or getting sick with

malaria in a foreign country. You have NO clue what the real Srila

Prabhapada devotee/disciples did to serve their guru.What are you

doing? Sitting around a temple,eating mahaprasad all day,

deliberatling on the raja yogas in your chart? lately we can see that

while you arent on the alter you are trying to make a fool out of

yourself, YOUR guru and everyone else.WHAT A 100% hypocrite- or maybe

you havent noticed that while you are full of such vile stuff you are

STILL thinking you are on the platform of a real devotee. Hey you

already fell down in case you havent noticed!

> For the record: I have never been arrested, involved with the law,

etc etc. Im not a smoker drinker or anything else..just trying to

learn some jyotish and trying to do some service for sanjay....as I

deeply apprecaite all the time and energy he has given to me over the

past few years!

> I DONT CLAIM to be a good devotee AND NEVER HAVE. I wont comment on

your other rantings as you will say whatever you think will make me

look bad. The list of crap a paranoid and mad person can come up

with is endless.And besides, what does it have to do with me wanting

to help Sanjay?ZERO. Anyway in the spirit of thinking like a devotee

should, I accept that you are part of some bad karma of mine that I

have to tolerate you to some extent.(but i will do what is necessary-

so dont expect me to lie down and let you continue on, unabated)

> Regarding my lying to get into SJVC...who are you joking? everyone

knows you just follow the links to the site and log on. Some people

assume the worst and only hear what they want to hear. This is the

case here. I never lied about anything.maybe you have wax in your

ears. Did ever occur to you that maybe you were mistaken?You seem to

believe whatever soots you. I have been on the VA,sjvc etc list for

years!!!! And I never asked to be appointed I just offered to do some

service and Sanjay thought me capable.

> In your other "issue" I told Narayan that you were only supposed to

collect for the web site dues, and that any other doantions were to

be held off till we had our meeting in the usa. I never said that you

werent affiliated with sjvc. I only said that you were supposed to

send me the non-profit papers and that Sanjay said he made some new

appointments that you werent acknowledging

> .TO this day you havent gotten the picture.! NOR, DID YOU EVER

SEND THE PAPERS.as you were insructed to do...

> You are STILL obcessed with your real or imagined loss of a

potential postion.

> When I asked you to account for the money you collected and few

other administrative points you went inside out and decided to hate

me for all your worth!WHAT ARE YOU HIDING???

> Im not worried about people like you dnd, all that malefic stuff

rots from the inside out. Im more interested in giving my energy to

someone who has been sharing Jyotish to everyone for years till all

hours of the day and night.I feel indebted by the generosity and love

that he shows by answering even the most basic inquiry on the list

from a beginner- he reaches out and encourages.Thats what I

appreciate. So dnd I hope you dont mind if I ignore your tantrum and

get back to work.

> So there it is Jyotish world. If any one is interested in the

conference CDs please contact me. I have Sanjays books available too.

> Tomorrows another day.Lets get on with it.

> The dogs will bark but the caravan will pass.

> My regards,

> Lakshmi

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