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We face sorrow over the conditions in our societies on Earth. Surely. There

is so much suffering, and war is the height of suffering. We're all saddened

by things like 911, and the potential for war looms, and is happening



The past president of the US was not wise enought to forgo base sexual

pleasures, and brought infamy on himself and pain to a young girl, and who

knows how many others.


When we do not deal with our spiritual inadequacies, they lead to things

like inappropriate sex, which leads to more suffering.


We are all spiritually weak, sick really, and this leads to more of the

past, more suffering, more hatred and grief.


The only way to end suffering is to end it in ourselves. Our civic leaders,

past and present, are examples of ourselves, and the signs are not good. The

signs are very bad.


We can rationalize, saying that "it must be this way", while in our minds we

see that their are limitations that prevent us from being full of light and



The fact is however, there is light and goodness, there is spirituality

greatly possible at this time.


Unfortunately, civic leaders tend to represent the masses, or the lower

denominators in our societies, and watching them, following them, supporting

them and mimicking them, only leads to more of the past, which is pain and

war, amongst other things. The pace is very slow in the mud.


This list is about a higher octave, or seeing God everywhere literally, by

seeing the Universal laws, Gods laws, in action around us everywhere.


We are potentially of great import on Earth, great impact, great effect,

positive effect. Jyotish, the science of light, can show us so much, if we

allow it to. It is also coming from a cultural and scriptural background

which is so encouraging of all things that are good amongst us, which

includes personal sacrifice in the direction of spiritual light.


We are spirits, in a material realm, and the nature of matter is to drag us

down into compromises which darken the light of the soul. This is one of the

great lessons of Jyotish, that there are factors which tempt all of us

towards darkness, constantly.


In the past, our ancestors, all of us, had less options than we do now.

Limitations on the humans in the past forced them to do things which we are

no longer forced to do.


if we want to, we can choose to move on from those positions to situations

which are better, more full of joy, purity, truth, abundance, spirituality,

love, Godliness, and so on.


Leaders who are not aware, who remain strapped to pillars of ignorance, old

belief systems born in the pains of the past, only hold us back. Following

and supporting them holds back our growth. They are fossils, spiritually



The spirituality of the past is not that of the present. We have the mandate

to move on, to evolve, to find the higher ground. We can have a world filled

with knowledge, love, teaching, spirit, and so on, but we have to be that

way ourselves, more and more, in order to show it, find it, lead others to

it, and so on.


There are entire lands, cultures, races, which are challenged and face

intensely pushing forces of privation. This is a problem, and it leads to

war. True.


But we can be, many of us, these days, much better than that, and those of

us with the opportunity to be more spiritual, should be so, and show the

way, for others. Sacrifice is where we will find our spiritual grace,

sacrificing by holding the lamp of knowledge and truth as high as possible,

so that as many as possible will benefit.


We are an evolving species, mainly in consciousness, which then externally

manifests gradually.


I have lived my life in pursuit of spiritual truth. I am and have always

been working to find the light for myself, and to show what I find to

others. I find it hard to find REALLY positive associates in this regard. We

are all weak, and often do nothing more than encourage each others painful

avoidance of the divine truth. I am weak, and need support, as do all on the



The path is hard, because their are few guides, few masters, on the path.

The world is full of the darkness which comes from compromised thinking, and

it makes it hard for the spiritual to feel any love or comfort. So we often

go backwards, downwards, back to supposedly comfortable posts where we once

felt comfort. This is not the way.


To march on in strength is difficult, but it must be done, otherwise we will

die here, in this bad place, full of compromise which makes our souls feel

alone, depleted, abandoned, and very very sad.


There is no point in standing around rationalizing the wars that grow from

ignorance and wrong usage of life and resources. There is no good point. It

is only misuse of our compassion and understanding.


I am trying so hard personally, to stay standing, to stay up in spirit, to

strive towards better mental, emotional and spiritual places. I find LITTLE

support in my world, and few who are strong and good through and through.

Perhaps I find none. It is very scary.


This list could be a much better society. We could make it better, if we

turn to purity, light, goodness, share that, and encourage each other in



To banter about whether George Bush is a good man or not is a big waste of

time. It's clear he is a very average man at best. Perhaps he is courageous,

but towards what? Surely presidents, soldiers, politicians at a high level,

are very courageous people in many ways. Surely. They are gutsy, and they

give alot of themselves, in a way. Yes.


However, it is not in the ways that they are heading where will find what we

really need.


By the way, there is a book out now, a LANDMARK in human evolution, called

"Sick and Tired", which firmly establishes the vegetarian/vegan diet as the

most scientifically and factually healthy one. It CLEARLY shows that any

other way leads to disease. Buy it. It's so worth the $20. It can save you

from all kinds of diseases. It's a perfect example of our evolution, and how

spirit can be supported by material choices and actions. It's an EXCELLENT



As an exerpt from it, I'll tell you one thing it says: Anthony Robbins, the

famous personal motivational speaker in America, was sent a young boy from

the "Make a wish" foundation, which tries to give dieing children their

special wish. One kid wanted to meet Anthony Robbins.


So the kid met him. This kid would break his rib if he coughed, his bones

were so weak and brittle. He was definitely dieing. Anthony sent him to the

doctor who wrote the above book. Now the diagnosis is not at all "death",

and the kid is able to lift weights. There are many such turnarounds talked

about in the book. It's extremely real. Many people gave up diseases

completely. Even HIV and AIDS.


And the book is backed by multiple ancient scriptures, including the Bible.


We have now the opportunity to fulfill our evolving nature, to move beyond

past contraints, such as the need for eating meat, and the need for war. We

have to learn, be open, grow, practice, and encourage such positive things.


We all know that the US has bigger and more bombs, and more willingness to

guide the world to over-consumption than any other country. Big deal.


Let's move on to Spirit.


In Spirit, and needy of your encouragement, in your real committed actions,

not just words.


Your brother in spirit,


Das Goravani

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