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Surrender verse Desire

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You say that our charts are fixed from the birthtime. Yes but cannot God change

our path from the birthchart? what do you think?


I cannot say for sure that God, the Almightly power, cannot change our karma,

our charts, our lives. I cannot say that he cannot. That would be crazy of me.

However, in trying to get over and beyond, past, suffering, which I've had much

of, I have looked deeply into my heart and into Hindu philosophy, and other

thoughts, as to what is up, what is going on, how does life work, what is

prayer, what is devotion to God, what is going on inside me, and what is the

highest possible and best way of thinking, so that suffering is minimized

inside myself.

Firstly, I want to point out that our birth charts are fixed factually,

according to astrology. I am not saying our karma is fixed, I'm saying our

birth charts are. Just a plain fact- that the numbers and symbols, placements,

everything, about our birth charts will always come out of the printer, exactly

the same. This you know. The chart itself is fixed. The shad balas, vargas, all

matters of the chart, will always be as they are now. Fixed.

So you mean: "Cannot our reality change, our experience, what we feel and think,

and therefore our happiness and distress- can't that change?"

The answer is yes. We know that sometimes we are happy and spiritually thinking,

and sometimes we are fearful and not happy.

This does not have to represent God changing our karma.

The Vedic chart, when we read it, is mainly made of 3 components, the birth

Chart in it's wholenss or entirety, and then the dashas, and the transits.

The dashas and transits are constantly changing. The dashas, at 5 levels, change

just about every day.

The transits are NEVER the same in our lives, and are constantly changing.

So, I don't think God has to change the birthchart.

Like, you are always female, and you will always be in the same body in this

life. So think of that as the birth chart. That part is fixed.

But the dashas unfold what parts of your chart are currently expressing

themselves or ruling, and this constantly changes, and will never in your life

be the same twice.

The transits, think of this as God's will for the Earth at any time, are always

changing, and they too represent an unfoldment upon all of us, but each of us,

according to our birth chart, takes it variously. If the transits give an

Earthquake in one place, then for some it is just a sad news story, and for

others it is death itself, or loss of a house, or a car, so it depends.

With dashas and transits constantly changing, so our lives are changing

constantly. They are already changing constantly, according to Gods plan of

unfoldment and progress, represented by the dashas and transits.

So in Jyotish, there is already a science to the change of our lives. We don't

really need to add another element of change saying that there is Divine


To say that God can change our karma is one thing, to say it is one thing, but

think about what that implies. It implies that something is not quite right

previously, and requires change. God made a mistake, and now that we are

asking, he is going to make a change for us.

This implies

We know better than him

Or that we want something different than his plan previously put in place

That something is wrong or broken to begin with

This alone is "wrong prayer" in my opinion, and amounts to asking God for

"something". Praying for "something" is a type of desire or longing, which will

in itself cause pain. When we want something outside of what is already going

on, that is a type of going against God's will already, and is the source of

anxiety in itself. "I want God to change my life", is a type of unfulfilled

wish. As soon as something changes, then we want something more, something yet

different again.

Hinduism teaches, and I believe it to be true, that "saranagati/surrender" is

the way, not desireing endlessly.

Like I am currently in a place in life which is like this:

I have all the tools I need, including body, mind, computers, everything

To do my holy work (I consider it holy, but whatever)

Yet I don't have any companions ever

I am always alone

So I long for company especially a wife, a companion full time more or less

But I know, that if I stay in peace in my mind, surrender to my conditions, then

I can be peaceful. So long as I desire something, anything, other than what

comes easily of it's own way, then I won't be peaceful. The desire alone is an

agitation that will make me unhappy.

Because I am a little unhappy, therefore I either smoke, or overeat, or

something. Everyone is like this. Because they are not peaceful inside

themselves, therefore they do some nonsense to make up for the lack they feel

inside, most people overeat and get fat, or eat garbage and get sickly, or

smoke and get sickly, or something.

If I would surrender, and be peaceful inside, happy with what is, and just sit

peacefully in my home, in my lonliness so to speak, accept it, be with God in

my mind, do my work at a gradual pace, then I would be peaceful. It's the

wanting that makes me unhappy.

If we want God to change our lives, we engage in waiting, wanting, hoping.

Eventually transits and dashas shift enough to where things change. Was it God

changing our karma? Yes. It was. Was it something outside of his previous

plans put in place by chart, dashas, and transits, probably not. God already

has "change" packed into the earlier plan. There is an unfoldment going on.

It's the unfoldment that we wish would "hurry up" really.

When one is in Jupiter dasha, and it is a good Jupiter, then life is easier and

nicer. Then one comes to Saturn, and things get harder. This is God's plan for

us too. He wants to teach us to be more simple, be able to accept better, and

so on. The bad is also God's plan, and his change, for us to learn from.

Are people already perfect? No. Many are very NOT perfect. Do they need

lessons? Yes. Who is planning and teaching them these lessons? God is. He

has it all planned already. That is the chart, unfolding through the dashas.

So we are always, already, inside a perfect world, and inside God, perfectly,

but we refuse to see it, because we cannot yet see it, because he is not done

training us. This is the truth.

We are "works in progress". We are gods children, in school. We are not yet

done with school.

Prisoners in maximum security prisons go crazy unless they read all the time.

They have to use their minds to have their pleasure. They become excellent at

law and other reading. This is normal in those prisons. They have to do this or

they really go crazy just being in little boxes all day long. They excercise

their bodies, read, write, and think. They have to, or they go crazy.

So it is with us. We have to use our agitated fidgety minds and bodies in simple

things, or we go crazy.

I literally have no life outside my box. I don't have to go anywhere at all,

because I make my living sitting in my living room. So I've been in my space

for years now. I have not gone anywhere. Nothing in society attracts me at all.

Not bars, movies, restaurants, parks, public events, NOTHING attracts me. If I'm

honest, the only thing I want to do is perfect my devotion, because nothing else

remains. The only thing I want is somebody else to be with, and in that way I

won't be lonely, and I'll enjoy sex life, but God doesn't send me this person.

I make some endevours, by being a bit known, through Jyotish list, through a

few endevours now and then to meet good people, say at a special conference or

something going on in town, occasionally there are old relationships causing me

to meet new people, invited over for a dinner, or something, but no woman who is

right for me ever comes forward. God wants me to be alone, it seems. As he sent

you Karve to meet, so also he can restrict and not send.

So the truth to happiness for me, is to surrender, to learn to not cry, and just

be peaceful, to learn to not complain, and be peaceful.

That woman you mention who is always alone, yes, I remember her clearly but am

bad with names, and you know who I mean, so anyway, imagine if instead of being

sad, she went higher into yoga, and learned how to make it useful for others,

and was not sad, but was always full of the knowledge of God, so that when you

went to her, she was like an ocean of hope for everyone else, always happy,

though alone. She is getting near to God, obviously not interested in being a

part of society, or she would be, and she wouldn't be lonely, so she is getting

close, but like I was, she is complaining about it, rather than getting perfect

at it.

So surrender is required for happiness. Not desiring. Surrender.

So I think to want God to change our karma is a part of being unhappy, and

staying in the same place emotionally. I think he wants otherwise. I think

another way of thinking is better.

If I meditate on wanting a change, that means I remain open, I am keeping mental

doors open, to still wanting and hoping, and this alone interferes with the

surrender process. Only in total surrender do I, or does anyone, find total

peace. Not in keeping some desire open and lively in our minds.

With what we currently have, body, time, residence, surroundings, work, objects

already owned, and so on, things without addition or without great endevour to

acquir, we have to learn to be happy. Imagine, how were people in older times

at all happy? Or how can a villager in India be happy? They have to be happy

with simple things, very simple things. It is possible. They are doing it. In

our modern socieities we get over stimulated and full of complex desires, and

then suffer mentally from it.

My opinion is that God does not change karma, doesn't change the lesson plan,

because it's already perfect, and no amount of crazy hoping on our parts is

enough reason for him to change his already good plans, and to me the proof of

this is the continuation constantly of harsh lessons upon us all, like war,

like disease, death, and so on. But I didn't need to say that. Perfectly clear

philosophically I believe I already said what needed to be said.

I really want to work, and really want to produce good things to enlighten,

help, and so when I cannot sit and work, I want to be able to just do yoga,

pray, rest, take walks, cook, simple things. That's how I live, and only in

being peaceful in that can I ever be peaceful, for when I desire, it's very

strong in me, and drives me to frustrated tears, which are full of woe, sorrow,

pain, and ultimately delusion, which is very painful, and can make you really


I believe this is the lesson for me and many. God wants us to learn to be simple

and satisfied, humble, peaceful, and able to live alone, or wherever and however

we live, whomsoever we are blessed or not blessed to live with, then, I think he

wants us to be saintly, regardless, dhira/sober, shanta/peaceful, and so on.

Of course, these are my thoughs, which could possibly contain errors of reason and other mistakes.

Peace to you friend,

Das Goravani, President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America

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fax: 541-343-0344

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