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Thoughts on Drama, Service and Karma

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This world is all a fleeting show,

For man's illusion given;

The smiles of joy, the tears of woe,

Deceitful shine, deceitful flow,

There's nothing true but Heaven.

Thomas Moore (1779-1852)

Irish Poet



I saw this on Curtis Burns newsletter he sent to me. I agree with it fully.


I went through years of woe, which followed years of joy, and now to avoid

the woe, I realize you can't engage in the highs or lows, you can only do

one thing, stay steady on the Heaven Bound Path.


It's bound for heaven, or "going that way", and it's bound to heaven in that

it's tied, bound, to that wavelength, that consciousness, for it's very



I'm reminded of a movie about Silicon Valley type intrigues, which starred

Mike Douglas and Demi Moore, wherein there was a repeated key line: "Solve

the Problem".


The problem is engagement. We have to be engaged in Divine Service. This

"solves the problem".


"The Devil makes work for idle hands" is an appropriate truth. It can be

extended to include "An idle mind is the devils workshop".


Since few of us believe in a real devil persona running around, it can be

changed to:


"The drama of delusion with lots of pain following it flows from a mind

which is not engaged in divine thoughts and fulfilling that service call,

and you should be busy with good works, with your body (hands) or something

evil is going to flow forth from the idleness"


Interestingly, not surprisingly, Hinduism, at least the Vaisnava sect of

Caitanya, teaches that one should have all working senses, including mind,

hands, tongue, legs, everything... engaged in the service of Krishna,

otherwise, evil will come. It specifically lists: Cook for Krishna, taste

the food's then offered to Krishna first, walk to the temple, bow the head

to the floor, look at the deity with the eyes, remember Krishna with the

mind, talk about Krishna and chant his name with the tongue, etc etc.


I am personally finding that this is again my solution to my problems.


I have not seen a better set of descriptions of why life exists, and what is

the purpose of it, and what is astrology, what is karma, than that which

exists within Vaisnava scriptures, and therefore within my own reflections

of this in my writings on my website, as too I find the same thing more or

less in other theistic surrendered religions and authors words, like the

quote above. Only in this mood, of surrender to Divinity, in many forms and

religions, do I find "truth" at all.


In depression, I was hoping to find leaders, comrades, to save me, to uplift

me, but in the end I came back to: "Solve the problem", which essentially

became "engage in God's service, again", MYSELF.


When I was depressed, I always thought of what I didn't have, and other

woes. I notice that depression causes one to be woeful, mournful, sad, and

basically wanting... wanting things to be different, which is desire after



I have come instead to willingness to accept, humility towards the idea of

"SERVE NOW" (with some strength it has to be yelled by the mind back into

the mind), and this makes the darkness vanish, gives purpose, gives a

direction, gives a plan, a path, a home, a destination, and a way of

understanding what's going on here that really works.


I have never heard anyone explain, ever, a complete and rational reasoning

as to why we are here, what we should be doing, and so on, WITHOUT using GOD

as the center of the explanation.


When I realize that I am an eternal soul who is capable SINGLY of doing

God's works, or rather, my service to God, here and now in my life now, and

reflecting this idea and mode of life and thought to others myself, then it

becomes meaningless to blame or even care about the actions of others. This

is very relieving of drama. It removes drama. Others become just others, and

what they do or don't do, for themselves, the world or you, becomes just

their business, and their own source of exaltation or horrible pain.


If anyone dislikes these writings of mine, I'm sorry. Really. However, many

like them, and I feel need them, and this is my service, or part of it. Many

write to me in depression now. I write back publicly to save my fingers,

knowing too that others are reading who have not written to me.


I read in Master Chunyi Lin's words similar thoughts on depression (Chi Gung



I was at first hurt- "How can they, when I am so sad, talk to me like



Now that I am not so sad, and crying out sincerely to Krishna again, I

realize what was up with their healthy words and advice. I get it again.


When you are sick, you cannot hear the medicine, because it does counter the

base problem in your mindset. You have lost the flow of surrender and

humility. This is the key. You have lost taste for humility, when you are

depressed. You gluttoned in some way, and have lost site of the shore of

healthy balance. It can come back when you crawl to it desperately for your

life, as happened with me, alone. Or it can happen another way, hopefully,

the former being just shy of suicide, the last ditch effort to retain mortal

life. Going sooner is a good idea.


Associating with surrendered persons who engage you in service is a good

idea. By starting your hands working, by hearing the words of those who are

mentally healthy and engaged in god's positive works, you will regain your

life. This is possible in many places, temples, charity places, so many

places, with so many types of spiritual leaders.


A woman who I never would have dreamed of being "my salvation" came up to me

in my most desperate hour, when darkness which enveloped me for years had me

as usual completely down, and I mean completely... she simply said "You are

enternal, you are a light being, you are a soul, you can be joyful now, you

have work to do, you agreed to come here and help, you can suffer or you can

accept God's service and get on with it"... and so on. And she meant it.


She had suffered, and found her way back to this way of thinking, and now

she shares it with whomsoever will hear it. She saved me, and she's not at

all a Hare Krishna devotee, though she loves hearing about it from me. I

help her too now. If anyone really wants to be helped, she's available in

Eugene, at her clinic. I can and will gladly recommend her to anyone of you

who wishes various healing things to be done with you, for you, around you.

You could come here if you can, and spend some times taking advantage of the

services they (it's staffed widely) offer there, which are many types of

services, all at aimed at fulfilling her "mind spa" idea of what her place

is, but she's the center, and kineseology (subconscious mind revealing

through muscle testing with questions) her technique. You'd have to have

some money, and the ability to travel and stay a bit, and I realize this is

completely prohibitive to most. I'm sorry. I still wanted to put it out

there. Maybe it will be for one person the thing.


This is written simply as sanga, hari katha, god talk, sharing the lord,

praising Jesus, praising the path to Allah and Yahweh, call it what you may.

This is posted as positive sharing. I have no plan of gain here, so I beg

detractors to not hate it, not stop me, etc. Please. It's for those for whom

it may help. Those of us who can, who will, to talk, about such positive

spiritual things, are doing service by doing so.


I thank Curtis for inspiring me this morning. I praise you all for your

spirits and goodness. God be praised. Hare Krishna (the phrase I'm used to,

substitute your own if you have other)


das goravani

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