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Marriage Compatibility (for Mohini)

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There are sufficient information in your charts to

justify marriage. The next question is to determine

if you are in love with him, or vice versa. You

yourself can answer this question very easily.


The next rule to follow is to "take the path of least

resistance". That is, if circumstances between the

two of you are easily achieved, then this is a good

indication that you should get married.


Lastly, if you are still in doubt, consult a respected

and experienced jyotishi who can explain the

intricacies of computing the kutas for you.




John R.


P.S. For sade-sati, you can wear a steel ring on your

right middle finger. Also, you should consult a

pundit who can perform yagyas for you to avert any

potential difficulties that can arise during this

period. Finally, you can embark on an effective

meditation program to help you gain the support of






--- "Dr.Ashvin Ratilal" <ashvin wrote:

> Dear Georgette Young Liebhaber and John Rasonabe,


> Thanks for the help.


> Note:Worked from: Goravani Jyotish Ver 2.26.

> 1.Kuta Points is 8 out of possible 36.

> 2.Also note I am running SADHESATI.


> Is it wise to marry Sudesh?What are the REMEDIES?


> With Regards,

> Mohini



> -

> "Georgette Young Liebhaber"

> <georgetteyoung

> <gjlist>

> Tuesday, November 19, 2002 9:08 AM

> Re: [GJ] Marriage Compatibility



> > I measured the kuta points; they were 18 out of a

> possible 36. (more on

> > this later...)

> >

> > The good news is that of the three major

> blemishes, the Vedha-Obstruction

> > and the Rajju are not present.

> >

> > However, what could be troublesome was that there

> was no Strii-Diirgha

> > matching. Either was there a Rasi which can give

> some trouble same as not

> > having Strii-Diirgha, Having a Rasi can cancel

> Strii-Diirgha. And, there

> > is no Rasi here.

> >

> > Ernst Wilhelm so eloquently defines a

> Strii-Diirgha as,...

> >

> > " This means that the distance from the woman's

> Moon to the man's is not

> > far enough; the shortest distance is from the

> woman's Moon to the man's.

> > This causes the creative energy in the

> relationship to flow from the

> > receptively centered female to the action and

> initiative centered

> > male. Masculine energy and, therefore, most men

> feel most loved when their

> > thoughts and actions are respected. Feminine

> energy and, therefore, most

> > women feel most loved when their feelings are

> respected and they are loved

> > for themselves, rather than for what they do.

> Since Strii-Diirgha is

> > present the energy tends to flow from the woman to

> the man, causing her to

> > initiate more of what happens in the relationship.

> This causes the woman to

> > wonder and question if the man is really there for

> her; if he thinks of her

> > and loves her, since she is doing more, investing

> more, etc. in the

> > relationship. She generally finds it more

> difficult, therefore, to feel

> > secure in the relationship. The man, in fact,

> usually does think of her,

> > but before he is ready to begin or initiate

> something, it is already

> > getting too late for her and by then she feels

> like she has to get things

> > moving. She also does not have the opportunity to

> be cherished and loved

> > for herself, since she is more often thrown into

> the active, doing role in

> > the relationship. The man also suffers as a result

> of Strii-Diirgha not

> > being present. Since the creative energy tends to

> flow from the woman to

> > the man, he has little opportunity to have his

> actions and thoughts

> > respected, resulting in him not feeling loved.

> Before he has finished a

> > thought or initiated an action, the woman most

> likely has already done so

> > or, if not, she has already asked him to do it. If

> she has already done so,

> > then there is no room for him to be appreciated

> for what he may do for the

> > woman. And worse, if she always asks him to do

> stuff, then he begins to

> > feel pressured or nagged.

> >

> > Feminine energy bonds when it receives, masculine

> energy bonds when it

> > gives. (When a woman receives a gift from a man,

> she feels, "He loves me."

> > When a man receives a gift from a woman, he

> thinks, "Great, I don't have to

> > spend my time shopping for underwear, etc." and

> then he may think, "How

> > nice/sweet of her." Only occasionally will he

> think, "Wow! She loves me.")

> > Therefore, when Strii-Diirgha is not present and

> the energy flows from the

> > woman to the man and the woman is put into the

> more active, doing, giving

> > role and the man into the more receptive role,

> neither person bonds fully

> > to the other. However, feminine energy bonds

> stronger sexually than does

> > masculine energy, so after having sex the woman

> ends up being more bonded

> > to the man than he is to her. Strii-Diirgha not

> being present has not

> > allowed the man the opportunity to invest in

> giving the necessary time,

> > energy, money, thoughts, etc. into the

> relationship that would bond him to

> > the woman. The result is that eventually the woman

> is more bonded to the

> > man than he is to her and so even though she may

> do everything for him, he

> > will eventually leave her. That is why this

> matching is called

> > Strii-Diirgha- length of wife, if it is not

> present the relationship does

> > not last long and the woman suffers most because

> she ends up being the more

> > bonded of the pair. If, on the other hand, the

> relationship does last

> > longer, then the woman usually ends up drained

> from all her doing, until

> > finally she has to leave. The lack of her being

> cherished and not receiving

> > has not recharged her.

> >

> > As can be seen, Strii-Diirgha not being present

> can create a host of

> > problems. It is, in fact, one of the main reasons

> that relationship fail

> > after time. Fortunately the worst effects of

> Strii-Diirgha are avoided and

> > the relationship becomes possible if Rasi Kuta is

> met.

> >

> > Since the communication between the two

> hemispheres of the brain in a

> > woman's brain is much faster than that in a man's,

> a woman has a lower

> > capacity to do something she has planned when she

> no longer feels like it

> > than does the man, since her emotions can so

> suddenly override the

> > rational, determined side of her brain. Therefore,

> in times of duress in

> > the relationship, since Strii-Diirgha is not

> present, the woman, who may be

> > emotionally sick of the relationship at the

> moment, is forced into the role

> > of deciding what to do with the relationship. At

> that moment, her emotions

> > having a high capacity to overrun the emotional

> side of her brain can cause

> > her to forget about the good the relationship has

> given and any commitment

> > made, she can only feel that the relationship is

> perhaps not meant to be.

> > So she goes to the man and says, "I don't think we

> should be together." The

> > man replies, "maybe you are right," because the

> lack of Strii-Diirgha has

> > not allowed him to organize his thoughts and

> decide how to handle this

> > problem, and he doesn't want to risk infuriating

> or hurting the woman more

> > by arguing at that moment. This reply usually

> makes the woman feel worse,

> > because what she really needs to hear is, "We have

> a pretty good

> > relationship and love each other, we can work this

> little problem out,

> > etc." Not hearing this, she does not feel secure

> in the relationship, and

> > even if they do get back together in a few days or

> few weeks time, the

> > foundation of security has been weakened.

> >

> > Since the communication between the two

> hemispheres of the brain in a man's

> > brain is much slower than that in a woman's, a man

> has a lower capacity to

> > do take in something new when he is already

> engaged with something else and

> > see how he honestly feels about it. Therefore,

> since Strii-Diirgha is not

> > present and the energy in the relationship flows

> from the man to the woman,

> > the woman may often come to the man and propose

> something

=== message truncated ===





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