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SJC Controversy : Sanjay's reply to Gauranga

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Sanjay Rath


Cc: Vrinda (AT) aol (DOT) com

Friday, December 27, 2002 8:39 PM

RE: [Vedavyasa] A letter to Sanjay



~om sri gurave namah~

Dear Gauranga & Visti,

Sri Jagannatha Jayate. You have asked some valid questions. Unfortunately,

Sri Jagannath wished that this washing of linen be done in this forum, so

instead of waiting for my letter you have written here, or maybe you did not

get my personal e-mail address. However, I am calm and know that your

intention is good. So, I will reply. Another thing - I have been observing

how you are directing your shisya to send money to me as Dakshina, and not

to SJC/Sarbani. Be sure that I will not accept this from everyone. In one

case of Swee Chan I took the dakshina and not because you told her or

something like that, but because the prasna and nimitta were right for me to

accept. So, please understand that I do not THINK like all other people. I

have been taught to think differently.


Visti, your reaction at the indignition has been natural. You are very

young. Remember my recent posting about my Drig dasa. Well this farce and

doubts of Rahu will continue and you cannot do anything about it. You will

have to wait for the time to change or alternatively say 'Om sri

vyankateshaaya namah'.


My comments are given below.

Best regards,

Sanjay Rath

PS. Kusa Devi, please see the point No.11 where your name has been

mentioned. Can you tell me as to what is going on? If you want that I should

have nothing to do with ISKCON, please be kind enough to just tell me.


Sri Jagannath Center, 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi

110091, Tel: 91-11-2713201, Web: http://.org http://srath.com


Gauranga Das [gauranga]

Friday, December 27, 2002 3:00 PM


[Vedavyasa] A letter to Sanjay



Dear Gurudeva Sanjayji,




I'm writing this email while Lagna is in Cpricorn and it holds 9th lord

Mercury, as well as 9th having Moon and Guru is exalted but retrograde in

the 7th house. Eversince Dinanath posted those emails about you and I

visited the Hyderabad conference I was wondering whether everything was OK

with my being your Joytish shishya and you being my Jyotish Guru or you

being a Jyotish Guru at all.


I would like to say that I'm well wishing towards you and all your past and

present shishyas, btu I would like to clarify my doubts finally. I wanted to

do it in a priuvate letter to you but since you didn't give an email address

that you read over there in Puri. I resort to this list of Gurus because I

hope they are also interested to see clear in these issues.


Ath the time fo Dinanath's attack on you I felt his rage, so I chose not to

get involved. I was in no financial transaction with you so far, so I was

not so much concerned with money matters, I just wanted your reputation to

be unblemished (which means that I was convinced that you were not involved

in any cheating and thus it was not correct to blame you). I alsodid not

object against Swee offering you donations and I also had the intention to

collect some funds for you myself. I feel obliged to you for the knolwedge

that you have given me, and this debt is there. But My first concern is to

make this relationship very clear and transparent, free from any doubts, and

I hope in this spirit I can be very honest with you. Therefore I would like

to sak you to address my doubts listed herewith. I can verify these things

in other ways also, if I would still doubt your answers but I start out with

the presumption that all you have said to me so far or will say here is

truth. We could at least expect this from a Jyotish Guru.

[Rath:] Dear Gauranga. I have some of the answers to these questions in the

web site. I wonder whether you wished to read them or asking these to

satisfy yoourself or someone else. Further, I am aware of your doubts and

the reasons are many because you are not aware of what happens in India, how

the new age following independance has done more harm than what the British

had done in 200 years of their rule.


1. Who is your diksha-guru and which mantras have you received from him?

[Rath:] Diksha is of the Gayatri mantra which was received along with my

brother. I received it from Pt.Kasinath Rath, my paternal uncle whereas my

brother received the mantra from my maternal grandfather Sri K.C.Tripathi.

You can read about this in the web site. The other mantra are Siksha mantra.

Why are you asking this now? You should have asked this when you were

starting to learn.

I am yet to receive the Mahamantra diksha which could come when the Pisces

Drig dasa begins and Vishnu comes to my Lagna (head).


2. Who is your Jyotish Guru and what is hsi lineage back to the Maharishis?

[Rath:] None of us can trace the lineage beyond Sri Achyuta Dasa and have

faith in the fact that he was the Sisya of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu being

one of the Pancha Sakha. He established many Gaddi's and had 12 principle

disciples. All Jyotish in Orissa is traced to him alone. My Grandfather was

the Jyotish ratna of Orissa. The Upadhipatra hangs in the entrance of my

house. Why are you asking this now? You should have asked this when you were

starting to learn.


3. Where is Sri Achyuta Das manetioned in any Vaishnava literature? The

information on web says that his followers advocate puja of demigods like

Durga etc. and have no sadhana which is unlikely for any authentic Vaishnava

parampara or associate of Sri Caitanya. I have heard you several times

claiming that you are trying to be a Vaishnava and follower of Sri Caitanya.

[Rath:] It is sad that you have access to that literature published in

english only. Why don't you ask some of your ISKCON people to translate the

works of the Pancha Saksha into other languages. Orissa being a poor state

was never visited and has been saved from large scale damage of its ancient

culture. But those of us who went out have had to change to save face, if

that is what I may call it. Please read Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. We

follow in the footsteps of Parasara, and if that is wrong, then I don't know

what is right. Please read Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra Volume-2 and see

what is written. Of course the translation is not adequate. Point is that

the poojas advocated are Satwik all the time, yet what is being done in the

name of Durga today is terrible to say the least. Sometime back the ISKCON

members had such a thought about Shiva as well. Later I had pointed out that

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had worshipped the shiva Linga in South India, and

this is proof enough for us to do the same. Now you are questioning without

realising that what I say is only present in BPHS, and Parasara is

Vyasadeva's father. So, this is the lineage where there is a clear harmony

between the lower and higher manifestations and names are meant for



4. The mantras that you are giving to your shishyas are received from whom?

Which guru and which parampara? Padma Purana says that sampradaya vihina ye

mantras te nishphala mataa, i.e. no mantras will bear fruit if they are not

handled down in a parampara.

[Rath:] Have you wondered as to how a FEW THOUSAND people have suddenly,

within 2-3 years time advanced so much in Jyotish. How have they all learnt

about the Arudha, the special ascendants, the divisional charts, the special

dasa's, the rasi dasa etc? Has Sanjay Rath done some magic or some tantrik

stuff? How come so many are suddenly aware of so much Jyotish knowledge. The

taste of the pudding lies in its eating. It is obvious even for a fool that

there is something that is being given which is driving home the knowledge

and people are learning and understanding very fast. Who is the real

teacher? Om Krishna Guru...

"Hare Rama Krishna"


5. As you claim to be a Vaishnava, a Brahmin and a follower fo Sri Caitanya,

how do you account for the following habits of yours (some of which I have

seen personally)?

[Rath:] No, I have never made that claim. Please do not put words in my

mouth Gauranga. Follower of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu..not a single human

being walks on this earth today who can make that claim. Everyone is trying

to follow, to copy, to somehow do the right things..but then who can even

dare to claim that he is a follower of Mahaprabhu. the brains are so dull

witted today that they cannot even decipher the difference between knowledge

and external manifestation, cannot even be grateful for all that they have

received, what else to say about other things? There is a strange hatred

within the men who claim to be Vaishnavas..this is totally prohibited as the

true follower of Mahaprabhu will see Bhagavan everywhere. If you are able to

see Bhagavan sitting in another persons heart lotus, then how can you have

any anger or animosoty against him or her? This should be the standart test,

and believe me almost everyone FAILS this simple test.

Brahmana, yes I am born in a brahmana family of Bira Balabhadrapur sasan

village of Puri. I was given the sacred thread which I have polluted by

eating in a house where death had occured, and since non-veg is cooked by my

wife etc against my simple request. What to do? Do you advocate that I

should beat her or leave her?

Some very senior people of ISKCON have advised that I should just call it a

day and walk out of the marriage, take the maha-mantra diksha and leave

smoking and tea (caffeine) and become pure as I originally was. Perhaps they

are right and more learned and wise. let me see what time and destiny have

in store for me.


smoking cigarettes, drinking tea and coffee, eating onions and garlic,

accepting massage from your female disciples. These were seen by me

personally. Other witnesses reported that your wife is non vegetarian so it

might be very difficult for you to keep a fully vegetarian diet or

worshipping Deities in that house. I also heard that she wants to divorce

you. Others have also seen you drunk on several occasions. The ones I have

seen you can't deny but what about the rest?

[Rath:] This smoking & tea started when I went for my engineering. I never

became an engineer (although I almost got a distinction grade), but I did

become a smoker. This started with ragging at Guindy engineering. It was

very bad those days. Now-a-days it has stopped. The ragging was so bad that

two students of my batch died - their bodies were found in the swimming

pool. The pool was closed and no one ever got to know how they died. I had

to jump from the second floor roof on one occasion, and on another got into

a terrible fight with some seniors. Later I was the president of the

anti-ragging commitee statrted by the President of India making Guindy a

model for India. I was a good fighter, perhaps better than I was in Jyotish.

Thats history now as I have sworn not to raise my hand again. i did raise it

once against my wife when the tolerance limit was crossed, and wrote a

letter to my mother apologising for breaking the promise I had made..Ahimsa.


Drunk!! Are you sure that they have not claimed seeing me taking drugs or

what is the latest intoxicant?? Please Gauranga. Leave it here. Rahu has

another few months to torment me, but let it not be through you. Sarbani or

swee..I think one of them gave me a barber massage in the bus to Tirupati

when sitting on another seat behind me...Jyoti was siting ahead of me. Well,

I never thought of it that way. Wait Vaishali..no she was sitting on the

other side.


Who told you that Sushma wants to divorce me? This is very important for me

to know, and you must be truthful to me. Just two days back she had called

up to express how sad she was at her behavior and that she should not have

treated me like a door mat. Gauranga, you have barged into my personal life

without any right to do so, and either you have to tell me who has been

telling you all these things or LEAVE ME. I have no desire to continue in

this relationship as you have crossed the lakshman rekha. So, be truthful

and tell me as to who has made such a statement. You have no right to ask

these questions of me. Under ordinary circumstances or any other normal man

would have called you a mleccha, but I will not do so. So, being a cultured

gentleman, please tell me the source of this statement.

In any case, are you encouraging me to leave her because she has taken

diksha at the Ramakrishna Mission or because she takes non-veg? Please make

your stand clear.


I hope you agree that even for a regular Vedic Brahmin these habits are

unacceptable, nto to speak of a Vaishnafa or a follower of Lord Caitanya.

[Rath:] Of course. Just because I do it, I can never say that it is good or



6. I haven't seen you doing any regular Sadhana, mantra chanting or puja, or

sandhya-vandanam (chanting of the Gayatri mantra at the sandhyas). Have I

missed something?

[Rath:] Yes. You missed me dancing with the maha-mantra as so many others

with me chanted it when we entered Tirupati temple. You did miss my

meditation..and you saw me at a time when I had contemplated to end my life

a few times and still don't know why I continue to live in this hell. I have

lived because it is adharma to end ones life like suicide. Yes that was what

the evil ones had pushed me to at Delhi. I was trapped between a father and

a student. Since you are a Jyotish, please ask for their charts first and

study it for yourself. Is this not a test of your knowledge.


7. What happened to all of your initial Delhi shishyas that I knew

personally (Ashok, Manpreet, Sarat, Raju, Niraj et al.) I have all their

contact data, so I can check if all of them feel cheated financially and

astrologically and hold a grudge against you.

[Rath:] What are you waiting for? Go ahead and do it. Are you sure you have

not already made up your mind to join them? I suggest that you take out the

first mail I wrote to you about the difference between a siksha Guru and a

diksha Guru. If you still cannot see the difference yourself, then you are

blinded by some strange anger or by the Rahu and will see reason after Guru

Drig Dasa begins in my chart.


8. What happened to the loan depostis you took from these people (especally

Raju and Vijadeep)? They claim they never got the loans nor their money

back? The amount claimed from you by different people comes upto 30 lakhs Rs

at least.

[Rath:] This question makes me feel that you are a SUDRA. How are you

concerned? I may take a few billion rupees from all and sundry and how

should this concern your Jyotish learning. What business do you have to make

such a statement. Can one of them show me one document or even ONE bank

entry where they have given me ONE LACK rupees, what to talk of 30 lacs.

Claimed from me?? Hello, I am just claiming 50 lakhs from you. Does this

make you my debtor, are you under a financial obligation to make a payment

to me just because I have made that claim? I think there is a written

agreement between my father and them - ask a copy from Vijaydeep, and if he

cannot find it, then I can post one in the web, but then this is not

permitted by the lawyer. The student has already become ex-student as the

relationship is not of blood. Lets see what the future holds.


9. Why did you not pay the remaining $1500 for Dinanatha's computer that you

are usung at the present time? He claims that you have borrowed more money

from him on several occasions.

[Rath:] I have given the reply for this. I have payed whenever able. I have

asked him to give the accounts of SJVC and have also asked Kusa devi to

close SJVC. I am awaiting their response. I think Kusa Devi is sad about

the incidents as her hard work has gone to nothing, but then there is a

larger purpose in this. She is wise and will not do anything that is not



10. Are you aware that an official police complaint is filled aganist you in

Delhi by Raju and Vijadeep for chetaing the with money? If you are, then why

did you not reveal this fact to all the Jyotish gurus at least if not to the

whole of SJC.

[Rath:] This question is not being asked by you as you are aware of the

replies I have already made in the website. In case you do not know, please

see the replies I have already made in the archives of the various lists

including the GJ list. I have been summarily chastised last time by the

lawyer for posting replies in the web to people who have no right

what-so-ever to be concerned about these matters. These are supposed to be

confidential matters made to the authoroties during their preliminary

examination. I had also given the address of the Govt. of India office where

the approval was granted. I have nothing else to say right now.


11. You are claiming that Kusha Mata supports your case but do you know that

she has documented all these facts coming from your initial Delhi students?

[Rath:] Gauranga, I find this very hard to believe. Can you prove it to me

that Kusha Devi has been doing this. I am not claiming it. When she was in

India after the Dinanath episode, I went to the temple and we had a class

there which was attended by her. This is extremely strange. I want whatever

document that you can show me which is being circulated by her. I will be

sending a copy of this mail to her also.


As I have said I'm benevolent towards you and I give you a chance to clarify

all these accusations. The financial ones need very good evidence to be

cleared. The rest would be possible to clear only if you change your

lifestyle and this si witnessed by several shishyas including me.

[Rath:] I don't think I shall post anything here making any clearance about

the financial matters, nor shall I ever give YOU an explanation. In the

first place, can you give me evidence of the fact that Raju has filed a

complaint with the police? I shall be most grateful for a copy of the

complaint. In case you cannot post it to the web forum, please mail me a

copy personally.

Vijay Deep has also filed a complaint against me? Why?? Do you think the

Congress party to which he claims to belong is not going to give him a

ticket again for another election or that he has no chance to win against

the BJP?

Gauranga, you are not aware of what happens in the third world countries

like India. When rahu's effect ends in March, 2003 you will know



On the other hand, if all of the above proves to be true, I think it is

improper for you to head a Jyotish organization like SJC or claim to be a

Jyotish Guru and you should publicly clarify your position before your

shishyas get into trouble in front of the court because of being involved in

your organization.

[Rath:] Which court? Is dinanath going to do a case against Narasimha for

the workshop. OK if it is improper for me to head the organisation, then are

you suggesting that you should head it? I am neither the Pesident of

SJC-India nor SJC-USA nor any organisation, so why do you claim my headship?

Another question: What is the link between the finance business that I got

into for some time because of my father and the Jyotish which is what i am

doing? As Srila Prabhupada said - it is the terrible cycle of cheating of

Kali Yuga that we must try to get out of. I will get out of it..I will. Let

the time come.


As a conclusion, I must admit that I have learned a lot from you and have

met brilliant Jyotisha in SJC especially Narasimha and Sri Goelji so I

should be thankful for this. Still I can't hold myself from seeking purity

in philosophical, moral and financial sense in the field of Jyotish.

Therefore I pray to Lord Jagannatha that this issue became clarified as soon

as possible and everyone became aware of the truth. And furhtermore, I think

that in this, as in every Vedic science, the purity of conduct, thinking and

intention is the topmost truth, all the rest may come only after this. I'm

writing this letter on behalf of my Guru Maharaja, who wants to assure that

I'm in good hands in my study of Jyotish and no one will blame ISKCON for

its members getting involved with Jyotish Gurus having a bad reputation.

[Rath:] Yes I agree. However, everything does not happen as we propose. Look

at the various cases against ISKCON Gurus for rape and child abuse. Can you

clear up all the air in one night? Should I make it a condition that you and

all ISKCON members should post all clarifications out here as SJC Jyotish

Guru's should not be associated with an organisation that does not have a

good reputation? Can you ensure that all the cases against ISKCON end

overnight? No it is not in your hands and you have to wait for Saturn to

leave Gemini. So, of what use has all my teaching been if you cannot realise

that YOU ARE NOBODY and that Jagannath alone decides who has to suffer what

and when. I am destined to suffer in the hands of my sisya for what I did in

my last birth. The curse of a Guru is on my head. however, inspite of all

ills, I shall fulfill the task for which I have come to this planet. So, I

pray to Sri jagannath Mahaprabhu to help me.

Jagannatha swamy nayana pathagami bhavatu me.

Om namo bhagavate mahamatsyaaya

Finishing here as I have to be very tranquil as I am expecting a call from

Sridhar Maharaj. Just see how he smiles all the time. Why can't you also be

smiling like that. What troubles you?? Don't worry so much Krishna can run

this world very well and all your worry is of no use to Him. Just be happy

and leave all the tension for another day.

Your shishya,


Gauranga das

[Rath:] Pranaam to the great Vaishnava, the great bhakta of Sri

Narasimhadeva: Your Guru Maharaj


Sanjay Rath


PS: Gauranga, all this has been very tiring for all of us. My medicines are

not really helping me as I am back to the long mails, clarifications, doubts

etc. Let it be ..let us rest for a few months and then when Vasanta begins,

we start again. I have seen you directing your shisya to send money to me at

Delhi. Don't do that. I will not be in Delhi, and have realised that Orissa

is better for my health. Let me recover. If you really want to collect

funds, do so and send some to Dinanath. I think he needs some money as he is

recently married and has more responsibilities. In this manner you will help

both of us.

So, I am recommending a 3 month rest for you so that we may all recover and

then we can start the good work again. I will have to ask Narasimha/Narayan

Iyer to moderate your mail till that time, so kindly bear with me. I am

doing this because although your Guru Maharaj asked you to send the mail to

me personally, you have disturbed the peace in this forum. If there is

anything else for us to discuss, please post to me persoanlly. I hope you

shall be preparing for the US conference in the coming year, and do focus on

writing and translation activities. Be sure that with the change of the Drig

dasa, everything shall change for the better.



[om jum sah vyam Vedavyasaaya namah sah jum om]







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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Why is this circulating through lists?

There are other Jyotish Teachers of SJC like me,

who do think differently from below..

and I am not alone..

This is Kali Yuga and Lord Ram in Ramayana is very

clear of what would happen today..

Leave Sanjay alone please, otherwise such tiring debates will never


I have tried to refrain from all such stuff, yet if such mails keep


I cannot keep silent..

Let peace be with all

Om Shanti,



let's leave all others outside including K.N. Rao..

No need to discuss those who share their knowldege with us, but rather,

keep this list in jyotish and satvic spirit

Anne Rutherford wrote:


> -

> Sanjay Rath

> vyasa

> Cc: Vrinda (AT) aol (DOT) com

> Friday, December 27, 2002 8:39 PM

> RE: [Vedavyasa] A letter to Sanjay


> ~om sri gurave namah~

> Dear Gauranga & Visti,

> Sri Jagannatha Jayate. You have asked some valid questions. Unfortunately,

> Sri Jagannath wished that this washing of linen be done in this forum, so

> instead of waiting for my letter you have written here, or maybe you did not

> get my personal e-mail address. However, I am calm and know that your

> intention is good. So, I will reply. Another thing - I have been observing

> how you are directing your shisya to send money to me as Dakshina, and not

> to SJC/Sarbani. Be sure that I will not accept this from everyone. In one

> case of Swee Chan I took the dakshina and not because you told her or

> something like that, but because the prasna and nimitta were right for me to

> accept. So, please understand that I do not THINK like all other people. I

> have been taught to think differently.


> Visti, your reaction at the indignition has been natural. You are very

> young. Remember my recent posting about my Drig dasa. Well this farce and

> doubts of Rahu will continue and you cannot do anything about it. You will

> have to wait for the time to change or alternatively say 'Om sri

> vyankateshaaya namah'.


> My comments are given below.

> Best regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> PS. Kusa Devi, please see the point No.11 where your name has been

> mentioned. Can you tell me as to what is going on? If you want that I should

> have nothing to do with ISKCON, please be kind enough to just tell me.

> ----------------------

> Sri Jagannath Center, 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi

> 110091, Tel: 91-11-2713201, Web: http://.org http://srath.com


> Gauranga Das [gauranga]

> Friday, December 27, 2002 3:00 PM

> vyasa

> [Vedavyasa] A letter to Sanjay


> Dear Gurudeva Sanjayji,


> Pranaams.


> I'm writing this email while Lagna is in Cpricorn and it holds 9th lord

> Mercury, as well as 9th having Moon and Guru is exalted but retrograde in

> the 7th house. Eversince Dinanath posted those emails about you and I

> visited the Hyderabad conference I was wondering whether everything was OK

> with my being your Joytish shishya and you being my Jyotish Guru or you

> being a Jyotish Guru at all.


> I would like to say that I'm well wishing towards you and all your past and

> present shishyas, btu I would like to clarify my doubts finally. I wanted to

> do it in a priuvate letter to you but since you didn't give an email address

> that you read over there in Puri. I resort to this list of Gurus because I

> hope they are also interested to see clear in these issues.


> Ath the time fo Dinanath's attack on you I felt his rage, so I chose not to

> get involved. I was in no financial transaction with you so far, so I was

> not so much concerned with money matters, I just wanted your reputation to

> be unblemished (which means that I was convinced that you were not involved

> in any cheating and thus it was not correct to blame you). I alsodid not

> object against Swee offering you donations and I also had the intention to

> collect some funds for you myself. I feel obliged to you for the knolwedge

> that you have given me, and this debt is there. But My first concern is to

> make this relationship very clear and transparent, free from any doubts, and

> I hope in this spirit I can be very honest with you. Therefore I would like

> to sak you to address my doubts listed herewith. I can verify these things

> in other ways also, if I would still doubt your answers but I start out with

> the presumption that all you have said to me so far or will say here is

> truth. We could at least expect this from a Jyotish Guru.

> [Rath:] Dear Gauranga. I have some of the answers to these questions in the

> web site. I wonder whether you wished to read them or asking these to

> satisfy yoourself or someone else. Further, I am aware of your doubts and

> the reasons are many because you are not aware of what happens in India, how

> the new age following independance has done more harm than what the British

> had done in 200 years of their rule.


> 1. Who is your diksha-guru and which mantras have you received from him?

> [Rath:] Diksha is of the Gayatri mantra which was received along with my

> brother. I received it from Pt.Kasinath Rath, my paternal uncle whereas my

> brother received the mantra from my maternal grandfather Sri K.C.Tripathi.

> You can read about this in the web site. The other mantra are Siksha mantra.

> Why are you asking this now? You should have asked this when you were

> starting to learn.

> I am yet to receive the Mahamantra diksha which could come when the Pisces

> Drig dasa begins and Vishnu comes to my Lagna (head).


> 2. Who is your Jyotish Guru and what is hsi lineage back to the Maharishis?

> [Rath:] None of us can trace the lineage beyond Sri Achyuta Dasa and have

> faith in the fact that he was the Sisya of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu being

> one of the Pancha Sakha. He established many Gaddi's and had 12 principle

> disciples. All Jyotish in Orissa is traced to him alone. My Grandfather was

> the Jyotish ratna of Orissa. The Upadhipatra hangs in the entrance of my

> house. Why are you asking this now? You should have asked this when you were

> starting to learn.


> 3. Where is Sri Achyuta Das manetioned in any Vaishnava literature? The

> information on web says that his followers advocate puja of demigods like

> Durga etc. and have no sadhana which is unlikely for any authentic Vaishnava

> parampara or associate of Sri Caitanya. I have heard you several times

> claiming that you are trying to be a Vaishnava and follower of Sri Caitanya.

> [Rath:] It is sad that you have access to that literature published in

> english only. Why don't you ask some of your ISKCON people to translate the

> works of the Pancha Saksha into other languages. Orissa being a poor state

> was never visited and has been saved from large scale damage of its ancient

> culture. But those of us who went out have had to change to save face, if

> that is what I may call it. Please read Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. We

> follow in the footsteps of Parasara, and if that is wrong, then I don't know

> what is right. Please read Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra Volume-2 and see

> what is written. Of course the translation is not adequate. Point is that

> the poojas advocated are Satwik all the time, yet what is being done in the

> name of Durga today is terrible to say the least. Sometime back the ISKCON

> members had such a thought about Shiva as well. Later I had pointed out that

> Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had worshipped the shiva Linga in South India, and

> this is proof enough for us to do the same. Now you are questioning without

> realising that what I say is only present in BPHS, and Parasara is

> Vyasadeva's father. So, this is the lineage where there is a clear harmony

> between the lower and higher manifestations and names are meant for

> understanding.


> 4. The mantras that you are giving to your shishyas are received from whom?

> Which guru and which parampara? Padma Purana says that sampradaya vihina ye

> mantras te nishphala mataa, i.e. no mantras will bear fruit if they are not

> handled down in a parampara.

> [Rath:] Have you wondered as to how a FEW THOUSAND people have suddenly,

> within 2-3 years time advanced so much in Jyotish. How have they all learnt

> about the Arudha, the special ascendants, the divisional charts, the special

> dasa's, the rasi dasa etc? Has Sanjay Rath done some magic or some tantrik

> stuff? How come so many are suddenly aware of so much Jyotish knowledge. The

> taste of the pudding lies in its eating. It is obvious even for a fool that

> there is something that is being given which is driving home the knowledge

> and people are learning and understanding very fast. Who is the real

> teacher? Om Krishna Guru...

> "Hare Rama Krishna"


> 5. As you claim to be a Vaishnava, a Brahmin and a follower fo Sri Caitanya,

> how do you account for the following habits of yours (some of which I have

> seen personally)?

> [Rath:] No, I have never made that claim. Please do not put words in my

> mouth Gauranga. Follower of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu..not a single human

> being walks on this earth today who can make that claim. Everyone is trying

> to follow, to copy, to somehow do the right things..but then who can even

> dare to claim that he is a follower of Mahaprabhu. the brains are so dull

> witted today that they cannot even decipher the difference between knowledge

> and external manifestation, cannot even be grateful for all that they have

> received, what else to say about other things? There is a strange hatred

> within the men who claim to be Vaishnavas..this is totally prohibited as the

> true follower of Mahaprabhu will see Bhagavan everywhere. If you are able to

> see Bhagavan sitting in another persons heart lotus, then how can you have

> any anger or animosoty against him or her? This should be the standart test,

> and believe me almost everyone FAILS this simple test.

> Brahmana, yes I am born in a brahmana family of Bira Balabhadrapur sasan

> village of Puri. I was given the sacred thread which I have polluted by

> eating in a house where death had occured, and since non-veg is cooked by my

> wife etc against my simple request. What to do? Do you advocate that I

> should beat her or leave her?

> Some very senior people of ISKCON have advised that I should just call it a

> day and walk out of the marriage, take the maha-mantra diksha and leave

> smoking and tea (caffeine) and become pure as I originally was. Perhaps they

> are right and more learned and wise. let me see what time and destiny have

> in store for me.


> smoking cigarettes, drinking tea and coffee, eating onions and garlic,

> accepting massage from your female disciples. These were seen by me

> personally. Other witnesses reported that your wife is non vegetarian so it

> might be very difficult for you to keep a fully vegetarian diet or

> worshipping Deities in that house. I also heard that she wants to divorce

> you. Others have also seen you drunk on several occasions. The ones I have

> seen you can't deny but what about the rest?

> [Rath:] This smoking & tea started when I went for my engineering. I never

> became an engineer (although I almost got a distinction grade), but I did

> become a smoker. This started with ragging at Guindy engineering. It was

> very bad those days. Now-a-days it has stopped. The ragging was so bad that

> two students of my batch died - their bodies were found in the swimming

> pool. The pool was closed and no one ever got to know how they died. I had

> to jump from the second floor roof on one occasion, and on another got into

> a terrible fight with some seniors. Later I was the president of the

> anti-ragging commitee statrted by the President of India making Guindy a

> model for India. I was a good fighter, perhaps better than I was in Jyotish.

> Thats history now as I have sworn not to raise my hand again. i did raise it

> once against my wife when the tolerance limit was crossed, and wrote a

> letter to my mother apologising for breaking the promise I had made..Ahimsa.


> Drunk!! Are you sure that they have not claimed seeing me taking drugs or

> what is the latest intoxicant?? Please Gauranga. Leave it here. Rahu has

> another few months to torment me, but let it not be through you. Sarbani or

> swee..I think one of them gave me a barber massage in the bus to Tirupati

> when sitting on another seat behind me...Jyoti was siting ahead of me. Well,

> I never thought of it that way. Wait Vaishali..no she was sitting on the

> other side.


> Who told you that Sushma wants to divorce me? This is very important for me

> to know, and you must be truthful to me. Just two days back she had called

> up to express how sad she was at her behavior and that she should not have

> treated me like a door mat. Gauranga, you have barged into my personal life

> without any right to do so, and either you have to tell me who has been

> telling you all these things or LEAVE ME. I have no desire to continue in

> this relationship as you have crossed the lakshman rekha. So, be truthful

> and tell me as to who has made such a statement. You have no right to ask

> these questions of me. Under ordinary circumstances or any other normal man

> would have called you a mleccha, but I will not do so. So, being a cultured

> gentleman, please tell me the source of this statement.

> In any case, are you encouraging me to leave her because she has taken

> diksha at the Ramakrishna Mission or because she takes non-veg? Please make

> your stand clear.


> I hope you agree that even for a regular Vedic Brahmin these habits are

> unacceptable, nto to speak of a Vaishnafa or a follower of Lord Caitanya.

> [Rath:] Of course. Just because I do it, I can never say that it is good or

> right.


> 6. I haven't seen you doing any regular Sadhana, mantra chanting or puja, or

> sandhya-vandanam (chanting of the Gayatri mantra at the sandhyas). Have I

> missed something?

> [Rath:] Yes. You missed me dancing with the maha-mantra as so many others

> with me chanted it when we entered Tirupati temple. You did miss my

> meditation..and you saw me at a time when I had contemplated to end my life

> a few times and still don't know why I continue to live in this hell. I have

> lived because it is adharma to end ones life like suicide. Yes that was what

> the evil ones had pushed me to at Delhi. I was trapped between a father and

> a student. Since you are a Jyotish, please ask for their charts first and

> study it for yourself. Is this not a test of your knowledge.


> 7. What happened to all of your initial Delhi shishyas that I knew

> personally (Ashok, Manpreet, Sarat, Raju, Niraj et al.) I have all their

> contact data, so I can check if all of them feel cheated financially and

> astrologically and hold a grudge against you.

> [Rath:] What are you waiting for? Go ahead and do it. Are you sure you have

> not already made up your mind to join them? I suggest that you take out the

> first mail I wrote to you about the difference between a siksha Guru and a

> diksha Guru. If you still cannot see the difference yourself, then you are

> blinded by some strange anger or by the Rahu and will see reason after Guru

> Drig Dasa begins in my chart.


> 8. What happened to the loan depostis you took from these people (especally

> Raju and Vijadeep)? They claim they never got the loans nor their money

> back? The amount claimed from you by different people comes upto 30 lakhs Rs

> at least.

> [Rath:] This question makes me feel that you are a SUDRA. How are you

> concerned? I may take a few billion rupees from all and sundry and how

> should this concern your Jyotish learning. What business do you have to make

> such a statement. Can one of them show me one document or even ONE bank

> entry where they have given me ONE LACK rupees, what to talk of 30 lacs.

> Claimed from me?? Hello, I am just claiming 50 lakhs from you. Does this

> make you my debtor, are you under a financial obligation to make a payment

> to me just because I have made that claim? I think there is a written

> agreement between my father and them - ask a copy from Vijaydeep, and if he

> cannot find it, then I can post one in the web, but then this is not

> permitted by the lawyer. The student has already become ex-student as the

> relationship is not of blood. Lets see what the future holds.


> 9. Why did you not pay the remaining $1500 for Dinanatha's computer that you

> are usung at the present time? He claims that you have borrowed more money

> from him on several occasions.

> [Rath:] I have given the reply for this. I have payed whenever able. I have

> asked him to give the accounts of SJVC and have also asked Kusa devi to

> close SJVC. I am awaiting their response. I think Kusa Devi is sad about

> the incidents as her hard work has gone to nothing, but then there is a

> larger purpose in this. She is wise and will not do anything that is not

> good.


> 10. Are you aware that an official police complaint is filled aganist you in

> Delhi by Raju and Vijadeep for chetaing the with money? If you are, then why

> did you not reveal this fact to all the Jyotish gurus at least if not to the

> whole of SJC.

> [Rath:] This question is not being asked by you as you are aware of the

> replies I have already made in the website. In case you do not know, please

> see the replies I have already made in the archives of the various lists

> including the GJ list. I have been summarily chastised last time by the

> lawyer for posting replies in the web to people who have no right

> what-so-ever to be concerned about these matters. These are supposed to be

> confidential matters made to the authoroties during their preliminary

> examination. I had also given the address of the Govt. of India office where

> the approval was granted. I have nothing else to say right now.


> 11. You are claiming that Kusha Mata supports your case but do you know that

> she has documented all these facts coming from your initial Delhi students?

> [Rath:] Gauranga, I find this very hard to believe. Can you prove it to me

> that Kusha Devi has been doing this. I am not claiming it. When she was in

> India after the Dinanath episode, I went to the temple and we had a class

> there which was attended by her. This is extremely strange. I want whatever

> document that you can show me which is being circulated by her. I will be

> sending a copy of this mail to her also.


> As I have said I'm benevolent towards you and I give you a chance to clarify

> all these accusations. The financial ones need very good evidence to be

> cleared. The rest would be possible to clear only if you change your

> lifestyle and this si witnessed by several shishyas including me.

> [Rath:] I don't think I shall post anything here making any clearance about

> the financial matters, nor shall I ever give YOU an explanation. In the

> first place, can you give me evidence of the fact that Raju has filed a

> complaint with the police? I shall be most grateful for a copy of the

> complaint. In case you cannot post it to the web forum, please mail me a

> copy personally.

> Vijay Deep has also filed a complaint against me? Why?? Do you think the

> Congress party to which he claims to belong is not going to give him a

> ticket again for another election or that he has no chance to win against

> the BJP?

> Gauranga, you are not aware of what happens in the third world countries

> like India. When rahu's effect ends in March, 2003 you will know

> everything.


> On the other hand, if all of the above proves to be true, I think it is

> improper for you to head a Jyotish organization like SJC or claim to be a

> Jyotish Guru and you should publicly clarify your position before your

> shishyas get into trouble in front of the court because of being involved in

> your organization.

> [Rath:] Which court? Is dinanath going to do a case against Narasimha for

> the workshop. OK if it is improper for me to head the organisation, then are

> you suggesting that you should head it? I am neither the Pesident of

> SJC-India nor SJC-USA nor any organisation, so why do you claim my headship?

> Another question: What is the link between the finance business that I got

> into for some time because of my father and the Jyotish which is what i am

> doing? As Srila Prabhupada said - it is the terrible cycle of cheating of

> Kali Yuga that we must try to get out of. I will get out of it..I will. Let

> the time come.


> As a conclusion, I must admit that I have learned a lot from you and have

> met brilliant Jyotisha in SJC especially Narasimha and Sri Goelji so I

> should be thankful for this. Still I can't hold myself from seeking purity

> in philosophical, moral and financial sense in the field of Jyotish.

> Therefore I pray to Lord Jagannatha that this issue became clarified as soon

> as possible and everyone became aware of the truth. And furhtermore, I think

> that in this, as in every Vedic science, the purity of conduct, thinking and

> intention is the topmost truth, all the rest may come only after this. I'm

> writing this letter on behalf of my Guru Maharaja, who wants to assure that

> I'm in good hands in my study of Jyotish and no one will blame ISKCON for

> its members getting involved with Jyotish Gurus having a bad reputation.

> [Rath:] Yes I agree. However, everything does not happen as we propose. Look

> at the various cases against ISKCON Gurus for rape and child abuse. Can you

> clear up all the air in one night? Should I make it a condition that you and

> all ISKCON members should post all clarifications out here as SJC Jyotish

> Guru's should not be associated with an organisation that does not have a

> good reputation? Can you ensure that all the cases against ISKCON end

> overnight? No it is not in your hands and you have to wait for Saturn to

> leave Gemini. So, of what use has all my teaching been if you cannot realise

> that YOU ARE NOBODY and that Jagannath alone decides who has to suffer what

> and when. I am destined to suffer in the hands of my sisya for what I did in

> my last birth. The curse of a Guru is on my head. however, inspite of all

> ills, I shall fulfill the task for which I have come to this planet. So, I

> pray to Sri jagannath Mahaprabhu to help me.

> Jagannatha swamy nayana pathagami bhavatu me.

> Om namo bhagavate mahamatsyaaya

> Finishing here as I have to be very tranquil as I am expecting a call from

> Sridhar Maharaj. Just see how he smiles all the time. Why can't you also be

> smiling like that. What troubles you?? Don't worry so much Krishna can run

> this world very well and all your worry is of no use to Him. Just be happy

> and leave all the tension for another day.

> Your shishya,


> Gauranga das

> [Rath:] Pranaam to the great Vaishnava, the great bhakta of Sri

> Narasimhadeva: Your Guru Maharaj

> Regards,

> Sanjay Rath


> PS: Gauranga, all this has been very tiring for all of us. My medicines are

> not really helping me as I am back to the long mails, clarifications, doubts

> etc. Let it be ..let us rest for a few months and then when Vasanta begins,

> we start again. I have seen you directing your shisya to send money to me at

> Delhi. Don't do that. I will not be in Delhi, and have realised that Orissa

> is better for my health. Let me recover. If you really want to collect

> funds, do so and send some to Dinanath. I think he needs some money as he is

> recently married and has more responsibilities. In this manner you will help

> both of us.

> So, I am recommending a 3 month rest for you so that we may all recover and

> then we can start the good work again. I will have to ask Narasimha/Narayan

> Iyer to moderate your mail till that time, so kindly bear with me. I am

> doing this because although your Guru Maharaj asked you to send the mail to

> me personally, you have disturbed the peace in this forum. If there is

> anything else for us to discuss, please post to me persoanlly. I hope you

> shall be preparing for the US conference in the coming year, and do focus on

> writing and translation activities. Be sure that with the change of the Drig

> dasa, everything shall change for the better.


> [om jum sah vyam Vedavyasaaya namah sah jum om]


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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa

web: www.sjvc.co.yu

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