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To Sanjay and the List

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Dear Sanjay and Everyone,


I read with pleasure your response re the attack they placed on you.


I read with pleasure as you delineated regarding Jaganath Puri and your

relationship with the Divya Dham.


I also agreed with the comment re how certain people have some mean-ness in

them even though theoretically they should not have it. (or that is how I

understood it)


In my opinion, one should be VERY hard pressed to leave a wife. I made such

a mistake and I speak against it unless really very necessary. And as for

diet, to leave a wife because she is not a vegetarian is, by itself, in my

opinion, not a good enough reason.


Also, I think it is very wrong, once again I say, for anyone to bring up

your personal life on this list in this way.


I would like to similarly say that personal habits do not disqualify one

from learning or teaching Jyotish. No matter what anyone else says, I will

hold firm to this position.


Smoking is a very negative habit for the health, but that is all. The

faultfinding stops there. If one has deeper knowledge and experience, one

knows that all things carry good and bad aspects and qualities. If one

smokes and drinks caffeinne, and eats unsattvic root vegetables, they still

can be a Jyotish Guru, in my opinion. Just that one day, they will want to

quit smoking so that their breath gets easier, and diseases stay away. But

that's all. To place moral or any kind of judgement on these activities is

very old school. It's personal- the choice, the pleasure, the damage.


I've quit smoking now, yay. I'm no better at Jyotish because of it.


KN Rao has been much glorified. He is not of pure Sattvic habit as I've

understood from some close associates of his. I have done much, and I have

not been of pure Sattvic personal habits either. The list is huge.


What about the Western Astrologers without whose work these softwares would

not exist?


What about those who make the internet?


We all benefit from each other. Don't try to take out of the action one of

our own for being human.


I know in ISKCON amongst the young, rumors abound in abundance. In order to

make their lives full, they get into much "very important" gossip and

backbiting, camp making, camp switching, guru bashing and guru

following...ad nauseum.


When these young "monks" get real later on, they will find that life gives

them little time or little need for all these paltry village-chatter type of



The real use of this list will be to share Jyotish INFORMATION. To sort out

who is who and what is what on a PERSONAL and POLITICAL level will actually

not serve anything at all.


What serves up the GOODS is to SERVE THE GOODS.


If you got some GOODS, then SERVE 'EM UP.


That means, post good information that helps others learn something they

don't already know, hopesfully something that works, or something true, or a

sincere question, etc.


We have short lives. Let's use them to have fun.


I appreciate that Sanjay answered in such a mature way.


Blessing to everyone, may we all grow up, take a deep breath, give good

things to each other, and be careful not to spread our problems, our inner

difficulties, under some other dignified name, rather, let us reveal inner

difficulties only when we are in a mood to get help from others to clear

them up so that we may be better participants for the whole.


Peace to one and all,




Das Goravani, President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America

Voice: or in America

fax: 541-343-0344




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Dear Das,


While I appreciate your concern about Sanjay and his

fellow team members and their concerns about his

organisation. While you are discrediting accusations

levelled at Sanjay, because they have been made by

someone who once was a part of Sanjay's team, you are

making observations against Shri K.N. Rao, again on

the basis of observations of some of his team mates,

whose opinion could again be biased. Is it fair?


> KN Rao has been much glorified. He is not of pure

> Sattvic habit as I've

> understood from some close associates of his.>


And who are these close associates. Are they the ones

who left him and if so there must have been some

difference of opinion somewhere and such people are

bound to give a biased opinion.


My request is that you continue defending Sanjay and

his clan but please dont bring in others who have no

relation to this whole vicious circle of things, as

they are at present.






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Dear Mr. Das,


I agree with Mr. Manoj Kumar. I do not understand why Mr. Rao's name

has been drawn here?



Most sincerely, C.S. Ravindramani.






gjlist, Manoj Kumar <mouji99> wrote:

> Dear Das,


> While I appreciate your concern about Sanjay and his

> fellow team members and their concerns about his

> organisation. While you are discrediting accusations

> levelled at Sanjay, because they have been made by

> someone who once was a part of Sanjay's team, you are

> making observations against Shri K.N. Rao, again on

> the basis of observations of some of his team mates,

> whose opinion could again be biased. Is it fair?


> > KN Rao has been much glorified. He is not of pure

> > Sattvic habit as I've

> > understood from some close associates of his.>


> And who are these close associates. Are they the ones

> who left him and if so there must have been some

> difference of opinion somewhere and such people are

> bound to give a biased opinion.


> My request is that you continue defending Sanjay and

> his clan but please dont bring in others who have no

> relation to this whole vicious circle of things, as

> they are at present.


> Manoj




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