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cosmicroots, Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary

<satyaprakasika> wrote:




Philosophical ramblings!!!




Human knowledge has become unmanageably vast, especially with the

advent of the Internet. Biology shows a whole organism in a cell.

Physics showed the planetary model in the atom. And Modern physics

shows... Sorry it has become as elusive as Metaphysics! I am still

not certain about what it certainly says (or probably uncertainly).

Heisenberg, are you listening? Psychology asks me to discover myself

in my dreams. Yes I live in my dreams. But I don't know if I would

discover my true Self in the dream contents for it is after all one

more of the many states of consciousness. Archeology tells me that

there are more buried states and forgotten cities under my feet than

the number of gods that the Hindu prays to. Plant physiology tells me

that there is a secret world there that I am ignorant of. Ignorance

is bliss! History showed all history to be false! Now Hollywood shows

the 'Matrix' of Maya, or the Maya of Matrix. But still I am in search

of the `Matrix of the Unborn' for my real world is not digital. A

voice within asks "is it really real?"




Knowledge requires more knowledge. Technology brings more

technology. I have learnt not to be attached- to my old laptops-

since every year the market brings a better one, or so they claim!

Lessons in DETACHMENT perhaps! Everything is changing except this

principle of change. But the more I know; the more I know that I know

very less! Yet there is a pleasure in knowing more. There is a lure

in the mirages of Maya and a pleasure in philosophy. Oh yes, till the

realities of existence pull me down from the heights of my soul's

flights. Still there is this wistful remnant in me that longs for

Plato's "dear delight"- Philosophy. Truth will not make me rich, but

it will make me FREE.






There are times when one wonders if the whole thing, all this is not

a waste of time, this mad love for wisdom, trading common sense

for "uncommon wisdom"! I console myself that anyway everything is a

mirage. Depends on how you look at it. But is it not good to know the

insignificant as insignificant and the significant as significant

before it is too late? I look deep within. Philosophy has done me

what nothing else has. What Medicine, Psychology, Astrology, Business

and all the titles, diplomas and distinctions have not done,

philosophy has. It has taught me to "transform into light and flame

all that" I am or meet with. My own voice joins that of Francis Bacon

as his voice speaks through his works, "Seek ye first the good things

of the mind and the rest will be supplied or its loss will not be

felt". I guess the second one is more often true! I have not felt the

loss of anything but for a fleeting moment. Vedanta has taught me to

roar, roar like lion. When I see all the suffering and madness in the

world, I agree with Voltaire that "it must be a consolation to the

animals to see that people with minds are often no better than they".

Why not? Darwin tells me that I am an evolved monkey. I would rather

believe the Upanishads that I am the Eternal Spirit. Both may be

right. Spirit descends and Matter ascends. It's the same. Or is it

not? Wasn't it Voltaire who said that we are all down in the gutters?

It's only that some of us are looking at the stars! Till I prove for

my`SELF', I will keep philosophizing because that way, I can at least

transmute anger into energy, misery into laughter and fire into

light. And perhaps it is my weakness. But again, as the Kularnava

Tantra says, "A man must rise by that which he falls". So I will

continue with my philosophical ramblings till I rise.






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