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Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002

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My birth details:

11: 55 AM

25 Nov 1972

Navsari, Gujarat


The Apt we lived in caught fire due to another apt

below us from where the fire started. My family got

out safetly and the next day we managed to get a lot

our valuables out, but we did have some losses.


Time of fire:


1:45 Am

Boston, MA



I had been mailing this list regarding the tough year

I have had due to not being able to find a job, and

now this has happened.

Any explanations as to why loss of property is

occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope things









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Dear Neha

I don't have the coordinates for Navsari but it looks like Rahu stationed

near the rising degree ( MEP) of the 4th with the 4th house receiving a

natal afflicction

from 8th lord Mercury in the 10th .

Hope things pick up



"Neha Tiwari" <tiwarineha2000

"gj" <gjlist>; "jyotish" <jyotishvidya>;

"satva" <satva>; "sri" <>;

"vedic" <vedic astrology>

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:13 AM

[GJ] Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002



> My birth details:

> 11: 55 AM

> 25 Nov 1972

> Navsari, Gujarat


> The Apt we lived in caught fire due to another apt

> below us from where the fire started. My family got

> out safetly and the next day we managed to get a lot

> our valuables out, but we did have some losses.


> Time of fire:

> 12/27/2002

> 1:45 Am

> Boston, MA



> I had been mailing this list regarding the tough year

> I have had due to not being able to find a job, and

> now this has happened.

> Any explanations as to why loss of property is

> occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope things

> improve.


> thanks,

> Neha





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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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Please ignore this I had wrong coordinates


"Nicholas" <jyotish108


Cc: <satva>

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:59 AM

Re: [GJ] Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002



> Dear Neha

> I don't have the coordinates for Navsari but it looks like Rahu stationed

> near the rising degree ( MEP) of the 4th with the 4th house receiving a

> natal afflicction

> from 8th lord Mercury in the 10th .

> Hope things pick up

> Nicholas

> -

> "Neha Tiwari" <tiwarineha2000

> "gj" <gjlist>; "jyotish"


> "satva" <satva>; "sri" <>;

> "vedic" <vedic astrology>

> Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:13 AM

> [GJ] Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002



> > My birth details:

> > 11: 55 AM

> > 25 Nov 1972

> > Navsari, Gujarat

> >

> > The Apt we lived in caught fire due to another apt

> > below us from where the fire started. My family got

> > out safetly and the next day we managed to get a lot

> > our valuables out, but we did have some losses.

> >

> > Time of fire:

> > 12/27/2002

> > 1:45 Am

> > Boston, MA

> > USA

> >

> > I had been mailing this list regarding the tough year

> > I have had due to not being able to find a job, and

> > now this has happened.

> > Any explanations as to why loss of property is

> > occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope things

> > improve.

> >

> > thanks,

> > Neha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

> > http://mailplus.

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > : gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >




> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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I am learning astrology, please describe for my knowledge, 1. what is rising degree of the 4th mean?

2. what do you mean by "with the 4th house receiving natal affliction"?

Thanks in advance.

Nicholas <jyotish108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear NehaI don't have the coordinates for Navsari but it looks like Rahu

stationednear the rising degree ( MEP) of the 4th with the 4th house receiving

anatal afflicctionfrom 8th lord Mercury in the 10th .Hope things pick

upNicholas-"Neha Tiwarigj" ; "jyotish"

;"satva" ; "sri" ;"vedic" Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:13 AM[GJ]

Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002> My birth details:> 11: 55 AM>

25 Nov 1972> Navsari, Gujarat>> The Apt we lived in caught fire due to another

apt> below us from where the fire started. My family got> out safetly and the

next day we managed to get a lot> our valuables out, but we did have some

losses.>> Time of fire:> 12/27/2002> 1:45 Am> Boston, MA> USA>> I had been

mailing this list regarding the tough year> I have had due to not being able to

find a job, and> now this has happened.> Any explanations as to why loss of

property is> occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope things> improve.>>

thanks,> Neha>>> > Do you

?> Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.>

http://mailplus.>>>> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

Tat Sat> : gjlist->

http://www.goravani.com>>> Your use of is subject to

>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna;

Om Tat Sat:

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is subject to

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Dear Richard

I made a mistake calculating the chart so my comments are not applicable .

Basically the rising degree is a very sensitive point in each house so if 16

Virgo rises the 16th degree is very sensitive in every house . In Systems

Appproach developed by this point is known as the Most

Effective Point (MEP)

Sometimes in a natal chart a house will be afflicted by the action of a malefic

on it's MEP . This is known as a natal affliction .

Hope this helps





Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:59 PM

Re: [GJ] Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002

Dear Nicholas, I am learning astrology, please describe for my knowledge, 1.

what is rising degree of the 4th mean? 2. what do you mean by "with the 4th

house receiving natal affliction"? Thanks in advance. Nicholas

<jyotish108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear NehaI don't have the coordinates for

Navsari but it looks like Rahu stationednear the rising degree ( MEP) of the

4th with the 4th house receiving anatal afflicctionfrom 8th lord Mercury in the

10th .Hope things pick upNicholas-"Neha Tiwari"

"gj" ; "jyotish" ;"satva" ; "sri" ;"vedic" Tuesday, January 14, 2003

9:13 AM[GJ] Apartment partially burned down on 27th DEC 2002> My birth

details:> 11: 55 AM> 25 Nov 1972> Navsari, Gujarat>> The Apt we lived in caught

fire due to another apt> below us from where the fire started. My family got>

out safetly and the next day we managed to get a lot> our valuables out, but we

did have some losses.>> Time of fire:> 12/27/2002> 1:45 Am> Boston, MA> USA>> I

had been mailing this list regarding the tough year> I have had due to not

being able to find a job, and> now this has happened.> Any explanations as to

why loss of property is> occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope

things> improve.>> thanks,> Neha>>>

> > Mail

Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.> http://mailplus.>>>> Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> To , send an email

to: gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com>>> Your use of

is subject to >Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

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Dear Neha,

First of all, Mars is always involved in fire accident. From

www.astro.com,I found that Navsari in India has the following

geographical coordinates:72E55 and 20N51. This gives you 21Capricorn

03 as your ascending degree. The cusp (MEP) of the 4th is therefore

21Aries03.Mars should have being afflicting this point when your Apt

caught fire. Indeed it was opposing it from 22 Libra on 27 Dec 2002.






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Dear Neha ~


I have Mars in Pisces in the 4th house of home which has been the cause of

two fires so far in my life.


Regards ~




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Looking at your chart from a SATVA perspective you have Jupiter

as malefic lord of the 12th house of losses. On the day of the

fire Jupiter came opposition your Ascendant. At the same time

Mars (associated with fires) came square your Ascendant and

opposition your 4th house MEP (property and home). Whilst the

result can be seen after the event, I suspect that few

astrologers would have predicted the fire as Mars is a functional



I have looked at it from a different perspective - which will

need a brief explanation. Normal transits are zodiacal

positions. However, there is another way of looking at transits,

which I call 'Mundane Transits' (MuTr). These are the positions

of the planets as they are contacted by the angles of the chart

as the world turns. What appears to happen in a birth chart is

that the planets appear to be activated by the transiting angles

following birth. These then become the important positions; and

are considered relative to transits. I also look at the last

Solar Eclipse because I believe that this is the genesis or

incubator for subsequent events.




Looking at the last Solar Eclipse (S.E.) before the fire on 4th

Dec 02 the following MuTr were in effect:


Malefic natal Jupiter closely afflicted S.E. Saturn 1*46' by

opposition. As Saturn is significator for property, and is 2nd

Lord of accumulated assets, this suggested potential problems in

these areas before the next S.E.


Malefic natal Rahu (badley placed and associated with malefic

Dispositor Jupiter) afflicted S.E. Mars 12'. (this is normally a

problem within communities, so presumably you live in some type

of condominium which was affected)


Natal Mars was afflicted by MuTr malefic S.E. Jupiter 19'. Mars

was also afflicted by S.E. Neptune 2*02'. Natal Mars was closely

conjunct S.E. Mars 1*11'.




Natal Pluto was close conjunction the fire chart Ascendant 41'

and Moon 21' showing the upheaval. Transit Pluto came opposition

natal Saturn 34', showing the upheaval was in respect of

property. Saturn was also being transited by malefic Rahu 41'.


Natal Jupiter afflicted tr Moon 04' which was also afflicted by

natal Rahu 1*48'. (emotion due to loss)


S.E. malefic Jupiter had moved on to closer aspect natal Mars



S.E. Mars had moved on to closer aspect natal Mars 01'


Finally tr malefic Jupiter was aspecting the 4th house MEP of

the Mundane chart 3*19'.





What we see is tremendous afflication and emphasis on Mars Lord

of the 4th house of home and property by Malefic Jupiter Lord of

the 12 house of loss.



Ron Gaunt












On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:13:18 -0800 (PST), you wrote:


>My birth details:

>11: 55 AM

>25 Nov 1972

>Navsari, Gujarat


>The Apt we lived in caught fire due to another apt

>below us from where the fire started. My family got

>out safetly and the next day we managed to get a lot

>our valuables out, but we did have some losses.


>Time of fire:


>1:45 Am

>Boston, MA



>I had been mailing this list regarding the tough year

>I have had due to not being able to find a job, and

>now this has happened.

>Any explanations as to why loss of property is

>occuring? This has been a very tough year, hope things









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>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>: gjlist-




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