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Obesity and The Nodes

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Obesity and The Nodes

Tuesday, January 14, 2003


It has been recently reported that obesity, being

grossly overweight, is fast becoming the leading

ailment/illness in America. More people in the USA are

overweight today than at any other time in its

history. This especially extends to children and

women, some two thirds of whom are overweight.


31% of all people in America are obese.


Studies have shown that being obese in early adulthood

can reduce one’s lifespan, up to 20 years in some

cases! And then, there is all of the side-issues that

surround this: the lawsuits with airline companies and

so on over inadequate accommodations; the continuing

ridicule over image as it relates to larger people,

and more.


Americans enjoy more food today, and have more access

to it than at any other time in Human History. In

addition, more Americans enjoy(?) a leisure lifestyle,

with exercise dropping below minimum levels.

Government agencies now promote “verb” campaigns in an

effort to stave adolescent obesity.


Americans are, without a doubt, the fattest people in

the World.


All of this occurs, the study of this condition, this

state of affairs, under the transit of the Nodes, Rahu

and Ketu, in their exaltation Signs of Taurus and

Scorpio. These two Shadowy Planets can shed mush light

on this situation. The following story about them is



The Nodes, Rahu the North Node and Ketu the South

Node, were at one time a singular being, a Rakshasha,

or serpent-demon. This being was able to get into a

grand party that the rest of Planets were having, many

moons ago. At this party, which was hosted by Lord

Vishnu, the Planets had gathered around a dinner

table, and Lord Vishnu passed around a potion called

amrita, which granted immortality to whomever drank

it. The demon, having the ability to don many

disguises, got a seat at the table in this manner.


Just when the demon’s turn to drink the potion came,

his ruse was discovered by the Sun and Moon, and they

alerted Vishnu to the interloper. Vishnu grabbed his

discus and threw it at the demon, just as he was

drinking the potion; the discus severed the being at

the neck, and Rahu and Ketu was born.


While both Nodes represent obsessions in general, the

key planet to lookout for here is Rahu, for it was he

that was so eager to get hold of the amrita; Ketu, the

lower half, wanted so badly to die and to leave this

plane of existence, whereas, Rahu wants to experience

as much carnality as possible. Therefore, from this

story, we can see the Nodes connections to compulsions

and obsessions overall, as well as its links to drugs

(amrita), suicide (the nature of Ketu), and excessive

materiality (money, food, sex; “bling-bling”, etc),

foreigners (other races), outcastes and so on.

The Nodes, and in particular Rahu, is exalted in

Taurus, the sign associated with Venus, the planet of

sensual pleasures like eating. Rahu tends to expand

whatever it touches, and in association with Venus,

Rahu can certainly suggest potential for weight



This same condition can be seen when Rahu aspects or

resides in the 2nd house as well; if one of the “fat”

planets also comes into play, the potential for

obesity is that much more heightened.


As an example of the ways in which this can play

itself, we’ll look at the horoscope of Oprah Winfrey,

born Jan 29, 1954, at 7:51pm in Kosciusko, MS,

according to the Clifford Data Compendium, found on

the Solarfire program. This chart, if correct,

reflects in so many ways Oprah’s many and epic battles

with her weight. Note how Rahu and Venus are both in

the 6th house; in a Vedic chart, the 6th house is one

of battles and enemies. Her Sun, which is also her

Ascendant Lord, is also in the 6th house, along with

Mercury, which is the 2nd lord of food and the mouth.


Now, several things to consider here: Venus is

severely combust by the Sun, AND the Sun and Venus are

enemies. This combines both an inimical relationship

between Oprah herself (Sun) and the food choices she

makes (Venus), as well as the types of food that she

is most likely to consume (Venus being weakened, both

by association, combustion and house placement, the

6th all contribute to her eating foods that have

little to any nutritional value). Note how Rahu

aspects the 2nd house, and its association with 2nd

lord Mercury makes things that much more problematic.


Vedic Astrology has long made a tradition of looking

at the horoscope from a myriad points of view, in

particular from the vantage point of the Chandra

Lagna, or Moon-as-Ascendant. If we do this here with

Oprah, we see that she has the full and mutual aspect

of Jupiter on her Moon (and close orb-wise as well;

within about 5 degrees); note also that Jupiter is the

2nd lord from the Moon. Now, note again how Rahu

aspects Jupiter, along with the afore-mentioned

conditions of Rahu on Oprah’s 2nd house. In viewing

the horoscope in multiple ways then, we can determine

exactly to what extent a given situation will likely

be manifest in a person’s life. Here, in the case of

Oprah, as it relates to her overweight issues (and, we

can say, so many other things about her life; more on

that later), the case is iron-tight.


The Dasa of Rahu has been in operation from 1991 and

will end in the year 2009; since the time it began,

Oprah has been on the weight and diet roller coaster.

At present, the sub period of Venus is running in the

major period of Rahu; it has been reported that Oprah

has yet again engaged the services of a trainer and

has gone and yet another diet, exceeding 300 lbs in

weight. In the planetary scheme of things, Venus and

Rahu are friends.


With the follow-up Dasa of Jupiter to begin in 2009,

we can be reasonably sure that Oprah will battle with

her weight for the balance of her life; Jupiter being

one of the “fat” planets following on the dasa of such

an overwhelming planet like Rahu, is no easy feat to


Just some thoughts.













Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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