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Vjyotish passes comprehensive test from a learned astrologer

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Dear list


It's one more satisfying moment for me, as the developer

of "Vjyotish". Nimmi Ragavan, a learned astrologer and an active

member of "vedic astrology" had kindly agreed to test

Vjyotish. She tested the program rigorously on various parameters.

Her feedbacks once more confirm my experience of "Date of event pin-

pointing capabilities" of Vjyotish. Her mail is pasted at the bottom

of my letter for your perusal.


As I have always said that my experience shows that Vjyotish index

values suddenly drops when a negative event is in the offing. I have

tested it hundreds of times myself. Though one thing has also been

noticed that negative results are more visible than the positive

results in one's life. It may be due to the reason that we do not

feel average quantum of positive results easily while negativity is

felt immediately. That's why I ask to test a "very negative

event" / "Traumatic event" of your life.


Dr. K. S. Charak, M.S. (Surgery), F.R.C.S. (UK), Editor- "Vedic

Astrology" bi-monthly journal and author of several excellent books

on Vedic astrology, once wrote in my testimonials book:


"I am highly impressed by the use of Ashtakvarga in a very scientific

and uniquely innovative way. This approach is certainly going to be a

landmark in predictive astrology."

(See http://www.howisyourdaytoday.com/Testimon.htm )



If you wish to test Vjyotish for an event of your life also through

Vjyotish, free of cost, you can do it by downloading "Vjyotish" from

the following location:




After downloading the program, please submit your birth-details and

specify the 3 month period (from any year) during which a particular

negative event has occurred (without telling me the exact date of

event) at following page:



(For example, if a serious mis-happening occurred on 12th July 1980,

you may ask to test Vjyotish from 25th June 1980 to 24th Sept. 1980.)


Please remember, Vjyotish gives better results with charts where the

ascendant is not on the border between two signs, where the time of

birth is accurate, and there are traumatic events with a known date.

I request you to not submit your birth-details if your have

borderline ascendant, the time of birth is uncertain, or you do not

have good memory about the exact date of incident. Please also

remember that I will publish your feedbacks to the list. If you do

not agree, please don't submit your test request.


Some times I receive a huge number of test requests simultaneously.

It becomes difficult for me to send data files to all of them

immediately. Therefore, please be patient after submitting your

details. I promise to send you the test data sooner or later.


Lady Diana's chart has been analyzed in detail through Vjyotish, for

the date of her accident in Paris, on my site. You may have a look at:




I have not come across any other software till date with similar

capabilities. I may be ignorant if there exists one. I shall be

really grateful to the person who can provide me the information

about any such astrology software with exact date pin-pointing



Warm regards,

Shyaam Sunder Kansal

( shyaamkansal )



--------- The original mail from Nimmi Ragavan


"Nimmi Ragavan" 106350.3660

varahamihira, vedic astrology

Vjyotish test

Thu, 16 Jan 2003 13:57:46 -0000


To all members of these lists


Vjyotish is software that purports to generate indices that will give

advance warning of significant events. If successful, it promises to

be a very useful tool for non-astrologers to get a general indication.


Some time ago, I agreed to test Vjyotish on past events using

suitable data. As my first test, I used the data for a friend Sara B

as test data. The makers of Vjyotish have no knowledge of the test

case I was submitting or the type of the event or the date of the

event. I asked for a 3 month period spanning the event.


Sara B lost her mother suddenly and unexpectedly on the 15th of

December 2001. This was extremely traumatic for her as her mother was

also her closest friend and Sara was expecting the first grandchild

in the family to be born on the 14th of jan 2001. She still finds it

hard to cope with and finds the whole Christmas period a very sad one

now as it is close to her mother's anniversary.


I tested the software with the general misfortunes index (01). There

was a sudden reversal of the index from very positive up to Dec 15th

2001 to very negative on 16th Dec 2001. And the index stays negative

after that date mostly to the end of the period I requested - 1st

Nov - 1-Feb 2001. The happiness index also reverses on the 15th of

December. The index of mother's health also sees this reversal on the

same date. As a control, I tested the index of father's health, which

does NOT show this reversal on that date. So the indices do

discriminate quite successfully in identifying the issues that could

be at stake. Checking the index for the spouse, I find that there is

a reversal on that date, but that the negative index is only mildly



So I would say that the test of the software has been very positive

in this test case. Monitoring this index for Sara B before the event

would have noticed the index reversal, and sustained negative value

of the index after the reversal to conclude that there was a

significant negative event to be expected.


I think further development of this software to identify dates when

there is a large change in the index in a direction opposite to the

previous change AND a change in the direction of the index AND a

large value for the reversed index would prove very fruitful. This

would allow some significant dates to be picked out and displayed as

a summary table, and would make use/testing easier. But even as it

stands the software seems promising and justifies further testing. I

will post further test data for Vjyotish soon and report the results

to the lists. With some luck I will have another test case to submit

this week. At the moment I have only identified a total of 3 test

cases that are suitable - i.e. ascendant not on the border and the

test event not discussed on this list or any other list.


Please feel free to forward the results of these tests to other

lists, that may be interested in an independent test of this software.




Nimmi Ragavan

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