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My meeting with Yogi Karve

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I was asked by a member of our list to tell what my experience with Yogi

Karveji was like. I will tell a little about that experience now.

My husband and I came to see him at the appointed time, yet we were asked

to wait awhile before we could see him. He only sees about 4 persons a day,

each person receiving about 45 minutes of time with him and his son. His son

translates what is said in Hindi to us and what we say in English, to Yogi


During that waiting period it was explained to us that it takes this

humble yogi about 20 minutes to find the records of a person (have you heard of

the "Akashic records--I think that is what is being researched) and bring

relevant material to light.

Each question asked will take approximately 10-20 minutes for Yogi Karve

to find the answer. Once he has one's record located, other questions related

to that person are easier for him to respond to.

We brought a tape recorder and taped the entire meeting. We took photos of

Yogi Karve and his son.

My birth time was ascertained and corrected time given, in about 20

minutes. My husband's birth time (unknown by him) was ascertained 20 minutes

later. It was given as 2 minutes earlier than what I'd previously guessed (from

dasha correspondences) as his birth time.

Yogi Karve and his son were not ostentatiously dressed, there was no

music, little else besides a table with a little of food and water, pictures of

Brahma, and other small items.

Yogi Karve's appearance is that of an elder having deep set eyes, gray

hair, and small physical stature. Like Edgar Cayce was, there is no theatrical

aura about this humble man, nor is his son in any way seeking to gain

recognition; both are simply engaged in offering information to the seeker.

I was going to detail my experience but i will not detail it since it

is close to my heart and should remain there. However I will tell you that Yogi

Karve did answer at least 5 questions that we asked him during our meeting. I

had many more questions but not enough time...other seekers were waiting.

At the conclusion of our time, Yogi Karve spoke something to his son,

and his son looked at me and said, "Speckles in the eyes?"

My husband was astonished. "Yes," I responded. "Yes. On December 1,

2002 I was rushed to the hospital because I had black specks in the vision of

my right eye. The retinologist gave me 3 medicines to take. It was a scary


I had lost 10% of vision in my right eye. The eye has been healed. Last Monday

the retinologist told me my right eye now sees better than my left eye. We'd

prayed for my right eye but forgot to pray for my left eye!" His son

translated my words into Hindi for Yogi Karve's appreciation. "Saturn is the

cause," he told his son to tell me.

Now if this venerable yogi is a fraud, how did he see the speckles

in my eye that have been healed only in the past few weeks, and which no-one

but I and my husband knew about.

I am typically overgenerous and after our meeting was over and the

next seeker had gone upstairs to see the sweet yogi and his son, I wrote out a

donation downstairs and gave it to our host. This donation was politely

refused. I was asked to please, make a much smaller donation if you wish to

make a donation. The host explained that the yogi would not allow the first

amount I wrote to be accepted. He would just ask for it to be returned. This

humble yogi does not seek material things, just his needs and the expenses of

traveling to be available to those seeking his help. I tried to argue that both

my husband and i had been there, but it was to no avail; the donation would not

be accepted. I changed my donation to a much smaller one and this smaller

amount was accepted.

Yogi Karve told us certain things about future events. I will watch to

see these predictions coming true. In my case, the news was favorable for the

future. I was given a mantra with instructions how to use it. I was told this

mantra is very beneficial.

I think of the seed that falls on fertile ground and the seed that

falls on rocky ground. Both grounds receive the same living seed. Fertile

ground supports new life and allows it to grow.

I send love to all of you. Anyone wishing a photo of Yogi Karve, please

email me separately at this address:

carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com

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Dear Carol

Thank you for sharing your deep and profound experience.

If I may, I would conclude that he was able to connect with you while he may to

have been able to connect with everyone. I suspect that this is the chance we

take when we go seeking.

Once a great astrologer and teacher for me put it succinctly: If you are open

you will be able to get what you need, if you are not then there isn't a think

I can do to change that. In time I translated this to include: If we can

connect we will both feel it and you will be enriched.

I wanted Leela to know that I've been there. There is a difference between the

way readings are done in East and West. I never presumed that YK was a fraud,

only that she and I shared a similar experience.



Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Thursday, January 16, 2003 8:24 PM

[GJ] My meeting with Yogi Karve

Dear GJList members, I was asked by a member of our list to tell what my

experience with Yogi Karveji was like. I will tell a little about that

experience now. My husband and I came to see him at the appointed time,

yet we were asked to wait awhile before we could see him. He only sees about 4

persons a day, each person receiving about 45 minutes of time with him and his

son. His son translates what is said in Hindi to us and what we say in English,

to Yogi Karve. During that waiting period it was explained to us that it

takes this humble yogi about 20 minutes to find the records of a person (have

you heard of the "Akashic records--I think that is what is being researched)

and bring relevant material to light. Each question asked will take

approximately 10-20 minutes for Yogi Karve to find the answer. Once he has

one's record located, other questions related to that person are easier for him

to respond to. We brought a tape recorder and taped the entire meeting. We

took photos of Yogi Karve and his son. My birth time was ascertained and

corrected time given, in about 20 minutes. My husband's birth time (unknown by

him) was ascertained 20 minutes later. It was given as 2 minutes earlier than

what I'd previously guessed (from dasha correspondences) as his birth time.

Yogi Karve and his son were not ostentatiously dressed, there was no music,

little else besides a table with a little of food and water, pictures of

Brahma, and other small items. Yogi Karve's appearance is that of an

elder having deep set eyes, gray hair, and small physical stature. Like Edgar

Cayce was, there is no theatrical aura about this humble man, nor is his son in

any way seeking to gain recognition; both are simply engaged in offering

information to the seeker. I was going to detail my experience but i

will not detail it since it is close to my heart and should remain there.

However I will tell you that Yogi Karve did answer at least 5 questions that we

asked him during our meeting. I had many more questions but not enough

time...other seekers were waiting. At the conclusion of our time,

Yogi Karve spoke something to his son, and his son looked at me and said,

"Speckles in the eyes?" My husband was astonished. "Yes," I

responded. "Yes. On December 1, 2002 I was rushed to the hospital because I had

black specks in the vision of my right eye. The retinologist gave me 3 medicines

to take. It was a scary experience. I had lost 10% of vision in my right eye.

The eye has been healed. Last Monday the retinologist told me my right eye now

sees better than my left eye. We'd prayed for my right eye but forgot to pray

for my left eye!" His son translated my words into Hindi for Yogi Karve's

appreciation. "Saturn is the cause," he told his son to tell me.

Now if this venerable yogi is a fraud, how did he see the speckles in my eye

that have been healed only in the past few weeks, and which no-one but I and my

husband knew about. I am typically overgenerous and after our meeting

was over and the next seeker had gone upstairs to see the sweet yogi and his

son, I wrote out a donation downstairs and gave it to our host. This donation

was politely refused. I was asked to please, make a much smaller donation if

you wish to make a donation. The host explained that the yogi would not allow

the first amount I wrote to be accepted. He would just ask for it to be

returned. This humble yogi does not seek material things, just his needs and

the expenses of traveling to be available to those seeking his help. I tried to

argue that both my husband and i had been there, but it was to no avail; the

donation would not be accepted. I changed my donation to a much smaller one

and this smaller amount was accepted. Yogi Karve told us certain things

about future events. I will watch to see these predictions coming true. In my

case, the news was favorable for the future. I was given a mantra with

instructions how to use it. I was told this mantra is very beneficial.

I think of the seed that falls on fertile ground and the seed that falls on

rocky ground. Both grounds receive the same living seed. Fertile ground

supports new life and allows it to grow. I send love to all of you.

Anyone wishing a photo of Yogi Karve, please email me separately at this

address: carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat


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I am glad to hear you had such an experience.

Perhaps he was on his game when you went and not on

when I was there - that might well be but meanwhile I

can only state what I saw.


I do not believe I disparaged Karve - I even couched

my suspicion of what happened quite moderately as a

possible ploy to make him credible and not as

charlatanry per se.


deepset eyes and a wiry body are racial traits of

Indians - including me - and are not inherent

indicators of spirituality.


I said I believed that Karve meditated regularly and

may indeed be a fine astrologer but that is not how he

he is hyped.

There was no evidence in his reading that would

indubitably point to super normal powers.


In fact a close friend of mine - a very wordly

attorney who reads coffee grounds - gave me a truly

psychic reading pin pointing specifics - so I am no

sceptic. I do however one to break this facile link

between psychic gifts and spirituality or ethicality -

all three are different and can be found separately or



There psychic field is filled with people who have

paranormal powers who are unethical and manipulative

human beings without any spirituality. I do not

believe that Karve was of this kind. he struck me

rather as a regular astrologer who might be quick at

making some calculations - or even have some intuitive

ability to read planetary positions (not in my

experience though) but to decisively tell people how

they should act or what will be is usually not

something any reputable astrologer will or should do

as it does not conform to the principle that the stars

impel us but do not compel us.

I may be wrong and have misread a saint - then I am

devoutly sorry but I can only say the truth as it

struck me - this particular emperor was not as well

clothed as he might be - let me not call him naked -

I can only speak from my personal experience - I went

WANTING to be impressed and was far from it.

In fact _ I doubt I shall ever seek out another such





--- Carolhook wrote:

> Dear GJList members,


> I was asked by a member of our list to tell

> what my experience with

> Yogi Karveji was like. I will tell a little about

> that experience now.


> My husband and I came to see him at the

> appointed time, yet we were

> asked to wait awhile before we could see him. He

> only sees about 4 persons a

> day, each person receiving about 45 minutes of time

> with him and his son. His

> son translates what is said in Hindi to us and what

> we say in English, to

> Yogi Karve.


> During that waiting period it was explained to

> us that it takes this

> humble yogi about 20 minutes to find the records of

> a person (have you heard

> of the "Akashic records--I think that is what is

> being researched) and bring

> relevant material to light.


> Each question asked will take approximately

> 10-20 minutes for Yogi

> Karve to find the answer. Once he has one's record

> located, other questions

> related to that person are easier for him to respond

> to.


> We brought a tape recorder and taped the entire

> meeting. We took photos

> of Yogi Karve and his son.


> My birth time was ascertained and corrected

> time given, in about 20

> minutes. My husband's birth time (unknown by him)

> was ascertained 20 minutes

> later. It was given as 2 minutes earlier than what

> I'd previously guessed

> (from dasha correspondences) as his birth time.


> Yogi Karve and his son were not ostentatiously

> dressed, there was no

> music, little else besides a table with a little of

> food and water, pictures

> of Brahma, and other small items.


> Yogi Karve's appearance is that of an elder

> having deep set eyes,

> gray hair, and small physical stature. Like Edgar

> Cayce was, there is no

> theatrical aura about this humble man, nor is his

> son in any way seeking to

> gain recognition; both are simply engaged in

> offering information to the

> seeker.


> I was going to detail my experience but i

> will not detail it since

> it is close to my heart and should remain there.

> However I will tell you that

> Yogi Karve did answer at least 5 questions that we

> asked him during our

> meeting. I had many more questions but not enough

> time...other seekers were

> waiting.


> At the conclusion of our time, Yogi Karve

> spoke something to his

> son, and his son looked at me and said, "Speckles in

> the eyes?"


> My husband was astonished. "Yes," I

> responded. "Yes. On December

> 1, 2002 I was rushed to the hospital because I had

> black specks in the vision

> of my right eye. The retinologist gave me 3

> medicines to take. It was a scary

> experience.

> I had lost 10% of vision in my right eye. The eye

> has been healed. Last

> Monday the retinologist told me my right eye now

> sees better than my left

> eye. We'd prayed for my right eye but forgot to pray

> for my left eye!" His

> son translated my words into Hindi for Yogi Karve's

> appreciation. "Saturn is

> the cause," he told his son to tell me.


> Now if this venerable yogi is a fraud,

> how did he see the

> speckles in my eye that have been healed only in the

> past few weeks, and

> which no-one but I and my husband knew about.


> I am typically overgenerous and after

> our meeting was over and

> the next seeker had gone upstairs to see the sweet

> yogi and his son, I wrote

> out a donation downstairs and gave it to our host.

> This donation was politely

> refused. I was asked to please, make a much smaller

> donation if you wish to

> make a donation. The host explained that the yogi

> would not allow the first

> amount I wrote to be accepted. He would just ask for

> it to be returned. This

> humble yogi does not seek material things, just his

> needs and the expenses of

> traveling to be available to those seeking his help.

> I tried to argue that

> both my husband and i had been there, but it was to

> no avail; the donation

> would not be accepted. I changed my donation to a

> much smaller one and this

> smaller amount was accepted.


> Yogi Karve told us certain things about

> future events. I will watch

> to see these predictions coming true. In my case,

> the news was favorable for

> the future. I was given a mantra with instructions

> how to use it. I was told

> this mantra is very beneficial.

> I think of the seed that falls on fertile

> ground and the seed that

> falls on rocky ground. Both grounds receive the

> same living seed. Fertile

> ground supports new life and allows it to grow.


> I send love to all of you. Anyone wishing a

> photo of Yogi Karve,

> please email me separately at this address:

> carolhook



















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Dear Leela,


There are four kinds of people who worship Lord. One

who suffers physical and societal pains (aarta), one

who seeks money (artharthi), the inquisitive (jigyasu)

and then the knowledgeable (gyani). These four

categories have been listed by Lord Krishna himself in

Gita. The first three categories need a horoscope but

the fourth one (Gyani) does not need one to tell

anything. But the fourth one would tell only what he

feels like and would not go by the demands and needs

of the consultor.






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