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West Coast SJC Annual Conference 2003

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Monday, February 17, 2003


All Jyotiśa Gurus, Speakers and Fellow Astrologers,

We are pleased to announce the second Annual SJC-America West Coast Conference

to be held in the fall of 2003.


The West Coast conference shall be held between Sunday, 17 August, 2003 to

Thursday, 21 August, 2003. The schedule for the conference is attached.


Sneha Restaurant Banquet Room, (off Lawrence Exp.)

1214 Apollo Way # 404b


CA 94085, USA


Speakers include Sanjay Rath, Robert Koch, Brendan Feeley, P. V. R. Narasimha

Rao, Phyllis Chubb, Shiv Pujan, Visti Larsen, Narayan Iyer, Karen Skoler,

Freedom Cole, and Lakshmi Kary.

Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath is a traditional vedic astrologer from Puri, Orissa. His

grandfather, Late Pt. Jagannath Rath was the Jyotiśa Ratna of Orissa

having authored many books on Jyotiśa.

Sanjay Rath has authored five books on vedic astrology, ‘Mahārśi

Jaimini’s Upadeśa Sutra’ (1997), Crux of Vedic Astrology-

Timing of Events (1998), Vedic Remedies in Astrology (2000), Nārāyana

Daśa (2001) Vimśottari and Udu Daśas, (2002), and (ed.) Varga

Chakra (2003), as well as authored several papers. He is the founder of Sri

Jagannath Center, editor, The Jyotiśa Digest, a quarterly journal devoted

to Vedic Astrology and owner of two electronic discussion forums on


Robert Koch

Robert Koch was born in San Francisco, CA USA and received his diksha initiation

from Sri Śrīmad A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swami Prabhupāda in March

1971. He served as head pujari in several ISKCON temples, from 1972 to 1990.

Śrī Śrī Jagannātha, Balabhadradeva, and Subhadra were

his first Iśta devatā. He has lived in India for six years from 1977

to 1983, where he studied Jyotiśa in North India. He has been practicing

and counseling jyotiśa, and teaching the same, full time since 1990. He

received a formal letter and certificate of commendation for spreading Hindu

astrology in the USA, from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, in 1999. He is the guru

of SJC-America region.

Brendan Feeley

Brendan Feeley is a doctor of naturopathy in Washington, DC, where he practices

Jyotiśa and Ayurveda. He began his studies in astrology in 1975 and was

initiated into the practice of TM that same year. On the full-moon night of

April, 1983 he was initiated into the path of Raganuga Bhakti, Rādhā

Krśna devotion, by his Guru, H.D. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, the

Founder of the International Society of Divine Love. He began his full-time

practice of jyotiśa in 1992, and he is a frequent speaker and teacher at

International Conferences. In 2000, he became the jyotiśa śiśya

of Pt. Sanjay Rath and being very advanced in jyotiśa knowledge, soon rose

to the position of a jyotiśa guru. He is the President of SJC-America.

P. V. R. Narasimha Rao

Narasimha Rao is a reputed vedic astrologer hailing from Machilipatnam, A. P.,

India. He is a jyotiśa guru of SJC and has written various articles and

research papers for the Astrological Magazine, Express Starteller and the

Jyotiśa Digest. He is the moderator of the Vedic-Astrology electronic list

at . He has presented papers and taught at various workshops and

conferences and is conversant with Sanskrit.

Phyllis Chubb

Phyllis Chubb began full time study of Western Astrology in 1973 at the

Institute of Astrological Studies in Toronto, Canada. After a three-year

apprenticeship, her academic career began. Between 1978 and 1986, two degrees,

both in Psychology were obtained while maintaining a full time astrological

teaching and consulting practice. Richard Houck's book, The Astrology of Death

changed her life's direction in 1998. Early the next year she was accepted as a

student by Sanjay Rath and on 14 February 2001 was named a jyotiśa guru.

She teaches jyotiśa to newcomers at the Acyuta Gurukulam at

http://www. and has participated in various

international conferences.

Shiv Pujan

Shiv Pujan has been practicing astrology for more than a decade and has been

trained in both Śaiva and Vaiśnava traditions of astrology from

Śrī Ganeśa and Pt. Sanjay Rath, respectively. He has written

articles and as a jyotiśa guru of SJC, has been teaching advanced students

at Delhi. He has participated in various conferences and has done yeoman service

by seeing charts during the previous SJC-America conference.

Visti Larsen

Visti Larsen has had an interest in the mystical and occult since a young age,

and began studying Western Astrology at the age of 16, through which he met

with many psychics, and likewise interested people and also learnt various

meditation techniques. Two years later, he began learning Vedic Astrology, and

attracted to the wealth of knowledge portrayed on online Email-lists, by the

likes of Sanjay Rath, J. Sarat Chander and Narasimha Rao, he joined SJC in

January 2001. With the blessings of guru and faithful Mantra, he was appointed

jyotiśa guru at Sunrise of Monday 12th of August 2002 - Galway, Ireland.

He is currently finishing college education and spending a lot of time with

online chats with other jyotiśa students. He has written articles for the

Jyotiśa Digest and presented papers in conferences in Galway, Ireland and

Hyderabad, India.

Narayan Iyer

Narayan Iyer took an early interest in Vedic Astrology (at the age of 17) due to

the influence of father and grandfather. His life took an interesting turn only

after meeting his Guru Shri Narasimha Rao in 1998 at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, PA

in front of the Dakśināmürti idol. Subsequently, he was accepted as

śiśya by Narasimha Rao and gained entrance to Sri Jagannath Center.

He was made a jyotiśa guru of SJC on August 23rd 2002. He has taught at

our workshop in New Jersey, USA in January, 2003.

Karen Skoler

Karen is a registered yoga teacher trained in a style of yoga called Prāna

Yoga, which was taught to her by Dr. Jeff Migdow MD in the lineage of Swami

Kripalvananda. In Prāna Yoga, the student is taught to hold postures for

a longer duration with the simultaneous use of prānayama and mantra as a

method of accessing the prāna of the seven cakras. Karen teaches

Prāna Yoga on Long Island, New York and is available for group and private


Freedom Cole

Freedom Cole is a yoga teacher and conducts annual yoga camps in New Jersey, USA.


As usual, we have kept the minimum donation at a reasonable level of US$ 200/-

to encourage participation by all fellow astrologers. In view of the limited

seats available, you are requested to book for the conference at the earliest.

For this purpose, an advance payment of US$ 50/- can be made immediately and

the balance can be paid on or before 17 July 2003. For delayed payments after

17 July 2003, please add US$ 25/-.

Mode of Payment

1) Electronic transfer and Credit card payments can be made through Pay Pal

and is payable to "Vedic Arts.usa" with e-mail address laksmi_k (AT) neteze (DOT) com


Click here to pay advance

Click here to pay full amount

2) Bank drafts, personal checks should be made out to "Vedic Arts-SJC

account" payable at Redwood Valley, CA, USA. International bank draft/Cheque

please add US$ 5/- towards transfer charges.

Please mail the Draft/Cheque to

Lakshmi (Lynn) Kary, P.O.Box: 144,

Redwood Valley,

CA, 95470, USA

3) Western Union can be made out to "Lynne Kary" phone number 707-485-7012

Western Union Agent location/Address

Little Bakers Market6951 East RD STE A PO Box 177Redwood Valley, CA 95470Tel: (707) 485-0445

4) Please do not send cash in envelopes.


About SJC

Please visit http://.org

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

For Śrī Jagannath Center




Sanjay Rath

Robert Koch

Brendan Feeley

Guru SJC

Guru SJC-America

President & Jyotiśa Guru

Table 1: Schedule




Session I

Session II

Session III

Session IV

Session V



0900 - 1030






Invocation & Prayers

Ātmakāraka definition

Ātmakāraka in Rāśi/amśa

Karaka Kendrādi daśā

Class work


Robert Koch, Narasimha Rao

Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath

Visti Larsen

SJC Gurus



Karma & Self realization


Drig daśā

Case studies

Class work


Karen Skoler

Robert Koch

Robert Koch

Robert Koch

Robert Koch

SJC Gurus



Shadripu, Trimśamśa and obstacles to spirituality



Class work


Karen Skoler

P.V.R.Narasimha Rao

Sanjay Rath

Narayan Iyer

SJC Gurus



Tatva, Dośa- Ayur

Jyotiśa foundation

Disease: Cause &


Sapta Loka & Tala

The Kundalinī

Class work


Freedom Cole

Brendan Feeley

Brendan Feeley

Sanjay Rath

Robert Koch

SJC Gurus



Counseling & Spiritual


Past Birth: Śaśtyāmśa



Future Agenda


Robert Koch

Phyllis Chubb

Narasimha Rao

Robert Koch

Shiv Pujan

Sanjay Rath

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