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Dear NAtabara


I knew you would dialogue with me on this <grins>

<<I would also like to begin a discussion on the Karma of predicting mass

destruction or chaos.>>



It is my preference not to be the predictor of bad news. When that comes i do

give the news in riddles.


Most people are not prepared to confront their destiny and we should avoid

causing worries, because by doing so, we get part of the karma.



[c] Ahh, that makes sense. When we are focused in on the events of others we

do not hear what we need to address within ourselves. I have a deepe sense

that what is described as "life review" at the time of death is true. If so,

then I would assume that the astrologer who predicts destruction would review

the impact of that prediction upon those who took it to heart or believed that

the astrologer knew just what was to happen. Then again, I believe that we are

each responsible for our thoughts and that these predictions as they are

rendered untrue, may in fact help those who suffere from such anxiety to gain



<<What is the responsibility of the astrologer for his or her words?>>



A great responsibility indeed. That is why we should cultivate a pure life

within and without. We should avoid unethical practices. For the untrained

eye any astrologer may look the same but for those in the know, they know



The external dress should not be the landmark to judge but the activities.



<<What does it say about astrologers when as a whole most appear to be seeking

the next big calamity rather than the next great opportunity?>>



It can be the search for fame and glory. Vedic astrology by being a divine

science can give in good time the right information to the right astrologer.


I know of astrologers that dont look for personal gain but to help in the

natural developing of karma. We are here to help others and not to cause


[c] Thank you we are in much agreement here. I was asked if one could prmote

my little newsletter after Sept. 11th. I said no thank you. I have no doubt

of the origin of the installments that month. They were no from my ego and I

was depressed the whole time I wrote it. I put the planner out there for those

who need insight and help getting through the days, weeks and months of life.

My intent is to ease the stress not cause it. I knew immediately that

publicity would bring folks who would be drawn to prediction rather than

insight. I never lose sight of where the information "ultimately" comes from.

It is not from my intellect or skill but from the sense of connection to the

planets as I feel them and the stories of the nakshatras as they reveal



I suspect that the rich and subtle insight of astrology will ever be elusive to

those who want it for fame. Even if fame comes, it will be short-lived as

astrology is deeper and richer than the mundane world. The astrologer Caroline

CAsey called astrology a mystery school cleverly disguised as a language of

human understanding....or something like that.


again, than you for the dialogue. What do you make of the nak. Mrigashira

holding Rahu, Mars, Venus and the Moon while Saturn lingers in Rohini?


cynthiaOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

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<<again, than you for the dialogue. What do you make of the nak. Mrigashira

holding Rahu, Mars, Venus and the Moon while Saturn lingers in Rohini?>>


In my own experience, the more planets we see together in a sign or

constellation, the more complexity of forces we will see sooner or later.

Mrigasira is ruled by the Mars and Mars by being in his own constellation

becomes very strong. That strength is shared among the other planets that are

together in there. We can see there, Venus and the Moon, therefore the

strength of those 2 planets is also given to their host planet Saturn.


{cyn} Here I agree, and I do see the Nakshatras as reflecting the planet that

is lord of the mansion. I happen to have Mars in Mrig. I have strange eyes,

and often times my vision is a little distorted but I can "see" things that

others cannot. I am not a particularly angry or venomnous person so Mars is

more for cutting through the trappings. I use it with clients to help point to

the knots that have to untie. For this reason, I have difficulty seeing the

planets in Mrig. begin particuarly evil. I suspect that we will "see" what

needs to be done and it will signal a time of rebuilding. I like Saturn as the

anchor of these planets in Rohini. She likes to be liked and offers a sense of

rooting or grounding to the whole stellium. If we simply look at the malefics

all being involved I can see where false illusion will be shattered. That may

well manifest as military action, but it may also manifst as "Truth" appearing

in the nightly news.





There are many Indian tribes in Mexico. One of them is called Mixtecos. The

Mixtecos are called the Deer People. They are the only tribe in all Mexico to

keep the Mexican chronology, and they are as well the keepers of the sacred

mushroom. The Sacred mushroom is so sacred to them that nobody among them and

below the age of 60, is allowed to ingest it. They have many shamans or brujos

y brujas as well.



{cyn} Could you speak a little more about these people?





"To seek, look for, to search through, to strive, to attain, to request, ask,

solicit, beg, beggar, to purify, adorn, to visit, frequent, pointing out the

way, the leader, tracing out, to investigate, to examine. Portion of the human

body-The eyes."


So, in my opinion, i can answer that the planetary combination that you mention

is indicating that all those ideas already quoted, will become more prominent

to people. Especially to those that have a connection with those

constellations or people.


I have to add that Srila Prabhupada has The Moon in Mrigasira and therefore his

books are very likely to become prominent and helpful to many.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

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