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On G W Bush

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Dear List Members

I have previously expressed the concern on George W Bush's chart that with

the 3 kama ( or deisre ) lords the 3rd 7th and 11th all in the Lagna that

his chart was unbalanced .My concern was the President would be too caught

up in his own self interest and those of his friends to appreceate the needs

, interests and concerns of others . This acting excessively in self

interest is a Bush family trait , his grandfather Prescott Bush was a

leading investor in Nazi Germany while his brother Neil Bush spearheaded the

biggest savings and loan collapse in US corporate history . The above is all

interesting in the light of today's New York Times editorial .



Threats, Promises and Lies




o it seems that Turkey wasn't really haggling about the price, it just

wouldn't accept payment by check or credit card. In return for support of an

Iraq invasion, Turkey wanted - and got - immediate aid, cash on the

barrelhead, rather than mere assurances about future help. You'd almost

think President Bush had a credibility problem.


And he does.


The funny thing is that this administration sets great store by credibility.

As the justifications for invading Iraq come and go - Saddam is developing

nuclear weapons; no, but he's in league with Osama; no, but he's really

evil - the case for war has come increasingly to rest on credibility. You

see, say the hawks, we've already put our soldiers in position, so we must

attack or the world won't take us seriously.


But credibility isn't just about punishing people who cross you. It's also

about honoring promises, and telling the truth. And those are areas where

the Bush administration has problems.


Consider the astonishing fact that Vicente Fox, president of Mexico, appears

unwilling to cast his U.N. Security Council vote in America's favor. Given

Mexico's close economic ties to the United States, and Mr. Fox's onetime

personal relationship with Mr. Bush, Mexico should have been more or less

automatically in America's column. But the Mexican president feels betrayed.

He took the politically risky step of aligning himself closely with Mr.

Bush - a boost to Republican efforts to woo Hispanic voters - in return for

promised reforms that would legalize the status of undocumented immigrants.

The administration never acted on those reforms, and Mr. Fox is in no mood

to do Mr. Bush any more favors.


Mr. Fox is not alone. In fact, I can't think of anyone other than the hard

right and corporate lobbyists who has done a deal with Mr. Bush and not come

away feeling betrayed. New York's elected representatives stood side by side

with him a few days after Sept. 11 in return for a promise of generous aid.

A few months later, as they started to question the administration's

commitment, the budget director, Mitch Daniels, accused them of

"money-grubbing games." Firefighters and policemen applauded Mr. Bush's

promise, more than a year ago, of $3.5 billion for "first responders"; so

far, not a penny has been delivered.


These days, whenever Mr. Bush makes a promise - like his new program to

fight AIDS in Africa - experienced Bushologists ask, "O.K., that's the bait,

where's the switch?" (Answer: Much of the money will be diverted from other

aid programs, such as malaria control.)


Then there's the honesty thing.


Mr. Bush's mendacity on economic matters was obvious even during the 2000

election. But lately it has reached almost pathological levels. Last week

Mr. Bush - who has been having a hard time getting reputable economists to

endorse his economic plan - claimed an endorsement from the latest Blue Chip

survey of business economists. "I don't know what he was citing," declared

the puzzled author of that report, which said no such thing.


What Americans may not fully appreciate is the extent to which similarly

unfounded claims have, in the eyes of much of the world, discredited the

administration's foreign policy. Whatever the real merits of the case

against Iraq, again and again the administration has cited evidence that

turns out to be misleading or worthless - "garbage after garbage after

garbage," according to one U.N. official.


Despite his decline in the polls, Mr. Bush hasn't fully exhausted his

reservoir of trust in this country. People still remember the stirring image

of the president standing amid the rubble of the World Trade Center, his arm

around a fireman's shoulders - and our ever-deferential, protective media

haven't said much about the broken promises that followed. But the rest of

the world simply doesn't trust Mr. Bush either to honor his promises or to

tell the truth.


Can we run a foreign policy in the absence of trust? The administration

apparently thinks it can use threats as a substitute. Officials have said

that they expect undecided Security Council members to come around out of

fear of being on the "wrong" side. And Mr. Bush may yet get the U.N. to

acquiesce, grudgingly, in his war.


But even if he does, we shouldn't delude ourselves: whatever credibility we

may gain by invading Iraq is small recompense for the trust we have lost

around the world.

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Dear Nicholas,


Excellent point, and thanx for the article.


Just a question, would the presence of the same 3-7-11 lords in other

kendras prove equally self-centric in your opinion?





gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> Dear List Members

> I have previously expressed the concern on George W Bush's chart

that with

> the 3 kama ( or deisre ) lords the 3rd 7th and 11th all in the

Lagna that

> his chart was unbalanced .My concern was the President would be too


> up in his own self interest and those of his friends to appreceate

the needs

> , interests and concerns of others . This acting excessively in self

> interest is a Bush family trait , his grandfather Prescott Bush was


> leading investor in Nazi Germany while his brother Neil Bush

spearheaded the

> biggest savings and loan collapse in US corporate history . The

above is all

> interesting in the light of today's New York Times editorial .

> ~

> Nicholas

> Threats, Promises and Lies



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Dear Kundalika

Thanks for the feedback and it is a good question that you ask .

Since the first house is the house of the self any planets placed there will

manifest strongly in someone's life .

>From another angle the first house is both a quadrant and a trine and

represents the natives direction in life .

To assess the degree of spiritual evolution one has to make at least an

overall assessment of rasi and navamsa .

The self-centricity I see might not be such a problem if the combination in

the 1st house was aspected by either of the trinal Lords .

Generally for a chart to move in the higher octaves the trines ( meaning

here the 5th and 9th ) should be occupied either by trinal lords or Lords of

quadrants .

So Bush's chart to me suffers from another drawback in that his trines , the

houses of dharma are vacant .

So an overall assessment has to consider this also .

The one promising combination is the close conjunction of Moon and Jupiter

which are the 1st and 9th lords although there are better houses than the

3rd for such Raja Yogas to describe higher consciousness .Jupiter also

represents advisors and GWB seems to have done fairl well in this regard .

Aside from this it also has to be factored that there are two dusthana Lords

in the Lagna .

This is sure to bring in irreligious temptations from time to time .



The navamsa chart is also interesting in that the three trinal Lords are

placed in the 10th house of career .

In Navamsa the 10th Lord is also exalted on the same rising degree as the

Navamsa Lagna and also in exchange with the 6th Lord

So the karmic merits that GWB brings from his previous life enable him to

achieve high political office .


So an overall assessment would be that it is not a spiritually evolved chart

although the Moon Jupiter conjunction would at least give a conscience but

the natives life is directed towards fulfilling career goals and needs to

watch out for blatant self interest with a possibility at times of sinking

into quite adharmic conduct .


Hope this helps










] Re: On G W Bush



> Dear Nicholas,


> Excellent point, and thanx for the article.


> Just a question, would the presence of the same 3-7-11 lords in other

> kendras prove equally self-centric in your opinion?

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Dear Nicholas

I read your interpretation and would tend to agree. I am always shy about

stating someone's spiritual potential, but that is just me.

I have often thought that to run for office, the person would need to be

career driven and even self focused. I cannot imagine someone thinking

about the ultimate cost on all levels and determine that public office is

worthwhile. Sorry, don't meant to sound cynical. Have admired Havel in the

Czech Republic for years. Heard that he is being replaced because he is

too philosophical. The people want a leader who shows a clear sense of

right and wrong rather than the gray area of thought.


Perhaps one day the people will admire those dharmic qualities.


musing in Dallas, waiting for an inch of ice to thaw.




"Nicholas" <jyotish108


Wednesday, February 26, 2003 3:25 AM

Re: [GJ] Re: On G W Bush



> Dear Kundalika

> Thanks for the feedback and it is a good question that you ask .

> Since the first house is the house of the self any planets placed there


> manifest strongly in someone's life .

> From another angle the first house is both a quadrant and a trine and

> represents the natives direction in life .

> To assess the degree of spiritual evolution one has to make at least an

> overall assessment of rasi and navamsa .

> The self-centricity I see might not be such a problem if the combination


> the 1st house was aspected by either of the trinal Lords .

> Generally for a chart to move in the higher octaves the trines ( meaning

> here the 5th and 9th ) should be occupied either by trinal lords or Lords


> quadrants .

> So Bush's chart to me suffers from another drawback in that his trines ,


> houses of dharma are vacant .

> So an overall assessment has to consider this also .

> The one promising combination is the close conjunction of Moon and Jupiter

> which are the 1st and 9th lords although there are better houses than the

> 3rd for such Raja Yogas to describe higher consciousness .Jupiter also

> represents advisors and GWB seems to have done fairl well in this regard .

> Aside from this it also has to be factored that there are two dusthana


> in the Lagna .

> This is sure to bring in irreligious temptations from time to time .



> The navamsa chart is also interesting in that the three trinal Lords are

> placed in the 10th house of career .

> In Navamsa the 10th Lord is also exalted on the same rising degree as the

> Navamsa Lagna and also in exchange with the 6th Lord

> So the karmic merits that GWB brings from his previous life enable him to

> achieve high political office .


> So an overall assessment would be that it is not a spiritually evolved


> although the Moon Jupiter conjunction would at least give a conscience but

> the natives life is directed towards fulfilling career goals and needs to

> watch out for blatant self interest with a possibility at times of sinking

> into quite adharmic conduct .


> Hope this helps

> Nicholas



] Re: On G W Bush



> > Dear Nicholas,

> >

> > Excellent point, and thanx for the article.

> >

> > Just a question, would the presence of the same 3-7-11 lords in other

> > kendras prove equally self-centric in your opinion?




> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to


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Dear Nicholas,


Thanx for detailed explanation, it is very helpful.


I do realise that to be a successful politician, some amount of

ruthlessness is required.




> So an overall assessment would be that it is not a spiritually

evolved chart

> although the Moon Jupiter conjunction would at least give a

conscience but

> the natives life is directed towards fulfilling career goals and

needs to

> watch out for blatant self interest with a possibility at times of


> into quite adharmic conduct .



Moon Jupiter in 3rd isn't all that good, because Jupiter is 6th

lord...the mind is preoccupied with enemies:(


Maybe, just may be, Dubya seeks out enemies, it comes naturally to



Thanx again, and regards,


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Hu's On First


(We take you now to the Oval Office.)


George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?


Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.


George: Great. Lay it on me.


Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.


George: That's what I want to know.


Condi: That's what I'm telling you.


George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?


Condi: Yes.


George: I mean the fellow's name.


Condi: Hu.


George: The guy in China.


Condi: Hu.


George: The new leader of China.


Condi: Hu.


George: The Chinaman!


Condi: Hu is leading China.


George: Now whaddya' asking me for?


Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.


George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?


Condi: That's the man's name.


George: That's who's name?


Condi: Yes.


George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader

of China?


Condi: Yes, sir.


George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle



Condi: That's correct.


George: Then who is in China?


Condi: Yes, sir.


George: Yassir is in China?


Condi: No, sir.


George: Then who is?


Condi: Yes, sir.


George: Yassir?


Condi: No, sir.


George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of

China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.


Condi: Kofi?


George: No, thanks.


Condi: You want Kofi?


George: No.


Condi: You don't want Kofi.


George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk.

And then get me the U.N.


Condi: Yes, sir.


George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.


Condi: Kofi?


George: Milk! Will you please make the call?


Condi: And call who?


George: Who is the guy at the U.N?


Condi: Hu is the guy in China.


George: Will you stay out of China?!


Condi: Yes, sir.


George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the



Condi: Kofi.


George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.


(Condi picks up the phone.)


Condi: Rice, here.


George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we

should send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you get

Chinese food in the Middle East?


Source: James Sherman





Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:07 AM

[GJ] Re: On G W Bush



> Dear Nicholas,


> Thanx for detailed explanation, it is very helpful.


> I do realise that to be a successful politician, some amount of

> ruthlessness is required.



> >

> > So an overall assessment would be that it is not a spiritually

> evolved chart

> > although the Moon Jupiter conjunction would at least give a

> conscience but

> > the natives life is directed towards fulfilling career goals and

> needs to

> > watch out for blatant self interest with a possibility at times of

> sinking

> > into quite adharmic conduct .

> >


> Moon Jupiter in 3rd isn't all that good, because Jupiter is 6th

> lord...the mind is preoccupied with enemies:(


> Maybe, just may be, Dubya seeks out enemies, it comes naturally to

> him.


> Thanx again, and regards,

> K.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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Dear Kundalika


> Thanx for detailed explanation, it is very helpful.


You are welcome . I also realise that you are an expert astrologer and that

you already had a good idea of the answer to your question but it is also

interesting to get others perspectives .


> I do realise that to be a successful politician, some amount of

> ruthlessness is required.


Yes in this age to run for office and take a position requires a fair amount

of compromise of one's standards


> Moon Jupiter in 3rd isn't all that good, because Jupiter is 6th

> lord...the mind is preoccupied with enemies:(


Yes because Jupiter rules 9th and 6th Cancers love the dharmic fight , the

proverbial fight of the goodies against the baddies .

Also the conjunction suffers from a close Rahu aspect which also perverts it



> Maybe, just may be, Dubya seeks out enemies, it comes naturally to

> him.



If one has the mind set that the world is full of dangerous enemies then

certainly one will find them .


Thanks for your input .The list members will benefit to see you post more



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Dear Cynthia



> Dear Nicholas

> I read your interpretation and would tend to agree. I am always shy about

> stating someone's spiritual potential, but that is just me.


I suspect that jyotishis take note of a person's spiritual potential but

divulge less than they see .


> I have often thought that to run for office, the person would need to be

> career driven and even self focused.


Yes to go on the stump selling yourself for 12 months as you do in the US

would take a certain type :-)


K N Rao makes the point that at the time BPHS was written that someone was

King for life so could really think about the long term welfare of the

people .

Thus in the classics there are combinations for kings and other combinations

for criminals .

He says then in the charts of modern day politicians be they American ,

Indian or whereever that both the combinations for Kings and criminals are

found .




I cannot imagine someone thinking

> about the ultimate cost on all levels and determine that public office is

> worthwhile.


Yes it would be hard to authorise a bombing knowing that you would get the

karma for the killing , maiming and long term increase in the cancer rate .

There is a story in the Puranas that in a previous yuga a saintly person

had erred and then when brought to account said I accept any punishment you

give so long as I am not made a leader in kali yuga .

In previous yugas the kings would retire from office in old age and go to

the forest and perform spiritual practises and austerities to negate any

mistakes they made .

The Pandavas are an example of this .




.. Heard that he is being replaced because he is

> too philosophical. The people want a leader who shows a clear sense of

> right and wrong rather than the gray area of thought.


In the US Jimmy Carter was like that , weighing up the ethical implications

of actions .Nowadays he is reagrded as having been incompetent .To have

blinkers on

makes it easier to instigate an action . Weighing things from every angle

can lead to indecision and dithering


> Perhaps one day the people will admire those dharmic qualities.


Leadership should be dharmically based but should also be sound at a

practical level .


> musing in Dallas, waiting for an inch of ice to thaw.


perspiring in Melbourne waiting for the afternoon thunderstorms .



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Dear Nicholas,



> You are welcome . I also realise that you are an expert astrologer

and that

> you already had a good idea of the answer to your question but it

is also

> interesting to get others perspectives .


I am a mere student.....my Grandfather doesn't consider himself an

expert after 40+ years of astrological experience.....I am a nobody

in comparison:)



> Thanks for your input .The list members will benefit to see you

post more

> often.

> Nicholas


Thanx for the kind words.




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Dear Kundalika

> I am a mere student.....my Grandfather doesn't consider himself an

> expert after 40+ years of astrological experience.....I am a nobody

> in comparison:)


You are right . We are all just learning . However those who start early and

have the tradition in their families can bring a certain edge .




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Dear Nicholas and all

Why do you think so many people seem to "hate" GWB? If the media is to be

believed, it appears that about 50% hate and 50% respect him. I'm

contemplating this as I look at the polarization around the world.


I wonder if it is the Saturn on the ASC?

I'll confess, I did not vote for him, but he is getting picked on so much I

feel compelled to find some good stuff in him. THat Jupiter Moon is nice...


Do you think it has anything to do with the kala sarpa? I have noticed that

my KS clients often talk about the difficulty in keeping friends and the

desire to have them. What do you think?



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Dear Cynthia,


> Why do you think so many people seem to "hate" GWB? If the media is to be

> believed, it appears that about 50% hate and 50% respect him. I'm

> contemplating this as I look at the polarization around the world.


> I wonder if it is the Saturn on the ASC?

> I'll confess, I did not vote for him, but he is getting picked on so much


> feel compelled to find some good stuff in him. THat Jupiter Moon is



> Do you think it has anything to do with the kala sarpa? I have noticed


> my KS clients often talk about the difficulty in keeping friends and the

> desire to have them. What do you think?


Just popping in quickly to respond to this (couldn't resist). One

explanation for the animosity Bush faces has been given in this reading of

his chart.


First consideration is the ascendant itself...Bush was born with Cancer

rising 14.0.32 degrees in the 4th pada of Pushya nakshatra which is lorded

by Saturn. Scripture states that natives born under this pada are stubborn

and hated by all people...strong words, but certainly the people have been

strongly divided with many expressing their dislike (hate) for him.



You can read the full delineation on.



Best Wishes,




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Dear Cynthia

I think it is a symptom of a wider global problem that is to blame the US

for everything as for better or worse the US is the global leader .

i.e If the Argentinaian Peso collapses blame the US , if there is no

Palestinian solution blame the US , if there is no democracy in Arab

countries blame the US and if there is an economic downturn blame the US

..Possibly because George Bush comes from the more elite section of the US he

makes an easier target than say Clinton .The Bush family have always been a

major target of the conspiracy theorists because Prescott Bush ( George's

grandfather ) was a big investor in Nazi Germany and his brother Neil Bush

ran the biggest S+ L collapse in US history .He may have escaped justice

because his father was the President . There have also been questions raised

about the conduct of GWB himself when he ran an oil company .

It seems also he won the Presidency because of his connections since his

record hardly warranted such a rise in life . It cannot be said that he got

the job though vision , integrity , elocution , on his record etc but simply

he outspent other more worthy candidates .



Looking at it from an astrological level all those desire Lords in the 1st

house may make him a person who is too absorbed in their own self interest .

The 11th Lord of friends is conjunct the 8th and 12th Lords and Rahu sits in

the 11th house .

Then the 6th Lord of enemies is conjunct the Lagna Lord .

I have limited experience with kala sarpa yoga the cases I know also do not

hold friends easily , can be fussy and also tend to take more from

friendships than they are prepared to give .

Wendy also has a point about the padas of nakshatras having an influence .

So at an astrological level there are a confluence of factors

It seems to me that Colin Powell has squandered his good reputation by

putting forth spurious reasons for an attack on Iraq at the behest of GWB


His critics may have it wrong . He may be genuinely a person who has taken

on an onerous burden out of a family tradition of offering themselves for

public service . Usually there is something in what both the friends and

critics of GWB say and the truth lies somewhere between .Exactly where only

a person of completely clarified vision could tell you .







"cynthianovak" <cynthianovak


Friday, February 28, 2003 10:11 AM

Re: [GJ] Re: On G W Bush



> Dear Nicholas and all

> Why do you think so many people seem to "hate" GWB? If the media is to be

> believed, it appears that about 50% hate and 50% respect him. I'm

> contemplating this as I look at the polarization around the world.


> I wonder if it is the Saturn on the ASC?

> I'll confess, I did not vote for him, but he is getting picked on so much


> feel compelled to find some good stuff in him. THat Jupiter Moon is



> Do you think it has anything to do with the kala sarpa? I have noticed


> my KS clients often talk about the difficulty in keeping friends and the

> desire to have them. What do you think?


> cynthia






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to




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With absolute power absolute responsibility comes


Great thing is that Americans are not so easily

Manipulated any longer, they ‘matured’-

and they are most

Important, not Bush. Adolescence is over!


In fact, this one being as he is, as Nicholas explained astrologically,

May serve better the ‘catalyst of change’

role, for the benefit of American people.


Why people hate Bush is relative: they elected him, at

the first place.

And people hate those who threaten their security,



I feel this irrevocable shift in consciousness of

American people

Is the best thing that could have happened,

And that Uranus in Aquarius is to be credited for






Nicholas [jyotish108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com]

Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:58 PM


Re: [GJ] Re: On G W Bush


Dear Cynthia

I think it is a symptom of a wider global problem that

is to blame the US

for everything as for better or worse the US is the

global leader .

i.e If the Argentinaian Peso collapses blame the US , if

there is no

Palestinian solution blame the US ,

if there is no democracy in Arab

countries blame the US and if

there is an economic downturn blame the US

..Possibly because George Bush comes from the more

elite section of the US he

makes an easier target than say Clinton .The Bush

family have always been a

major target of the conspiracy theorists because

Prescott Bush ( George's

grandfather ) was a big investor in Nazi Germany and

his brother Neil Bush

ran the biggest S+ L collapse in US

history .He may have escaped justice

because his father was the President . There have also

been questions raised

about the conduct of GWB himself when he ran an oil

company .

It seems also he won the Presidency because of his

connections since his

record hardly warranted such a rise in life . It

cannot be said that he got

the job though vision , integrity , elocution , on his

record etc but simply

he outspent other more worthy candidates .



Looking at it from an astrological level all those

desire Lords in the 1st

house may make him a person who is too absorbed in

their own self interest .

The 11th Lord of friends is conjunct the 8th and 12th

Lords and Rahu sits in

the 11th house .

Then the 6th Lord of enemies is conjunct the Lagna

Lord .

I have limited experience with kala sarpa yoga the cases I know also do not

hold friends easily , can be fussy and also tend to

take more from

friendships than they are prepared to give .

Wendy also has a point about the padas of nakshatras

having an influence .

So at an astrological level there are a confluence of


It seems to me that Colin Powell has squandered his

good reputation by

putting forth spurious reasons for an attack on Iraq at

the behest of GWB


His critics may have it wrong . He may be genuinely a

person who has taken

on an onerous burden out of a family tradition of offering

themselves for

public service . Usually there is something in what

both the friends and

critics of GWB say and the truth lies somewhere

between .Exactly where only

a person of completely clarified vision could tell you









<cynthianovak (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net>


Friday, February 28, 2003 10:11 AM

Re: [GJ] Re: On G W Bush



> Dear Nicholas and all

> Why do you think so many people seem to

"hate" GWB? If the media

is to be

> believed, it appears that about 50% hate and 50%

respect him. I'm

> contemplating this as I look at the polarization

around the world.


> I wonder if it is the Saturn on the ASC?

> I'll confess, I did not vote for him, but he is

getting picked on so much


> feel compelled to find some good stuff in

him. THat Jupiter Moon is



> Do you think it has anything to do with the kala

sarpa? I have noticed


> my KS clients often talk about the difficulty in

keeping friends and the

> desire to have them. What do you think?


> cynthia






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> :





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