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test no 75/TPs

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Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate

the power of the stations, I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role

of the planet concerned with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs

and can be both favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually

favourable in their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune

stations? I would think there are situations where these two natural malefics

could bring advances in their areas of life, but I would think that most of the

time their stations bring problems. Also, any distinction between the direct or

retrograde station. I recently had a client who got a big job the same month as

a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was in the natal 10th house.


Anyhow, I'd be interested in your views on this.






Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:39 AM

RE: [GJ] test no 75

Dear Gisela,



And thanks for your explanation.


Yes TP work great- just let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and

in fact all three events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as

per my experience, in TP is like a flag-something is going to happen- find out

what /You don’t need to look at any specifics, like house rulership, for

Mercury-something will happen when he changes direction-and he’s most active-

sure unless at the same time M. enters ‘heavier contacts’ configuration/

And Mars stationary- so ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance


I deliberately don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I can do

with jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see what

you wrote.


Good luck, Gisela!




GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com [GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]

Saturday, March 01, 2003 3:18 AMgjlistSubject: Re:

[GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas, Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing

that Dymock mentionned me when he gave the solution and forget me for the

report ... Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not

too clear for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big. Boths

facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury related,

mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her 7th and

it was stationnary again in january 2003.) Maddalena mentionned mercury on the

sixth for the 3rd date. Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars,

"planet of attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer

from all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving. I always admire your clear and logical

presentation, Maddalena!!!! Love and light Gisela Best wishes Gisela ....

www.gisel.de Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Dear Chris,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I do not make my living by doing astrology,

keep it’s ‘noble status in my life’/ha,

ha/- to help people and enjoy pure knowledge.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I have more time at the moment to study

jyotish and I am focused strictly on that-I

deliberately abstain from using ANYTHING from western astrology arsenal,

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">But my position on this issue

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Is THAT BOTH westen




10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I write this because you shared your unbiased


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Yes, with Saturn good things, career

related can and do happen-

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I lost my huge data base /during my long

practice as a psychologist, I would always cast the chart and follow up- yes

would ask the client about TOB

even- Ok, L. Green, as I know, does the same- she’s Jungian Psy, >smile</, and

software as well.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">My experience supports yours:

tab-stops:list .5in">


Natural benefics tend to be favourable

/always, in fact/ but malefics are not necessarily malefics- Saturm has strong

bearing o career, and it’s station coincides with CHANGE- not always worse.

tab-stops:list .5in">


color:navy">Jyotish planetary significance

is for Jyotish only, not to be applied with TP, MP,

NOT even with Secondary /haven’t explored the later enough, but have that

impression- again, Integrity of each system is to be maintained- if I see from

Progressions that something is going to happen, I would perhaps have another

look from Jyotish perspective- benefit would be that

I can go directly to D10, or D12…to see how transits affect them, what’s

happening there, strictly following Jyotish- Narasimha Rao wrote clear instruction on this, which I

would follow- The role of P. than would be to reduce the scope, direct

attebtion, and that of TIMING- If both confirm same thing-

how can possibly one event fail to manifest?

tab-stops:list .5in">


Although I cannot stand behind this at

all, I’d rather

see direct station, vs. retrograde, with Saturn and outers- giving positive

results- but it’s my ‘distrust’ in retro- as in your example,

and funny, I’ve seen that too. Outers tend to be malefic, but that seems

to depend on their position in natal- WESTERN. Pluto in my chart is powerful

and well integrated /it’s station always ‘brings’ something ‘tangibles’

Career-wise- money-wise/

tab-stops:list .5in">


I don’t

trust Mercury when signification is concerned- but it’s PEFECT for

TIMING- “red flag” sort of. For signification, I would search for

more reliable ‘support’ to be present at the same time

tab-stops:list .5in">



color:navy">Neptune is not

important in the chart and integrated- not much happens. If anything. I would

like to hear about your experience I don’t know the reason why is Pluto,

being farther away than Neptune

color:navy">, more powerful. My guess is that it’s because Pluto tends to

be ‘focused’ and ‘neptun’ difused. Don’t know.


you know more about RH position on this- I haven’t explored that at all-

but if you would share what you know about RH position on /each/ above

mentioned observation, I would appreciate that.






Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca]


Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:03 PM


Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a

follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate the power of the stations,

I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role of the planet concerned

with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs and can be both

favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually favourable in

their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune

stations? I would think there are situations where these two natural malefics

could bring advances in their areas of life, but I would think that most of the

time their stations bring problems. Also, any distinction between the

direct or retrograde station. I recently had a client who got a big job

the same month as a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was in the

natal 10th house.


Anyhow, I'd be interested in your

views on this.








10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Arial">12:39 AM

RE: [GJ]

test no 75


Dear Gisela,



And thanks for your



Yes TP work great- just

let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and in fact all three

events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as per my experience,

in TP is like a flag-something is going

to happen- find out what /You don’t need to look at any specifics,

like house rulership, for Mercury-something will happen when he changes

direction-and he’s most active- sure unless at the same time M. enters

‘heavier contacts’ configuration/

And Mars stationary- so

ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance


I deliberately

don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I can do with

jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see what you



Good luck, Gisela!





GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com

[GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:18 AM


Re: [GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas,

Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing that Dymock mentionned me when

he gave the solution and forget me for the report ...

Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not too clear

for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big.

Boths facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury

related, mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her

7th and it was stationnary again in january 2003.)

Maddalena mentionned mercury on the sixth for the 3rd date.

Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars, "planet of

attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer from

all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving.

I always admire your clear and logical presentation, Maddalena!!!!

Love and light


Best wishes




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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I missed one point-


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">It’s good to research

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Some opine that if the planet is retro in

natal, it’s retro transit, /progression, why not/, being in tune with it’s basic

nature will manifest more positively than

when it’s not.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Have you seen that? MeR

should be tolerating better MeR transit, pr.?





[anmar (AT) attcanada (DOT) ca]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">7:53 PM


RE: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Dear Chris,


I do not make my living

by doing astrology, keep it’s ‘noble status in my life’/ha,

ha/- to help people and enjoy pure knowledge.

I have more time at the

moment to study jyotish and I am

focused strictly on that-I deliberately abstain from using ANYTHING from

western astrology arsenal,

But my position on this


Is THAT BOTH westen and



I write this because you

shared your unbiased observation-

Yes, with Saturn good

things, career related can and do happen-

I lost my huge data base

/during my long practice as a psychologist, I would always cast the chart and

follow up- yes would ask the client about

TOB even- Ok, L. Green, as I know, does the same- she’s Jungian

Psy, >smile</, and software as well.


My experience supports


tab-stops:list 1.0in">



benefics tend to be favourable

/always, in fact/ but malefics are not necessarily malefics- Saturm has strong

bearing o career, and it’s station coincides with CHANGE- not always


tab-stops:list 1.0in">



planetary significance is for Jyotish only, not to be applied with TP, MP, NOT

even with Secondary /haven’t explored the later enough, but have that

impression- again, Integrity of each system is to be maintained- if I see from

Progressions that something is going to happen, I would perhaps have another

look from Jyotish perspective- benefit would be that I can go directly to D10,

or D12…to see how transits affect them, what’s happening there,

strictly following Jyotish- Narasimha Rao wrote clear instruction on this,

which I would follow- The role of P. than would be to reduce the scope, direct

attebtion, and that of TIMING- If both confirm same thing- how can possibly one

event fail to manifest?

tab-stops:list 1.0in">


Although I cannot stand behind this at

all, I’d rather see direct

station, vs. retrograde, with Saturn and outers- giving positive results- but

it’s my ‘distrust’ in retro- as in your example, and funny,

I’ve seen that too. Outers tend to be malefic, but that seems to depend

on their position in natal- WESTERN. Pluto in my chart is powerful and well

integrated /it’s station always ‘brings’ something

‘tangibles’ Career-wise- money-wise/

tab-stops:list 1.0in">



don’t trust Mercury when signification is concerned- but it’s

PEFECT for TIMING- “red flag” sort of. For signification, I would

search for more reliable ‘support’ to be present at the same time

tab-stops:list 1.0in">



color:navy">Neptune is not

important in the chart and integrated- not much happens. If anything. I would

like to hear about your experience I don’t know the reason why is Pluto,

being farther away than Neptune

color:navy">, more powerful. My guess is that it’s because Pluto tends to

be ‘focused’ and ‘neptun’ difused. Don’t know.


you know more about RH position on this- I haven’t explored that at all-

but if you would share what you know about RH position on /each/ above

mentioned observation, I would appreciate that.






Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:03 PM


Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a

follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate the power of the stations,

I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role of the planet concerned

with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs and can be both

favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually favourable in

their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune

stations? I would think there are situations where these two natural

malefics could bring advances in their areas of life, but I would think that

most of the time their stations bring problems. Also, any distinction

between the direct or retrograde station. I recently had a client who got

a big job the same month as a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was

in the natal 10th house.


Anyhow, I'd be interested in your

views on this.






10.0pt;font-family:Arial"> jb



10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Arial">12:39 AM

RE: [GJ]

test no 75







thanks for your explanation.


Yes TP

work great- just let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and in

fact all three events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as per

my experience, in TP is like a flag-something is going to happen- find out what /You

don’t need to look at any specifics, like house rulership, for

Mercury-something will happen when he changes direction-and he’s most

active- sure unless at the same time M. enters ‘heavier contacts’


And Mars

stationary- so ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance



deliberately don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I

can do with jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see

what you wrote.



luck, Gisela!





GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com

[GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:18 AM


Re: [GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas,

Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing that Dymock mentionned me when

he gave the solution and forget me for the report ...

Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not too clear

for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big.

Boths facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury

related, mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her

7th and it was stationnary again in january 2003.)

Maddalena mentionned mercury on the sixth for the 3rd date.

Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars, "planet of

attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer from

all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving.

I always admire your clear and logical presentation, Maddalena!!!!

Love and light


Best wishes




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see comments below***




Saturday, March 01, 2003 4:53 PM

RE: [GJ] test no 75/TPs

Dear Chris,


I do not make my living by doing astrology, keep it’s ‘noble status in my

life’/ha, ha/- to help people and enjoy pure knowledge.

I have more time at the moment to study jyotish and I am focused strictly on

that-I deliberately abstain from using ANYTHING from western astrology arsenal,


But my position on this issue



***well, I know what you're saying but I don't really agree. Preserving the

integrity of each means preserving the weaknesses of each. By consciously

avoiding to mix and meld ideas from different systems, we are trying to avoid

the natural human desire to improve and progress. I want you to know that I'm

not advocating the invention of a nakshatra that is ruled by Uranus or anything

like that. I would say, however, that the expansion of astrological knowledge

would be served by a healthy attitude of experimentation towards both western

and hindu astrological practices. I would suggest that had our predecessors

wished to preserve the integrity of the steam engine, they never would have

bothered to invent the internal combustion engine. Why stand still when you

can move forward? Here's to heterodoxy.


I write this because you shared your unbiased observation-

Yes, with Saturn good things, career related can and do happen-

I lost my huge data base /during my long practice as a psychologist, I would

always cast the chart and follow up- yes would ask the client about TOB even-

Ok, L. Green, as I know, does the same- she’s Jungian Psy, >smile</, and

software as well.


My experience supports yours:

¨ Natural benefics tend to be favourable /always, in fact/ but malefics

are not necessarily malefics- Saturm has strong bearing o career, and it’s

station coincides with CHANGE- not always worse.

¨ Jyotish planetary significance is for Jyotish only, not to be applied

with TP, MP, NOT even with Secondary /haven’t explored the later enough, but

have that impression- again, Integrity of each system is to be maintained-


**** Richard Houck recognized the necessity to hybridize both systems. He

found that major events occurring during progressed Saturn stations typically

corresponded with Saturn dasha or pratyardasa periods. So the rule here would

progressed planetary stations will be intensified if that planet's dasha was

running. Makes sense. It's similar to saying that progressed Saturn stations

will have more noticeable effects if there are close transits to Saturn's natal

or progressed station. In any event, it would appear that the Saturn station

has no inherently benefic or malefic quality. That will be determined by the

other planetary influences at the time.


if I see from Progressions that something is going to happen, I would perhaps

have another look from Jyotish perspective- benefit would be that I can go

directly to D10, or D12…to see how transits affect them, what’s happening

there, strictly following Jyotish- Narasimha Rao wrote clear instruction on

this, which I would follow- The role of P. than would be to reduce the scope,

direct attebtion, and that of TIMING- If both confirm same thing- how can

possibly one event fail to manifest?

¨ Although I cannot stand behind this at all, I’d rather see direct

station, vs. retrograde, with Saturn and outers- giving positive results- but

it’s my ‘distrust’ in retro- as in your example, and funny, I’ve seen that too.

Outers tend to be malefic, but that seems to depend on their position in natal-

WESTERN. Pluto in my chart is powerful and well integrated /it’s station always

‘brings’ something ‘tangibles’ Career-wise- money-wise/


****Right, it would seem that Rx stations are bad news, but that isn't

necessarily the case. I honestly haven't felt I've seen enough of them to make

a clear statement about it. It still all depends on what else is going on int

he chart. It seems then that the station is a kind of energy focus, that

intensifies everything else going on in the chart.


¨ I don’t trust Mercury when signification is concerned- but it’s PEFECT

for TIMING- “red flag” sort of. For signification, I would search for more

reliable ‘support’ to be present at the same time

¨ If Neptune is not important in the chart and integrated- not much

happens. If anything. I would like to hear about your experience I don’t know

the reason why is Pluto, being farther away than Neptune, more powerful. My

guess is that it’s because Pluto tends to be ‘focused’ and ‘neptun’ difused.

Don’t know.


****BTW, Houck found that Pluto stations were usually very powerful, and were

most often correlated to political victories. As you may know, he studied the

charts of many politicians.


Chris, you know more about RH position on this- I

haven’t explored that at all- but if you would share what you know about RH

position on /each/ above mentioned observation, I would appreciate that.




****Actually, I don't know much about the stations other than what I've written

here. That's why I was asking. My sense is there may be more to it than a

simple intensifying effect, but I'm just not sure. Thanks for sharing your






Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca] Saturday, March 01, 2003 3:03

PMgjlistSubject: Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate

the power of the stations, I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role

of the planet concerned with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs

and can be both favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually

favourable in their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune

stations? I would think there are situations where these two natural malefics

could bring advances in their areas of life, but I would think that most of the

time their stations bring problems. Also, any distinction between the direct or

retrograde station. I recently had a client who got a big job the same month as

a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was in the natal 10th house.


Anyhow, I'd be interested in your views on this.






Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:39 AM

RE: [GJ] test no 75


Dear Gisela,



And thanks for your explanation.


Yes TP work great- just let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and

in fact all three events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as

per my experience, in TP is like a flag-something is going to happen- find out

what /You don’t need to look at any specifics, like house rulership, for

Mercury-something will happen when he changes direction-and he’s most active-

sure unless at the same time M. enters ‘heavier contacts’ configuration/

And Mars stationary- so ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance


I deliberately don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I can do

with jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see what

you wrote.


Good luck, Gisela!




GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com [GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]

Saturday, March 01, 2003 3:18 AMgjlistSubject: Re:

[GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas, Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing

that Dymock mentionned me when he gave the solution and forget me for the

report ... Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not

too clear for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big. Boths

facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury related,

mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her 7th and

it was stationnary again in january 2003.) Maddalena mentionned mercury on the

sixth for the 3rd date. Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars,

"planet of attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer

from all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving. I always admire your clear and logical

presentation, Maddalena!!!! Love and light Gisela Best wishes Gisela ....

www.gisel.de Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Dear Cristopher,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I don’t know what’s happening

with my stars today,

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">But what you wrote,

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Is certainly the best I’ve read in a

long time.


What you wrote is of

broader interest, and in fact THE MAYOR ISSUE OF ASTROLOGY and ANY KNOWLEDGE,

in general

mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">” . I would say, however, that the

expansion of astrological knowledge would be served by a healthy attitude of

experimentation towards both western and hindu

astrological practices. I would suggest that had our

predecessors wished to preserve the integrity of the steam engine, they never

would have bothered to invent the internal combustion engine.

Why stand still when you can move forward? Here's to heterodoxy.



Right to the point,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I DO AGREE with every word,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Being too long in western astrology /and

trust my word: I studied that seriously/

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">And too short, compared to that, in Jyotish,

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I don’t feel competent enough to

even dare to think about this ‘quantum leap’, that you talk about,

that will eventually come- if CONTINUUM of knowledge is appreciated- Both

western and hindu, I said that if you remember, talk

about the same Universe.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">But one has to master perfectly both systems

first, to have deep understanding and knowledge, before one even try to do what

is the only ‘Healthy ATTIDUTE”- cannot find better word. And with

an open mind, EXPERIMENT /your words, again/


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I hate to see ‘made-up’

interpretations, either in western or vedic, when one

employs bigger and bigger number of techniques, to ‘suit interpretation

needs’, and to prove that system works. That’s the wrong IMHO, and

puts more doubts on validity of the system, in fact.

8.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I know what I cannot do with high standards

of consistency, with western astrology and I will always be first to admit


8.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">If progressions ‘fail’ to

recognize my marriage as an important event, and supply lots of indications of

a ‘royal event’ when my child was born, they are not to be blamed- though

always disappointed at first, I’ve realized that I have to trust the

wisdom of their message instead. And it proved to be true guidance instead of

being ‘unreliable’ technique’ as per our low-conscious

conception- that’s how they work –


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I am truly excited about ‘MOVING

FORWARD’ and not be imprisoned by any system- need to stick to one system

and close eyes to another which has IT’S OWN Value, is weakness and it’s

certainly not, as you said, the way knowledge grows.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">However for the time being I would greatly

appreciate your sharing of this precious facet of knowledge,

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Since your knowledge and understanding

seem to be very advanced, allowing you to go even further.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I’m still not there. But will be, I know that.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I have to go conservatively, preserving integrity

of each system, and to face vedic


padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 1.0pt 0in">


**** Richard Houck recognized the necessity to hybridize

both systems. He found that major events occurring during progressed

Saturn stations typically corresponded with Saturn dasha

or pratyardasa periods. So the rule here would

progressed planetary stations will be intensified if that planet's dasha was

running. Makes sense.

It's similar to saying that progressed Saturn stations will have more

noticeable effects if there are close transits to Saturn's natal or

progressed station. In any event, it would appear that the Saturn

station has no inherently benefic or malefic quality. That will be

determined by the other planetary influences at the time.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">PLEASE SHARE MORE

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">For that part, I can and will certainly

look how/if dasha or subs intensify progressed planets message.

Makes perfect sense.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">That far I can go too.



10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Please se my comments below, for the rest

of your responses




Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Sunday, March 02, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">12:27 AM


Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs




see comments below***






10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Arial">4:53 PM

RE: [GJ]

test no 75/TPs


Dear Chris,


I do not make my living

by doing astrology, keep it’s ‘noble status in my life’/ha,

ha/- to help people and enjoy pure knowledge.

I have more time at the

moment to study jyotish and I am

focused strictly on that-I deliberately abstain from using ANYTHING from

western astrology arsenal,

But my position on this


Is THAT BOTH westen and



***well, I know what you're

saying but I don't really agree. Preserving the integrity of each means

preserving the weaknesses of each. By consciously avoiding to mix

and meld ideas from different systems, we are trying to avoid the natural human

desire to improve and progress. I want you to know that I'm not

advocating the invention of a nakshatra that is ruled by Uranus or anything

like that. I would say, however, that the expansion of astrological

knowledge would be served by a healthy attitude of experimentation towards both

western and hindu astrological practices. I would suggest

that had our predecessors wished to preserve the integrity of the steam engine,

they never would have bothered to invent the internal combustion

engine. Why stand still when you can move forward?

Here's to heterodoxy.


I write this because you

shared your unbiased observation-

Yes, with Saturn good

things, career related can and do happen-

I lost my huge data base

/during my long practice as a psychologist, I would always cast the chart and

follow up- yes would ask the client about

TOB even- Ok, L. Green, as I know, does the same- she’s Jungian

Psy, >smile</, and software as well.


My experience supports


Natural benefics tend to be favourable /always, in

fact/ but malefics are not necessarily malefics- Saturm has strong bearing o

career, and it’s station coincides with CHANGE- not always worse.

color:navy">Jyotish planetary significance

is for Jyotish only, not to be applied with TP, MP, NOT even with Secondary

/haven’t explored the later enough, but have that impression- again,

Integrity of each system is to be maintained-


**** Richard Houck recognized the necessity to hybridize

both systems. He found that major events occurring during progressed

Saturn stations typically corresponded with Saturn dasha or pratyardasa

periods. So the rule here would progressed planetary stations will be

intensified if that planet's dasha was running. Makes

sense. It's similar to saying that progressed Saturn stations

will have more noticeable effects if there are close transits

to Saturn's natal or progressed station. In any event, it would

appear that the Saturn station has no inherently benefic or malefic

quality. That will be determined by the other planetary influences at the




I see from Progressions that something is going to happen, I would perhaps have

another look from Jyotish perspective- benefit would be that I can go directly

to D10, or D12…to see how transits affect them, what’s happening

there, strictly following Jyotish- Narasimha Rao wrote clear instruction on

this, which I would follow- The role of P. than would be to reduce the scope,

direct attebtion, and that of TIMING- If both confirm same thing- how can

possibly one event fail to manifest?

Although I cannot stand behind this at

all, I’d

rather see direct station, vs. retrograde, with Saturn and

outers- giving positive results- but it’s my ‘distrust’ in

retro- as in your example, and funny, I’ve seen that too. Outers tend to

be malefic, but that seems to depend on their position in natal- WESTERN. Pluto

in my chart is powerful and well integrated /it’s

station always ‘brings’ something ‘tangibles’

Career-wise- money-wise/


tab-stops:list 1.0in">


color:navy">****Right, it would seem that Rx stations are bad news, but that

isn't necessarily the case. I honestly haven't felt I've seen enough of

them to make a clear statement about it. It still all depends on what

else is going on int he chart. It seems then that the station is a kind

of energy focus, that intensifies everything else

going on in the chart.


Makes sense.

font-family:Arial">One thing I missed to tell you with regards to this-

font-family:Arial">I cannot prove statistically, but it’s not just my ‘distrust’

in retro…Think about this: If you look at Minors /progr/,

and they move fast, right, and if you have Station Retro..the planet will

relatively soon stop again and go

direct- how lasting, important event would be, and how positive…

font-family:Arial">Would you suspect that something /in person or outer

circumstances/ might change, course may change, whatever…Got

the point?

font-family:Arial">I’ve seen that with Mercury- Direct station is like ‘the

road is clean’- and is more often positive than retro-station.


tab-stops:list 1.0in">


color:navy">I don’t trust Mercury when signification is concerned- but

it’s PEFECT for TIMING- “red flag” sort of. For

signification, I would search for more reliable ‘support’ to be

present at the same time


color:navy">Neptune is not

important in the chart and integrated- not much happens. If anything. I would

like to hear about your experience I don’t know the reason why is Pluto,

being farther away than Neptune

color:navy">, more powerful. My guess is that it’s because Pluto tends to

be ‘focused’ and ‘neptun’ difused. Don’t know.


color:navy">****BTW, Houck found that Pluto stations were usually very

powerful, and were most often correlated to political victories. As you may know,

he studied the charts of many politicians.

And knew a lot.

color:navy"> You are lucky, Chris.





you know more about RH position on this- I


explored that at all- but if you would share what you know about RH position on

/each/ above mentioned observation, I would appreciate that.





I don't know much about the stations other than what I've written here. That's

why I was asking. My sense is there may be more to it than

a simple intensifying effect, but I'm just not sure.


color:black">Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Chris, Please share any thought you have on

this, as well as when you encounter particular situation. I guess you have at

least a hypotesis, sice you

say “

color:black">there may be more to it than a simple intensifying effect”-

they are equally valuable, as you know, even if no proof exist. We can explore,

at least.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Thanks so much for this invigorating



10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Enjoy nice weather- it’s not bad

here, either /ha, ha/









Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:03 PM


Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a

follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate the power of the stations,

I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role of the planet concerned

with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs and can be both

favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually favourable in

their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune stations?

I would think there are situations where these two natural malefics could bring

advances in their areas of life, but I would think that most of the time their

stations bring problems. Also, any distinction between the direct or

retrograde station. I recently had a client who got a big job the same

month as a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was in the natal 10th



Anyhow, I'd be interested in your

views on this.






10.0pt;font-family:Arial"> jb



10.0pt;font-family:Arial">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Arial">12:39 AM

RE: [GJ]

test no 75







thanks for your explanation.


Yes TP

work great- just let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and in

fact all three events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as per

my experience, in TP is like a flag-something is going to happen- find out what /You

don’t need to look at any specifics, like house rulership, for

Mercury-something will happen when he changes direction-and he’s most

active- sure unless at the same time M. enters ‘heavier contacts’


And Mars

stationary- so ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance



deliberately don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I

can do with jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see

what you wrote.



luck, Gisela!





GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com

[GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">Saturday, March 01, 2003

font-family:Tahoma">3:18 AM


Re: [GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas,

Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing that Dymock mentionned me when

he gave the solution and forget me for the report ...

Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not too clear

for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big.

Boths facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury

related, mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her

7th and it was stationnary again in january 2003.)

Maddalena mentionned mercury on the sixth for the 3rd date.

Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars, "planet of

attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer from

all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving.

I always admire your clear and logical presentation, Maddalena!!!!

Love and light


Best wishes




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Glad to know you understand where I'm coming from. Since you're a relative

newcomer to the vedic side of things, I guess you're hesitant to step on any

jyotish toes. That's good. It's important to have respect for the differences

in the two traditions. Unfortunately too many people working in the vedic

tradition don't take too kindly to what they consider to be foreign elements.

This is mostly because they aren't working on purely logical grounds -- their

practice of astrology is closely intertwined with their deepest spiritual

beliefs. They cannot incorporate any ideas or techniques that are not found in

specified classical texts. This has caused some tension from time to time.


I totally agree with your idea that too many complicated and obscure techniques

take away from the system and open itself to questions of overall validity.

Some people dont' want to admit that some systems aren't 100% perfect at all

times. Instead of accepting the limits of the system, they come up with all

these strange rationalizations. That said, I would offer that the reason that

you marriage didn't show up in any progression pattern was because you might

have needed to compare it with the navamsha chart, or conversely, you may need

to take the navamsha of the different progressed charts. Progressed charts

don't always give us clear answers in the rashi chart, so we sometimes need to

bring in the apprrpriate varga charts. I find that is often the case with



Anyway, I hope your vedic studies go well. I don't know much really, but i'd be

happy to help you where I can.






Sunday, March 02, 2003 8:04 PM

RE: [GJ] test no 75/TPs

Dear Cristopher,


I don’t know what’s happening with my stars today,

But what you wrote,

Is certainly the best I’ve read in a long time.


What you wrote is of broader interest, and in fact THE MAYOR ISSUE OF ASTROLOGY

and ANY KNOWLEDGE, in general” . I would say, however, that the expansion of

astrological knowledge would be served by a healthy attitude of experimentation

towards both western and hindu astrological practices. I would suggest that

had our predecessors wished to preserve the integrity of the steam engine, they

never would have bothered to invent the internal combustion engine. Why stand

still when you can move forward? Here's to heterodoxy.


Right to the point, great.

I DO AGREE with every word,


Being too long in western astrology /and trust my word: I studied that seriously/

And too short, compared to that, in Jyotish,

I don’t feel competent enough to even dare to think about this ‘quantum leap’,

that you talk about, that will eventually come- if CONTINUUM of knowledge is

appreciated- Both western and hindu, I said that if you remember, talk about

the same Universe.

But one has to master perfectly both systems first, to have deep understanding

and knowledge, before one even try to do what is the only ‘Healthy ATTIDUTE”-

cannot find better word. And with an open mind, EXPERIMENT /your words, again/


I hate to see ‘made-up’ interpretations, either in western or vedic, when one

employs bigger and bigger number of techniques, to ‘suit interpretation needs’,

and to prove that system works. That’s the wrong IMHO, and puts more doubts on

validity of the system, in fact.

I know what I cannot do with high standards of consistency, with western

astrology and I will always be first to admit that-

If progressions ‘fail’ to recognize my marriage as an important event, and

supply lots of indications of a ‘royal event’ when my child was born, they are

not to be blamed- though always disappointed at first, I’ve realized that I

have to trust the wisdom of their message instead. And it proved to be true

guidance instead of being ‘unreliable’ technique’ as per our low-conscious

conception- that’s how they work –


I am truly excited about ‘MOVING FORWARD’ and not be imprisoned by any system-

need to stick to one system and close eyes to another which has IT’S OWN Value,

is weakness and it’s certainly not, as you said, the way knowledge grows.


However for the time being I would greatly appreciate your sharing of this

precious facet of knowledge,

Since your knowledge and understanding seem to be very advanced, allowing you to go even further.


I’m still not there. But will be, I know that.


I have to go conservatively, preserving integrity of each system, and to face vedic honestly.



**** Richard Houck recognized the necessity to hybridize both systems. He

found that major events occurring during progressed Saturn stations typically

corresponded with Saturn dasha or pratyardasa periods. So the rule here would

progressed planetary stations will be intensified if that planet's dasha was

running. Makes sense. It's similar to saying that progressed Saturn stations

will have more noticeable effects if there are close transits to Saturn's natal

or progressed station. In any event, it would appear that the Saturn station

has no inherently benefic or malefic quality. That will be determined by the

other planetary influences at the time.



For that part, I can and will certainly look how/if dasha or subs intensify

progressed planets message. Makes perfect sense.

That far I can go too.



Please se my comments below, for the rest of your responses



Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca] Sunday, March 02, 2003 12:27

AMgjlistSubject: Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs




see comments below***




Saturday, March 01, 2003 4:53 PM

RE: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Dear Chris,


I do not make my living by doing astrology, keep it’s ‘noble status in my

life’/ha, ha/- to help people and enjoy pure knowledge.

I have more time at the moment to study jyotish and I am focused strictly on

that-I deliberately abstain from using ANYTHING from western astrology arsenal,


But my position on this issue



***well, I know what you're saying but I don't really agree. Preserving the

integrity of each means preserving the weaknesses of each. By consciously

avoiding to mix and meld ideas from different systems, we are trying to avoid

the natural human desire to improve and progress. I want you to know that I'm

not advocating the invention of a nakshatra that is ruled by Uranus or anything

like that. I would say, however, that the expansion of astrological knowledge

would be served by a healthy attitude of experimentation towards both western

and hindu astrological practices. I would suggest that had our predecessors

wished to preserve the integrity of the steam engine, they never would have

bothered to invent the internal combustion engine. Why stand still when you

can move forward? Here's to heterodoxy.


I write this because you shared your unbiased observation-

Yes, with Saturn good things, career related can and do happen-

I lost my huge data base /during my long practice as a psychologist, I would

always cast the chart and follow up- yes would ask the client about TOB even-

Ok, L. Green, as I know, does the same- she’s Jungian Psy, >smile</, and

software as well.


My experience supports yours:

Natural benefics tend to be favourable /always, in fact/ but malefics are not

necessarily malefics- Saturm has strong bearing o career, and it’s station

coincides with CHANGE- not always worse.

Jyotish planetary significance is for Jyotish only, not to be applied with TP,

MP, NOT even with Secondary /haven’t explored the later enough, but have that

impression- again, Integrity of each system is to be maintained-


**** Richard Houck recognized the necessity to hybridize both systems. He

found that major events occurring during progressed Saturn stations typically

corresponded with Saturn dasha or pratyardasa periods. So the rule here would

progressed planetary stations will be intensified if that planet's dasha was

running. Makes sense. It's similar to saying that progressed Saturn stations

will have more noticeable effects if there are close transits to Saturn's natal

or progressed station. In any event, it would appear that the Saturn station

has no inherently benefic or malefic quality. That will be determined by the

other planetary influences at the time.


if I see from Progressions that something is going to happen, I would perhaps

have another look from Jyotish perspective- benefit would be that I can go

directly to D10, or D12…to see how transits affect them, what’s happening

there, strictly following Jyotish- Narasimha Rao wrote clear instruction on

this, which I would follow- The role of P. than would be to reduce the scope,

direct attebtion, and that of TIMING- If both confirm same thing- how can

possibly one event fail to manifest?

Although I cannot stand behind this at all, I’d rather see direct station, vs.

retrograde, with Saturn and outers- giving positive results- but it’s my

‘distrust’ in retro- as in your example, and funny, I’ve seen that too. Outers

tend to be malefic, but that seems to depend on their position in natal-

WESTERN. Pluto in my chart is powerful and well integrated /it’s station always

‘brings’ something ‘tangibles’ Career-wise- money-wise/


¨****Right, it would seem that Rx stations are bad news, but that isn't

necessarily the case. I honestly haven't felt I've seen enough of them to make

a clear statement about it. It still all depends on what else is going on int

he chart. It seems then that the station is a kind of energy focus, that

intensifies everything else going on in the chart.


Makes sense.

One thing I missed to tell you with regards to this-

I cannot prove statistically, but it’s not just my ‘distrust’ in retro…Think

about this: If you look at Minors /progr/, and they move fast, right, and if

you have Station Retro..the planet will relatively soon stop again and go

direct- how lasting, important event would be, and how positive…

Would you suspect that something /in person or outer circumstances/ might

change, course may change, whatever…Got the point?

I’ve seen that with Mercury- Direct station is like ‘the road is clean’- and is

more often positive than retro-station.


¨ I don’t trust Mercury when signification is concerned- but it’s PEFECT for

TIMING- “red flag” sort of. For signification, I would search for more reliable

‘support’ to be present at the same time

If Neptune is not important in the chart and integrated- not much happens. If

anything. I would like to hear about your experience I don’t know the reason

why is Pluto, being farther away than Neptune, more powerful. My guess is that

it’s because Pluto tends to be ‘focused’ and ‘neptun’ difused. Don’t know.


****BTW, Houck found that Pluto stations were usually very powerful, and were

most often correlated to political victories. As you may know, he studied the

charts of many politicians.

And knew a lot. You are lucky, Chris.




Chris, you know more about RH position on this- I

haven’t explored that at all- but if you would share what you know about RH

position on /each/ above mentioned observation, I would appreciate that.




****Actually, I don't know much about the stations other than what I've written

here. That's why I was asking. My sense is there may be more to it than a

simple intensifying effect, but I'm just not sure. Thanks for sharing your


Chris, Please share any thought you have on this, as well as when you encounter

particular situation. I guess you have at least a hypotesis, sice you say

“there may be more to it than a simple intensifying effect”- they are equally

valuable, as you know, even if no proof exist. We can explore, at least.

Thanks so much for this invigorating sharing.


Enjoy nice weather- it’s not bad here, either /ha, ha/








Christopher Kevill

[christopher.kevill (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca] Saturday, March 01, 2003 3:03

PMgjlistSubject: Re: [GJ] test no 75/TPs


Anna and Gisela,


Just a question on TPs. As a follower of Houck, I use them and fully appreciate

the power of the stations, I'd be interested to know your opinions on the role

of the planet concerned with likely events. Mercury can signal breakthoughs

and can be both favourable and unfavourable. Natural benefics are usually

favourable in their manifestations. But what of Saturn stations, and Neptune

stations? I would think there are situations where these two natural malefics

could bring advances in their areas of life, but I would think that most of the

time their stations bring problems. Also, any distinction between the direct or

retrograde station. I recently had a client who got a big job the same month as

a Mercury *retrograde* station. Mercury was in the natal 10th house.


Anyhow, I'd be interested in your views on this.






Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:39 AM

RE: [GJ] test no 75


Dear Gisela,



And thanks for your explanation.


Yes TP work great- just let me add to your remark re mercury- related to two and

in fact all three events, as Maddalena you quote noticed. Mercury activity as

per my experience, in TP is like a flag-something is going to happen- find out

what /You don’t need to look at any specifics, like house rulership, for

Mercury-something will happen when he changes direction-and he’s most active-

sure unless at the same time M. enters ‘heavier contacts’ configuration/

And Mars stationary- so ominous, as you mentioned. I would note that far in advance


I deliberately don’t use western techniques now- want to find out what I can do

with jyotish only. And I miss old good TP, sometime. Like now when I see what

you wrote.


Good luck, Gisela!




GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com [GBroetzmann (AT) aol (DOT) com]

Saturday, March 01, 2003 3:18 AMgjlistSubject: Re:

[GJ] test no 75


Dear Maddalena, dear Nicholas, Thank you for your congratulations, funny thing

that Dymock mentionned me when he gave the solution and forget me for the

report ... Dymock always asks not to be lengthy in the reasonning, so it is not

too clear for the last two dates, where the differences are not that big. Boths

facts (snake bite and separation of her husband) seem to be mercury related,

mercury was the last stationary planet in tertiary progressions in her 7th and

it was stationnary again in january 2003.) Maddalena mentionned mercury on the

sixth for the 3rd date. Next TP stationnary planet in her life will be mars,

"planet of attack" as stated in another mail. No wonder, that she has to suffer

from all sorts of attacks. But this does not help to make the difference between

snake bite and husband's leaving. I always admire your clear and logical

presentation, Maddalena!!!! Love and light Gisela Best wishes Gisela ....

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