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Vimsottari Variations - Nelle

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Dear Nelle,

At 05:14 PM 3/1/03 +0000, you wrote:

Dear Robert Koch,

Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge in interpreting G W

Bush's natal chart.

Thank you for your interest, Nelle, and thanks too to others such as

Cynthia et al, who had written to me here, and privately also re:

analyses of Bush, etc. We can take all this a bit further,

time willing of course, so let me quote your question first, and then I

will respond:

Would you now speak of his dasas and transits

since inauguration?

Also, I am sorry that I missed why you choose lagna dasa instead of

moon dasa? Thank you for your explanations.

Thank you for your questions. Let me respond in this way:


As Parasara advises, Vimsottari dasa, calculated from the Moon's

naksatra, is the most versatile and universally applicable for all

predictive methods in Jyotish. This is true, and experience bears

it out: the "go-to" dasa is lunar calculated Vim. dasa,

and this fills the need in a majority of instances. However,

it doesn't always satisfy. There are some reasons why this might be

so, and possible perspectives for which are as follows:


Everywhere in existence, the creative principle originates in the Atma,

or soul, being placed within the womb of matter. The God Shiva sits

at the seat of the 7th house astrologically, and thus is responsible for

re-birth, as the soul leaves the body through the 7th house. As the

Atma leaves the previous incarnation, Shiva "catches" that

soul, and enters it into the womb of Parvati, who then re-creates life

according to the results of that soul's karma. The Sun and

Moon are respectively the karakas for Shiva and Shakti (Parvati), and

thus the karakas for the creative principle and that which sustains and

generates life.

Now, the ascendant of the chart is the beginning of creation, and on a

larger scale is symbolized by the God Brahma, who sits at the seat of the

1st house. Given that, according to Vedic symbolisms,

creation comes forth through the intelligence of Brahma, Dhi-shakti, or

the empowerment of intelligence or executive strength in a living being,

is seen from the first house, and its trines the 5th and 9th.

This invests much significance to the Sun, the karaka of the 1st house or

ascendent, as the point from which re-birth after death takes

place, as well as its being the source of creative energy,

resourcefulness, and intelligence. This is why the Sun is very

important in the charts of presidents and leaders, while the lagna and

its naksatra of placement, is a more significant vantage point from which

to calculate the Vimsottari dasas of such persons.


Being the significator executive intelligence, the Sun represents the

left brain astrologically, whereas the Moon represents the

right. Vedic gods who represent each, are the gurus of the

Devas (divine) and Daityas (demonic), i..e Brihaspati and Shukra

respectively, while their specific karakas are Jupiter and Venus

respectively. People who are left-handed, will most often have

Venus in a trine to Rahu, or conjoined with Rahu, a point which may

illustrate why the majority of people are right-handed. Venus,

representing the demonic class as Shukra, and Rahu being illustrative of

forces "beyond the veil", show that those leaning more toward

the right brain, are fewer than those leaning toward the left.

(Bear in mind, I am only speaking rhetorically here, and not intending to

create polar opposites). Venus and the Moon are chiefly responsible

for intuitive functions, whereas Jupiter and the Sun are responsible for

intelligence and analytical functions. Dasas periods can be

calculated from the lagna whose karaka is the Sun, and Moon respectively

for whatever is more appropriate to the native of the horoscope being



The Moon, indicating the public or the masses, as well as perceptive

levels of consciousness, will work fine as a vantage point from which to

calculated dasas for most persons. For persons in positions

of power, or all those taking positions of leadership or showing creative

intelligence, the lagna will be a better vantage point. This is why

I chose the lagna-calculated dasas for G.W. Bush, and do so also for

other world-leaders. In all other charts, if there are more

planets in kendras to the lagna in a chart, or in kendras to the Sun,

then the lagna-calculated dasas will be more accurate. If, on the

other hand, there are more planets in kendras to the Moon, or to the

Arudha lagna, then calculating from the Moon naksatra will work

better. Try to understand here, the difference between the lagna as

the course of creation and intelligence, as well as vision and truth

(Satya) and its karaka the Sun on the one hand; and the passive levels of

perception through which everyone experiences life, the karaka for which

is the Moon.


Considering the above, Mr. Bush is now in the Vims. dasa of the Moon

(lagna calculated), with the Sub-period of Rahu operative, and sub-sub

period of Mars. Now you can see how the issue of war has

become a major driving point in his administration at present.

Frankly, this is not a good time for anybody or world leader to become

Bush's adversary. In the Dasamsa chart (10th harmonic), Mars

is exalted in the 7th house with Jupiter, and in mutual exchange with

Saturn in the 10th. Rahu sits in the 3rd, in a rather powerful sign

(Virgo), making aspects to Mars/Jupiter. Maybe subliminally,

Bush wants to expedite the war, i.e. get it going, as the sub-period of

Jupiter coming up on March 21, is not quite the catalyst that one would

wish for if wanting to launch a military offensive.

Projecting ahead, I agree with Cynthia, who doubted that Bush would get

re-elected in 2004. At that time, it will be Saturn's sub-period,

starting 7/20/2004. Saturn's transit at the time, will still

be in Gemini, which is Bush's 12th house, while his natal lordship is of

the 7th house. So, popularity dips due to Saturn natally on the

ascendant during the time of that sub-period, while the lord of the 7th

house in transit going to the 12th, all but tips the popularity pole

almost entirely in favor of the Democrats.

In Navamsa Saturn in Gemini will transit the 8th house, while in Dasamsa,

it will be transiting the 12th. If public appreciation and support

is a barometer for the presidents's success, we can all but conclude that

he will have a hard time putting together a win in November of

2004. Note too, that in that rasi chart, D-9, and D-10 charts

Saturn is either in an enemy's sign, or in debilitation. This does

not auger well for re-election.

Transit of Rahu and Ketu will be respectively in the 10th and 4th houses

of Bush's during the election year. Their varga positions in the

Dasamsa chart on exactly 11/6/2004, will be in Gemini/Sagittarius.

Considering that 3 key planets are in Sag., including lagna lord Moon in

Bush's D-10, it will be hard to muster up a re-election when Ketu is in

that sign on the date of the election.

Finally, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Time will tell

as to whether the lunar calculated Vim. dasa for Bush of Saturn/Jupiter

produces the opposite of what is concluded above! We shall


Anyway, that's a whole lot to swallow at once! I'm out of here for

today, and thanks for listening/reading.

Best wishes,



Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA






Ph: 541.318.0248

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Dear Robert,

You have written:--

Everywhere in existence, the creative principle originates in the

Atma, or soul, being placed within the womb of matter. The God

Shiva sits at the seat of the 7th house astrologically, and thus

is responsible for re-birth, as the soul leaves the body through

the 7th house. As the Atma leaves the previous incarnation, Shiva

"catches" that soul, and enters it into the womb of Parvati, who

then re-creates life according to the results of that soul's

karma. The Sun and Moon are respectively the karakas for Shiva

and Shakti (Parvati), and thus the karakas for the creative

principle and that which sustains and generates life.

----------- The soul leaves the body through the 7th house.

Is it 7th house from lagna OR 7th house from natal sun?




On Mon, 03 Mar 2003 Robert A. Koch wrote :

>Dear Nelle,


>At 05:14 PM 3/1/03 +0000, you wrote:


>>Dear Robert Koch,


>>Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge in interpreting G


>>Bush's natal chart.


>Thank you for your interest, Nelle, and thanks too to others such

>as Cynthia et al, who had written to me here, and privately also

>re: analyses of Bush, etc. We can take all this a bit further,

>time willing of course, so let me quote your question first, and

>then I will respond:


>>Would you now speak of his dasas and transits since



>>Also, I am sorry that I missed why you choose lagna dasa instead


>>moon dasa? Thank you for your explanations.


>Thank you for your questions. Let me respond in this way:




>As Parasara advises, Vimsottari dasa, calculated from the Moon's

>naksatra, is the most versatile and universally applicable for

>all predictive methods in Jyotish. This is true, and experience

>bears it out: the "go-to" dasa is lunar calculated Vim. dasa,

>and this fills the need in a majority of instances. However, it

>doesn't always satisfy. There are some reasons why this might be

>so, and possible perspectives for which are as follows:




>Everywhere in existence, the creative principle originates in the

>Atma, or soul, being placed within the womb of matter. The God

>Shiva sits at the seat of the 7th house astrologically, and thus

>is responsible for re-birth, as the soul leaves the body through

>the 7th house. As the Atma leaves the previous incarnation,

>Shiva "catches" that soul, and enters it into the womb of

>Parvati, who then re-creates life according to the results of

>that soul's karma. The Sun and Moon are respectively the

>karakas for Shiva and Shakti (Parvati), and thus the karakas for

>the creative principle and that which sustains and generates



>Now, the ascendant of the chart is the beginning of creation, and

>on a larger scale is symbolized by the God Brahma, who sits at

>the seat of the 1st house. Given that, according to Vedic

>symbolisms, creation comes forth through the intelligence of

>Brahma, Dhi-shakti, or the empowerment of intelligence or

>executive strength in a living being, is seen from the first

>house, and its trines the 5th and 9th. This invests much

>significance to the Sun, the karaka of the 1st house or

>ascendent, as the point from which re-birth after death takes

>place, as well as its being the source of creative energy,

>resourcefulness, and intelligence. This is why the Sun is very

>important in the charts of presidents and leaders, while the

>lagna and its naksatra of placement, is a more significant

>vantage point from which to calculate the Vimsottari dasas of

>such persons.




>Being the significator executive intelligence, the Sun represents

>the left brain astrologically, whereas the Moon represents the

>right. Vedic gods who represent each, are the gurus of the

>Devas (divine) and Daityas (demonic), i..e Brihaspati and Shukra

>respectively, while their specific karakas are Jupiter and Venus

>respectively. People who are left-handed, will most often have

>Venus in a trine to Rahu, or conjoined with Rahu, a point which

>may illustrate why the majority of people are right-handed.

>Venus, representing the demonic class as Shukra, and Rahu being

>illustrative of forces "beyond the veil", show that those leaning

>more toward the right brain, are fewer than those leaning toward

>the left. (Bear in mind, I am only speaking rhetorically here,

>and not intending to create polar opposites). Venus and the Moon

>are chiefly responsible for intuitive functions, whereas Jupiter

>and the Sun are responsible for intelligence and analytical

>functions. Dasas periods can be calculated from the lagna whose

>karaka is the Sun, and Moon respectively for whatever is more

>appropriate to the native of the horoscope being studied.




>The Moon, indicating the public or the masses, as well as

>perceptive levels of consciousness, will work fine as a vantage

>point from which to calculated dasas for most persons. For

>persons in positions of power, or all those taking positions of

>leadership or showing creative intelligence, the lagna will be a

>better vantage point. This is why I chose the lagna-calculated

>dasas for G.W. Bush, and do so also for other world-leaders. In

>all other charts, if there are more planets in kendras to the

>lagna in a chart, or in kendras to the Sun, then the

>lagna-calculated dasas will be more accurate. If, on the other

>hand, there are more planets in kendras to the Moon, or to the

>Arudha lagna, then calculating from the Moon naksatra will work

>better. Try to understand here, the difference between the lagna

>as the course of creation and intelligence, as well as vision and

>truth (Satya) and its karaka the Sun on the one hand; and the

>passive levels of perception through which everyone experiences

>life, the karaka for which is the Moon.




>Considering the above, Mr. Bush is now in the Vims. dasa of the

>Moon (lagna calculated), with the Sub-period of Rahu operative,

>and sub-sub period of Mars. Now you can see how the issue of

>war has become a major driving point in his administration at

>present. Frankly, this is not a good time for anybody or world

>leader to become Bush's adversary. In the Dasamsa chart (10th

>harmonic), Mars is exalted in the 7th house with Jupiter, and in

>mutual exchange with Saturn in the 10th. Rahu sits in the 3rd,

>in a rather powerful sign (Virgo), making aspects to

>Mars/Jupiter. Maybe subliminally, Bush wants to expedite the

>war, i.e. get it going, as the sub-period of Jupiter coming up on

>March 21, is not quite the catalyst that one would wish for if

>wanting to launch a military offensive.


>Projecting ahead, I agree with Cynthia, who doubted that Bush

>would get re-elected in 2004. At that time, it will be Saturn's

>sub-period, starting 7/20/2004. Saturn's transit at the time,

>will still be in Gemini, which is Bush's 12th house, while his

>natal lordship is of the 7th house. So, popularity dips due to

>Saturn natally on the ascendant during the time of that

>sub-period, while the lord of the 7th house in transit going to

>the 12th, all but tips the popularity pole almost entirely in

>favor of the Democrats.


>In Navamsa Saturn in Gemini will transit the 8th house, while in

>Dasamsa, it will be transiting the 12th. If public appreciation

>and support is a barometer for the presidents's success, we can

>all but conclude that he will have a hard time putting together a

>win in November of 2004. Note too, that in that rasi chart, D-9,

>and D-10 charts Saturn is either in an enemy's sign, or in

>debilitation. This does not auger well for re-election.


>Transit of Rahu and Ketu will be respectively in the 10th and 4th

>houses of Bush's during the election year. Their varga positions

>in the Dasamsa chart on exactly 11/6/2004, will be in

>Gemini/Sagittarius. Considering that 3 key planets are in Sag.,

>including lagna lord Moon in Bush's D-10, it will be hard to

>muster up a re-election when Ketu is in that sign on the date of

>the election.


>Finally, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Time will

>tell as to whether the lunar calculated Vim. dasa for Bush of

>Saturn/Jupiter produces the opposite of what is concluded above!

>We shall see......


>Anyway, that's a whole lot to swallow at once! I'm out of here

>for today, and thanks for listening/reading.


>Best wishes,




>Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

>Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA

>visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> and,

>http://www.jyotishdiscovery.com or

>Ph: 541.318.0248





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Dear Vivek,


At 07:03 AM 4/4/03 +0000, you wrote:

>Dear Robert,

>You have written:--

>Everywhere in existence, the creative principle originates in the

>Atma, or soul, being placed within the womb of matter. The God

>Shiva sits at the seat of the 7th house astrologically, and thus

>is responsible for re-birth, as the soul leaves the body through

>the 7th house. As the Atma leaves the previous incarnation, Shiva

>"catches" that soul, and enters it into the womb of Parvati, who

>then re-creates life according to the results of that soul's

>karma. The Sun and Moon are respectively the karakas for Shiva

>and Shakti (Parvati), and thus the karakas for the creative

>principle and that which sustains and generates life.

>----------- The soul leaves the body through the 7th house.


You asked:


>Is it 7th house from lagna OR 7th house from natal sun?


Definitely the 7th house from lagna.


In my book - which should be ready for release this coming summer - I have

given various explanations and deductions on this theme, as well as the

relation between the Cosmic Form of Vishnu, or Virata Purusha, and the 12

astrological houses. This is a very interesting subject, and which had

been taught for the first time by Sanjay Rath during his summer conferences

last year. In my book, entitled "The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic

Astrology - an Introduction to Drig dasa", there is an entire chapter

dedicated to this study, i.e. "Vedic Cosmology, and the Astrological Houses."


Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> and,

http://www.jyotishdiscovery.com or

Ph: 541.318.0248

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Thanks.Will that book be available in India?


On Sat, 05 Apr 2003 Robert A. Koch wrote :

>Dear Vivek,


>At 07:03 AM 4/4/03 +0000, you wrote:

> >Dear Robert,

> >You have written:--

> >Everywhere in existence, the creative principle originates in


> >Atma, or soul, being placed within the womb of matter. The


> >Shiva sits at the seat of the 7th house astrologically, and


> >is responsible for re-birth, as the soul leaves the body


> >the 7th house. As the Atma leaves the previous incarnation,


> >"catches" that soul, and enters it into the womb of Parvati,


> >then re-creates life according to the results of that soul's

> >karma. The Sun and Moon are respectively the karakas for


> >and Shakti (Parvati), and thus the karakas for the creative

> >principle and that which sustains and generates life.

> >----------- The soul leaves the body through the 7th house.


>You asked:


> >Is it 7th house from lagna OR 7th house from natal sun?


>Definitely the 7th house from lagna.


>In my book - which should be ready for release this coming summer

>- I have

>given various explanations and deductions on this theme, as well

>as the

>relation between the Cosmic Form of Vishnu, or Virata Purusha,

>and the 12

>astrological houses. This is a very interesting subject, and

>which had

>been taught for the first time by Sanjay Rath during his summer


>last year. In my book, entitled "The Spiritual Dimensions of


>Astrology - an Introduction to Drig dasa", there is an entire


>dedicated to this study, i.e. "Vedic Cosmology, and the

>Astrological Houses."


>Best wishes,




>Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

>Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA

>visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> and,

>http://www.jyotishdiscovery.com or

>Ph: 541.318.0248





>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat






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