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Taken from K N Rao's website journalofastrology.com




KN Rao (Written on 10 April 2003)


> A question uppermost in the minds of political observers of the

> international scene now is after Iraq, will US turn its attention to Syria

> in its well known list of "rogue states". I have already predicted it for


> Hindi paper and here I am discussing it briefly with astrological reason.



> A "rogue state" is what US defined it to be according to America's

> international and global needs of dominance, militarily, economically and

> concealed imperial motives. Newspapers of west Asia are clearly seeing it

> all in many ways.


> a) Controlled by a powerful Jewish lobby, one of the undeclared aims of

> USA is to remove and/or weaken all those Muslim states what pose a threat


> Israel.


> b) The more openly discussed motive is the Anglo-American aim to control

> the rich oil regions of the Arab countries.



> c) An incidental and inevitable aim is to prevent these countries from

> getting nuclear and other such weapons as fall under the omnibus American

> definition of weapons of mass destruction which is what UN inspectors


> to find in Iraq and USA too has not been able to get them even on the

> twenty-second day of the Iraq war (11 April 2003).


> In the blood stained history of west Asia, the rivalry between Hafeez

> al-Asad of Syria who died in June 2000 and Saddam Hussain of Iraq was well

> known but both helped guerilla and suicide squads, particularly Hezobullah

> against Israel. But Syria under Asad was closer to Iran a common enemy of

> Iraq, to safeguard itself against any aggression of Saddam.


> Hafez al-Assad was born on October 6, 1930 of Islamic Alawite sect, a

> minority sect hated by Sunnis and like Saddam who was a Sunni in Iraq with

> sixty to sixty five percent Shias, dominated his country and held it

> together with the iron hand of a dictator. Both being nor of the major

> community in their countries held on to power tenuously and precariously.

> There is no doubt that both the dictators, Saddam of Iraq and Asad of


> did pay attention to many basic needs of their countries and brought them

> higher level of education and health services curtailing some of those

> freedoms, which are integral part of a democracy.

> Rahu Mahadasha

> Syria became shaky as soon its dasha of Rahu started (23 June 1996) when

> Asad started facing problems of bad health at the age of sixty six. In the

> next antardasha of Jupiter he died in June 2000 but had in the meantime ,


> la all the dictators of west Asia, groomed his sons for succession. His

> elder son, Bassel would have succeeded if he had not died in a car


> in 1994.


> But there was the other son, Bashar, a doctor , with army training and

> proper grooming for succession in the six years he got before his father's

> death.


> In the horoscope of Syria it was the mahadasha of Rahu antardasha of


> and the pratyantara dasha of Venus retrograde and also the lord of the

> eighth which shows national mourning.

On that day, both Jupiter and Saturn were in Vrishabha (Taurus) , the


> house of Syria and Moon in the twelfth house Kanya (Virgo) signaling the


> of an era, a really great era in the history of Syria.


> But succession to Asad was smooth. It was said that Bashar shared his late

> father's hatred for Saddam. Yet, during the US attack on Iraq, two

> countries, Syria and Iran were accused of supplying clandestinely arms to

> Iraqi soldiers. Obviously, if it is true and believable, Syria may have

> decided to do so for a common Muslim cause forgetting Bashar's strong

> dislike for Saddam.


> Is there any substance in the threat issued by some responsible and

> irresponsible Americans that Syria and Iran will be next in the firing


> as "rogue states"?


> In Syria's horoscope, fourth and tenth lords are together in the seventh

> house, aspected by Jupiter, the third and sixth lord, Sun, the eleventh


> and retrograde Venus the lagna and the eighth lord.


> But the most noticeable sinister feature of this is the aspect of Mars


> the twelfth house of foreign intrigues. Mars as the seventh lord also


> some sort of a war like activity.



> Syria is passing through the dasha of Rahu-Saturn which are known for the

> difficulties they create.

> The pratyantara dashas in March 2003 is of Moon and it will be followed by

> that of Mars.


> All this can be elaborated at a later stage. For the purpose of immediate

> prediction, there are enough indications of a change of government in


> through a violent act of aggression both internally and externally.


> What can it mean ?


> It can clearly mean a well hatched plot exists already to change the


> regime to make it more favorable for USA and inevitably for Israel which


> suffered most at the hands of Hezobollah militants financed by Syria.


> The immediate excuse USA has to take such an action is first its listing

> Syria as a rogue state and then the supposed discovery recently that

> terrorists and arms were reaching Iraq through Syrian borders which were

> said to have been opened in the present conflict.


> Having succeeded with its new military strategy and finished virtually


> part of the war in twenty one days, after capturing Baghdad and driving


> Saddam or killing him, USA will not hesitate to target Syria first, an

> easier one compared to Iran or North Korea which can await their turn.



> At any rate, in the present pratyantara dashas of Moon in the seventh


> and Mars the seventh lord in the twelfth house, how can Syria escape a war

> like situation and overthrow of its present establishment ?


> More so when in Jaimini's Chara dasha it is the mahadasha of Makar


> change and the antardasha of Dhanu violence.


> (Written on 10 April 2003)





Attachment: (image/gif) Syria Horoscope.gif [not stored]

Attachment: (image/gif) Syria Hor Planets.gif [not stored]

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