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Artical on Lonelyness.

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Dear Tanvir,


I really appreciate your innate urge and enthusiasm to help the mankind by

utilising your God gifted power in Vedic Astrology. It is heartening to observe

young people like you coming forward with all open mind and start studying the

very depth field of Hindu Astrology with no prejudices and inhibition. It is

certain you shall be crowned with all success for your hard and sincere



You have made a lot good observation in your write up on "Loneliness". But then

I have got my own blocks in understanding few of the concepts as projected by



Loneliness can it not be broadly divided in to Two categories as One, proffered

or intentional and the other forced or compelled. If I am right, it has been

your desire to stress on the later type in your article.


Did you not feel that, persons with predominant Saturnine influence on the First

house and also on Third house more often than not choose to be rather not

surrounded by the people, even by the relatives. This could be the reason owing

to their inborn introvert nature. Hence any combination which indicates

introvertness can make a native to coil himself farthering from worldly affair.

The degree differs based on several other factors. Here persons with such

combination easily gets agitated by mingling with other people. They feel more

comfort and result oriented being alone and apart.


As you might have observed, most of the Sadhakas, of any kind, would have

Saturn influencing on many houses and planets. This becomes essential for

achieving their goals. The seclusion shall be what they sought after all.


You have rightly observed that, 12th lord leads for loneliness. Then, the

nature of the 12th lord have got much to tell here. Basically 12th lord acts

as seperatative influence along with afflicted Sun, Mars and Rahu. Excess

effects of these elements results in negation of beneficial results that could

have accrued from the subjected house matters. Say, if anybody has got in their

4th house Rahu posited in signs identical to Aries, Capricorn, Leo........,

along with 12th lord and this combination receives aspect from afflicted Mars

or/and Sun that might indicate that native would be without the much desired

company of his family and relative. He shall be enjoying all but mental peace.

Additionally if any Significators stands afflicted and weak, then that

concerned relation would not exist in his life. This is isolation in part. How

ever depending on the other house strength he could be among living persons.


It is stated by you that, 3rd lord shall also lead for forced loneliness. Here I

could not make any reconciliation. The house third among other things also

represents communications and immediate surroundings. The natural zodiac has

got Mercury ruling over here, who is significator for Communication as well.

Unless mercury is weak and third house is afflicted with its lord, how one

would be forced for seclusion....? The third being 12th from 4th can take

native away from the home but not necessarily from all people.


You are informing that, you came out of the feeling of loneliness soon after

commencement of Rahu bhukti in Mercury dasa. Here what you can observe is Rahu

representing Mercury. Rahu is exalted and shall not give you much suffering

being representative of karmasthana.


You have also asserted that, ........Planets in houses 3, 8, 12 are also

responsible for loneliness same way..........


But you have also disclosed that, during Jupiter antara, transpiring of events

were much to the satisfactory level. You have got Jupiter placed in the 3rd

house. It is lord of 7th house. Naturally that should provide more avenues for

interaction with outer world. The Jupiter being stationed in the third house

shall not hamper, compelling you to be alone. Then naturally you would ask why

Mars Bhukti pushed you to the closed walls. The Mars is 3rd and also 8th lord

and it is aspecting 8th and 12th houses. By nature it is seperatative and that

lead for your period of loneliness. How ever not to under rate transits of the

period for which we are trying to look back and analyse. It is paramount

important to reckon the at least Dasa and Bhukti planets transits over nature

of signs, houses and kakshyas for ascertaining nature of events.


Had you provided birth data of the persons whose charts you have illustrated,

would have been better for study.


Above are just few thoughts and obviously stands as debatable.


Thanks for the article.


Best wishes,



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Hello, Sorry for late reply :-)


Thanks for the compliments :-) Please see below for my replies.



tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) com ; gjlist ; sri

Friday, May 30, 2003 6:40 PM

Artical on Lonelyness.


Dear Tanvir,


I really appreciate your innate urge and enthusiasm to help the mankind by

utilising your God gifted power in Vedic Astrology. It is heartening to observe

young people like you coming forward with all open mind and start studying the

very depth field of Hindu Astrology with no prejudices and inhibition. It is

certain you shall be crowned with all success for your hard and sincere



You have made a lot good observation in your write up on "Loneliness". But then

I have got my own blocks in understanding few of the concepts as projected by

you. >>Loneliness can it not be broadly divided in to Two categories as One,

proffered or intentional and the other forced or compelled. If I am right, it

has been your desire to stress on the later type in your article.<<


Yes, it was focussed on who suffer for loneliness. However, I also mentioned a

case of first category, preferred loneliness.


>>Did you not feel that, persons with predominant Saturnine influence on the

First house and also on Third house more often than not choose to be rather not

surrounded by the people, even by the relatives. This could be the reason owing

to their inborn introvert nature. Hence any combination which indicates

introvertness can make a native to coil himself farthering from worldly affair.

The degree differs based on several other factors. Here persons with such

combination easily gets agitated by mingling with other people. They feel more

comfort and result oriented being alone and apart.<<


I think, I have mentioned about the planets Saturn and Ketu - both are introvert

and both tend to give loneliness. Again I have mentioned influences on lagna,

5th house, moon etc. when 'mental loneliness' or 'preferred loneliness' is



>>As you might have observed, most of the Sadhakas, of any kind, would have

Saturn influencing on many houses and planets. This becomes essential for

achieving their goals. The seclusion shall be what they sought after all.<<


Correct. Any kind of spiritual, or even material 'shadhana' is not possible

without loneliness. Even if a student studies hard for good career (shadhana)

or a scientist work hard, he will pass time alone devoting himself in his

works. Even he studies / works among others, he is kind of 'mentally lonely'

since he is only paying attention to his works and not bothering about who is

with him or not talking etc...


>>You have rightly observed that, 12th lord leads for loneliness. Then, the

nature of the 12th lord have got much to tell here. Basically 12th lord acts

as seperatative influence along with afflicted Sun, Mars and Rahu. Excess

effects of these elements results in negation of beneficial results that could

have accrued from the subjected house matters. Say, if anybody has got in their

4th house Rahu posited in signs identical to Aries, Capricorn, Leo........,

along with 12th lord and this combination receives aspect from afflicted Mars

or/and Sun that might indicate that native would be without the much desired

company of his family and relative. He shall be enjoying all but mental peace.

Additionally if any Significators stands afflicted and weak, then that

concerned relation would not exist in his life. This is isolation in part. How

ever depending on the other house strength he could be among living persons.<<


Yes, again I think 3rd lord has something here, as it opposes family.


>>It is stated by you that, 3rd lord shall also lead for forced loneliness. Here

I could not make any reconciliation. The house third among other things also

represents communications and immediate surroundings. The natural zodiac has

got Mercury ruling over here, who is significator for Communication as well.

Unless mercury is weak and third house is afflicted with its lord, how one

would be forced for seclusion....? The third being 12th from 4th can take

native away from the home but not necessarily from all people.<<


It has been taught by the Gurus (Which I agree 100%) That Merc (communicaton) is

the secondary significations of 3rd house. The primary is Mars (courage, younger

siblings). So you see Mars comes here and you already know and admit about Mars

:-) One Guru who read my article confirmed it that yes the houses 3, 8 , 12 are

correct. Also from my observations I see that 3rd house has a role here, very

good role indeed.


>>You are informing that, you came out of the feeling of loneliness soon after

commencement of Rahu bhukti in Mercury dasa. Here what you can observe is Rahu

representing Mercury. Rahu is exalted and shall not give you much suffering

being representative of karmasthana.<<


The main reason for Rahu being against of loneliness is it star-disposits

Saturn. From my part I am 100% sure about it. But surely more knowledgeable and

experienced might have other views :-)


>>You have also asserted that, ........Planets in houses 3, 8, 12 are also

responsible for loneliness same way..........<<


I did not actually mean that any planet in those houses will cause loneliness

for sure. But as more planet are present there, the more loneliness it gives -

this is a part of the overall image of the chart. Because more planets in a

house activates the house. (Coming about Jupiter later.)


>>But you have also disclosed that, during Jupiter antara, transpiring of events

were much to the satisfactory level. You have got Jupiter placed in the 3rd

house. It is lord of 7th house. Naturally that should provide more avenues for

interaction with outer world. The Jupiter being stationed in the third house

shall not hamper, compelling you to be alone. Then naturally you would ask why

Mars Bhukti pushed you to the closed walls. The Mars is 3rd and also 8th lord

and it is aspecting 8th and 12th houses. By nature it is seperatative and that

lead for your period of loneliness. How ever not to under rate transits of the

period for which we are trying to look back and analyse. It is paramount

important to reckon the at least Dasa and Bhukti planets transits over nature

of signs, houses and kakshyas for ascertaining nature of events.<<

Jupiter is a natural benefic and actually the most benefic planet I would like

to say. Though it is a malefic for my asc, I would like to say that it is not a

'strong' malefic here. Parasara suggests taking 3, 6, 11 as malefics in general.

While Jupiter becomes malefic for 'Kendradhipati Dosha'. Esp when it rules two

kendras also including the 7th. 'Dosha' means a fault. In this matter I would

say that Jupiter is not a strong malefic here, and in my chart it is placed in

3rd, which is again a good house for FMs. (Functional Malefics.) Most of all,

Jupiter is natural benefic and even more, it is well placed in great friends

sign with exchanging aspect with the sign lord. Mars is also a great friend of

Jupiter, and in this case I would not consider Mars' aspect to be a very bad

affliction. I would suggest that here Mars aspect can not weaken Jupiter that

much, rather Jupiter's aspect weakens Mars' maleficness a lot. I remember, the

major companion of me in home in loneliness of Mars bhutki were the driver of

our car and our cook. I take 3rd house for servants, and 3rd lord exalted in

5th would give something positive about servants in it's bhukti. Again

Jupiter's sattvic aspect on bhukti lord from 3rd house helps lessen the

loneliness to some degree with the help of servants.


>>Had you provided birth data of the persons whose charts you have illustrated,

would have been better for study.<<


No, they all might not (Or will not) like it. Some people wrote to me in private

gave me permission to use their data to some extent and I assured that actual

data will not be revealed :-)


>>Above are just few thoughts and obviously stands as debatable.


Thanks for the article.


Best wishes,




Thanks for your discussion :-)Best wishes,Tanvir




What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine.



Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro

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