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Walking around an empty apartment. Nobody in my life. No more family. No

wife. No siblings. No more fascination with anything. Just quiet. Just



I'm thinking of selling off Goravani Jyotish completely, to the highest



I don't know what to do with my life. I'm just crying. I can't get a vision

of who I am or what to do, what to love. It's so hard for me, the way I'm

built, to be alone without a vision and plan, a goal.


tears of being lost are what I have these days.


There is nothing left in me for Jyotish. I have lived a mental life for so

long, and had nothing actually to touch and hold, nobody, no thing, just all

computers, typing, electronics.


Alone, with electronics. They don't give comfort.

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--- Das Goravani <> wrote:

> Walking around an empty apartment. Nobody in my

> life. No more family. No

> wife. No siblings. No more fascination with

> anything. Just quiet. Just

> "endings".

> I don't know what to do with my life. I'm just

> crying. I can't get a vision

> of who I am or what to do, what to love. It's so

> hard for me, the way I'm

> built, to be alone without a vision and plan, a

> goal.



Dear Das,


Popularity breeds more popularity. Money breeds more

money. And Lack breeds more lack. You MUST stop

concentrating on what you don't have.


You are focused on being part of a pair because you

believe you are built to be successful only as part of

a pair. And I'm willing to take you on your word and

believe you to be right. But you have to bring

something to the pair for it to work. You have to

bring YOU as an individual and that's where you need

work. You need to focus on fixing YOU during this

period (and I'm NOT referring to the Bi-polarity or

any of that!) and you will attract the pair. As long

as you are a void, that's what you will attract. Take

me as an example. Issues of attractiveness aside, I

have NOTHING at this moment in time to offer. And

although nothingness is an accurate picture of me, it

is also an accurate picture of you because you

attracted me. Look at your daughter and her husband.

They were living with you and they left. Why? Because

they want to live their life? Absolutely. But they

didn't have to move to do that, no matter what you

think. Obviously they felt they could not live that

life with you. Why? Because you weren't bringing

yourself as an individual into the relationship. You

were looking for them to fulfill you in a greater way

then they were able to. And I don't mean physically.

Quit focusing on the physical. I mean emotionally, and

spiritually. You are looking for someone else to fill

your own void and no one can do that. No matter how

much you are built to be part of a pair, Das, only you

can fill your void. Someone else can then share that

fullness (and their own) with you. HOW do you fill

that void? Christ almighty, I just don't know. I

haven't been able to fill my own void. I'm hoping to

God somebody else on the list has that answer because

I do not.


However, I DO know that the answer to filling the void

can't be found if you drown before that answer comes.

The first order of business (can you tell I'm

Capricorn?) is to avoid drowning. Part of that, Das,

is shifting your focus away from what you lack and on

to what you have. Yes, I know you don't want what you

have. If you did, you'd be happy. But focusing on that

lack increases it. Soon you become hysterical with the

void, it takes on a life of it's own and sucks the

life out of you. I have been there and you ARE there.

SO STOP IT. It can be done. Shift your focus. On to

what? On to who you are.


You know who you are, Das? I've looked at your chart.

You are "service to others". You are supposed to be

giving to others and so long as you avoid being that,

you only harm yourself. You doom yourself to be empty.

How do I know? Because I've looked at my chart too and

I too am "service to others". And it annoys the hell

out of me because I'd rather be a "take for myself",

frankly, and I've tried to be that all my life (and

it's been who you have been on a PERSONAL level) and

have ended up losing everything and creating illness

and misery in my life. When I hit absolute rock bottom

(please God let that have been rock bottom), I had to

focus on someone else and be of service to them. And

you know what? As much as I hate to admit it (being

ungrateful in nature), most everything in my life has

turned around and has steadily improved since then. So

long as the focus is off of what I lack and onto what

I can do, everything goes right. Of course, the tricky

part is that without the focus being on me, I need to

work on improving those nasty traits of mine that make

me a void so that I, too, can have something to offer

a pair. You aren't the only one dying on the vine, my

sweet. So I actually do know where you are, Das, and I

do know how hard it is to have neither vision, nor

plan, nor goal - I still don't. And seeing as I

haven't completed my own journey, I really can't tell

you the sure way out of the maze, only the part I've

walked so far. (And yes, I am aware of the irony about

saying I shouldn't focus on me, but then all I talk

about is me.)


> There is nothing left in me for Jyotish. I have

> lived a mental life for so

> long, and had nothing actually to touch and hold,

> nobody, no thing, just all

> computers, typing, electronics.


Oh, and regarding that "service", Das, don't do it by

computer. Obviously service on an electronic level

(something you have done) is not good enough. You need

to give service to an individual or group of people

who you can see face to face. Someone around you

(probably not as far away as you think) needs a hug,

or a shoulder to cry on, or some other form of help,

far more than you do (True! Trust me).


"Love is caring more about someone else than about

yourself." I don't know how else to say it, Das. Love

is not just physical. So love someone. It will heal




> Alone, with electronics. They don't give comfort.



Leave the house, Das. Or invite someone to stay with




PS: Who knows? If my family arrives Saturday and

discovers how little I've accomplished (you see, I'm

repeating a prior destructive pattern - it seems I

haven't learned), the person staying with you might be

me, whether you like it or not! (And you think I'm

kidding.) Watch out what you wish for, for it will

surely come back to bite you.







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Dear Das

I am very sorry to hear of your difficulties and I

encourage all the list members to add a thought in

their prayers for your welfare .


--- Das Goravani <> wrote:


> Walking around an empty apartment. Nobody in my

> life. No more family. No

> wife. No siblings. No more fascination with

> anything. Just quiet. Just

> "endings".


> I'm thinking of selling off Goravani Jyotish

> completely, to the highest

> bidder.


> I don't know what to do with my life. I'm just

> crying. I can't get a vision

> of who I am or what to do, what to love. It's so

> hard for me, the way I'm

> built, to be alone without a vision and plan, a

> goal.


> tears of being lost are what I have these days.


> There is nothing left in me for Jyotish. I have

> lived a mental life for so

> long, and had nothing actually to touch and hold,

> nobody, no thing, just all

> computers, typing, electronics.


> Alone, with electronics. They don't give comfort.






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to










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Thank you my dear Nicholas, this is very kind of you.




> Nicholas Francis <yadusrestha

> gjlist

> Thu, 14 Aug 2003 19:00:15 -0700 (PDT)

> gjlist

> Re: [GJ] Void


> Dear Das

> I am very sorry to hear of your difficulties and I

> encourage all the list members to add a thought in

> their prayers for your welfare .

> Nicholas

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Dear Das

I am running Rahu Ketu and are also struggling with

some changes in my life . Your sweet reply has made

my day .




--- Das Goravani <> wrote:





> Thank you my dear Nicholas, this is very kind of

> you.




> > Nicholas Francis <yadusrestha

> > gjlist

> > Thu, 14 Aug 2003 19:00:15 -0700 (PDT)

> > gjlist

> > Re: [GJ] Void

> >

> > Dear Das

> > I am very sorry to hear of your difficulties and

> I

> > encourage all the list members to add a thought

> in

> > their prayers for your welfare .

> > Nicholas





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to










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