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The First 4 houses

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Dear Patrice


I always look at the influences on the Moon and 4th house as that shows your

basic emotional make up and is the reservoir we draw from. It is the basic

foundation and nurturing. Charles Manson is a classic case of the 4th house

and Moon being totally afflicted and his mother was a teenage prostitute. He

grew up in such a dysfunctional environment.


You look at the first 4 houses or signs in the zodiac, we have Aries a fire

sign which is like a young ram or a computer with a blank hard drive. The

operating system may well be the parabdha karma that is brought with us, and

that hardware cannot be changed. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus

which shows the grounding and love we get from our parents. Gemini rules the

3rd sign which is an air sign and indicates the senses and nervous system,

through all this we come to Cancer which is the 4th house and the basic

emotional make up that forms from the combination of influences on the first

3 houses or signs. As we are under the major influence of the mother (or

should be) as a child, our relationship with her is paramount to how we can

end up functioning emotionally later in life. For a man it can reveal how he

relates to women for good or bad.....


In my case, the Moon is in the sign of Leo and star of Ketu. Saturn and Ketu

in Capricorn in the 12th rashi are in the star of Moon. This is a key to

understanding the mind. We have the lagna lord and 12th lord influencing the

Moon by occupying its star. This shows my life long interest in subjects

that relate to life and death, spiritual sciences like yoga, ayurveda and

astrology. This is a mutual or sookshma aspect with Ketu.


Old Pundits refer to Ketu as the "thief" as it takes away whatever it

influences. Having Ketu in particular in the star of Moon and Moon in star

of Ketu is not very good for health either as Moon is 6th lord of health for

Aquarians and natural ruler of lungs. I was born with asthma and suffered

very badly from it as a child. I was very skinny and Saturn looking as a

child. This is also I feel because Rahu is also in the sign of the Moon

Cancer, and Saturn aspects it from Capricorn. My 6th house contains Rahu and

is aspected by Saturn and my mothers younger sister died of cancer of the

stomach.(3rd from 4th)


The Moon is associated with Uranus and aspected by Jupiter very tightly and

Mars and Mercury as well. The Moon with Uranus is a very hard aspect in that

it makes the mind eccentric, lateral but very restless. My mother is at best

unusual and at worst quite barking mad being of Irish catholic background.

She lived through the depression, the war and in reality has given me a

negative emotional outlook. I was bought up in an environment of a working

class family where rich people were said to be exploiters or crooks and I

should be just happy working in a factory or some other low paid work.


My 4th house confirms the previous mentioned aspects as the cusp falls in

the star of Moon and Sub of Saturn. The lord of the sign is Venus and Venus

is exalted in the 2nd house. On the surface this may appear to be good with

Venus as the 4th and 9th lord exalted in the 2nd house. I feel my parents

are very good parents but I insist the nakshatra lord reveals the true

functional nature of a planet. My Venus is in star of Mercury who is 8th

lord and 5th lord. Venus is a big planet of the intellect as 5th house is

intelligence and creativity and 8th lord is the house of transformation,

sexual power and passions, deeper thinking.


This shows my interest in astrology, Venus is in the 2nd house of astrology

as the 2nd house is 5th from the 10th. The 10th house is the "house of the

heavens" as the highest point in the chart and the 5th house from it is the

2nd. The 5th house from any house shows knowledge and intelligence relating

to that former house. That's why trinal houses or planets in trine are so

important. The 4th house is the house of feelings and emotions, the 5th from

it is the 8th and the sex act is where the feelings must be understood in

the alchemy and transformative art of lovemaking. The 12th house is the 5th

from the 8th and shows bedroom comforts and the satisfaction or moksha like

state when the 4th and 8th houses are understood put to good use. LOL.


So my Venus is a powerful planet, very powerful as it is in star of Mercury

and Mercury is with Mars. Mars is in the star of Rahu and Rahu is in the

sign of the Moon. Mars also aspects Moon. So in reality, Mars is a powerful

influence on the 5th and 8th houses as well as it conjunct the star lord of

Venus which is Mercury and Mercury is ruler of 5th and 8th houses. See we

are going bit by bit to form a holistic picture. A part is never the

whole-cannot be. The whole chart must be looked into very deeply. Mars adds

a lot of passion and power to whatever it influences- especially the

feminine or receptive planets in Venus, Moon or Mercury.


Now, it is one thing to look at a planet from a personal perspective but

functionally you must see how each planet will act in its dasha or sub

periods. This is why I only use KP for this as it is the best system. I

insist you must use a house chart of unqual houses and not the rashi chart

which I reserve for body parts and health issues as shown by the signs. My

Saturn for instance may be a bad health planet for the stomach and lungs

which is very true as it is in star of Moon who is 6th lord and natural

ruler of the lungs and stomach. (N.B I would use 3rd house for lungs if it

was a nervous problem. 4th house for lining of the lungs) Both lungs and

stomach usually become ill after some emotional distress as shown by Cancer

and 4th house.


In KP my Saturn signifies 6th house and 11th house so functionally is a good

planet and it has given good results in its periods. The 6th house is loss

to people you deal with and 11th house is your gains. In KP a link from 6th

to 11th houses is usually considered good, especially in prashna for

sporting events. My Saturn in its sub periods has been a good planet. By far

my worst planet is Venus which people think is strange as 9th lord exalted

in the 2nd house. Venus is in star of 8th lord Mercury. Mercury is in the

12th house afflicted by Mars. Functionally Venus is very bad in its periods.


You see people like Bill Clinton and Bush, personally they may be misfits

but functionally their planets are very powerful. Bush has Sun in the 11th

house in KP and transit Saturn will transit his natal Sun while under Saturn

mahadasha. This may indicate his loss of power. We must look deeply into a

chart as not to delude ourselves.


Now my Venus as 4th lord is in a dual sign Pisces and nakshatra ruled by

dual planet in Mercury. I have two cars and two houses and two restaurants

which is also a 4th house indication. Saturn is my 4th house cusp ruler

linking 6th and 11th houses. Saturn is in star of Moon who is in the 6th

house of food and service. My houses were bought in Moon dasha when we made

some money selling food (Moon) resulting in gains (Saturn in 11th). You see

my Moon dasha gave gains from the Saturn in the 11th house in the Moons

star. Saturn is also 4th cusp ruler.


Given what I have said with Saturn ruling cusp 4th house of mother and

landed property and being located in 11th house in star of Moon, you will

not be surprised that my mother found the house I bought and it was very

cheap. It is worth 200% more than I paid for it now. So in reality my mother

was a source of great gain in real estate. KP is very accurate IF your

birthtime is totally correct.......





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Dear Andrew,


We feel honoured to have you here-what a wonderful analysis. I feel so much

attracted to Nadi and Kp, and I also like Placidus system /used in western

astro/ tertiary progressions, outer planets.


Ketu as a thief- never heard that, but sounds true. My Ketu is in 2nd, Leo

/Yogi/ in Sun star, now, Sun is in seventh in Sun's star. What the thief may do

here? Following what you said /while it's fresh in my mind, lol!!/ Sun is robbed

of its power, and in Cp, badly placed,

plus in seventh- however it regains some strnght by being placed in Sun's


/perhaps that's the reason why my ex wasn't totall jerk/


Please correct me if I am wrong.


Now the big Q comes:

If I use KP, my Venus is in 5th house, not sixth /whole sign/. It rules 4th and

11th, therefore it is Badhakesh in 5th-

As you know, I've been in Moon AK MD since ever, I feel, Moon in Sc. in 5th,

with debility cancelled- Mars in forth. I wonder if you would consider

badhakesh in 5th

responsible for giving me difficulties with my child? But at least 4th H Ve is

in 6th, and

it's good for mother- and it is true- she's the brightest star of my life!!

Always been-

mother plus personality plus. BUT Venus is in Ketu, one would think my mom in


can be a 'renunciate' as daughter almost is, but no, on the contary, very much



And it fairs better for mother. What would you say if Ve was in 6th? So through

constellation Venus gets connected to Ketu, and second H. Is that correct?

Now I am stuck. Where does Sun enters the picture /as a final dispositor it has

to have some say on Ketu and Venus. Me is in Venus star, and Moon in Me star.

So the circle begins with Moon, to Me, to V, to Ke, to Sun where it ends. Can we

say that affairs of each is connected and how?


Next Very Important One: Mars cancels deb of Moon is in 4th in rahu star, rahu

in trine to mars from 6th, in rahu star- so Mars is powerfully rahuvian, right?

Mars is in constellation Swati that Nadi considers Mars exaltation. Trine exact

with Rahu makes it conjunct in Navamsa. My Mars MD begins next year, what would

be the potential effects? rahu is in Aq. I've been told different things, and i

am my own biggest experiment! Mars in 4th is sq Sun /good for health?/Mother?

Rahu is Ava Yogi.I am not getting that either, it's negative, strong in own, but

bad house=what cocktail will that bring? Molotov?


It's good laughing with you, and discussing jyotish with you. Thank you Patrice

for bringing Andrew into the Club,


won't let him out!


Thanks Andrew,




Andrew Lynn <skinbags wrote:

Dear Patrice


I always look at the influences on the Moon and 4th house as that shows your

basic emotional make up and is the reservoir we draw from. It is the basic

foundation and nurturing. Charles Manson is a classic case of the 4th house

and Moon being totally afflicted and his mother was a teenage prostitute. He

grew up in such a dysfunctional environment.


You look at the first 4 houses or signs in the zodiac, we have Aries a fire

sign which is like a young ram or a computer with a blank hard drive. The

operating system may well be the parabdha karma that is brought with us, and

that hardware cannot be changed. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus

which shows the grounding and love we get from our parents. Gemini rules the

3rd sign which is an air sign and indicates the senses and nervous system,

through all this we come to Cancer which is the 4th house and the basic

emotional make up that forms from the combination of influences on the first

3 houses or signs. As we are under the major influence of the mother (or

should be) as a child, our relationship with her is paramount to how we can

end up functioning emotionally later in life. For a man it can reveal how he

relates to women for good or bad.....


In my case, the Moon is in the sign of Leo and star of Ketu. Saturn and Ketu

in Capricorn in the 12th rashi are in the star of Moon. This is a key to

understanding the mind. We have the lagna lord and 12th lord influencing the

Moon by occupying its star. This shows my life long interest in subjects

that relate to life and death, spiritual sciences like yoga, ayurveda and

astrology. This is a mutual or sookshma aspect with Ketu.


Old Pundits refer to Ketu as the "thief" as it takes away whatever it

influences. Having Ketu in particular in the star of Moon and Moon in star

of Ketu is not very good for health either as Moon is 6th lord of health for

Aquarians and natural ruler of lungs. I was born with asthma and suffered

very badly from it as a child. I was very skinny and Saturn looking as a

child. This is also I feel because Rahu is also in the sign of the Moon

Cancer, and Saturn aspects it from Capricorn. My 6th house contains Rahu and

is aspected by Saturn and my mothers younger sister died of cancer of the

stomach.(3rd from 4th)


The Moon is associated with Uranus and aspected by Jupiter very tightly and

Mars and Mercury as well. The Moon with Uranus is a very hard aspect in that

it makes the mind eccentric, lateral but very restless. My mother is at best

unusual and at worst quite barking mad being of Irish catholic background.

She lived through the depression, the war and in reality has given me a

negative emotional outlook. I was bought up in an environment of a working

class family where rich people were said to be exploiters or crooks and I

should be just happy working in a factory or some other low paid work.


My 4th house confirms the previous mentioned aspects as the cusp falls in

the star of Moon and Sub of Saturn. The lord of the sign is Venus and Venus

is exalted in the 2nd house. On the surface this may appear to be good with

Venus as the 4th and 9th lord exalted in the 2nd house. I feel my parents

are very good parents but I insist the nakshatra lord reveals the true

functional nature of a planet. My Venus is in star of Mercury who is 8th

lord and 5th lord. Venus is a big planet of the intellect as 5th house is

intelligence and creativity and 8th lord is the house of transformation,

sexual power and passions, deeper thinking.


This shows my interest in astrology, Venus is in the 2nd house of astrology

as the 2nd house is 5th from the 10th. The 10th house is the "house of the

heavens" as the highest point in the chart and the 5th house from it is the

2nd. The 5th house from any house shows knowledge and intelligence relating

to that former house. That's why trinal houses or planets in trine are so

important. The 4th house is the house of feelings and emotions, the 5th from

it is the 8th and the sex act is where the feelings must be understood in

the alchemy and transformative art of lovemaking. The 12th house is the 5th

from the 8th and shows bedroom comforts and the satisfaction or moksha like

state when the 4th and 8th houses are understood put to good use. LOL.


So my Venus is a powerful planet, very powerful as it is in star of Mercury

and Mercury is with Mars. Mars is in the star of Rahu and Rahu is in the

sign of the Moon. Mars also aspects Moon. So in reality, Mars is a powerful

influence on the 5th and 8th houses as well as it conjunct the star lord of

Venus which is Mercury and Mercury is ruler of 5th and 8th houses. See we

are going bit by bit to form a holistic picture. A part is never the

whole-cannot be. The whole chart must be looked into very deeply. Mars adds

a lot of passion and power to whatever it influences- especially the

feminine or receptive planets in Venus, Moon or Mercury.


Now, it is one thing to look at a planet from a personal perspective but

functionally you must see how each planet will act in its dasha or sub

periods. This is why I only use KP for this as it is the best system. I

insist you must use a house chart of unqual houses and not the rashi chart

which I reserve for body parts and health issues as shown by the signs. My

Saturn for instance may be a bad health planet for the stomach and lungs

which is very true as it is in star of Moon who is 6th lord and natural

ruler of the lungs and stomach. (N.B I would use 3rd house for lungs if it

was a nervous problem. 4th house for lining of the lungs) Both lungs and

stomach usually become ill after some emotional distress as shown by Cancer

and 4th house.


In KP my Saturn signifies 6th house and 11th house so functionally is a good

planet and it has given good results in its periods. The 6th house is loss

to people you deal with and 11th house is your gains. In KP a link from 6th

to 11th houses is usually considered good, especially in prashna for

sporting events. My Saturn in its sub periods has been a good planet. By far

my worst planet is Venus which people think is strange as 9th lord exalted

in the 2nd house. Venus is in star of 8th lord Mercury. Mercury is in the

12th house afflicted by Mars. Functionally Venus is very bad in its periods.


You see people like Bill Clinton and Bush, personally they may be misfits

but functionally their planets are very powerful. Bush has Sun in the 11th

house in KP and transit Saturn will transit his natal Sun while under Saturn

mahadasha. This may indicate his loss of power. We must look deeply into a

chart as not to delude ourselves.


Now my Venus as 4th lord is in a dual sign Pisces and nakshatra ruled by

dual planet in Mercury. I have two cars and two houses and two restaurants

which is also a 4th house indication. Saturn is my 4th house cusp ruler

linking 6th and 11th houses. Saturn is in star of Moon who is in the 6th

house of food and service. My houses were bought in Moon dasha when we made

some money selling food (Moon) resulting in gains (Saturn in 11th). You see

my Moon dasha gave gains from the Saturn in the 11th house in the Moons

star. Saturn is also 4th cusp ruler.


Given what I have said with Saturn ruling cusp 4th house of mother and

landed property and being located in 11th house in star of Moon, you will

not be surprised that my mother found the house I bought and it was very

cheap. It is worth 200% more than I paid for it now. So in reality my mother

was a source of great gain in real estate. KP is very accurate IF your

birthtime is totally correct.......













Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

: gjlist-




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Dear Anna,


Andrew was here long before I was, so it is not due to me that he is here

sharing. It's great to get these very clear explantions like this one that

he gave in this post; the basic steps and thought process, otherwise it's

easy to get confused. Once you see the thinking it comes together very well.

I am also just learning with this. More soon.


All best thoughts,


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Dear Patrice,


I know that. I've seen Andrew's posts on GJ when I was very young, and now my

hair is growing gray- just kidding. But Andrew is a big 'asset' to any List.

This post proves how clear and well presented information gets absorbed



I cannot leave this box of 'infected' comp, waiting call from Oz- Andreeew!!!

We will have Andrew in North America, that's great news for all of us.


We won't ask him questions before he leaves airport building- I will sing, you

bring some drink- once we know he hon't leave, we can start ASKING.


Test baloon sent.

We all wait Andrew Lyn most humorous Aussi, and one of their best

astrologers/Hello Nicholas, would you join us? Chriss, Andrew's coming, send

that mail and join.


Janna, Ann, how are you doing? It's big conference party in the air. Who cares

about Mars in AQ on my Rahu! /Astro answer to Patrice's off list mail/





Patrice Curry <patricecurry wrote:

Dear Anna,


Andrew was here long before I was, so it is not due to me that he is here

sharing. It's great to get these very clear explantions like this one that

he gave in this post; the basic steps and thought process, otherwise it's

easy to get confused. Once you see the thinking it comes together very well.

I am also just learning with this. More soon.


All best thoughts,






Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

: gjlist-




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