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Lagna, Rashi importance

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In vedic astrology the most important is the lagna or the ascendant. The second

most important point is the Moon rashi called as rashi lagna. Third comes the

Sun and the rashi it is placed in called as Surya lagna.

The lagna, which is the most important starting point, shows how things relate

with respect to the BODY or the overall life. The moon rashi tells how things

will manifest with respect to the MIND and sun rashi with reference to the SOUL

and EGO. Often times what you cannot see with respect to the lagna can be seen

when you take the moon or chandra lagna as the starting point. It shows the

importance of the moon and this is logical because the moon is closest to earth

and strong enough to make an impact. The moon rules the mind and is of great


To assess the condition of any planet you need to see that planet with respect

to the lagna first then with reference to the chandra lagna and then also

preferably from the Surya lagna. The nature of each house and effects should be

studied with atleast 2 points the main lagna and then Chandra lagna for you to

get an idea of the strength of a graha and how it will behave. And when it comes

to analyzing transits of grahas over a natal chart the chandra lagna is held to

be more important than the lagna itself.

For example if someone has the lagna as Virgo and moon sign is Sagittarius and

Venus is in Taurus then it is in the favorable 9th house with respect to the

lagna (virgo) but when you consider Sagitarrius as the first house (Chandra

lagna) Venus goes to the unfavorable 6th house and may be less effective there.

I hope this helps you to get an idea.




sandeepgupta_ca <sandeepgupta_ca wrote:

Dear Friends,


I am a new comer to jyotish and developed my interest after reading

the articles by das goravani on his website. I have one question in

mind. When we make charts, two charts are made. One is keeping Asc in

1st house called Lagna Chart and other keeping Rasi in 1st house

called Rasi Chart. I would like to know which chart is most useful

and important and also that in his articles, das goravani refers to

which charts while telling the nature of each house and effects of

their lords and occupants.


I am in a dilemma and need solution if anybody can provide.








Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

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I have question regarding manglik dosha.

sir, some websites shows that the girl i want to marry carries manglik dosha.

but other websites shows that the dosha gets cancelled as the girl is leo ascendant.

sir can you tell me which one is correct and Should i marry that girl or not???

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