Guest guest Posted October 5, 2003 Report Share Posted October 5, 2003 > > I've left the internet behind a couple of weeks ago. > I'm very sick, mentally. I hope you find what heals you. For me, Lithium and Lexapro (seratonin) are working, with tranqualizers for the really bad attacks. But mainly Lithium really works. Also, I've learned to be PEACEFUL in mind IN THE MOMENT at each moment. I learned what types of thinking trigger panic and pain, and those are the thoughts of things that are more "out there" in space and time, and bigger than I can touch and handle right now. I've taken up painting pictures, Celtic art in my case, and this is tremendously "now", "here" and "present". It's very quiet when you paint a picture. I gave up fighting aging, and gave up the desire to have a wife NOW. I gave up thinking of things I can't control. I sit around much more without punishing myself for it. Other people do it. Why can't I? (I used to ONLY work- 24/7) It took me many years to learn these simple things, which words cannot accurately portray. Finally, in recent months, after years of pain, I am finally feeling happy and peaceful somewhat again, though nothing has changed in my life, and in fact, I am more poor than before, more alone than before (my kids moved out), and less hopeful of getting certain things. So most "indicators" are "worse", but I'm happier, because my attitude is really different- gave up wanting/worrying, and because of Lithium. Lithium is for those with manic symptoms, which I have had. It's not for everyone. Good luck to all who suffer this range of diseases. By the way, some of the people I'm closest too reject me for taking meds at all, thinking that they are aware of better "above and beyond" methods of healing. I can honestly say that I experience rejection because of thinking that I have a mental disease, and dealing with "doctors". I am associated with "alternative healers" who reject doctors, their pills, Lithium, and the very idea of "mental disease" on face value. So I know what that's like. I'm getting it at point blank range. Having experience what I have however, I can only ignore this part of them, while trying to maintain love in a normal way for the rest of them. If they could feel the "before" and "after" feelings as I did before and after Lithium, they would understand. I say this last paragraph to throw a spotlight on the ever present situation of "Ignorance of Mental Disease" and "Prejudice towards Mental Disease". Yesterday yet another "healer" who uses my software told me that mental disease, especially Bi Polar, doesn't exist, and can be cured with mantra and "entity clearing" which they offered to me through a pamplet they emailed me. Believe me, no emailed pamphlet can cure Bi Polar. If I gather all the Manics of history together, and told them all that story and got them to focus their laughing in response, we could level New York with the combined sound volume of their laughing. If you are a healer, don't think you can wipe out Bi Polar with your machinations of mantras, soul retrievals, herbs, etc, no more than you can do a nose job. If your cures can't put an arm back onto a war veteran who lost one, then don't think you can do NERVE SURGERY either. Some people have "unique" nervous systems and brains. The doctors who are studying brain waves are doing Much more to help us than those who think their latest new age training is the cure for all disease. The studies ongoing around autistic people for example, will reveal alot about the different types of mental disease. I find that promising and interesting. I say all this to let folks know how I've been put through tons of new age treatments, from Reiki to Soul Clearing to you name it... and nothing for me came close to what Lithium did in a few days. Not even close. Not to put those things down, but for severe mental problems, or any acute disease, they may not be appropriate. The arrogance with which some "healers" have spoken to me about my problems was at first alluring. Eventually I saw it as annoying, and lately it's became offensive and appalling. I urge healers to watch their arrogance and application, and I urge the sick to seek help which REALLY WORKS for them, and not stagnate working with healers who aren't healing them. In order so as not to receive more annoying emails about hair brained cures for Bi Polar, let me say, no change in diet, no excercise, massage, shamans, etc did for me what Lithium does. I tried SO MANY things. I am Das Goravani. I'm known by thousands. I made my problems known publicly. I got GOBS of help from all over the world. Really TONS of all varieties from cookies to Gurus in India doing Pujas on my behalf. Nothing helped really, but the day I took Lithium, my life started to improve, and the disease subsided within a short period of time, and I'm functioning again without freaking out all the time. Lithium is a natural element. So it's naturopathic, you could say. It's natural. It's not man made, so you would think these folks, the new age healers, would respect it, but no, they don't, because doctors prescribe it, I guess. Anyway, don't send me any new muffin recipes, or mantras, or Reike, fengsui, etc etc., ... This is not to discourage anyone in new age healing. NO WAY. But lets keep it appropriate, and know when things are beyond our scope, or need something we don't have. Peace Das Goravani, President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America Voice: or in America Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2003 Report Share Posted October 5, 2003 At 09:34 AM 10/5/03, you wrote: >I gave up fighting aging, and gave up the desire to have a wife NOW. I gave >up thinking of things I can't control. I sit around much more without >punishing myself for it. Other people do it. Why can't I? (I used to ONLY >work- 24/7) What is the outcome of any eventuality? In Das' case he pretty much summed it up in the paragraph above. Is he behind or ahead of nearly anyone else on the planet today? Curtis Curtis Burns (KOF) Vedic Astrology Online Astrology Newsmagazine Free Newsletters about Astrology and Prosperity curtis curtisburns Minneapolis, MN, USA 612-823-9104 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2003 Report Share Posted October 5, 2003 Dearest Roik, my dear, dear Das, /Please chose ONE name, I do not want to encourage your Bi-P problems! as seem reflected in 2 names as well- or, maybe Bi-P has been feeding itself for many years by using your spiritual 'bi-polarity' whether you were aware of that or not- I strongly believe that we are BORN with one religion, and it's stored in our DNA, conversion can create mess in our /spiritual and otherwise/ sense of identity, ant that of our progeny- we are not only what we think, and what we want to be, but also an ocean of stored info from our ancestors, as you ROIK paid dearly to learn!/ Thank you so much for this message- even if you hadn't done much in your life and you DID, effect that your message will have to diseased people would have saved your soul. Bi-Pol, or whatever mental derangement name can be, DO require medical DRUGS. I wrote that to you privately, want to emphasize now, since you are the best judge of what works and what doesn't- I've seen lots of Bi-Pol's BUT it's different from what you've had to experience for yourself. Please 'natural' healers do not get obsessed with 'natural' if you have never had symptoms of Bi-Pl- I've never had either, but would be very cautious recommending anyone mantras as only all-pervasive cure. Yes, Das, it's arrogance-ignorance of those who have little knowledge and even less genuine empathy. Please listen to Das, he is honest and intelligent enough not to succumb to any 'novelty' and he is the best authority on this issue. Painting is great, dear Das, great 'healer', I encourage you to paint, paint, write, write.. more worry less, all pieces will come together when the time is ripe. Love and Respect, Your friend, Anna Das Goravani <> wrote: > > I've left the internet behind a couple of weeks ago. > I'm very sick, mentally. I hope you find what heals you. For me, Lithium and Lexapro (seratonin) are working, with tranqualizers for the really bad attacks. But mainly Lithium really works. Also, I've learned to be PEACEFUL in mind IN THE MOMENT at each moment. I learned what types of thinking trigger panic and pain, and those are the thoughts of things that are more "out there" in space and time, and bigger than I can touch and handle right now. I've taken up painting pictures, Celtic art in my case, and this is tremendously "now", "here" and "present". It's very quiet when you paint a picture. I gave up fighting aging, and gave up the desire to have a wife NOW. I gave up thinking of things I can't control. I sit around much more without punishing myself for it. Other people do it. Why can't I? (I used to ONLY work- 24/7) It took me many years to learn these simple things, which words cannot accurately portray. Finally, in recent months, after years of pain, I am finally feeling happy and peaceful somewhat again, though nothing has changed in my life, and in fact, I am more poor than before, more alone than before (my kids moved out), and less hopeful of getting certain things. So most "indicators" are "worse", but I'm happier, because my attitude is really different- gave up wanting/worrying, and because of Lithium. Lithium is for those with manic symptoms, which I have had. It's not for everyone. Good luck to all who suffer this range of diseases. By the way, some of the people I'm closest too reject me for taking meds at all, thinking that they are aware of better "above and beyond" methods of healing. I can honestly say that I experience rejection because of thinking that I have a mental disease, and dealing with "doctors". I am associated with "alternative healers" who reject doctors, their pills, Lithium, and the very idea of "mental disease" on face value. So I know what that's like. I'm getting it at point blank range. Having experience what I have however, I can only ignore this part of them, while trying to maintain love in a normal way for the rest of them. If they could feel the "before" and "after" feelings as I did before and after Lithium, they would understand. I say this last paragraph to throw a spotlight on the ever present situation of "Ignorance of Mental Disease" and "Prejudice towards Mental Disease". Yesterday yet another "healer" who uses my software told me that mental disease, especially Bi Polar, doesn't exist, and can be cured with mantra and "entity clearing" which they offered to me through a pamplet they emailed me. Believe me, no emailed pamphlet can cure Bi Polar. If I gather all the Manics of history together, and told them all that story and got them to focus their laughing in response, we could level New York with the combined sound volume of their laughing. If you are a healer, don't think you can wipe out Bi Polar with your machinations of mantras, soul retrievals, herbs, etc, no more than you can do a nose job. If your cures can't put an arm back onto a war veteran who lost one, then don't think you can do NERVE SURGERY either. Some people have "unique" nervous systems and brains. The doctors who are studying brain waves are doing Much more to help us than those who think their latest new age training is the cure for all disease. The studies ongoing around autistic people for example, will reveal alot about the different types of mental disease. I find that promising and interesting. I say all this to let folks know how I've been put through tons of new age treatments, from Reiki to Soul Clearing to you name it... and nothing for me came close to what Lithium did in a few days. Not even close. Not to put those things down, but for severe mental problems, or any acute disease, they may not be appropriate. The arrogance with which some "healers" have spoken to me about my problems was at first alluring. Eventually I saw it as annoying, and lately it's became offensive and appalling. I urge healers to watch their arrogance and application, and I urge the sick to seek help which REALLY WORKS for them, and not stagnate working with healers who aren't healing them. In order so as not to receive more annoying emails about hair brained cures for Bi Polar, let me say, no change in diet, no excercise, massage, shamans, etc did for me what Lithium does. I tried SO MANY things. I am Das Goravani. I'm known by thousands. I made my problems known publicly. I got GOBS of help from all over the world. Really TONS of all varieties from cookies to Gurus in India doing Pujas on my behalf. Nothing helped really, but the day I took Lithium, my life started to improve, and the disease subsided within a short period of time, and I'm functioning again without freaking out all the time. Lithium is a natural element. So it's naturopathic, you could say. It's natural. It's not man made, so you would think these folks, the new age healers, would respect it, but no, they don't, because doctors prescribe it, I guess. Anyway, don't send me any new muffin recipes, or mantras, or Reike, fengsui, etc etc., ... This is not to discourage anyone in new age healing. NO WAY. But lets keep it appropriate, and know when things are beyond our scope, or need something we don't have. Peace Das Goravani, President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America Voice: or in America Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat : gjlist- Your use of is subject to The New with improved product search Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2003 Report Share Posted October 5, 2003 > Yana <bona_mente > gjlist > Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:16:51 -0700 (PDT) > gjlist > Re: [GJ] Dealing with Mental Disease > > I strongly believe that we are BORN with one religion, and it's stored in our > DNA, conversion can create mess in our /spiritual and otherwise/ sense of > identity, ant that of our progeny- we are not only what we think, and what we > want to be, but also an ocean of stored info from our ancestors, as you ROIK > paid dearly to learn! As for my names, I was raised with no connection to racial identity. I tried to persue Catholic, but that came from Rome, and from a Jewish sage, which is foreign. Nobody taught me about my race or it's religion. Later, Hinduism was very "in", and everyone was going there for "enlightenment" as if we had none of our own, which it seemed we did not. I spent long and learned much from my Vaisnava Gurus and the Vaisnava movement. I don't regret it. I changed my name from Richard Wurst to Das Goravani, "Servant of Caitanyas Teachings" in the early 80's. Later, more recently, I finally became aware that Celts have a history, and I love it. Roik is a Scottish pronunciation of Rick. I'm Irish however, so in trying to get it "just right", I run into various little problems. However, I'm basically just happy to have found so much about the Celtic-Ancient-Europe-France/Irish/Scottish race and history. It's been wonderful. So I don't know how I'll settle the name thing. It is splitting me. I admit that. I am vitiated. I have to perform alot as the Hindu part of me. People still call me that from my website and business. Other devotee friends call me Raghu. My family calls me Richard, and new friends I tell them "Rick". It would be hard to get it all under one without going to Das, which I am no longer into being. I've too much found my Celtic side, roots, and love it. Yes, I believe there is much in our blood, in our roots. I believe that we are mixes of our blood lines, but mainly we have alot of our childhood environment inside us. Like, I was raised more strongly, much more, by my mother, and her family, and not at all by my more German father. So I was raised by the Irish side, hearing all their words, being treated by them their ways, learning those ways, as osmoses is really how we learn. Then I more look like that side, which tells the store of what my genes contain. I noticed by watching people that they do heavily reflect in these two ways- their genetics and their childhood environment. And the environment continues. We are like more and more who we associate with more and more. But some things will attract us, and we'll go there, more so than other thins. Like, I was more attracted to being a monk with Hindus than with Catholics. This was clear to me. I feel very attracted to the culture of my Celtic ancestors. It's really strongly natural rather than forced. I wish there was more people who believed in preserving whats left of Celtic, as I am. At least it is a growing movement, but still very small. The Scottish Kilt is a start, but that's not all there is, for sure, especially since thats recent. That, some music, and some art, is all that's at all commonly known and shared. The deeper things remain in intellectual books at this point. Anyway, gives us something to work on. There's always good news too. I personally am finding good similarities tween Hinduism and old Celtic culture, and the differences are very interesting new things for me to explore. It's working for me personally. Celtic magic view is very nice for me as I learn more about it. It coudl be liked to being "really into" the Paramatma vision part of Hinduism (seeing God in everything). If you mix Paramatma vision with say seeing omens, believing in the meddling of demigods constantly, and so on, then you'd have something very similar to old Celtic religion. Anyway, see ya, Das Goravani, President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America Voice: or in America Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2003 Report Share Posted October 5, 2003 Dear Das, You wrote, "So I don't know how I'll settle the name thing. It is splitting me. I admit that". That happens, I strongly feel that deeply inside me. Like yourself, i also have many names- will try to stick to one as much as possible, dependent of my chart. I was born with Scorpio Moon, but my first name is Aquarian, starting with "S"-as per KP S-L of my Cn Lagna is Rahu, NT placed in Aquarius. My mother, who feels me very well, intuitively perhaps, felt my Moon was in Scorpio, and her and family call me 'Neki', which is SC name, but exact Sc name would be "yana' last /married name further complicates things. I believe if we make most people call us ONE name, that will work. Do not allow this issue to deepen the split within you- interests are many, we are ONE-UNIQUE ONE, let the name express that! NOMEN EST OMEN!!! "Yes, I believe there is much in our blood, in our roots. I believe that we are mixes of our blood lines, but mainly we have alot of our childhood environment inside us". you also wrote I agree. But there is more hidden undercurrent in our lives, complex identity of 'karma of nation we belong to', collective unconsciousness, root in blood, language and symbols, that do work from within. I am not surprised at all that a sensitive soul like yourself has discovered and been disarmed beauty of your Celtic ancestors- your physical Mother being just one, more visible hand of 'imprinting process' which has started in a womb, OR most likely prior to that. Ah rational mind is good for plumbing and fixing bank account, but little can do about that 'ocean within', as you are aware dear Roik. Other 'tools' are needed for that and YOU HAVE discovered them within, no matter how much you suffered, or maybe just because of it you've become cognizant of its existence. Don't worry how other people call you, just YOU stick to ONE name, others will follow. You don't need to make 'them all' happy- none of your business! Thanks for your insights, Love, Anna Das Giavani <> wrote: > Yana > gjlist > Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:16:51 -0700 (PDT) > gjlist > Re: [GJ] Dealing with Mental Disease > > I strongly believe that we are BORN with one religion, and it's stored in our > DNA, conversion can create mess in our /spiritual and otherwise/ sense of > identity, ant that of our progeny- we are not only what we think, and what we > want to be, but also an ocean of stored info from our ancestors, as you ROIK > paid dearly to learn! As for my names, I was raised with no connection to racial identity. I tried to persue Catholic, but that came from Rome, and from a Jewish sage, which is foreign. Nobody taught me about my race or it's religion. Later, Hinduism was very "in", and everyone was going there for "enlightenment" as if we had none of our own, which it seemed we did not. I spent long and learned much from my Vaisnava Gurus and the Vaisnava movement. I don't regret it. I changed my name from Richard Wurst to Das Goravani, "Servant of Caitanyas Teachings" in the early 80's. Later, more recently, I finally became aware that Celts have a history, and I love it. Roik is a Scottish pronunciation of Rick. I'm Irish however, so in trying to get it "just right", I run into various little problems. However, I'm basically just happy to have found so much about the Celtic-Ancient-Europe-France/Irish/Scottish race and history. It's been wonderful. So I don't know how I'll settle the name thing. It is splitting me. I admit that. I am vitiated. I have to perform alot as the Hindu part of me. People still call me that from my website and business. Other devotee friends call me Raghu. My family calls me Richard, and new friends I tell them "Rick". It would be hard to get it all under one without going to Das, which I am no longer into being. I've too much found my Celtic side, roots, and love it. Yes, I believe there is much in our blood, in our roots. I believe that we are mixes of our blood lines, but mainly we have alot of our childhood environment inside us. Like, I was raised more strongly, much more, by my mother, and her family, and not at all by my more German father. So I was raised by the Irish side, hearing all their words, being treated by them their ways, learning those ways, as osmoses is really how we learn. Then I more look like that side, which tells the store of what my genes contain. I noticed by watching people that they do heavily reflect in these two ways- their genetics and their childhood environment. And the environment continues. We are like more and more who we associate with more and more. But some things will attract us, and we'll go there, more so than other thins. Like, I was more attracted to being a monk with Hindus than with Catholics. This was clear to me. I feel very attracted to the culture of my Celtic ancestors. It's really strongly natural rather than forced. I wish there was more people who believed in preserving whats left of Celtic, as I am. At least it is a growing movement, but still very small. The Scottish Kilt is a start, but that's not all there is, for sure, especially since thats recent. That, some music, and some art, is all that's at all commonly known and shared. The deeper things remain in intellectual books at this point. Anyway, gives us something to work on. There's always good news too. I personally am finding good similarities tween Hinduism and old Celtic culture, and the differences are very interesting new things for me to explore. It's working for me personally. Celtic magic view is very nice for me as I learn more about it. It coudl be liked to being "really into" the Paramatma vision part of Hinduism (seeing God in everything). If you mix Paramatma vision with say seeing omens, believing in the meddling of demigods constantly, and so on, then you'd have something very similar to old Celtic religion. Anyway, see ya, Das Goravani, President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America Voice: or in America Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat : gjlist- Your use of is subject to The New with improved product search Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2003 Report Share Posted October 6, 2003 Hi Das mate:) Glad you are feeling happier in yourself.You are cool,be cool.Enjoy your painting,go with the flow of this little journey you are on at the moment.Think of all your blessings in life,that the creator gave to you. Be happy, Enjoy, All things must pass:) My best, Your friend, Peter. - "Das Goravani" <> <gjlist> Sunday, October 05, 2003 5:34 PM [GJ] Dealing with Mental Disease > > > > > I've left the internet behind a couple of weeks ago. > > I'm very sick, mentally. > > > I hope you find what heals you. For me, Lithium and Lexapro (seratonin) are > working, with tranqualizers for the really bad attacks. But mainly Lithium > really works. Also, I've learned to be PEACEFUL in mind IN THE MOMENT at > each moment. I learned what types of thinking trigger panic and pain, and > those are the thoughts of things that are more "out there" in space and > time, and bigger than I can touch and handle right now. > > I've taken up painting pictures, Celtic art in my case, and this is > tremendously "now", "here" and "present". It's very quiet when you paint a > picture. > > I gave up fighting aging, and gave up the desire to have a wife NOW. I gave > up thinking of things I can't control. I sit around much more without > punishing myself for it. Other people do it. Why can't I? (I used to ONLY > work- 24/7) > > It took me many years to learn these simple things, which words cannot > accurately portray. Finally, in recent months, after years of pain, I am > finally feeling happy and peaceful somewhat again, though nothing has > changed in my life, and in fact, I am more poor than before, more alone than > before (my kids moved out), and less hopeful of getting certain things. So > most "indicators" are "worse", but I'm happier, because my attitude is > really different- gave up wanting/worrying, and because of Lithium. > > Lithium is for those with manic symptoms, which I have had. It's not for > everyone. > > Good luck to all who suffer this range of diseases. > > By the way, some of the people I'm closest too reject me for taking meds at > all, thinking that they are aware of better "above and beyond" methods of > healing. I can honestly say that I experience rejection because of thinking > that I have a mental disease, and dealing with "doctors". I am associated > with "alternative healers" who reject doctors, their pills, Lithium, and the > very idea of "mental disease" on face value. So I know what that's like. I'm > getting it at point blank range. > > Having experience what I have however, I can only ignore this part of them, > while trying to maintain love in a normal way for the rest of them. If they > could feel the "before" and "after" feelings as I did before and after > Lithium, they would understand. > > I say this last paragraph to throw a spotlight on the ever present situation > of "Ignorance of Mental Disease" and "Prejudice towards Mental Disease". > > Yesterday yet another "healer" who uses my software told me that mental > disease, especially Bi Polar, doesn't exist, and can be cured with mantra > and "entity clearing" which they offered to me through a pamplet they > emailed me. > > Believe me, no emailed pamphlet can cure Bi Polar. > > If I gather all the Manics of history together, and told them all that story > and got them to focus their laughing in response, we could level New York > with the combined sound volume of their laughing. > > If you are a healer, don't think you can wipe out Bi Polar with your > machinations of mantras, soul retrievals, herbs, etc, no more than you can > do a nose job. If your cures can't put an arm back onto a war veteran who > lost one, then don't think you can do NERVE SURGERY either. > > Some people have "unique" nervous systems and brains. The doctors who are > studying brain waves are doing Much more to help us than those who think > their latest new age training is the cure for all disease. > > The studies ongoing around autistic people for example, will reveal alot > about the different types of mental disease. I find that promising and > interesting. > > I say all this to let folks know how I've been put through tons of new age > treatments, from Reiki to Soul Clearing to you name it... and nothing for me > came close to what Lithium did in a few days. Not even close. Not to put > those things down, but for severe mental problems, or any acute disease, > they may not be appropriate. > > The arrogance with which some "healers" have spoken to me about my problems > was at first alluring. Eventually I saw it as annoying, and lately it's > became offensive and appalling. I urge healers to watch their arrogance and > application, and I urge the sick to seek help which REALLY WORKS for them, > and not stagnate working with healers who aren't healing them. > > In order so as not to receive more annoying emails about hair brained cures > for Bi Polar, let me say, no change in diet, no excercise, massage, shamans, > etc did for me what Lithium does. I tried SO MANY things. I am Das Goravani. > I'm known by thousands. I made my problems known publicly. I got GOBS of > help from all over the world. Really TONS of all varieties from cookies to > Gurus in India doing Pujas on my behalf. Nothing helped really, but the day > I took Lithium, my life started to improve, and the disease subsided within > a short period of time, and I'm functioning again without freaking out all > the time. > > Lithium is a natural element. So it's naturopathic, you could say. It's > natural. It's not man made, so you would think these folks, the new age > healers, would respect it, but no, they don't, because doctors prescribe it, > I guess. > > Anyway, don't send me any new muffin recipes, or mantras, or Reike, fengsui, > etc etc., ... > > This is not to discourage anyone in new age healing. NO WAY. > > But lets keep it appropriate, and know when things are beyond our scope, or > need something we don't have. > > > > Peace > > > Das Goravani, President > > 2852 Willamette St, #353 > Eugene, OR, 97405, USA-America > Voice: or in America > > > > > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > : gjlist- > > > > Your use of is subject to > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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