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NAMES - Dealing With Mental Illness

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In a message dated 10/5/03 1:49:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,








The energy that resonates when someone pronounces and says your name!


Your name is the identification not only of your physical body, but also of

your soul’s use of this personality vehicle. Through the letters in your


you can know the current energy patterns in use by your soul. You can learn

of the ebbs and flows of your personality, and the past experiences that have

been imprinted in your soul’s mind. Your name is a reliable tool to be used

in your further development, much the same as your birth chart (Horoscope).

Like all tools, only with proper application and skilled use can they produce

the most beneficial results. Acrophonology is an orderly citing of the paths we

have traveled and experienced. This identification of our energy patterns is

called our name.


We live in the absence of chaos by virtue of routine and identification.

Everything has a label so that we can recognize it and use it properly. The


spigot is marked hot and the right spigot cold. One switch is marked on, and

the other off. Electrical energies are positive or negative. All of these

identifications enable us to function with safety, clarity, and a semblance of

order to our world. The labels of our soul energies can also be identified,

defined, and understood for proper application through the knowledge of



The energies that make up our being are the catalysts of our behavior. We

choose to use these energies in either a positive or a negative manner. The

question is not one of free will versus fate, but rather of free will molding

fate. The knowledge of these energies can be ascertained in various ways. A

graphologist sees them in your handwriting, and an astrologer in your horoscope,

and an acrophonologist finds them in your name. The ancient science of

numerology also employs the use of letters. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher


mathematician assigned letter and astrological meanings to numbers.


Pythagoras was not the originator of this theory. This knowledge was first

introduced to esoteric students in the Kaballah, the recorded teachings of the

ancient Jewish mystics. The books of Kaballah contain with its writings, the

Old Testament. We can find many reference in Genesis to the importance of

names and the meanings to be found within a name. God Spoke to Abraham and


"Sarah, thy wife, shall bear thee a son and thee shalt call his name Isaac.


There is power in a name. The tales of the Biblical characters show how name

changes effected energy changes, thus creating change in their lives. There

is the story of Abram and Sari. Their marriage produced no offspring, much to

their sorrow. Although both were past the years of fruitful bearing, they

were told to change their names to create the energies that would beget a child.

Abram became Abraham and Sari became Sarah; soon after a son was born to

them. Another tale, that of Saul, shows that he was a man of violence until he

changed his name to Paul. He then became a man of peace. The Bible is peppered

with many stories of how name changes created destiny changes.


The names that are in current use indicate the energies that are the most

dominant and the energies that will be more obvious in your everyday actions.

Our daily lives employ many types of energy patterns. We play many roles. We

often sign our names differently than we speak them. For instance, we may use

just an initial rather than a full name when signing official or business

documents. On the other hand, we may use our full name when signing personal

letters or correspondence. The use of an initial alone indicates a desire for

privacy. This allows only a portion our personality to be seen, especially to

strangers. While to our friends, who know our personality, we use our full

name. When initials are used in both our professional and personal life, this

would indicate that the energies of that initial is the energy we are most

comfortable with and want shown and expressed.


At different times and under different conditions people are addressed by

different names and variations of the same name such as Katherine, Kathy, Kate,

Katie, or even a fun name such as KK. The personality we reveal at a given

time or place will determine the name by which people will call us. For


Katherine is more formal than Kathy and might be used by those who do not

know her well, or who know her in a formal setting such as professionally.


Our names are our calling cards. The names we use, allow us to project what

we want the world to see. These are the energies we put forth consciously and

subconsciously, objectively and subjectively, to be perceived by ourselves

and others.


For proper name analysis, ALL OF THE NAMES MUST BE USED. The name as

documented on the birth certificate is of paramount importance. Do not be

mislead by

statements such as "the name on my birth certificate was never used. I was

always called __________". This name still carries the identification of the

soul's present use of energy, and often shows up covert tendencies.

Confirmation names, nicknames, altered names, business, pen or stage names, and

initials, must all be included for name analysis.


FIRST NAME (Given Name): This name carries the basic personality energy

flow; the identifiable traits we present to the world. Astrologically, this


corresponds to the Ascendant and the First House of the Horoscope.


MIDDLE NAME (Second Name): These energies generally come into force between

the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-eight (28), even if not actively used.


CONFIRMATION NAME: The energies of this name act in the same manner as the

middle name. No matter how many given names are added prior to the age of

twenty (28), the energies will manifest between the ages of fourteen and



SURNAME (Last Name): The energies of this name are always in affect, but they

become more pronounced and are more paramount after the age of twenty-eight

(28). Astrologically, this name corresponds to the Midheaven-Nadir Axis in the



MARRIAGE NAME: The woman who marries and carries her husband's surname soon

adopts some of the personality traits of that name. If she marries prior tot

eh age of twenty-eight, it's influence may not become apparent until her

twenty-eighth year. For the woman who marries after twenty-eight, the change


be felt within approximately one year. How many times have you thought that a

wife seemingly has adopted some of her husband's traits, or that the couple

look alike as well as act alike? These similarities can be understood through

the prolonged usage of the same name vibrations.



energies of these names will take affect approximately one year after usage

begins. When a name is dropped it takes approximately one year for the energy

patterns of the old name to leave and for the new name energies to take effect.


MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Name analysis begins with the mother‘s maiden name.

In this name lies the person's lineage, their spiritual heritage, and hidden

karma. This shows the underlying energy that you were born with, the

potentials, the obsessions and the blocks in this life.


There are no two names alike, just as there are no two people alike. There

are many Joe Smiths and John Jones', but each of these individuals is unique.

The most important factor in Acrophonology is the mother's maiden name. All

the Joe Smiths of the world did not have the same parent. Therefore, the

maiden name of the mother is a key factor in interpreting the personality.

Astrologically, the time and location of birth is what gives each of us our own

individual horoscope. Even twins born on the same day in the same place, were


born at the same exact time. And each twin is given their own first name.

The names may be similar, but not spelled alike.


Every energy in the mother's maiden name is going to be intense. In a

psychological analysis of the name, the energies of the mother's maiden name are

inherent dominant forces from past life experiences, or past energy patterning.

(Our other names indicate current life experiences, and current abilities or

difficulties). It is the mother's maiden name, and the personal assets and

liabilities shown therein, that will color your growth and your reactions to

present karma. We are strongly motivated by the energies of this name, playing

our scripts of which we may or may not be aware, for their inception goes back

to past lifetimes.


Astrologically, conception takes place in the Fourth House of the Horoscope,

the house of our hidden karma, our hidden protections or of our own

self-undoing. The mother's maiden name holds a clue to the secrets of our past

-- the

secrets contained within our mother's womb. The energies of this memory can be

interpreted from the mother's maiden name.


I can do a chart on a name and it will tell you the person you are most

compatible with, what your personality is, your karma, your first incarnation,


We can tell what you show the public, and what you keep within.


This science is an articulate science of the energies of your name. You can


it and use in every phase of your life. It has been used in New Jersey

Police Academy and the courts to understand the behavior of criminals and or the

"alleged" criminal mind. It has also been used in the school system for

students that were seen by the educational system for students that the school


listed as unteachable and could not learn. Once their names were analyzed

they were able to see their potentials, and in many cases students were sent to

GIFTED SCHOOLS AND CLASSES. Your Future, Past, and Present life energies are

in your name.


It is simply called, Acrophonology. The science of your name!


I invite you to look into the science of your name and see what the ancients

have in store for you. I will be happy to give a lecture on this science in

your community. The fee is $90.00 for the basic chart



If you are interested you may contact me at: 954-920-4645.


Yours in Peace and Divine Service,


Yumnah El

Hollywood, Florida










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