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Void Moon Postscript

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Dear Mary and Trish:


Just wanted to add that based on Michael Tafts explanation that "the signs

aren't physical realities, but measurement conventions," this places a new

slant on why "void-of-course Moon" would not be considered in Jyotish (and

questions why it IS in tropical) since the tropical void-of-course Moon

BEGINS with an aspect to a "planet," which IS a physical reality and ENDS

with the Moon entering a "sign," which is a measurement and NOT a physical



Did I just negate the void-of-course Moon, one more thing I can eliminate from

Mind to prepare for deeper illumination?




Satyam Shivam Sundaram


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Dear Janna,


I'm glad all is now clear.


Re: How did the ancients' do it? I suspect the

ancients used the sidereal zodiac and just looked up

in the sky and didn't bother with translating tropical

to anything. Then as the tropical zodiac pulled away

from the sidereal one, they must have just relied on

math. It's sad, but we all pretty much knew how to do

math until the pocket calculator and then the personal

computer came along. Note that this comes from someone

who relies heavily on the calculator and the computer!


You say that Mr. Tafts said that "the signs aren't

physical realities" which is true for the tropical

zodiac, but I was under the impression that the

sidereal zodiac WAS a physical reality since the stars

involved in the constellations are just as physical as

a planet, aren't they?


Why is Moon VOC important in tropical? Gosh knows. I

suspect that tropical horary astrologers noted a high

degree of coincidence in the outcome of events started

while the Moon was past it's last aspect in a sign and

before it entered the next sign. They needed to call

it something so VOC was good enough. Does that make it

"real"? I don't know. The question is, does the theory

work more than it doesn't? It has been my experience

that it does, but my experience is very limited.


I don't think you, or I, or Mr. Taft could negate the

VOC Moon theory just by making declarative statements.

I think you COULD negate it by coming up with an

alternative theory to explain the noted outcome of

events. And I'd love to hear it since I spend way too

much time every December preparing the next year's

calendar for my family (who do believe in Moon VOC)

since I'm the only one who understands it.


What I do know is that if you believe that the Moon

VOC is blocking your mind's preparation for deeper

illumination: chuck the whole Moon VOC theory in the

trash. You will live your life just fine without it.

Knowledge is a pain in the butt. It is often very

helpful, and just as often just complicates and

confuses. It's a personal choice though, something one

can negate for oneself, but perhaps not for everyone



I've enjoyed this conversation. Thanks for the chat.




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