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Today in History

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So well said...what an inspiration!!!


Blessings to one and all!


"Das Goravani" <>


Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:26 AM

[GJ] Today in History




> Roughly 2000 years ago, a boy known as Jesus was born amongst the Jews who

> like many peoples, were forced to be living in the over expanded Roman

> Empire. The Roman Empire, although Rome had a religion, had become rather

> decadent as any huge empire does due to way too many compromises of

> character in favor of plunder, wealth, greed etc.


> This boy Jesus grew mighty in personal spiritual character and eventually

> became a problem for the empire and they killed him. People still wear the

> Roman torture symbol in commemeration of the way they killed him. He had

> some principle disciples, 12 in number, who followed his instructions


> much, by preaching amongst the Jews, which he repeated as an order a


> of times.


> For awhile the Jews and Romans persecuted these new cultists, called

> Christians, but eventually even the emporor of Rome became a Christian.

> Another person, an assasin named Saul converted and became Paul.


> Paul never met Jesus, but he had a grand plan to spread Christianity to


> non-Jews. He pleaded with the original apostles of Christ for the right to

> do this, and finally got it. But the point remains, that Jesus never


> it.


> Anyway, having gotten what he considered to be divine permission by the

> handshake of the brother of Jesus, he headed out and Christianity began to

> spread in the non-Jewish world. Eventually it went far North. By 700 years

> later it even reached Ireland.


> Many religions, cultures and so forth were finished off by the one-two


> of first Roman invasion, which was non-religious, and then the religious

> invasion of the Paulists.


> India is the best example of a country left alone. We still have ancient

> books, religion and everything, pretty much intact. Not so for the Celts


> their Druids, who between Rome, Christians and Sackers, were reduced to

> simply followers of the new way. Almost nothing remains of the old


> and ways. Very little.


> I'm not sure whether to celebrate or cry on Christmas. If ever there was a

> religious leader misused by later "followers", Jesus was it.


> In the last month I've been approached at my door by Mormons and Jehovahs

> Witnesses. The process continues.


> My son knows what a "Scapegoat" is (a jewish tradition), but not a Brigids

> Cross (a Celtic tradition).


> The lure of material advancement, and the numbness of "easy religion",

> continue to drag mankind down to a state of uniformity (chain stores)


> the world more and more all the same everywhere (the Euro, Global

> Corporations, etc)


> Life has trade offs. The Gita says it- the easy path leads to a bad taste.


> The path of real work, sacrifice, is the real path, the eternal path.


> I work to remind Whites that their ancestors believed in reincarnation

> before these invasions, and that Jesus said he came ONLY for the Jews, and

> that their original cultures had more in common with India and Egypt than

> others, and that they had a complete culture already, which was good.


> A number of Celtic authors for generations have recognized how much India

> can help restore Celtic culture. I recognize this too, and see how it is

> true in my own life. I was led to India, and now back to Celtic things,


> with the Indian training inside me to help, I am greatly helped indeed.


> The Divine is certainly raising us all, but the Divine has different


> of children with different qualities and needs, and to them has assigned

> different version of the Gods to worship and sacrifice unto. In this time


> newfound freedoms from tyranny, we can do so, and are. The Celts are


> themselves again, as are others.


> This message goes out around the world due to the technology built in this

> previous strange age. So be the will of the Divine, cyclical in nature, as

> if they spin in dancing ways.


> I think life in a body is very difficult for many reasons. Therefore, on

> this day considered the birth of a prince of peace, I send my peace to


> I send my hug to you, and my kiss on your cheek, and a whisper which I

> cannot prove but I believe: "It will be alright"


> Further, may you feel embraced by Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Elements,

> Four Directions, your Ancestors and the Gods.


> your friend


> Richard MacKai

> Das Goravani





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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Thank you, Richard, for that WONDERFUL message! Very uplifting for me.


May ganesh bless 'n protect you in all things.


Namaste, David


David LaGrone

P. O. Box 2339

Glen Rose, TX 76043-2339



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