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Ashtami Day Tommorow

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Dear Group


I was just looking at the aspects for New Year which are shocking. Tommorow is

Ashtami Day when Moon is square to Sun. (See attached chart)


Tommorow will be a stinker, Moon applying to conjunct Mars who is in mutual hard

aspect to Saturn.


Sun is square to Mars and opposes Saturn, Venus is totally conjunct Neptune,

Jupiter is close to stationary exactly trine to Rahu. (Will station fully on the



If this is the birth of the New Year buckle the seat belt and get ready for a

wild year.


In Australia it is stinking hot, perfect planetary set up for major bushfire or

malefic event.


We have already had a major earthquake, Just what next?


This is a good example of the fact planets applying to a bad aspect give the

results BEFORE exact as shown in the Iran earthquake.


Tommorow NO AUSPICIOUS EVENT or event of importance should be undertaken or

started, such as wedding, election, holiday or celebration. I would avoid places

where I can get into trouble. ( For me that is anywhere but locked in a secure

cell LOL )


I saw a similar aspect about 5 years ago on boxing day in Australia, The famous

yacht race from Sydney to Hobart started on Ashtami day on a Tuesday when Mars

was conjunct Moon in Pisces, the whole fleet was hit by a powerful storm and

destroyed with many people dying.


Pisces is the sign of the ocean with its symbology linked to Neptune. In theory

this is a set-up for disaster on the ocean.


I will not be leaving home as my tertiary progressed Ascendant is just 4 minutes

from tertiary progressed Uranus. In my minor progressed chart MP Mars is

conjunct MP Uranus. LOL.


My natal Venus is at 16 degrees Pisces so Mars and Saturn are on it by very hard

aspects. My Venus is a very dangerous planet as it has tried to kill me many

times when afflicted like this.


The last solar eclipse fell in angle to my natal Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio,

there was a lunar eclipse exactly 1 month before my birth at 7 degrees Leo where

my natal Moon falls. Now transit Uranus is under 1 degree from forming a grand

cross aspect to the eclpse point and my natal Moon.


If people think I am being paranoid, two recent examples of major life events

are 1.) Patrice's son has his natal 7th house cusp at 7 degrees Scorpio, it was

hit by the solar eclipse exactly and he suddenly married this month.


2.) Patrices friend Sissy has her natal Uranus at 7 degrees Leo like my natal

Moon, it is square to the last eclipse point. Her TP Mars this month hit her

natal Uranus and she fell and hit her head on the ice and was seriously hurt to

the stage she was in a coma and the Doctors were saying it was all over for her.

Just as suddenly she had what the Doctors are saying is a a miracle because she

came good.


None of this could have been realised in the natal Rashi chart and Uranus is not

even considered in traditional Vedic astrology!! It was only when I saw the

eclipse activating the natal Uranus which was hit by TP Mars, I could see a

event like this. Michael Hutchence was also found hanging on Ashtami day when

his TP Mars was conjunct Uranus. Uranus relates to sudden falls, accidents and

death when hit by Mars.


I will be staying home watching TV until Mars moves past my Venus LOL. If nobody

hears from me check the back of my wardrobe door. I may be hanging around there.

(Gallows Humour)


Andrew Lynn












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Which begs the question:


Can we change our future by paying attention to mundane astrology?


When that whole town in India was flattened by a quake and all residents

died, so too did the astrologers and gem merchants.


Like the prince who stayed home to avoid the prediction of Varahamahira, and

got gorged by a statue falling off the home.


I think it's something we will try, and that will educate us, as to exactly

how stuck we are in the current after all, and that's it.


Like an idiot drives the car without knowing a thing, whereas a professor

knows how it works, but drives it all the same, and they get in an accident

together, and both die anyway, one with knowledge, one without.


It can be called surrender or compliance, agreement, cooperation.


Astrology lets us see the clock working. Whether we can outrun it is another

question. This is my understanding.

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well said, Das/Roik,


The same events in life bring us all different lessons each time and

we react differently each time - bewilderment, dismay, rebellion,

hope, search for ways to avoid, search for antidotes, resignation,

surrender, joyful acceptance, enthusiastic cooperation, bliss and who

knows what else!



gjlist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:


> Which begs the question:


> Can we change our future by paying attention to mundane astrology?


> When that whole town in India was flattened by a quake and all


> died, so too did the astrologers and gem merchants.


> Like the prince who stayed home to avoid the prediction of

Varahamahira, and

> got gorged by a statue falling off the home.


> I think it's something we will try, and that will educate us, as to


> how stuck we are in the current after all, and that's it.


> Like an idiot drives the car without knowing a thing, whereas a


> knows how it works, but drives it all the same, and they get in an


> together, and both die anyway, one with knowledge, one without.


> It can be called surrender or compliance, agreement, cooperation.


> Astrology lets us see the clock working. Whether we can outrun it

is another

> question. This is my understanding.

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Dear Das,

This has been discussed many times on your list;

Your views are as orthodox as of those who believes that astrologer or some

saint will do miracle for them.

Yet no body can change the destiny , by astrology one can learn about his

destiny and intentions due to his acquired nature fixed for this birth

through Sun Moon and ascendant.

And astrology or reciting some mantra or blessings of a Guru will reveal the

ultimate knowledge. Thus ones karmas done after this knowledge will give

rest to him.


But where to find such knowledge?

Use goggle search engine.

The persons who are knowledgeable are at rest and wont like to come on

internet. It is your need , not there.

They don't need to publish a book, For no knowledge is hidden it is only

mixed with ignorance. Removing ignorance you will gain. Once gained it is

Krishna's Giyan Yoga and with Gian Yoga , you don't need gems ,Mantra etc .

Those preaching and training are harming and are further confusing. It is

only in this time span. People are deeply involved and this involvement make

them worried, they want immediate relief. In India I see the papers are full

of advertisements , come to me your work will be done with in 36 hours or 48


Go to Haridwar I had seen people in lines for Vibhuti from Sanyasis . They

feel mentally relived and live in illusion for the time they becomes

ultimately fail , they cry after that , but the work of these quakes is

going on.


During previous times Astrology and Braham Vidiya were kept secret , because

to a weak mind it keeps away from working .

Only a learned and perfect one will keep on doing, like Janak the father of

Mother Sita.

But others think the way you think , why to work if every thing is destined

, stars will take there own route.

If Karma put ones in the circle of death and birth then why Karma.

For a lay man remedies are the way to remove bad planets.

For a learned the planets/ Braham knowledge is only to find out ones

individuality and his mixing with the Prakriti in the form of Satwik ,

tamsik and rajsik and gaining his ultimate true self and finding out his

ultimate unit.

Thus remedies are must but the use of these remedies is many fold depending

on your depth of understanding.

But who will tell about these?

With Best Wishes and happy new year to all.

Inder Jit Sahni


"Das Goravani" <>


Monday, December 29, 2003 5:58 PM

Re: [GJ] Ashtami Day Tommorow




> Which begs the question:


> Can we change our future by paying attention to mundane astrology?


> When that whole town in India was flattened by a quake and all residents

> died, so too did the astrologers and gem merchants.


> Like the prince who stayed home to avoid the prediction of Varahamahira,


> got gorged by a statue falling off the home.


> I think it's something we will try, and that will educate us, as to


> how stuck we are in the current after all, and that's it.


> Like an idiot drives the car without knowing a thing, whereas a professor

> knows how it works, but drives it all the same, and they get in an


> together, and both die anyway, one with knowledge, one without.


> It can be called surrender or compliance, agreement, cooperation.


> Astrology lets us see the clock working. Whether we can outrun it is


> question. This is my understanding.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Links



> gjlist/



> gjlist


> Your







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My post was just to highlight so many tight aspects all on the one day. If

you have a natal planet caught tightly into the aspect it is worth noting

for potential effects.


The main point of my post is it is not a time to start something that is

important to you as the energetics are no so favourable. People will die and

children will be born- that is the cosmic dance we have no power over.


We do have the power to select times for action and inaction, the junctions

of the Moon like New Moon, Ashtami and Full have all been followed for

thousands of years.


In Temples all over Asia monks do not do anything important on Ashtami Day.

Todays Ashtami has a hard planetary set-up that nothing malefic may happen

on. If following astrology rules it is not the time for auspicious events

like marriage, electing a leader etc as the day carries a certain malefic

pattern with the Sun and Moon in bad aspect to Mars and Saturn.



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All over Eugene, an early morning sudden snow storm messed up everything.

There were NUMEROUS car wrecks all over the pacific northwest too. The

numbers were high. Cars and trucks are stuck on the mountains between CA and

OR. It's shut down. What an Ashtami.

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