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My view

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My view of life is not Orthodox Hindu.


I do not think that anyone can change your karma, including yourself. I have

always believed in fate, and only fate, and this is clear in my writings

posted for years, unchanging, on my website.


I do not believe in remedial measures, yagyas, pujas, etc., for alleviating

karmas. I do not believe in kneeling and praying to God for relief either. I

do not believe in the intervention of angels either.


I believe that the flow of life is preordained, but that that does not

matter to us, because, we are meant to live it and experience it so that we

can own the emotional experiences it gives us. We all die and lose

everything, and even this planet dies, and the whole solar system dies

eventually. So why lament? This is in Gita.


The Gita is hard to understand, but I understand it alot, and it says all

these things.


The reason it is hard, is because it blows away all our mundane views, our

loves, our hopes, our vision of life here and now. It makes it all get in

proper perspective in terms of the long term big picture, and most of us

cannot handle that, do not want to see it.


Astrology is a secret, not a tool, for the very wise to share amongst

themselves. Using it is almost always wrong. Using it to predict for mundane

people, to try to fix their karma, and all such ways it is currently used,

are almost always all wrongly concieved.


It is meant to be shared amongst the most wise brahmins and druids and their

disciples who have been chosen using astrology. For them, what it does, is

prove the theories I've said above. Properly used, it will show predestiny

very clearly.


The great Kings listen to such Druids, and know that fate is fixed, and this

helps them to go into battle fearlessly. This has happened in Celtic and

Hindu cultures. Astrology helps the real Brahmins and Druids to stay fixed

in their convictions. They only share it with their like kind.


Because of the age, sometimes we share it widely, but it only sticks amongst

those for whom it is meant. The rest abandon it eventually.


Much of what is called Hinduism is not better than Christianity or Judaism

in it's mundane view of God as wish fulfiller for the here and now. This is

a pure illusion but it helps the small minded feel some connection to God,

and Krishna says, for what that's worth, not to disturb them.


I expect there are some of them on this list, but hopefully not the



I do not wish to disturb anyone.


Note that the truth is spacious, and grand. The more you realize it, the

more it is nectar to you, the aware soul.


Until then, do what feels good for you. That is always the case actually. I

can say these things because these things feel good to me. I have crossed

over other various religious conceptions to come to this point. I served

them faithfully, and found that I had to go on further.


This world is perfectly set up for us all to play together in a temporary

way, playing out so many roles, life after life, learning so many things.

Eventually, you come to see that, and it loses it's color. Then you turn

elsewhere for pleasure finding none in the mundane way of money, sex,

acquisition, etc.


The Celtic idea of religion, used by other cultures too, could be summarized

as "you turn to see spirit in everything, and you relate to everything as

spirits involved together in perpetual drama".


This is choosing to see a level deeper than the current society tends to

see. It is like one who sees omens everywhere, and who sees in everything

either friend, enemy, helper, etc. It is nature based. It is full of magic.

Some might call it "superstitious". It is not. It is true. Here Shamans,

dreams, power objects, directions, everything becomes alive and plays a part

in your life. Everything has meaning. Astrologers are well equipped to go to

this place with their knowledge of karakatwas (significations). For example,

if a tall person approaches wearing black, it is a sign of Saturn. If the

cup overflows, it is a sign of expansion, or Jupiter.


Another way is to ignore all and get absorbed in the oneness. This is very

hard. This is "taught" in India by many but few can actually numb their

senses that far. Even Krishna says it's hard to do.


The need for pleasure is what drives us. Crows eat roadkill. Cows eat grass.

The soul and mind eat what they think is tasty, and that improves over time

and over lives. What I need is different than you. Some people like watching

soap operas, others do not. Some think clothes are interesting, others do



My list of things interesting in this world has become very short. There is

little I want to do, own, see, experience. I am mostly done.


When I feel very frightened and alone I nowadays think of Tara and

Newgrange, ancient holy places in Ireland. I have nothing Hindu in my

apartment any longer, but lots of things Druidic. I am no longer trying to

be or pretend to be a Hindu, but I learned so much there, as has been

forecast by Druids long ago who felt that India would help us revive our

priesthood. So it is happening. Predestiny.


We are here astrologers supposedly. I have Jupiter at 9 deg, in 9th house,

in 9th sign, 1st navamsa, born on navami. It conjoins the surrendered 10th

lord. So what does that make me? If we were in a room altogether, who would

be chosen to be the pope, the bishop, the high priest, the high druid? If

you know astrology and believe it, would you stand up to that Jupiter?


Is it pride, or is it knowledge? Is the burden enjoyable, or heavy?


By the way, Andrew, you were right, suddenly we are drenched in snow today

here. Definitely an "odd weather day" as you predicted. We don't get much

snow in Eugene, many years we get none. Today already I see 4 inches.

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I totally share your views on Karma, Richard. And what

is a horoscope but the map of our karmas. It never

fails to amaze me, how hard even practitioners of

astrology find it to accept this basic fact. We are

the sum of our karmas. The only free will we have is

to suffer our karmas with grace or try and fight them.

Remedial measures serve the sole purpose of helping

people to accept their loads with greater ease.


And as far as the path of Jnana is concerned, it does

wonders for the psychological mess up most of us find

ourselves in.




--- Das Goravani <> wrote:


> My view of life is not Orthodox Hindu.


> I do not think that anyone can change your karma,

> including yourself. I have

> always believed in fate, and only fate, and this is

> clear in my writings

> posted for years, unchanging, on my website.


> I do not believe in remedial measures, yagyas,

> pujas, etc., for alleviating

> karmas. I do not believe in kneeling and praying to

> God for relief either. I

> do not believe in the intervention of angels either.


> I believe that the flow of life is preordained, but

> that that does not

> matter to us, because, we are meant to live it and

> experience it so that we

> can own the emotional experiences it gives us. We

> all die and lose

> everything, and even this planet dies, and the whole

> solar system dies

> eventually. So why lament? This is in Gita.


> The Gita is hard to understand, but I understand it

> alot, and it says all

> these things.


> The reason it is hard, is because it blows away all

> our mundane views, our

> loves, our hopes, our vision of life here and now.

> It makes it all get in

> proper perspective in terms of the long term big

> picture, and most of us

> cannot handle that, do not want to see it.


> Astrology is a secret, not a tool, for the very wise

> to share amongst

> themselves. Using it is almost always wrong. Using

> it to predict for mundane

> people, to try to fix their karma, and all such ways

> it is currently used,

> are almost always all wrongly concieved.


> It is meant to be shared amongst the most wise

> brahmins and druids and their

> disciples who have been chosen using astrology. For

> them, what it does, is

> prove the theories I've said above. Properly used,

> it will show predestiny

> very clearly.


> The great Kings listen to such Druids, and know that

> fate is fixed, and this

> helps them to go into battle fearlessly. This has

> happened in Celtic and

> Hindu cultures. Astrology helps the real Brahmins

> and Druids to stay fixed

> in their convictions. They only share it with their

> like kind.


> Because of the age, sometimes we share it widely,

> but it only sticks amongst

> those for whom it is meant. The rest abandon it

> eventually.


> Much of what is called Hinduism is not better than

> Christianity or Judaism

> in it's mundane view of God as wish fulfiller for

> the here and now. This is

> a pure illusion but it helps the small minded feel

> some connection to God,

> and Krishna says, for what that's worth, not to

> disturb them.


> I expect there are some of them on this list, but

> hopefully not the

> majority.


> I do not wish to disturb anyone.


> Note that the truth is spacious, and grand. The more

> you realize it, the

> more it is nectar to you, the aware soul.


> Until then, do what feels good for you. That is

> always the case actually. I

> can say these things because these things feel good

> to me. I have crossed

> over other various religious conceptions to come to

> this point. I served

> them faithfully, and found that I had to go on

> further.


> This world is perfectly set up for us all to play

> together in a temporary

> way, playing out so many roles, life after life,

> learning so many things.

> Eventually, you come to see that, and it loses it's

> color. Then you turn

> elsewhere for pleasure finding none in the mundane

> way of money, sex,

> acquisition, etc.


> The Celtic idea of religion, used by other cultures

> too, could be summarized

> as "you turn to see spirit in everything, and you

> relate to everything as

> spirits involved together in perpetual drama".


> This is choosing to see a level deeper than the

> current society tends to

> see. It is like one who sees omens everywhere, and

> who sees in everything

> either friend, enemy, helper, etc. It is nature

> based. It is full of magic.

> Some might call it "superstitious". It is not. It is

> true. Here Shamans,

> dreams, power objects, directions, everything

> becomes alive and plays a part

> in your life. Everything has meaning. Astrologers

> are well equipped to go to

> this place with their knowledge of karakatwas

> (significations). For example,

> if a tall person approaches wearing black, it is a

> sign of Saturn. If the

> cup overflows, it is a sign of expansion, or

> Jupiter.


> Another way is to ignore all and get absorbed in the

> oneness. This is very

> hard. This is "taught" in India by many but few can

> actually numb their

> senses that far. Even Krishna says it's hard to do.


> The need for pleasure is what drives us. Crows eat

> roadkill. Cows eat grass.

> The soul and mind eat what they think is tasty, and

> that improves over time

> and over lives. What I need is different than you.

> Some people like watching

> soap operas, others do not. Some think clothes are

> interesting, others do

> not.


> My list of things interesting in this world has

> become very short. There is

> little I want to do, own, see, experience. I am

> mostly done.


> When I feel very frightened and alone I nowadays

> think of Tara and

> Newgrange, ancient holy places in Ireland. I have

> nothing Hindu in my

> apartment any longer, but lots of things Druidic. I

> am no longer trying to

> be or pretend to be a Hindu, but I learned so much

> there, as has been

> forecast by Druids long ago who felt that India

> would help us revive our

> priesthood. So it is happening. Predestiny.


> We are here astrologers supposedly. I have Jupiter

> at 9 deg, in 9th house,

> in 9th sign, 1st navamsa, born on navami. It

> conjoins the surrendered 10th

> lord. So what does that make me? If we were in a

> room altogether, who would

> be chosen to be the pope, the bishop, the high

> priest, the high druid? If

> you know astrology and believe it, would you stand

> up to that Jupiter?


> Is it pride, or is it knowledge? Is the burden

> enjoyable, or heavy?


> By the way, Andrew, you were right, suddenly we are

> drenched in snow today

> here. Definitely an "odd weather day" as you

> predicted. We don't get much

> snow in Eugene, many years we get none. Today

> already I see 4 inches.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Links



> gjlist/


=== message truncated ===




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Dear Das,

<I do not think that anyone can change your karma, including yourself. I


always believed in fate, and only fate, and this is clear in my writings

posted for years, unchanging, on my website.>

Yes all learned persons says this, you can not change or alter your 9th

house.Karmas/destiny given by this 9th house through asc, moon and Sun

<I do not believe in remedial measures, yagyas, pujas, etc., for alleviating

karmas. I do not believe in kneeling and praying to God for relief either. I

do not believe in the intervention of angels either.>

Karmas can not be changed hence remedial measures for them ? Question does

not arise, Remedial measures , efforts, divine help is for divertining or

burning our nature not to put us again in that type of cycle which cause

these karmas.


<I believe that the flow of life is preordained, but that that does not

matter to us, because, we are meant to live it and experience it so that we

can own the emotional experiences it gives us. We all die and lose

everything, and even this planet dies, and the whole solar system dies

eventually. So why lament? This is in Gita.>

I differ and this is not Gita, emotions are due to attachment, and we do not

loose anything Gita tells us that we are not the forms or body , the

Jiva -soul change from one body to new body , his achievements

knowelge/possesions are transfered to next . So there is no death , it is

change of shape, if after reading Gita you are talking about death , please

read it again.

As a yoga bhrashta get the previously achieved knoweledge and begins from

where he left.


<The Gita is hard to understand, but I understand it alot, and it says all

these things. >

But not difficult.


<The reason it is hard, is because it blows away all our mundane views, our

loves, our hopes, our vision of life here and now. It makes it all get in

proper perspective in terms of the long term big picture, and most of us

cannot handle that, do not want to see it.>

Again i differ , it increases ones love for everyone, it removes the bounds

an individual which cause him to involve in prakriti and controloing that

prakriti , the area of ones thought increases to infinity.


<Astrology is a secret, not a tool, for the very wise to share amongst

themselves. Using it is almost always wrong. Using it to predict for mundane

people, to try to fix their karma, and all such ways it is currently used,

are almost always all wrongly concieved.>

Agreed to a greater extent, Mundane astrology is behaviour of Brahma through

planets on the whole prakriti and is superior than the Ntal astrology and is

difficult to handle or understand, but it is human nature to explore the

difficult things.


<It is meant to be shared amongst the most wise brahmins and druids and


disciples who have been chosen using astrology. For them, what it does, is

prove the theories I've said above. Properly used, it will show predestiny

very clearly.>

Yes Das , it will and this is how it should be used.


<The great Kings listen to such Druids, and know that fate is fixed, and


helps them to go into battle fearlessly. This has happened in Celtic and

Hindu cultures. Astrology helps the real Brahmins and Druids to stay fixed

in their convictions. They only share it with their like kind.>

I heard Kings going to war even if were interupted due to bad omens.


<Because of the age, sometimes we share it widely, but it only sticks


those for whom it is meant. The rest abandon it eventually.>

Who tries to understand and are doing efforts for it. Efforts and Karmas are

two different things, one may be rich due to destiny , another may not be

rich but has intentions to work hard and may achieve riches . These

intentions will be clear in the horoscope, which will cause efforts, doing

these efforts or not is his free will.

Using some stone to increase this intentions of efforts can be done, and

will be caused by present birth efforts or karmas and this is not destiny.


<Much of what is called Hinduism is not better than Christianity or Judaism

in it's mundane view of God as wish fulfiller for the here and now. This is

a pure illusion but it helps the small minded feel some connection to God,

and Krishna says, for what that's worth, not to disturb them.>







<I expect there are some of them on this list, but hopefully not the



I do not wish to disturb anyone.>

Yes distrubing thus will be a negative karma.


<Note that the truth is spacious, and grand. The more you realize it, the

more it is nectar to you, the aware soul.>

Soul is always aware and alert, but most of the people live in mind and not

in soul.


<Until then, do what feels good for you. That is always the case actually. I

can say these things because these things feel good to me. I have crossed

over other various religious conceptions to come to this point. I served

them faithfully, and found that I had to go on further.>

God bless your faith to a meaningfull direction.


<This world is perfectly set up for us all to play together in a temporary

way, playing out so many roles, life after life, learning so many things.

Eventually, you come to see that, and it loses it's color. Then you turn

elsewhere for pleasure finding none in the mundane way of money, sex,

acquisition, etc.>

There is no end to these things if you live by soul and not mind.


<The Celtic idea of religion, used by other cultures too, could be


as "you turn to see spirit in everything, and you relate to everything as

spirits involved together in perpetual drama".


This is choosing to see a level deeper than the current society tends to

see. It is like one who sees omens everywhere, and who sees in everything

either friend, enemy, helper, etc. It is nature based. It is full of magic.

Some might call it "superstitious". It is not. It is true. Here Shamans,

dreams, power objects, directions, everything becomes alive and plays a part

in your life. Everything has meaning. Astrologers are well equipped to go to

this place with their knowledge of karakatwas (significations). For example,

if a tall person approaches wearing black, it is a sign of Saturn. If the

cup overflows, it is a sign of expansion, or Jupiter.>

Yes it all make sence.


<Another way is to ignore all and get absorbed in the oneness. This is very

hard. This is "taught" in India by many but few can actually numb their

senses that far. Even Krishna says it's hard to do.>

Living in oneness can be achieved with practise.


<The need for pleasure is what drives us. Crows eat roadkill. Cows eat


The soul and mind eat what they think is tasty, and that improves over time

and over lives. What I need is different than you. Some people like watching

soap operas, others do not. Some think clothes are interesting, others do

not. >

This is all you talking about Prakriti , it can not be controled easily, but

still not hard.


<My list of things interesting in this world has become very short. There is

little I want to do, own, see, experience. I am mostly done.


When I feel very frightened and alone I nowadays think of Tara and

Newgrange, ancient holy places in Ireland. I have nothing Hindu in my

apartment any longer, but lots of things Druidic. I am no longer trying to

be or pretend to be a Hindu, but I learned so much there, as has been

forecast by Druids long ago who felt that India would help us revive our

priesthood. So it is happening. Predestiny.>

It is like dividing Astrlogy dividing in Vedic and Western ,medicine as

homeopathic and Aurvedic or __.


<We are here astrologers supposedly. I have Jupiter at 9 deg, in 9th house,

in 9th sign, 1st navamsa, born on navami. It conjoins the surrendered 10th

lord. So what does that make me? If we were in a room altogether, who would

be chosen to be the pope, the bishop, the high priest, the high druid? If

you know astrology and believe it, would you stand up to that Jupiter?>

Jupiter is your blessings no doubt; may be other astrologer will not stand

up, but i consider it a malefic combination.With KP eyes Saturan is 11th and

12th lord and is highly malefic, joining Jupiter an highly beneficial lord

of 9th and 10th is destroyed, as you said earlier Jupiter has great

potential value and Saturan has the lowest, It gives High Potential

difference , the shock is difficult to absorve.


<Is it pride, or is it knowledge? Is the burden enjoyable, or heavy?>

Knowelge is never a burden, it makes the life easy when you know about the

debit and you pay it you will feel relieved.


With Best wishes and Happy New Year to all the list members.

Inder Jit Sahni

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That was good, Inder Jit.


And I have understood Krishna in the GITA to become a 'karmayogi' and

'stitthi pragna'.






"Inder Jit Sahni" <isawhney


Thursday, January 01, 2004 12:26 PM

Re: [GJ] My view



> Dear Das,

> <I do not think that anyone can change your karma, including yourself. I

> have

> always believed in fate, and only fate, and this is clear in my writings

> posted for years, unchanging, on my website.>

> Yes all learned persons says this, you can not change or alter your 9th

> house.Karmas/destiny given by this 9th house through asc, moon and Sun

> <I do not believe in remedial measures, yagyas, pujas, etc., for


> karmas. I do not believe in kneeling and praying to God for relief either.


> do not believe in the intervention of angels either.>

> Karmas can not be changed hence remedial measures for them ? Question does

> not arise, Remedial measures , efforts, divine help is for divertining or

> burning our nature not to put us again in that type of cycle which cause

> these karmas.


> <I believe that the flow of life is preordained, but that that does not

> matter to us, because, we are meant to live it and experience it so that


> can own the emotional experiences it gives us. We all die and lose

> everything, and even this planet dies, and the whole solar system dies

> eventually. So why lament? This is in Gita.>

> I differ and this is not Gita, emotions are due to attachment, and we do


> loose anything Gita tells us that we are not the forms or body , the

> Jiva -soul change from one body to new body , his achievements

> knowelge/possesions are transfered to next . So there is no death , it is

> change of shape, if after reading Gita you are talking about death ,


> read it again.

> As a yoga bhrashta get the previously achieved knoweledge and begins from

> where he left.


> <The Gita is hard to understand, but I understand it alot, and it says all

> these things. >

> But not difficult.


> <The reason it is hard, is because it blows away all our mundane views,


> loves, our hopes, our vision of life here and now. It makes it all get in

> proper perspective in terms of the long term big picture, and most of us

> cannot handle that, do not want to see it.>

> Again i differ , it increases ones love for everyone, it removes the


> an individual which cause him to involve in prakriti and controloing that

> prakriti , the area of ones thought increases to infinity.


> <Astrology is a secret, not a tool, for the very wise to share amongst

> themselves. Using it is almost always wrong. Using it to predict for


> people, to try to fix their karma, and all such ways it is currently used,

> are almost always all wrongly concieved.>

> Agreed to a greater extent, Mundane astrology is behaviour of Brahma


> planets on the whole prakriti and is superior than the Ntal astrology and


> difficult to handle or understand, but it is human nature to explore the

> difficult things.


> <It is meant to be shared amongst the most wise brahmins and druids and

> their

> disciples who have been chosen using astrology. For them, what it does, is

> prove the theories I've said above. Properly used, it will show predestiny

> very clearly.>

> Yes Das , it will and this is how it should be used.


> <The great Kings listen to such Druids, and know that fate is fixed, and

> this

> helps them to go into battle fearlessly. This has happened in Celtic and

> Hindu cultures. Astrology helps the real Brahmins and Druids to stay fixed

> in their convictions. They only share it with their like kind.>

> I heard Kings going to war even if were interupted due to bad omens.


> <Because of the age, sometimes we share it widely, but it only sticks

> amongst

> those for whom it is meant. The rest abandon it eventually.>

> Who tries to understand and are doing efforts for it. Efforts and Karmas


> two different things, one may be rich due to destiny , another may not be

> rich but has intentions to work hard and may achieve riches . These

> intentions will be clear in the horoscope, which will cause efforts, doing

> these efforts or not is his free will.

> Using some stone to increase this intentions of efforts can be done, and

> will be caused by present birth efforts or karmas and this is not destiny.


> <Much of what is called Hinduism is not better than Christianity or


> in it's mundane view of God as wish fulfiller for the here and now. This


> a pure illusion but it helps the small minded feel some connection to God,

> and Krishna says, for what that's worth, not to disturb them.>









> <I expect there are some of them on this list, but hopefully not the

> majority.


> I do not wish to disturb anyone.>

> Yes distrubing thus will be a negative karma.


> <Note that the truth is spacious, and grand. The more you realize it, the

> more it is nectar to you, the aware soul.>

> Soul is always aware and alert, but most of the people live in mind and


> in soul.


> <Until then, do what feels good for you. That is always the case actually.


> can say these things because these things feel good to me. I have crossed

> over other various religious conceptions to come to this point. I served

> them faithfully, and found that I had to go on further.>

> God bless your faith to a meaningfull direction.


> <This world is perfectly set up for us all to play together in a temporary

> way, playing out so many roles, life after life, learning so many things.

> Eventually, you come to see that, and it loses it's color. Then you turn

> elsewhere for pleasure finding none in the mundane way of money, sex,

> acquisition, etc.>

> There is no end to these things if you live by soul and not mind.


> <The Celtic idea of religion, used by other cultures too, could be

> summarized

> as "you turn to see spirit in everything, and you relate to everything as

> spirits involved together in perpetual drama".


> This is choosing to see a level deeper than the current society tends to

> see. It is like one who sees omens everywhere, and who sees in everything

> either friend, enemy, helper, etc. It is nature based. It is full of


> Some might call it "superstitious". It is not. It is true. Here Shamans,

> dreams, power objects, directions, everything becomes alive and plays a


> in your life. Everything has meaning. Astrologers are well equipped to go


> this place with their knowledge of karakatwas (significations). For


> if a tall person approaches wearing black, it is a sign of Saturn. If the

> cup overflows, it is a sign of expansion, or Jupiter.>

> Yes it all make sence.


> <Another way is to ignore all and get absorbed in the oneness. This is


> hard. This is "taught" in India by many but few can actually numb their

> senses that far. Even Krishna says it's hard to do.>

> Living in oneness can be achieved with practise.


> <The need for pleasure is what drives us. Crows eat roadkill. Cows eat

> grass.

> The soul and mind eat what they think is tasty, and that improves over


> and over lives. What I need is different than you. Some people like


> soap operas, others do not. Some think clothes are interesting, others do

> not. >

> This is all you talking about Prakriti , it can not be controled easily,


> still not hard.


> <My list of things interesting in this world has become very short. There


> little I want to do, own, see, experience. I am mostly done.


> When I feel very frightened and alone I nowadays think of Tara and

> Newgrange, ancient holy places in Ireland. I have nothing Hindu in my

> apartment any longer, but lots of things Druidic. I am no longer trying to

> be or pretend to be a Hindu, but I learned so much there, as has been

> forecast by Druids long ago who felt that India would help us revive our

> priesthood. So it is happening. Predestiny.>

> It is like dividing Astrlogy dividing in Vedic and Western ,medicine as

> homeopathic and Aurvedic or __.


> <We are here astrologers supposedly. I have Jupiter at 9 deg, in 9th


> in 9th sign, 1st navamsa, born on navami. It conjoins the surrendered 10th

> lord. So what does that make me? If we were in a room altogether, who


> be chosen to be the pope, the bishop, the high priest, the high druid? If

> you know astrology and believe it, would you stand up to that Jupiter?>

> Jupiter is your blessings no doubt; may be other astrologer will not stand

> up, but i consider it a malefic combination.With KP eyes Saturan is 11th


> 12th lord and is highly malefic, joining Jupiter an highly beneficial lord

> of 9th and 10th is destroyed, as you said earlier Jupiter has great

> potential value and Saturan has the lowest, It gives High Potential

> difference , the shock is difficult to absorve.


> <Is it pride, or is it knowledge? Is the burden enjoyable, or heavy?>

> Knowelge is never a burden, it makes the life easy when you know about the

> debit and you pay it you will feel relieved.


> With Best wishes and Happy New Year to all the list members.

> Inder Jit Sahni





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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