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Dear Roiksy,


I like how you signed out and enjoyed immensely every word you wrote, and

your brother's as well!!!

No, there is no coincidence! You see how 'healthy', spiritually healthy

person your daughter seems

to be- she's been attracted to what you HAVEN'T taught her, her mother

neither..it is more than OMEN

it is about how strong the 'soul purpose' is /sorry couldn't find better

word/ .


I feel joy now and am not sure where exactly it is coming from your

messages /yours and of your


I love you both for this nice sharing!

God Bless McKays!



"Das Goravani" <>


Friday, January 02, 2004 9:32 AM

[GJ] Phoenix




> Old things rise back up sometimes.


> There is this Celtic resurgence going on for many. This is a letter my

> brother sent to all our family yesterday. This is not Jyotish, but somehow

> it's all related. This is related to the reawakening awareness of itself,

> for a race that was heavily squashed by past wars and pillage. Hindus


> often an unadulterated understanding of their families backgrounds, their

> own religion and land, their gods, scriptures, etc. For the Westerners,


> was all destroyed by so many wars back and forth. I just wanted to share

> this with you as it shows one small part of how things come back slowly


> some of us. My brother writes in an odd way he's always trying to make the

> family angry by acting out and saying odd things to them, things to make

> them feel like they're being ridiculed, because he felt rejected for his

> attempts at these things. I'm probably the one who takes him the most

> serious. I've spent so much of my life serving Hinduism and listening to

> it's stories and such, I guess I want to put some of this back towards it;

> reverse the direction just a bit, and put a Celtic story towards Hindu


> if you will, through this list. Whatever. Hope it has some meaning in some

> way for somebody. Crinnion and MacKay were the last names of our mothers

> parents. So my brother is talking of our grandfathers name herein.


> ---------


> Eye Greeting and Happy New Year.


> There is a we bit of a resurgance in this generation in our family


> chase the roots of the old trees.


> May this generation be honord.


> As a few of you know, who still know very little about me. I have

> suddenly found myself privey to a circle of knowledge. Partially thru MY

> belonging to the ancient order of Druids. Partially thru medicine work of

> myself and medicine men I have known....eye there is magic involved and ya

> dont know how I do it do ya.....

> But I have gained some info re our family from my good friend Sir

> Wayne Mcafee Knight Officer of Sir George and her Majisty Princess

> Pelagonious of Portugal, about our family and in the Bardic tradition I

> will educate you on it.... Dont judge me as a heathin you will be wrong,


> about alot of things your wrong, it is always polite to listen and sit

> quiet it shows good manners.

> The kilts speak a language you havnt been told because few know and

> fewer can read it. Eye, McKay is McEye that be how ya say it. The


> is Ogham. or family Kilt the Mckay Tartan literally reads. Long ago son


> Norse Foreigner.

> Least we be knowin where the Mckay's came from.

> Less is known about the Crinnions. The old spelling is MacCrimmion.

> Eye they appeared at the MacCloud Castle in the 15th century. No one knows

> where they came from. You should also know that the Mckays and The

> MacCrimmions have shared very close family ties thru marrage and pipers

> since that time.

> Eye the story of the pipes and the most very famous pipers who took


> pipes to a much higher is the legacy of the MacCrimmions.

> " a fairy woman, the banshee from Dunvegan Castle, came into the

> MacCirmmion croft. Taking pity on an unassuming young man she said


> "Ill teach you to play but first come tell me, would you choose skill

> without success or success without skill?" Quickly he replied,"I only


> to play like my father and brothers, so I choose skill without success!"

> Pleased by his modesty, the fairy woman smiled saying. "That you shall do

> and better. I will grant you skill and success." She laid her fingers on

> the holes of his chanter and his on hers. lifting his when she lifted


> he played hius first tune. Next she told him to play the pipes by himself

> and found he could do so. "Splended!" she said " now they cannot equal


> power, and no equal shall ever come after you."

> Eye the latest MaCrimmion piper I have is Agnus McKay eye by the dates

> here IM thinkin he is still alive.

> Is the gift of spirit imprinted upon a soul, and are those souls


> us? Do those souls come back to the same people? my riddle for you....

> Mac Crimmons were responsible as the principal family that took

> bagpiping to a whole new level and way of writing the music. Its kind of

> like sounding out the music with words. there is no time or measure. It

> comes from spirit and like most spiritual music the measures become longer

> as more spiritual energy comes in.. In our family these ways have been


> to previous generations who put their faith in the hollow promises of the

> religions of the industrialized world. These religions leaders only


> of themselves and did not teach you who you were though they knew, that is


> sin.......

> I wish you all the knowledge of your great herratage and in trust

> honesty and truth in the purest form of the creator, a blessed and sacred

> new year full of purpose and meaning.

> all my relations

> I shall live with my relatives

> Black Thunder

> Paul MacCrimmion


> ---------


> clarifications:


> He does mean kilt- the patterns on the cloth- the exact lines of colored

> threads, represent letters in the Ogham alphabet, which was an ancient

> alphabet used by Celts. That alphabet is formed by strokes or lines alone.

> You make lines, not fancy letters, just sets of lines. So, it can be

> represented in cloth, by alternating the colors of the threads. So you can

> write something in weaving, so you can make your dress speak your family

> name, and that is what's going on- the families cloth patterns say their

> names, and their names often mean something. The MacKays of Scotland,


> in the Northernmost portion, seem to have come from Norway. We're from


> MacKays, which could be different. Who knows. I sure don't look Norse.


> Watching for Omens: My daughter met her tall blonde half Norse half Irish

> husband on Beltaine, a major Celtic festival day. Their daughter, Fiona


> born just a day or two off from another such day. That Son in Law of mine

> has a pipe chanter in his house and tries to learn it. MacKay may be of

> Norse origin, and Crimmion has the pipe/chanter link, and here he is like

> that, part Norse and with piping interest, like the Crimmion line, married

> to my daughter, of Crimmion line in blood, around Celtic special days,


> a daughter with a special Celtic name, and me completely engrossed in it,

> and my brother going that way, though he lives amongst Lakota Indians in

> America and was a Shaman of their type before. It's like arising with it's

> own life this whole thing. There are no accidents.


> Note how he mentions reincarnation "souls coming back".


> This is NORMAL to Celts (non Christian one's)


> See that link with Hinduism? That was there. The old Celts definitely


> and believed that way. Even Caesar wrote about how they believed that way.


> One Gaelic name for astrologer is n'iladoir


> pronounced similar to Nila Dwara


> which in sanskrit I believe could be something like "knower of the blue"


> It means "Cloud diviner" in Gaelic.


> I know that Suk and Duk for happiness and distress are the same, and other

> things...


> congrats if you got to here. I love you.



> over and out,


> Roiksy






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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> One Gaelic name for astrologer is n'iladoir


> pronounced similar to Nila Dwara


> which in sanskrit I believe could be something like "knower of the






Nila Dwara could also mean the following in Sanskrit:


Nila - Black


Dwara - Entrance, opening, hole etc.


So we can take it to mean Entrance into the Dark, Entry into the

Unknown, a black hole etc.



Loving regards,



"Anantovai Vedah"

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> Eye the story of the pipes and the most very famous pipers who took


> pipes to a much higher is the legacy of the MacCrimmions.



Isn't it amazing to know that coming form a great piper family among

the Celts, you fell for the tunes of the gretaest piper from Bharat?


Loving regards,



"Anantovai Vedah"

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> Isn't it amazing to know that coming form a great piper family among

> the Celts, you fell for the tunes of the gretaest piper from Bharat?


True, I got confused. I was used to hearing piping along the Shannon, but

got led away to some great piper along the Yamuna instead.

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