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Today in Eugene Oregon

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I am sitting outside of Eugene Oregon USA in the forest. It¹s beautiful.

Trees just go on and on on the hills around me. I ride my bike along the

country road, and it¹s like a Story book picture from the North West of

Europe or the US, as there are trees, farms, little barns, animals, birds,

hawks or Eagles, all doing their things...and it¹s perfect, so beautiful.

Occasionally you come upon a clear cut area, where the trees are gone,

harvested, and the land is barren, or starting to grow back. Yesterday I

came upon a new section of highway, recently paved over thick with new black

asphalt. Right there in the road however, was a piece of asphalt turned



A new tree was pushing up this mighty new highway through the forest, to

make a little hole for himself, right in the road. The road could not stop

his desire to live. He pushed the road out of the way, and went right

through, and greeted me on my bike ride. I said ³Hello little tree² and he

said ³Little, hah, I¹m way stronger than you, for you could never push

through this highway like I did last night².


True, I said. How did you do that? ³Easy² he said. ³We trees know that our

kind is supposed to live here, and we¹re just waiting for when we can push

this thing into pieces forever, and that day will come².


So it¹s the knowledge of what you are, big strong trees, who are supposed to

live here, that gives you the strength to go on and do big things...is that

all?, I asked.


³No, that¹s not all², the tree replied.


³I also knew I had to greet you today, so you could write to everyone else

on your list tomorrow, and it would cause things in them to happen, too

numerous for me to explain right now², the tree continued.


³You see, we are all linked, like as if we are one, and whatever each of us

thinks or does affects everyone else, so I thought I would spend this life

punching a hole in this road, so that you would be touched by my might and

tenacity. That¹s why I did it. I did it for you.²


³Wow², I replied, ³I can¹t believe a tree would care so much about me².


³Are you kidding², the tree said.


³My buddies who live outside your window say you always reuse your paper

coffee filters over and over again, which makes us really like you², the

tree went on. ³Like you know, we trees talk you see, and we get to see in

most people¹s windows, and they don¹t know that we¹re watching what they do.

Like, we are additionally happy with you for not using toilet paper as much

as most people, and your printer is usually off, and you don¹t read the

newspaper, and you don¹t use paper towels, and so on. Man, you are one of

our human heros!²


³Oh I see², I said.


Then I told the tree, ³Hey did you know my ancestors used to think trees

were very special, and they related everything to trees, used them as

significators, like the way planets are used in Astrology, and basically,

they just adored the trees, which were so important, ARE so important, to

human life².


Then starting to shed a tear, the tree said ³Really, I never knew we ever

mattered much to humans except as a resource².


³Oh yes little tree², I continued, ³You are very special to many humans, and

in our cities, we talk about not killing you all, not ruining your lands and

forests, but it¹s something we still have to work on².


³Well that¹s good to hear², said the little tree. ³I hope your kind spreads

amongst the humans².


³I think it¹s happening little tree², I comforted him.


Then I said: ³You know you will be killed since you came up in the side of

the road like this².


³Yes I know², said the little tree, ³But I wanted to meet you, and talk to

you, so I sacrificed this one life for that purpose².


³Wow² I replied. ³Am I so important to you².


³Like I said² replied the tree, ³We¹re all connected, and I really wanted to

get this message out through you, and I figured a life was worth that².


So I rode my bike home, and shed a tear for the little tree. I saw in my

seeing mind, a car racing over him, breaking his little stem, and grinding

his little shoot into green pulp on the road, killing him. I vowed to get

out the message of the little tree, so I¹m writing this today.


I learned from the little tree, that sometimes a life is just meant for

delivering a message.


It¹s the day after ³Memorial Day² in the USA.


Message delivered. And, I remember him, and everyone, who died so that

others may live.


(for Thomas Wurst, my father, whom I didn¹t really get to know, because of

war, and religion)






Das Goravani, President

(also known as Roik MacKai)




Eugene, Oregon, 97405 USA


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Guest guest

Wow. That's a beautiful story. Not just in the story

itself but in it's ability to open the reader's mind

to seeing the world just a little differently



They say that "discovery" is observing what everyone

else sees and seeing what no one else does.


Thank you for touching my mind's eye and clearing away

a little of the fog.


Lots of love,

Mary Quinn







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