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The Z Files 40 & Stock Market Astrology

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20 July, 2004


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Vedic Astrology Lessons upto 32! Lessons can be read at



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He conquers who endures -   Anonymous

He who suffers, conquers -    Anonymous



Vedic Astrology - Lesson 33  


Yogas are important combinations in Vedic Astrology. Yogas are formed

by planets being angular and well posited. There are 5 main Great

Yogas called Mahapurusha Yogas, effectuated by Mercury, Mars, Jupiter,

Venus and Saturn.  


There are 5 main Yogas and there are other minor Yogas. In V A , there

are 6 lakh Yogas.  


Angular and powerful Jupiter ( either exalted or in own house ) causes Hamsa



Angular and powerful Saturn ( either exalted or in own house ) causes Sasa 




Angular and powerful Mars ( either exalted or in own house ) causes Ruchaka




Angular and powerful Venus ( either exalted or in own house ) causes

Malavya Yoga.



Angular and powerful Mercury ( either exalted or in own house ) causes

Bhadra Yoga.



If the planet which causes the Yoga is debiliated in Navamsa, then

that Yoga gets weakened. If the planet which causes the Yoga is combust,

or helpless in a cuspal degree, that Yoga is nullified. Great care

must be exercised while interpreting Yogas.  


When a debilitated planet attains cancellation of debilitation, he

becomes positve and gives rise to Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. The clauses

for N R Y are  


The dispositor of the debilitated planet must be angular, either to

the Ascendant or to the Lunar Ascendant or the exaltation dispositor

should be angular, either to the Asc or the Lunar Asc.

( Tad Rasi natha Tad api Uchanatha/ Sa Lagna Chandreshvapi Kendravarthi )  


The native born in N R Y becomes attains regal status and will be

righteous ( Raja Bhaveth Dharmika  Chakravarthi ).    


Raja Yogas are regal Yogas formed when some powerful planets become

angular. 16 types of Raja Yogas are formed when Jupiter, Saturn

become exalted, Moon is in own house and all are angular.  




According to the  classical texts  the person  becomes a king 

extolled  by the good ( Artha Dharma Sukhabhak ), will eat  pure 

food & will  be of righteous disposition. Jupiter is  the  planet

of  Religion & the person not  only  becomes  religious  but 

revives true  Religion. ( Guru Dwija  Bhakthiadhi Tad Yoga Phalam ).

Wealth, righteousness, comforts, devotion  to preceptors, beautiful

voice, fame and  liberality -  these  are some of the  characteri-

stics of Hamsa Yoga. High  longevity is also conferred by this yoga.

( Hamsaja Sura Suraschiranjeevi ).




The native will  be  well  liked  by  all, equivalent  to  a king 

or  a minister  and  is tough- hearted.  This  yoga  is   excellent

for careers in  police and military. They  will  enjoy   all  the

pleasures  of  life. On  the  negative  side  this  yoga  indicates 

a voluptuary  inclined  to  play  the  role  of paramour towards

the objects of  his  guilty love.  They  may  be  considered  wicked

by many . They  will  be  famous & will be the  leaders of their

family. Fame, wealth and glamour automatically flow to them. There

will be love for mother and motherland ( Bhakhto Jananyam ). They 

will be able to know the guilts of other people.  




The person born  under this yoga lives  upto  70 years  and enjoys

all  the comforts of life. Fame  and  reputation are  natural to a

Malavyan. Will be  very  attractive  to the opposite  sex. As Venus

represents the libido of the Cosmic Man, all  sorts  of gratification

will  be  enjoyed  by them.  Their  attractiveness,  ability and

personal  magnetism  will  be   the   envy  of many.  Venus is the

planet of Love and they will be very successful in this field.  




The person born  under  this  yoga   becomes  a scholar  and  with

good  longevity.   Mercury  represents  academic    education  and 

educational  attainments  of  no  mean  order   will  be bequethed

by  this  yoga.  Learning, knowledge  excellence  in  all arts and

sciences  will be  bestowed.  Fame  and  reputation  automatically

develop.  People  will  come  in  search  of  them   from  foreign

lands. Their  personal  magnetism  and  charisma  will  be a source

of attraction for people. Scientific skill, oratorial prowess,

artistic skill mark this great Yoga. ( Vagmee Padu ).  




People  born  under  this   yoga   become   famous  &   become good  

generals  and   military  officers.   Military  and  police efficiency 

develops.   Wealth, fame  and  reputation   are   the hallmarks  of 

this  yoga.  Fame  develops  to  all  parts  of the globe .   Works 

for  the  benefit  of  others.  People  come from far   away  lands 

in  search  of  them  due  to  their  wisdom  and pragmatism. 

Knowledge  &  wisdom  come  to  them  automatically. Enemies get

defeated as a result.




Nipuna  Yoga is   formed   when  Mercury  and  Sun  are  together.

High skill, intelligence  and  fame   are   some  of  the  character-

istics of this  yoga which is also  called  Budha_Adithya  Yoga.  




Angular Jupiter, angular  to  the  Moon confers  Gaja  Kesari  Yoga.

" Sahasra   Masecha  Jeevitham "  meaning   that  they   will  

live upto 1000 lunar months. Minimum longevity 70 / 80 years. Will

have tremendous  oratorial  capacity  which  can  move  audiences 

as a monarch  sways  his  dominions.  They will  be  the leader

of their place, reputed and famous. Uninterrupted influx of income.  




Adhi  Yoga  results   when  the  lunar 6th,  7th and  8th  positions

are  occupied   by   major  planets. The  result  of  this yoga is

wealth  and  fame.  They   will   be the  leaders  wherever  they

are placed. They will be above  want.  




When   the  solar  2nd  is   tenanted  by  major planets, Vesi Yoga

results. Fame  health   and   wealth  will  be conferred  by  this

yoga. Financial  stability  can  be  expected. They  will  be known

as orators.  




Vasi  yoga  results  when   the  solar 12th  is tenanted  by major

planets. Financial  stability,  health  and fame  are  indicated.

They will be known as pious people amidst their circle.  




When   the  solar   12th  &   2nd  houses  are tenanted  by  major 

planets,  Ubhayachari   results.  They   will   be    knowledgeable,

strong   with   handsome   features,    will  have  good  relatives,

of regal status,  very  enthusiastic,   with oratorial prowess & famous.


Article by G Kumar, astrologer, writer and programmer  of


www.e.com & www.astrognosis.com . He has 15 years research

experience in Stock Market Astrology and other branches of Astrology. .

Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists

Association ( www.p-g-a.org ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 15

years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To

to his Free ezine, the Z Files,


He is

contactable at info  Address of his physical shop

is Zodiac Computers, 3/528 Tkss Bldgs, East Nada, Guruvayur Kerala,

India 680101. Office Phone +91 0487-2552851. Home Phone +91 0487-2422060  


Similar to Computing Planetary Positions, we have added a webpage

Computing Vedic Planetary Positions.



Also articles on Vedic Astronomy



Financial Astrology can be a guide in the stock and commodities market.

17 articles on Stock Market Astrology by G Kumar



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Can the movement of the Stock Market be predicted ?  Here is a Stock

Market Astrology article which is India specific.


                      Stock Market Astrology - Part XVI  


In the stock market, there are only 2 phases, the Impulse Phase and

the Corrective Phase. Most traders make money during the Impulse Phase

and lose it during the Corrective Phase.  


Tide- Wave - Ripple Theory - 3 Major Movements of the Ocean ( Stock Market )



The primary movement is the Tide, the secondary movement is the Wave

and tertiary movement, the Ripple. The three movements of the Stock

Market can be compared to the three movements of the Ocean.  


The Impulse Phase is based on the Primary Trend. If it is a long upward

movement, then the Impulse Phase is an Uptide and if the primary movement

is downward, then it is a Downtide.


The Corrective Phase is the Anti movement of the Primary Trend.          


Impulse Phase    =   Primary Trend.          


Corrective Phase =  Anti movement of the Primary Trend (  The Dow Jones

Theory states that this phase will last 3 to 4 weeks but we find that

in India it normally lasts for 7/8 days ).  


This Corrective Phase normally occurs as a secondary reaction during

an Uptide and as a secondary rally during a Downtide.  


F & O  ( Futures & Options )  


Option ( Call or Put ) should be taken at the end of the Corrective

Phase ( Secondary Reaction or Secondary Rally ) and should be exercised

during the Impulse Phase to make profit.  


An option is a contract, which gives the buyer ( the holder ) the right,

but not the obligation, to buy or sell specified quantity of the underlying

assets, at a specific strike price on or before a specified time

( expiration date ).  


In a Bear Market, Corrective Phase is Bullish and vice verse.  


In a Bear Market, Impulse Phase is bearish.  

Uptide - The Primary Upward Movement  

Downtide - The Primary Downward Movement  


While turnover in the Cash segment is 8000 crores per day, at

Derivatives segment it is 18000 crores.  


During Downtide, the best Option is Put. You must watch the

Resistance and the Support levels of the scrip you are going to

take the Option in. The SBI scrip reacted from 500 onwards and

is now at 430. If suppose you had taken SBI Put at 480, you

still gain 50 rupees per share. The Resistance Level of SBI is

500 now and the Support level is 407.  


The Wave like Nature of the Stock Market  


The Stock market is like a Wave. It is ever fluctuating. Even

in a day it fluctuates.  


We have to understand that the primary trend now is Bearish,

viz a Downtide. There was a secondary correction from June 1 to

June 11, when the market gained 200 odd points to reach 4960.


Then after the 7th day of correction or the Corrective Phase,

it reacted and now is at 4741 !  Bear Phase is defined as a

long decline interrupted by secondary rallies. These rallies

are deceptive and can lead investors astray, giving the impression

that the market is turning bull. During these rallies, the

intelligent sell off their stocks.


In a Bull Phase, secondary reactions last for 7 to 8 days.

These reactions are also very deceptive, giving the impression

that the market is falling. During these reactions, the intelligent

accumulate stocks and sell off at the peak of the primary trend.  


In order to capitalise on market fluctuations, you have to do

your homework properly. Study the scrip you want to play. Study

its top and bottom levels. You can only short sell at the

Resistance level and never  at the Support level.    


Heavenly indications point to a Bear Market - The Impulse Downward



Now there is a malefic Yoga in the heavens called Kalasarpa - all

planets hemmed in between South Node & the North Node of the Moon -

which will adversely affect the Indian economy.


It will also adversely affect the stock market. With Saturn moving

over on September to Cancer, the bearish phase may be extended.

The stock market is in what is called the Recessionary Phase where

all are sellers. The stock market will come down furthur and the

rallies that happen sometimes are mere deceptions ! If you look

at the history of the stock market, you will come to know that

it goes through Recession and Contraction. The Recessionary Phase

is always accompanied by a Contraction Phase. These are Economic

Cycles which happen and nobody can change its cyclical nature.


The converse of that is the Revival and the Expansion Phase, which

cannot be expected to happen now. The boom days are over !  


Summing up, we have to play the Bear and play it correctly using the

Impulse Phase and avoiding the Corrective Phase. People generally

lose during the Corrective Phase. The stock market is cyclical and

the Impulse Phase is always replaced by a Corrective Phase and vice

verse. He who knows the cyclical nature of the stock market alone

can succeed ! Timing is everything and one can use the end of both

the phases for profit.  


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