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Water retention

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Dear Noel


Congratulations on using astrology to help the girl with hashimoto's disease

I am not very experienced with medical astrology so I will here favor the

traditional maxim of at least do no harm .


I don't think here that Mercury is the problem and since Mercury is

functionally malefic for an Aries native I would be hesitant to strengthen

it . I suspect the problem here is Mars and or Ketu .( See also Patrice's

comment about Ketu being associated with water born problems ) . Now these

are two fiery planets so the problem although manifesting as water may be

more to do with the fire in the body . So to moderate the fire within the

body one is recommended to eat light food and avoid heavy , fried ,oily ,

reheated or old difficult to digest food ( this type of advice is

beneficial to nearly everyone ) .Although this may sound strange most likely

she will benefit from drinking plenty of fresh good quality water . Water

retention can be a case of the body hanging on desperately to water because

of some dehydration problem . A few years back I had a problem with water

swelling in the feet which was eased by increasing the quantity of water

drunk .


Hope this helps







> Hi Nicholas and thanks for your reply.


> A couple of years ago I had a nineteen year old girl come to


> with hashimoto's disease. This is where the body, "self or sun" doesn't

> recognize the thyroid "Mercury" and tries to destroy it. The doctor wanted

> to remove it and put her on medication the rest of her life. I put a


> of green tourmaline around her neck and all her symptoms were gone in two

> days. The doctor was a little taken back. I added an herb formula to


> the healing for her, among other things, diet etc. Point being she had

> Mercury in combustion with her sun in the 8th house but her mercury wasn't

> that strong like this girl's is, and I don't want to strength it if I am

> going to run the risk of pushing her thyroid over the edge. Do you think

> that possibility exist, considering her Mercury is already exalted?


> again .. Noel .


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Hi Nicholas & Patrice


Astrology is not my strongest suit. I use it as a tool to

correlate my clients health form an Ayurvedic Point of view. I use a much

more simple system.


Saturn = root chakra = reproductive glands


Jupiter = sacral charka = adrenal glands


Mars = solar plexus = pancreas


Venus = heart = thymus


Mercury = throat = thyroid


Sun = brow = pituitary


Moon = crown = pineal


Although I do look at it form Kapha = water; Pitta = fire, &

Vata = air Point of view too, I have found that if I just strengthen the

weakest planets and/or the planets that are being attack, that balance is

restored and they get better. Usually I don't rely upon the astrological end

of it as much, but the Ayurvedic pathology is usually obvious and in this

case that isn't true.


There seems to be missing a piece to the puzzle and it's not

that I don't appreciate all your help but you guys are talking way over my

head. Your input is very important to me, if for no other reason to help me

learn, but it makes it hard to come up with a remedy for her, which is my

main objective. Bless you my friends. . Noel .




Noel Gilbert




Body, Mind & Soul


LifeStyle Counselor


Ayurveda - Herbalism


Nutrition - Medical Astrology







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Hi guys and thanks for all your help.

I just finished the numbers on her and her Prakriti is;

36% Vata 34% Pitta 30% Kapha and her Vikriti is;

66% Vata 24% Pitta 10% Kapha

As you can see she has a serious Vata imbalance. She has all the

symptoms of a high Vata imbalance including constipation. But the only sign

of a Kapha imbalance is the water retention. I have her taking her

temperature ever morning to see if her thyroid is working ok. Well see!

Thank again .. Noel...





Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology




Nicholas [jyotish108]

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:02 PM


Re: [GJ] Water retention


Dear Noel


Congratulations on using astrology to help the girl with hashimoto's disease

I am not very experienced with medical astrology so I will here favor the

traditional maxim of at least do no harm .


I don't think here that Mercury is the problem and since Mercury is

functionally malefic for an Aries native I would be hesitant to strengthen

it . I suspect the problem here is Mars and or Ketu .( See also Patrice's

comment about Ketu being associated with water born problems ) . Now these

are two fiery planets so the problem although manifesting as water may be

more to do with the fire in the body . So to moderate the fire within the

body one is recommended to eat light food and avoid heavy , fried ,oily ,

reheated or old difficult to digest food ( this type of advice is

beneficial to nearly everyone ) .Although this may sound strange most likely

she will benefit from drinking plenty of fresh good quality water . Water

retention can be a case of the body hanging on desperately to water because

of some dehydration problem . A few years back I had a problem with water

swelling in the feet which was eased by increasing the quantity of water

drunk .


Hope this helps







> Hi Nicholas and thanks for your reply.


> A couple of years ago I had a nineteen year old girl come to


> with hashimoto's disease. This is where the body, "self or sun" doesn't

> recognize the thyroid "Mercury" and tries to destroy it. The doctor wanted

> to remove it and put her on medication the rest of her life. I put a


> of green tourmaline around her neck and all her symptoms were gone in two

> days. The doctor was a little taken back. I added an herb formula to


> the healing for her, among other things, diet etc. Point being she had

> Mercury in combustion with her sun in the 8th house but her mercury wasn't

> that strong like this girl's is, and I don't want to strength it if I am

> going to run the risk of pushing her thyroid over the edge. Do you think

> that possibility exist, considering her Mercury is already exalted?


> again .. Noel .






: gjlist-


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Hi Noel and Nicholas,


Noel, this is very interesting and I appreciate your letting us know what

you have found - very helpful for my learning.


I'm no expert on Auyurveda either but did see something interesting

regarding this. Also Vata is responsible for circulation and making

everything move in the body. And what's interesting is Vyana vata is

responsible for circulation and



Hi guys and thanks for all your help.

I just finished the numbers on her and her Prakriti is;

36% Vata 34% Pitta 30% Kapha and her Vikriti is;

66% Vata 24% Pitta 10% Kapha

As you can see she has a serious Vata imbalance. She has all the

symptoms of a high Vata imbalance including constipation. But the only sign

of a Kapha imbalance is the water retention. I have her taking her

temperature ever morning to see if her thyroid is working ok. Well see!

Thank again .. Noel...

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Dear Noel and Nicholas,


Sorry I sent that last email out without meaning to and didn't finish on it.



Vata is the main principle of movement in the body so this does make a lot

of sense.


I wanted to add something I saw online:

"Vyana Vata is present every where, but its main seat is in the area of the

heart. It is the most powerful vata in the body and controls the circulation

of the blood. It also governs the formation of sweat and lymph (a colourless

fluid), and motor functions. An imbalance causes fever, spasms, high blood

pressure, blood disease, and circulatory problems."


As Ketu is in 4H Cancer and also rules the heart I found this interesting,

as in this chart Ketu would represent Scorpio as well and Scorpio also

represents stagnant water and my thoughts earlier on circulation. Ketu MD,

Ketu on 7H in transit right now and before that in 8H transit so this has

been going on for some time via the tranisits.


In this chart Moon is still new. I had thought if waxing it was Kapha, if

small and wanning Vata. Perhaps just that it is small still and new still

makes it Vata. Do either of you know this to clarify it for me? Also Ketu is

Vata... (And I can't help but think about the Gandanta, although only

slightly so, position on Ketu.)


Noel, it's great to see how you're finding this trouble for your client and

I wish you the best. Thanks for sharing this chart and all your information.


My kindest regards,


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Dear Noel and Nicholas,


By the way, thanks for your note on Venus Nicholas. Venus is also listed as

Vata and it's interesting that Moon is there conjoined Venus and in Libra.


And for Moon being Vata or Kapha, I found my answer in Ernst's book Vault of

the Heavens:

"The Moon has more Kapha and less Vata the brighter she is. The Moon is 100%

Kapha when she is 180 degrees from the Sun and 100% Vata when at the same

degree as the Sun. In between, she is both."


Again, thanks Noel for this chart. I have learned a lot doing this chart and

from a number of angles.

Best wishes,


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Dear Noel and Nicholas and List,


These posts don't appear in the order they were sent, so please understand

that when reading the posts on this.




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Hey Patrice! Now you went and did it. You made me buy another book on

bookfinder.com. Just kidding! I had never heard about the moon being Kapha

and Vata during the waxing and waning period. That's fascinating! And it

makes senses. I for got to mention she has been a severely hypoglycemic all

her life too.

Thousands of years ago, Joytish and Ayurveda were part of the same system,

but some how got separated. I have been trying to see the correlation for

about six years now. I know there are others out there trying to do the same

thing but they all seem to differ in their opinion. What else is new! Anyway

thanks for you help. It's much appreciated. ... Noel....

Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology




Patrice Curry [patricecurry]

Tuesday, August 03, 2004 8:01 AM


Re: [GJ] Water retention


Dear Noel and Nicholas,


By the way, thanks for your note on Venus Nicholas. Venus is also listed as

Vata and it's interesting that Moon is there conjoined Venus and in Libra.


And for Moon being Vata or Kapha, I found my answer in Ernst's book Vault of

the Heavens:

"The Moon has more Kapha and less Vata the brighter she is. The Moon is 100%

Kapha when she is 180 degrees from the Sun and 100% Vata when at the same

degree as the Sun. In between, she is both."


Again, thanks Noel for this chart. I have learned a lot doing this chart and

from a number of angles.

Best wishes,







: gjlist-


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