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your monthly Vedic horoscope -- September

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Dear Friends,


Here is the September monthly horoscope.


Note that I have included the dates of the Sun signs only in case members don't

know their ascendant or Moon signs. As always, one should read their ascendant

sign first and foremost as it is the most important sign in the chart.


Hope you enjoy it,




Christopher Kevill

http://modernVedic Astrology.com



September 2004 Monthly Horoscope




Some interesting developments in September to watch out for. First, Mercury

returns to direct motion on the 2nd at 2 degrees of Leo. This should be welcome

news for Mercury-ruled people who can finally resume a forward direction towards

their rendezvous with karma. The sign of Leo receives an exclamation point on

the 14th as the New Moon occurs in last degrees of Leo. New Moons are like

snapshots, however out of focus, that can gently direct our attention to

different facets of life. Leo represents governments and leaders, so there may

be more state-related affairs in the news in the coming four weeks.


Saturn enters Cancer on the 5th and will remain there for the rest of the year

before it begins to retrace its steps in its retrograde journey. Saturn can

bring order and structure to the significations of Cancer such as the masses,

women, and the home but its malefic side can also inflict damage and create

delays. The Saturn ingress chart (5 Sep 2004 7.00 pm EDT Washington, DC) on the

whole looks good, so I don't expect any great calamities to eventuate as a

result of its energy. One area of concern, however, is that Saturn still closely

aspects Jupiter within two degrees at the time of its ingress, so this may

create problems of morality, especially in the justice system and religious

institutions. This is more likely to affect the USA given the presence of Uranus

near the ascendant of the ingress chart. Watch for more scandals, possibly

linked to the November election.




ARIES (Apr 13 - May 13) September may form a tale of two halves for you as your

ruling planet Mars moves from Leo to Virgo on the 16th, the very same day the

Sun makes the same changeover. You might lose a little momentum from August in

the beginning of the month but you will still be engaged in an busy array of

communications, cajoling and advising. Look for opportunities to hobnob with the

rich and powerful -- you may reap the rewards of the trickle down effect after

the 16th when Mars joins Jupiter in Virgo. The 12th and 13th look best for

making a good impression. Some problems with partners is possible on the 17th.

The last week of September should be favourable for all things, with a special

focus on legal cases and work environments. The 27th looks best.


TAURUS (May 14 - Jun 14) Although your ruling planet Venus will remain in Cancer

conjunct Saturn all this month, it is quickly separating from the leaden

heaviness of Dr. Kronos so the slow start to the month will be replaced with a

great interest in getting your message out. You may find yourself drawn to

spiritual and humanitarian activities in the middle of the month as Venus

transits the nakshatra of Pushya. Younger siblings may be in mind through

September, although some unexpected news may come on the 13th. The second half

of the month will bring comforts and an interest in investments. Careful not to

succumb to gossip or tactlessness in the last week of the month. Children may

figure prominently in a noteworthy episode then.


GEMINI (Jun 15 - Jul 15) Saturn takes its leave of Gemini early on, and your

ruling planet Mercury turns direct on the 2nd, so things will be looking up for

you. You will return to your normal state of intellectual curiosity in full

force, although there is a chance of overkill or manipulation on the 12th or

13th. Take care not to demand too much of those around you. Mars' combustion by

the Sun on the 17th may translate into difficulties at home. Gains and

recognition at work are most likely at the end of the month, especially around

the 28th.


CANCER (Jul 16 - Aug 15) Venus is passing through Cancer for the whole month so

socializing and pleasant events will be front and centre, a nice change from

earlier in the summer. You will enjoy all the comforts of home now. The 11th and

12th look most favourable. Money may come more easily to you, particularly in

the first half of the month. As the Sun and Mars move to the 3rd house after the

16th, expect your energies to be called upon to do double duty. There is a

possibility of some conflict towards the end of the month, especially around the

26th. Make sure you're on the right side of the issue -- moral, legal, or

otherwise -- and things will work out fine.


LEO (Aug 16 - Sep 15) You will likely be the focus of attention for the first

half of September as the Sun continues its stay in your home sign, along with

its compatriots, Mars and Mercury. Siblings may figure significantly at this

time, especially around the 3rd/4th. Take care around the 13th when Mars

conjoins the Sun. This is likely to be a time of great energy for you, although

occasionally this energy can be misused. The second half of the month is good

for increasing your wealth. You will also likely be more effective in your

communications at this time. Watch for the universe to smile upon you around the

22nd when the Sun conjoins Jupiter. How sweet it is!


VIRGO (Sep 16 - Oct 16) The good news is your ruling planet Mercury is no longer

retrograde this month. But one step at a time: the bad news is it's still in the

12th house so you might have to content yourself with behind-the-scenes work, at

least until the second half of the month. The middle of the month may present a

situation you don't know how to handle, and take extra care on the 12th.

Yielding to the wishes of others may be the best way out here, since the 12th

house influence points to path to egolessness. After the 16th, you can emerge

from the crowd. All your charitable impulses are richly recognized, especially

around the 22nd when Jupiter conjoins the Sun. Gains are possible around the



LIBRA (Oct 17 - Nov 15) This should be a month where your ideas and efforts

begin to bear fruit. Your ruling planet Venus is placed in Cancer your 10th

house of career. Recognition and success at work are more likely now, especially

while Venus transits the nakshatra of Pushya between the 4th and the 15th. If

looking for a good time to make business appointments, the 10th is best. A loss

is possible on the 12th. The second half of the month may find you devoting more

time to humanitarian pursuits and self development. A nice gain may come your

way on the 20th.


SCORPIO (Nov 16 - Dec 14) September will find you wanting more of the spotlight

as your ruling planet Mars starts in Leo in the 10th house of public acclaim.

The reviews of your "performance" should be generally favourable, although

perhaps lacking in subtlety. The 12th and the 13th will be your times to shine.

In the second half of the month, you can expect some payoff. Friends and older

siblings will also be successful in their efforts. Jupiter bestows its blessings

on the 26th/27th, so expect to make some headway, especially in service or

intellectual endeavours.


SAGITTARIUS (Dec 15 - Jan 13) This should be a month of shifting priorities as

you examine the philosophical basis of your career. With your ruling planet

Jupiter now in Virgo, your 10th house, your energies may be directed more

towards work. Progress will likely come next month, after you have assessed why

you doing what you're doing. The first half of the month will be the better time

for this introspection. The 12th may be the day for some useful realizations on

this score. Things take a more mundane focus in the second half of the month and

you get down to business. The 21st/22nd will be the time to take credit for your

efforts. More recognition will come your way in the last week of the month.


CAPRICORN (Jan 14 - Feb 12) With your ruling planet Saturn moving into your 7th

house/Cancer, your focus may move to partnerships and marital issues. Generally,

these should be favourable developments for you, especially on the 10th. Near

the 18th, love ideals may come into your consciousness. Saturn's nakshtra lord

Jupiter is now in Virgo/9th house so expect for higher ideals and foreign travel

to be in mind this month. These interests will likely sharpen in the second half

of the month and even more so after the 25th. A good appointment day would be

the 24th.


AQUARIUS (Feb 13 - March 13) This is a good time to put your shoulder to the

grindstone. Your ruling planet Saturn is now in the 6th/Cancer so work and

service are indicated. This probably won't be an unpleasant experience either as

you can sense the higher purpose of your efforts. Marital issues will also be in

the foreground in the first half of the month with some problems surfacing

around the 13th. Some changes in this area may come about in the second half,

although you may keep these inside for the moment. Look for some breakthrough in

understanding around the 26th.


PISCES (March 14 - Apr 12) Optimism returns as your ruling planet Jupiter moves

into the 7th/Pisces. Relationship questions may finally be resolved this month

and likely for the better. The first half of the month may find you busier than

you'd like to be. Watch for burn out or conflict at work around the 13th. In the

second half of the month, expect to be spending more time in social situations

although you may have to put more effort into them than you'd like. After the

25th, things run smoother on all fronts. Look for a significant event with a lot

of upside on the 27th/28th.











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Hello Chris,


On your web page you write concerning your predictions for the USA:



"My earlier forecast of a major problems befalling US forces abroad

has not come to pass. In fact, the has been very few developments at

home or in Iraq in the past month. In the Middle East, sporadic

violence continues, without significant change of overall strategy.

So all those nasty transits to the USA chart haven't amounted to



What chart did you use as the basis of your forecast?


Regarding the US election (incidentally, which I have called for

Kerry) you write:


"Most of the focus now is on the upcoming election in November. I

have only begun to look at the relevant charts, so I'm not prepared

to make a prediction now. Both Bush and Kerry have good charts for

the campaign, and yet only one of them can win. I am currently

leaning towards Bush owing to a greater number of planetary stations

in his and Cheney's chart on or near election day. Transit Saturn

will station almost exactly on Bush's natal Saturn in his first

house -- an excellent marker for assuming responsibility. Transit

Uranus will station on Cheney's descendant a few days after the

election, and this is another powerful element in the mix. I will

have a more detailed analysis for next month's column."


In my view, as per SA, Saturn is a first rate malefic for Cancer. The

stationary conjunction of 8L Saturn to its natal placement in infancy

in the chart of Mr. Bush, would therefore be expected to bring some

amount of problems, involving also his person and reputation, as the

contact takes place in the ascendant. In my view, this contact could

bring obstructions/endings to matters indicated by Saturn, e.g.

skeletal structure, inheritance, unearned gains and support of the

blue collar vote. This is one of the principal reasons I see him

losing the elections, even if other strong placements in his chart

suggest a vigorous and effective campaign.


It will be interesting to see what happens.


With my best wishes,


Thor Thorgeirsson


valist, "Christopher Kevill"

<christopher.kevill@s...> wrote:

> Dear Friends,


> Here is the September monthly horoscope.

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