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Struggling in war times, & about America

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Druhin wrote to me. I¹m writing to him and sharing it with others.


There was America the idea, then early America, then the years passed, many

things happened, and now we are in the now, which is very different it seems

from the idea and the early days. One can easily wonder what McDonalds and

fast food, Walmart and SUV¹s have to do with freedom from the King of



As humans, our normal lot is to face nature and eek out a living, like what

we did say in the ages prior to 2000 years ago. That¹s what¹s ³natural².

For a long time now though we¹ve had the industrialized state, in most

places on Earth, and the children, that¹s us, that grow up in it can easily

be in a state of not knowing what is real and what is unreal. Nowadays it¹s

even possible for those who do not know what is real and what is unreal to

be in office of high power, because that much time has passed. Similarly,

as Rome got older, sometimes it too had leaders who were very much distanced

from reality, and the people suffered, but they were not innocent, as they

too were ³on the take² when it came to the lavishness.


I think I should take a moment to say that I am having daily epiphanies at

this time, that is, breakthroughs in my own life and mind. Unless I say

that, the radical departures from my past that will be found herein might

not make sense. I am on the path lately of giving up running. I am not going

to run. I am turning around and facing all of it, all of my life and

problems, and life as it is around me. So, I will sound different in some

places as compared to my past writings. With that said I¹ll continue now.


There has not been enough restraint on Earth in the heart of the humans, so,

they have overdone it on the expansion aspect of life. Like for example,

whatever the cause, India and China are overpopulated. Whatever the cause,

America consumes too much. And it used to be, that England conquered too

much, took too much, and before them the Vikings, and Rome, and so on. Power

moves around, from country to country, rather swiftly actually, if you watch

history in terms of centuries, but it moves, and right now the power is in

America. But it won¹t stay there either, and one day America will be second,

and somebody else will be first.


So Indian¹s come to America to escape the overloaded buses, the crazy mix of

ancient religion and modern times, and so on. I know India well. Coming to

the US, for most Indians, appears like what it appeared like to my ancestors

long ago- a place to make a new start and have a better life materially.


In that statement there lies hope of ³better material life². That¹s

dangerous. It¹s that hope that when successful, turns into lack of

restraint, loss of memory and eventually you become what you hate, a taker,

a lush. What¹s needed is to be in the system, but not of it. This simple

salient point is what is lacking in people now. They have surrendered to

constant pleasure, and this is causing massive problems. We built empires to

help ourselves have good lives. We do this because ³natural² life is

painful- being cold, being hungry, diseased, subject to the whims of local

lords and warriors. We developed ³civilization² to escape all that pain.


Once we have civilization, if we forget the virtues of the first system, the

one we left, then this new one becomes corrupted. That is, if we forget to

live naturally while sheltered, we end up dependent on the shelter, and that

addiction increases itself, as all addictions do.


We¹ve forgotten the balance of austerity and pleasure, work and time off,

and so on. We don¹t have balance. In fact, now generations of youth are born

into an imbalanced state (and State) , and thus have no direction.


Each of us actually must attend to all matters of life if we are to be

healthy. For example, what I mean is, we have to have a connection to our

country, and mind that, and a connection to our body. This is one example.

That means we have a connection to the group of people we live on dirt with,

and a connection to our own individual self within that group. We need both,

and we must attend to both.


Once again I¹m reminded about Caitanyas axiom- that we are simultaneously

one yet separate, beings.


Out of the old pains, so many religions grew, and religions are paradigms,

way¹s of seeing things. Although America is not a religion, it kind of is,

in that it¹s a paradigm, a way of seeing things. Islam is a paradigm that

includes state and religion. Christianity started out such that it¹s a

paradigm that includes tacit compliance with state but in a somewhat

rebellious mood as in the statement ³Give to Caesar what is Caesar¹s², and

oft quoted Christ quote that implies a sort of compliance with disregard.

This is why Christians are forever at loggerheads with heads of state-

trying to control them, but won¹t be them, and won¹t ever agree with any

state, but can¹t by the nature of their beliefs have their own state.


America, like Rome, is fully secular, but in so doing makes a religious

statement which is- Œwe don¹t know which is right, so choose your own, but

just comply with the secular state too please¹, which is why Christianity

flourishes in all post Rome look-alike Western countries as in Europe and

America, as the co-dependency between Christianity (no government) and

Governments that don¹t bless one religion is the power duo in the West since

the times after Rome¹s conversion. When Rome converted, say 300 AD, then so

did that get extended all the way to Ireland, the West most point, then

eventually America.


Meanwhile, the East, say India, Arabia, Africa, China, etc... Remained with

whatever they had before, and dealt with waves of our missionaries too,

bringing the Christian/Secular Gov./Materially progressive triumvirate to

their lands. Westerns thus bring Rome, or material progress, and Christ, and

Secular governmental ideas where're they go. This combo works, in some

ways, and is attractive, to most people, and powerful, so it conquers, as

Rome conquers, as England conquered, as America conquers. It all goes back

to Rome, who once was just a city, became an empire, and in it¹s death,

still exists in Europe and America, and all over the world now.


Astrologically it¹s related to Sun, Ra, Ravi, Ram, Rome. Sun is power,

central ness, central authority, government, etc. It all makes sense.


Many are burned by the Sun. Many who are born with other natures, cannot

like or get close to the central power, the Sun. White skin burns more

rapidly in the Sun. Indeed, the Sun government grew out of the

Mediterranean area, Italy, and spread north to the snowy forests of Austria,

England, etc. These areas used to embrace cultures which were based on

constant migration, expansion, war, valor, feudal warrior system basically.

Brute chivalry. It has it¹s good sides, and it¹s bad.


Today like in America, the base nature of the white person remains, combined

with Rome, and the result is constant expansion under a flag of oneness. So

we have the government, and our ancient genetic nature, both, combined, and

this is a combination which is like a loaf of baking bread, but that never

stops rising, and rising, and rising, until the oven is fully, and

eventually the kitchen is full, of bread, and then the house, then it spills

out into the street, and everybody is running, from the rising loaf of

bread. It started out a great idea- a loaf of bread, but became the bread

monster, just like Rome did at one time, consuming everything in it¹s path,

and with a thirst for more, until it was killed by the brave in it¹s path.


Rome died because it¹s mars got overextended. This happened to Nazi Germany,

and England, and maybe too America, as this war is really costing us a lot.

Things are getting worse here. The overall mood is getting more stressful.

We are getting poorer, and the money is flowing to Japan, China, India, etc.

This is what always happens. Those who are stressed, as in Japan, China,

India, they work hard, get the money, and those with the money lose it to

them, due to being lazy from their years of pleasure, and so the cycle goes

on, and this is why the power moves around.


In order to keep balance, we have to be in balance with the land. This has

been lost and must be regained if we are to have balance again. Too much

population, copulation, Venus, leads to stresses upon the land. ³You¹re

two, have two² shouldn¹t started LONG ago in India, and America, and China,

etc. Restraints starts in bed, and has to be applied there, and elsewhere,

throughout our daily lives, in order to keep balance. Otherwise, we are like

a virus, and the nature will kill us eventually.


So now we are all living in an advanced state of affairs, at this time in

history, when things have been out of control for too long. There are now

horrible weapons in place, too many people, too many people taking too much

in America, too many people suffering stuffy conditions in India and China,

and so on. It¹s getting pretty bad. Now Islam wants to act out in order to

love itself again, like a teenager looking for respect and identity. But

they too, especially say Saudi Arabia, are on the take materially, fat and

rich in many ways, and yet they want to stick to a paradigm based in ancient

more austere times, when a camel was ³fast².


It¹s so ironic to hear someone say they¹re saved by Jesus, while walking

into a MacDonald's, and checking their bank account on a cell phone while

their kids play death games on game boys, with chips made from Tantalum from

Africa where people kill each other over the dirt containing the element so

that they can sell it to the West so that they can eat. The mesh of

interwove ness is there, and we¹re dieing over it all because of all the

unnecessary junk, from lack of constraint, that we¹ve created, that we



Just as you Druhin seem to be a major victim in this huge world game at this

time, imagine how a starving or dieing person in Africa feels. That country

is being absolutely ravaged by war and poverty, and the west is taking from

it, and helping it to stay in that horrible condition. We hardly send

soldiers or aid, because we don¹t care enough about it yet. It still yields

fruit, and we turn our backs on the human costs, the human pain.


But oil is so key, we can¹t leave it to Muslims to rule it, so there we get

involved, especially if our leading families are themselves oil barrons,

thus having a heightened sensitivity to the issue personally, ties there,

contracts there, friends there.


As nations and as people we are committing large amounts of ³sins of

omission². That is, it¹s often what we are NOT doing that is causing the

problems, like NOT having restraint. Teenagers think, for example, that it¹s

OK to ³drive to their friends house². They think gasoline is cheap, hence

³use it². It¹s that simple.


If they were FULLY in contact with ALL the realities caused by ³Cheap fuel²,

they would PUKE THEIR BRAINS OUT, from the ecological problems, to the

religious and war problems, etc etc.


Because America has been ³driving², they are now ³fighting². It¹s that

simple. This current war is an oil war. We wouldn¹t care if we got nothing

from there. Because Americans don¹t care about Africa, they don¹t go there.

Same with South America. We hardly go there. But if we HAD TO HAVE

something, and could no longer get it, we¹d go fighting for it. This has

always been the case with needy, greedy, nations and empires.


Restraint, humility, austerity, self denial kind of stuff, is needed

personally, and in groups, in the ³State², for there to be continuity,

otherwise the bread just keeps expanding and taking up space and everything



Now, with the above understood, we can understand where we are today. We are

in times when the corporations that serve our needs, our greeds, are

internationalized very much so, and the international exchanges of goods are

very much large and entrenched, hence we are all connected economically, but

we don¹t agree religiously, or philosophically, and sometimes we diverge

their greatly, for example, in the case of westerners believing in the

equality of woman, and Saudi Arabia treating woman as second class. Out of

pride they have to justify it, but they use what we invent, live off our

money, so a problem arises- a typical spat between co-dependent brothers in

one house, who use and need each other to live, but who hate each other



Saturn too has to eat, but if he eats the things grown by the subjects of

the Sun, he becomes a hypocrite. So too if the Sun uses the Saturn, ie, if

the West uses the brown people¹s stuff to survive, then he too is a

hypocrite because he puts down the brown peoples way of thinking. This

ancient battle between Saturn and Sun has been going round and round and

round since time immemorial. These are the extremes, the little bright one,

and the big dark one. Neither is good or bad, they¹re just opposites.


And they¹re inside each of us. And each of us has battles raging between

them inside ourselves. In a perfect world they would know their places and

stay there, and do their respective duties, but that would be paradise, and

no learning. Seems we need to learn, by not having balance. We seem to be

learning to go there, to a perfect state, but since we¹re here, we¹re not



India taught me restraint. I am more restrained than many Americans. I¹m

vegetarian for example. I am fine driving an old car. I don¹t watch TV

because I find it trashy. Many examples are there in my life. By being

trained by real Brahmins, I got a glimpse of the goodness and happiness

found in the simple life of religion, knowledge, humility, service, etc. I

skipped my twenties in the West, and lived them as a humble Vaisnava. This

was good for me. Similarly, people who do a military part of life learn to

serve, be simple, work hard, be austere, etc., and later, most soldiers will

tell you the training was good for them. The main thing they¹re referring

too is learning to work hard WHILE BEING restrained. That is what builds.

That is why Indians and Chinese and Japanese often excel over Westerners in

school, because they are used to taking less, living tighter, working

harder, so they excel, over those who are used to, from birth, taking more,

expansive needs, working less, etc. Europe in general is tighter living

than America, and more educated, as well. It¹s America currently where we

find the overstuff lavish person, as we used to find in the GREAT phase of

Britain, and early the GREAT phase of Rome. There was even a time when Lord

Ram had to remind the ³King of the Monkeys² to stop having so much drink and

sex, and get on with the war with Ravana. So see, the power, the money, the

lavish life, it moves around, and can attack anyone, and any nation, and

weaken them.


Venus is balanced by Mercury. Time on your hands should be spent in ways

which do not harm your life. Addiction is avoidance of this. We get addicted

to distractions. Mercury is a healthy distract, ie, read and write. This is

a healthy time spending habit. Game boys, eating, ipods, racing off to

parties in cars, drinking, smoking, all excesses of Venus, are time passers

which kill ultimately.


Similarly, too much Sun is balanced by Saturn. The highest leaders should

spend some time working with the slaves. That will teach them a lot. If

you are a slave, and feel belittled, downtrodden, and so on, and you hate

the leaders, spend time thinking how you would lead, and you¹ll end up

understanding their problems, or said another way, go ahead and rise to

leadership, which is what unions are about- Saturn people rising to



Balance is hard to find, and much needed, in ourselves, and in our

countries, and between nations.


The West is getting more and more to the point of simply worshipping the

young girl. Sex addiction is on the massive rise, especially since the

internet came into it¹s own. Venus is spreading rapidly in a wanton way.

Islam is against seeing the female form in this way. Here we have polar



In Los Angeles, the high celebrations of the year are where we worship the

actresses in glittering dresses that reveal all, even we strip off their

clothes to reveal their naked bodies.


In Islam, the woman are shrouded always in black, and not allowed to be even

equal to men. They are property and their form is seen as something to be



This is the Sun power embracing Venus by eating her, and the Saturn power

respecting it in a different way, by keeping it in storage. Each hates the

other¹s way of dealing with Venus. Rome was the same way too- Sun, and

wanton orgies evolved, and eventually the Christian ideals grew and shut it

down, along with the downtrodden Goths, who were the ones who brought Rome

to it¹s knees ultimately. Again, those experiencing the brightness, wealth

and wanton consumption of Sun power are at odds with those experiencing the

pain, suffering, of Saturn¹s grip, in their slums, squalor, pain, sorrow,

and slavery to the first power group.


We each have our part to play out in this drama of balance, of seven

wonders, seven planets, seven days, seven notes, seven seas, etc. It seems

we are recycling through bodies, and moving forward, learning, slowly, over

long times, going somewhere, probably some kind of perfection of life. I

don¹t know. Does anyone? (unless operating from faith).


For comfort, faith is very inexpensive and works well. But when you speak

it, you share a paradigm, and the system begins again.


Strange world. Our world. Or is it?


In light in me, but do not burn me, please. Keep it in balance.


Thank you.


Another one one born of two ancient enemies, the Saxons and the Celts.

Perhaps that¹s the source of my pain, and balance.


Richard MacQuoid-Wuerst

(Das Goravani)








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