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World Wide Wripoff

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Has any of us actually invented or created anything? Good question.


When I first realized that people pirated my software I got upset, now it

does not upset me. (Though, of course you jerk, I want you to pay for it!)


I remember when I asked David Frawley if I could put his book in my program,

and I was willing to pay some royalty, and he just said "go ahead, no

royalty required". Which is also what Ranjan said, but many others want to

charge. Hmm. Some have open hearts, little greed, big spirit of giving to



A few pictures and a few paragraphs is nothing, Tanvir. This is all kind of

generic knowledge anyway. But yeah, people want to get in on the money

rush, and so, the rush to put together a site happens.


I get quite a few people writing to me saying:


"I have a bootleg copy of your program, but I want to pay you, kindof, I

mean, I'd feel better, so, would you sell it to me legally for $25"


I had one student in India say "I've almost cracked all the code, so if you

sell me the code, you'll make something, but if you don't, I'm just going to

steal it anyway".


Ahh, the land of Dharma (and poor, desperate people)(no judgement implied,

at all)


I can mail my software to most countries, but to India, I must ALWAYS

register it as it ALWAYS gets stolen otherwise. I wonder if India will EVER

before the end of the world, NOT be so desperate. Interesting question.


You know what's funny. I study European history very intensely for awhile

now. You know these Yagyas that Indian Brahmins are charging a lot of money

for? Well, Druids used to do those for Celts (white people in

England/Ireland), even up until say the years 500 AD or so, but especially

prior to Roman invasion around 50 AD and so on.


So, these Druids would do the same thing- you pay money, or give gold, and

they would do the ceremonies. Usually only Kings and such could afford it.

But it was the same idea- sacrifices to appease the Gods. They too had

fires, and altars, and mantras, chants, special uniforms, rituals, beliefs,

lots of hocus pocus that nobody else knew- they too had their subjects quite

spell bound by their rituals.


It's interesting that this was obliterated, stopped, so long ago in the

West, and now, Westerners go to India to have it done, the same thing

exactly. Even the same Gods, but with different names. I find this utterly

amazing. We humans never change. We always have the same sort of ideas

running through our heads no matter our race, the year it is, whatever.




You can probably imagine that long ago one Druid would march over to another

Druids altar and protest that :


You are using my copyrighted mantras! ! !


And of course, Romans killed off the Druids, then went home and offered the

stolen gold to their own Gods. Oh brother.


Peace out,


Man who sees across lands and times


Das Goravani, Pres.














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You are very right. A few paragraph and a few image is nothing. If one would

like to copy something, and ask me, I would permit happily, unless it is

something really major. It is a recognization of my work when someone wants to

copy it. But, it is a very basic courtesy to ask first. They did not ask me, nor

they did acknowledge in the site that this was from me. This very clearly would

create an impression that it was they who wrote them etc., is this good?


If I want to copy someone's teachings or essays, I of course ask. If someone

denies me, I do not feel ill of him.


But this is not the right way to copy someone without asking, or even without an

acknowledgement. I do not feel so.


When you asked David Frawley about publishing his book, I am sure you did not

have an intention to publish it *in the way* to impress people with the idea

that *you* wrote it :-)


Who knows how much did the site copy from many other websites to build their

one. If their astrologers are so knowledgeable and so expert, why do not they

write something of their own, than repeating stuff already found in other sites?


And if one expects me to be nice not to mind about copying, then I expect him to

be nice to ask me.


And most of all it makes me very suspicious about their services. I can not be

sure, of course, about what they are doing. Nor I want to say that they are

dishonest about their services - since I do not truly know. But it is a very

good reason to be suspicious.





PS. The Druid - Roman facts you mentioned are really interesting. COPYRIGHTED

MANTRAS !!!! LOL !!!!!!! :-D




What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury

Cellular: +88 0189407202

Mail: lord_narayana

Website: http://www.jyotish-remedies.com




Das Goravani


Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:01 AM

World Wide Wripoff







Has any of us actually invented or created anything? Good question.


When I first realized that people pirated my software I got upset, now it

does not upset me. (Though, of course you jerk, I want you to pay for it!)


I remember when I asked David Frawley if I could put his book in my program,

and I was willing to pay some royalty, and he just said "go ahead, no

royalty required". Which is also what Ranjan said, but many others want to

charge. Hmm. Some have open hearts, little greed, big spirit of giving to



A few pictures and a few paragraphs is nothing, Tanvir. This is all kind of

generic knowledge anyway. But yeah, people want to get in on the money

rush, and so, the rush to put together a site happens.


I get quite a few people writing to me saying:


"I have a bootleg copy of your program, but I want to pay you, kindof, I

mean, I'd feel better, so, would you sell it to me legally for $25"


I had one student in India say "I've almost cracked all the code, so if you

sell me the code, you'll make something, but if you don't, I'm just going to

steal it anyway".


Ahh, the land of Dharma (and poor, desperate people)(no judgement implied,

at all)


I can mail my software to most countries, but to India, I must ALWAYS

register it as it ALWAYS gets stolen otherwise. I wonder if India will EVER

before the end of the world, NOT be so desperate. Interesting question.


You know what's funny. I study European history very intensely for awhile

now. You know these Yagyas that Indian Brahmins are charging a lot of money

for? Well, Druids used to do those for Celts (white people in

England/Ireland), even up until say the years 500 AD or so, but especially

prior to Roman invasion around 50 AD and so on.


So, these Druids would do the same thing- you pay money, or give gold, and

they would do the ceremonies. Usually only Kings and such could afford it.

But it was the same idea- sacrifices to appease the Gods. They too had

fires, and altars, and mantras, chants, special uniforms, rituals, beliefs,

lots of hocus pocus that nobody else knew- they too had their subjects quite

spell bound by their rituals.


It's interesting that this was obliterated, stopped, so long ago in the

West, and now, Westerners go to India to have it done, the same thing

exactly. Even the same Gods, but with different names. I find this utterly

amazing. We humans never change. We always have the same sort of ideas

running through our heads no matter our race, the year it is, whatever.




You can probably imagine that long ago one Druid would march over to another

Druids altar and protest that :


You are using my copyrighted mantras! ! !


And of course, Romans killed off the Druids, then went home and offered the

stolen gold to their own Gods. Oh brother.


Peace out,


Man who sees across lands and times


Das Goravani, Pres.






















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