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Vedic Astr. Verse SA, Verse KP, etc

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There have been astrologers from time to time who bring into the market

their own systems of how to do astrology. I think this is done mainly



1. They personally like astrology, found it, studied it, got into it

2. Developed their own style over time as all do

3. Found they could market their style and make money


Driven by the need to make a living, we all do what we can to accomplish



Sometimes, some persons, who have leadership and business qualities, find

that they can make a living as teachers and leaders. They often have to have

a unique angle in order to stand out, so they label their approach and go

about teaching it.


Others go about this without making a new label, such as BV Raman. He didn¹t

make a ³Raman² version of astrology, he just talked about Vedic book after



Krishnamurti made some large departures from standard Vedic, such as using a

Western House system, and emphasizing one part of Vedic to the extreme (the

nakshatra sublords).


The SA approach is not that radical of a departure from Vedic. What it does

is teach a simplified approach, with stricter guidelines. The overall mood

of SA in my mind is ³Here¹s a handy subset of the rules, easier to memorize,

easier to apply, which work well². That¹s it¹s claim. It¹s not a radical

departure. It¹s more of a streamlined version.


The Sanjay Rath group, their version is very complex, and emphasizes many

Jaimini techniques. I suppose there are other groups to comment upong, but I

can¹t think of them now.


If one is the type mentally that needs rules to follow, SA is not a bad

idea. I myself am the opposite. My karma mentally is such that I dislike

rules, and I approach based on broad reading, which I let sink in, and then

I go with intuition, which is nothing more than the brain using what it has

stored subconsciously. I do notice things scientifically as well, such as,

my repeated speaking about the efficacy of the equal house madhyas being hit

by the transiting lagna as indicators of moments when things will happen in

the day. This is called the MEP in SA, a point I happen to agree with only

because my daily research has proved it out, but it¹s a standard part of

standard Vedic Astrology. It was not invented by myself or VK Choudry.


I personally find standard Vedic Astrology of the simplistic type works

well. I do not follow rules, and I do not follow SA or KP or anything. I

just read all the books, watch things, try things, and have found much

reality in Vedic Astrology.


To say, as some in SA and KP do, that in general Vedic Astrology with all

it¹s books and conflicting rules is a hodgepodge, is an oversimplification,

in my opinion. There are many books because many enthusiasts over thousands

of years felt compelled to write their findings down, just as the two

professors behind KP and SA have found they wish to do so, and their rules

now add to the pile of Vedic Astrology rules.


When people ask me for good beginner books, I never recommend any

specifically. I just tell them:


³Go searching, and see where nature leads you. You will find the books you

are supposed to find, and go from there².


This is easy for me, and I believe it.


Following your heart will lead you to the land of your love. Truth be told!


And your gut is literally connected via nerves to your brain. This is why

nervousness is felt in the gut, and the brain, and why Seratonin (brain)

medications affect digestion intensly- because their reuptake inhibitness

affects the seratonin nature of the stomach (true science, cutting edge,

don¹t believe me, look it up).


So believing your gut, and your heart, is your best guide. These are places

where you can feel the truth, YOUR truth.


When I see the old books of Jyotish, I am drawn to them in reverrences. If a

modern person tells me ³ignore those², and follow my simplified approach, I

get a bad feeling. That¹s me. It¹s because I like old things, and standard

things, and I want to go through, from the ground up. That¹s me. I liked

buying Saravali, Jatakaparijata, and BPHS. I liked reading them. That was

my beginning.


I¹ve never been out for ³finding out how to read real fast². I was out for

the experience of enlightenment. I found it. I found it very much so in

the old ones, and in some new ones by some nice sensitive and sincere



Then there is VK Choudrys approach, and personality, which works for some.

Bravo for them.


I for example have a very hard time being around Virgo, as I¹ve mentioned

before. It¹s 6th from my lagna, and 8th from my moon.


But VERY MANY astrologers and students thereof are VERY virgoan, because

that sign is one of the main rulers over books, libraries, study, students,

studiousness, exactness, etc. I don¹t have this wavelength in me. I work

from a very different set of places.


So for them, the simplified, rule driven, approach may be better, more

attractive. Again, follow YOUR heart and YOUR gut and find YOUR happy

place. We all can. Vedic is HUGE. Vedic is a BIG set of HUGGING ARMS.

There¹s room in it for EVERYBODY.


One thing about Veda, all the Vedas, is that they are not really

India-centric, not Hindu-centric, not anything Centric. This is a bit

unique and WONDERFUL. Everyone can find something there, from Kama Sutra to

Liberation, from Jyotish to Free Will, from Hell Worship to God Worship.

Everything is there. If someone dislikes these statements, sorry, I just

personally found everything in the books. Everything. Dark Gods and

Spirits, and Light Ones. Belief in total free will, and belief in total

pre-destiny, and so on.


Well, that¹s enough.






Das Goravani, Pres.


















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Dear Rick,


Just a few words to share my viewpoint to your interesting essay.


First, I appreciate your approach to be open minded about what works in



As an Aries, you are something of an exception in the field of astrology.

Professor Chouhdry, puts it this way "Since Arians are men of deeds, they

believe less in Astrology." That said, I think it is your strong Jupiter that

makes you the exceptional Aries, interested in both religion and astrology.

However, even then the tendency is for finding an outlet for activity, such as

developing a great software package, which is good for the rest of us. So, you

find some happy balance between the need to engage in the outer field of action,

while retaining an inner realm of meaning. You have made a business out of your

astrology and religious interest.


Likewise, has developed his system to accurately read charts,

to pinpoint the karma and offer astral remedies. I find that it works really

well at the individual level. I have now spent around five years to apply it in

the domain level and find the going more tough there, but there are

breakthroughs along the way.


Second, regarding the choice of type of astrology, I think for most people it it

a question of what works for them that it is really all about. I came to jyotish

from western in the mid 1980s because I was tired of the seeming endless array

of possible interpretations and the lack of predictive consistency and accuracy.

Jyotish seemed to offer much more systematicity for interpreting the chart and

predicting events, past, present and future. Even then, over the span of one

decade of studying vedic, I again felt submerged in too many alternatives. I

even dropped out of jyotish for a few years. In 1998, I then stumbled on SA and

became impressed with its analytic simplicity and reproducibility of predictive

result. I don´t think it has anything special to do with the fact that I am a

Virgo native. In fact, I find SA attracts all ascendants, in as much as there is

an interest in astrology to begin with. Moreover, I find SA is being undersold,

when it is claimed to be just a simplified version of jyotish. It is every bit

as rich as Jyotish can hope to be even if it has been made internally



That said, whatever seems to work for others is what matters. Ultimately, we can

and must follow that which resonates with our own understanding. I just think

those having discovered SA are lucky to have found a comprehensible,

comprehensive and reproducible system of astrology.








Aries Ascendant

Aries is a fiery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy. The Sun, the

significator of vitality, is exalted in this sign. Saturn, the planet of

lethargy, becomes debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Arians most

active, strong, aggressive and healthy in case Mars is strong. If Aries rises as

the ascendant, the Ishta Devata would be mother divine, Goddess Durga.

Worshipping the Ishta Devata would help in spiritual evolution and in

maintaining mental peace. This sign rules head (cranium and forehead) and brain.

If Mars and Mercury are strong, the Arians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they

have a sickly constitution, suffer from wounds, headache, mental tension,

fevers, short-temperedness, insomnia, diseases of impure blood, bilious

diseases, inflammatory disorders, constipation, stammering, etc. Aries is the

mooltrikona sign of Mars, and therefore Mars represents the native fully.


Aries is a moveable, positive, rajasic, pitta, male, violent, barren and

quadruped sign and has strong preferences. Depending on the influences on the

ascendant and/or Mars, the sign Aries usually renders their natives independent,

adventurous and skilful in what they do, becoming leaders, with initiative,

industrious, ambitious, impetuous, fighters, authoritative, brave, courageous,

heroic, competitive, energetic, enterprising, mentally clear, visionary and

strong-willed or headstrong, argumentative, offensive, impatient, irritable,

impulsive and self-centered. If Aries rises as the ascendant, the influence of

Saturn turns them towards construction, engineering and makes them

entrepreneurs. They earn lot of wealth by persistent efforts.


Apart from Rahu and Ketu, Mercury also becomes a functional malefic planet.

Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are functional benefic

planets for Arians. Budhaditya Yoga i.e. combination of the Sun and Mercury

signifying extra-ordinary intelligence, does not show positive results for the

native. An Arian with deep combust Mercury means that the Sun forms close

conjunction with the functional malefic planet, Mercury, and gets afflicted.

Such natives have weak digestion, are not sharp and are impulsive. Since Arians

are men of deeds, they believe less in Astrology. The Arians excel in the fields

governed by the planet or most effective point of a house forming close

conjunction or aspect with a strong Mars in the nativity. The transit

unfavorable influences are less. The persistent unfavorable influences with long

repercussions are only due to the impact of transit Rahu-Ketu forming close

conjunction/aspect with weak natal points. Transit unfavorable influences

generated by Mercury are short lived as Mercury is a fast moving planet and its

conjunction separates in a day or two.


The Moon rules the fourth house for Aries ascendant and hence a strong and

well-placed Moon bestows comforts of affluent parents, education, property and

vehicles. The association of Mars and the Moon creates auspicious results and

blesses the native with status in the govt. The association of the Sun with Mars

fructifies the impact of intelligence and helps the person in realizing his high



Venus has its mooltrikona sign in the seventh house and is a functional benefic.

Strong Venus blesses the native with a good and beautiful wife and blesses him

with taste for pleasure, music and action. They love adventure. Jupiter has its

mooltrikona sign in the ninth house which makes these persons practice the

principles of religion. It blesses the Arians with divine qualities of kindness,

generosity, honesty and protector, whenever Jupiter forms close conjunction with

Mars, ascendant and other natal points. Finally, Saturn has its mooltrikona sign

in the house of income and fulfillment of desires. This keeps the Arians always

on the move, as influence of Saturn without the positive influence of Jupiter

keeps the person always on the move to earn more and more and does not allow the

native to become content. Arians with the Sun in Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces suffer

from disorders of stomach and unhappiness from progeny in case Jupiter, too, is

weak. There are tragedies with regard to these significations if the weak Sun,

Mars and or Jupiter form close conjunction with the Rahu-Ketu axis.


Exalted Sun blesses Arians with sharp intellect, government authority and

long-lived father provided Jupiter and Mars are also strong or even well placed

in the chart. Exalted Moon blesses them with good status, wealth and executive

posts. Exalted Mars blesses them with good professional rise and good health.

Exalted and unafflicting Mercury blesses them with good health, sound financial

position and good analytical faculties. Exalted Jupiter with strong Moon blesses

them with affluent parents, spirituality and fortune. Exalted Venus blesses them

with comforts, visits to foreign lands, residence abroad and wealthy and healthy

spouse. Exalted Saturn with strong Venus blesses them with good income, highly

placed and helpful friends, good relationships and wealthy spouse. Similarly,

are to be read the results of the planets when they are in their signs of

debilitation causing deterioration in the aspects signified by the weak planets.

However, the significations likely to be promoted when the planets are exalted

get a setback when the concerned planets are weak.


The close affliction of Ketu to a weak Mars makes the native vulnerable to

serious health problems if Mercury, too, is weak. The close conjunction/aspect

of Ketu to Mercury makes one vulnerable to paralysis and nervous breakdown. The

close affliction of Ketu to the Sun causes sufferings on account of progenic

matters and marital problems to female natives. The close affliction by Ketu to

the Moon robs the native of the mental peace and causes setbacks in property

matters. The close affliction of Ketu to Jupiter gives setbacks in life and

curtails the longevity of the father. The close affliction of Ketu to Venus

causes setbacks in married life, renal problems and the death of wife. The close

affliction of Ketu to Saturn causes problems in income, financial gains and

health problems pertaining to joints and blood impurities.



Favorable colors

Yellow, black , all shades of blue, red, pink, orange, golden, white, silver and

variegated colors.

Favorable stones

Diamond, red coral, pearl, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire and ruby.

Unfavorable colors

Green, steel grey, smoke grey and dull navy blue.

Unfavorable stones

Emerald, gomedh (hessonite) and cat's eye (lasonia)

Weak and afflicted PlanetsEffects

MarsWeak health and medium span of life.

Moon Obstructions in education, loss of comforts and mental peace, trouble to

mother, etc.

SunWeak digestion, anaemia, trouble to male progeny.

MercuryWeak health, recklessness and impulsiveness.

VenusLack of marital happiness.

JupiterObstructions to father and prosperity.

SaturnDeficient income, diseased bones and nervous system.


Depending upon the strength of Mars being prime determinant for profession, the

Sun ruling intelligence and being general significator for success in profession

and the Moon ruling education, Arians become administrators, sportsmen, civil

engineers, advocates, commanders-in-chief, dentists, executives, executioners,

gangsters, manufacturers, military and para-military forces, police, project

erectors, surgeons, vocations employing fire and metals and involve themselves

in adventurous and enterprising pursuits. The influence of other planets on the

tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. Arians are born

to command more by force than by persuasion as Mercury, the planet of

communication, is a functional malefic for them.


Das Goravani <das@g...>

Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:50 pm

Vedic Astr. Verse SA, Verse KP, etc





There have been astrologers from time to time who bring into the market

their own systems of how to do astrology. I think this is done mainly



1. They personally like astrology, found it, studied it, got into it

2. Developed their own style over time as all do

3. Found they could market their style and make money


Driven by the need to make a living, we all do what we can to accomplish



Sometimes, some persons, who have leadership and business qualities, find

that they can make a living as teachers and leaders. They often have to


a unique angle in order to stand out, so they label their approach and go

about teaching it.


Others go about this without making a new label, such as BV Raman. He


make a ³Raman² version of astrology, he just talked about Vedic book after



Krishnamurti made some large departures from standard Vedic, such as using


Western House system, and emphasizing one part of Vedic to the extreme


nakshatra sublords).


The SA approach is not that radical of a departure from Vedic. What it


is teach a simplified approach, with stricter guidelines. The overall mood

of SA in my mind is ³Here¹s a handy subset of the rules, easier to


easier to apply, which work well². That¹s it¹s claim. It¹s not a radical

departure. It¹s more of a streamlined version.


The Sanjay Rath group, their version is very complex, and emphasizes many

Jaimini techniques. I suppose there are other groups to comment upong, but


can¹t think of them now.


If one is the type mentally that needs rules to follow, SA is not a bad

idea. I myself am the opposite. My karma mentally is such that I dislike

rules, and I approach based on broad reading, which I let sink in, and


I go with intuition, which is nothing more than the brain using what it


stored subconsciously. I do notice things scientifically as well, such as,

my repeated speaking about the efficacy of the equal house madhyas being


by the transiting lagna as indicators of moments when things will happen


the day. This is called the MEP in SA, a point I happen to agree with only

because my daily research has proved it out, but it¹s a standard part of

standard Vedic Astrology. It was not invented by myself or VK Choudry.


I personally find standard Vedic Astrology of the simplistic type works

well. I do not follow rules, and I do not follow SA or KP or anything. I

just read all the books, watch things, try things, and have found much

reality in Vedic Astrology.


To say, as some in SA and KP do, that in general Vedic Astrology with all

it¹s books and conflicting rules is a hodgepodge, is an


in my opinion. There are many books because many enthusiasts over


of years felt compelled to write their findings down, just as the two

professors behind KP and SA have found they wish to do so, and their rules

now add to the pile of Vedic Astrology rules.


When people ask me for good beginner books, I never recommend any

specifically. I just tell them:


³Go searching, and see where nature leads you. You will find the books you

are supposed to find, and go from there².


This is easy for me, and I believe it.


Following your heart will lead you to the land of your love. Truth be



And your gut is literally connected via nerves to your brain. This is why

nervousness is felt in the gut, and the brain, and why Seratonin (brain)

medications affect digestion intensly- because their reuptake inhibitness

affects the seratonin nature of the stomach (true science, cutting edge,

don¹t believe me, look it up).


So believing your gut, and your heart, is your best guide. These are


where you can feel the truth, YOUR truth.


When I see the old books of Jyotish, I am drawn to them in reverrences. If


modern person tells me ³ignore those², and follow my simplified approach,


get a bad feeling. That¹s me. It¹s because I like old things, and standard

things, and I want to go through, from the ground up. That¹s me. I liked

buying Saravali, Jatakaparijata, and BPHS. I liked reading them. That was

my beginning.


I¹ve never been out for ³finding out how to read real fast². I was out for

the experience of enlightenment. I found it. I found it very much so in

the old ones, and in some new ones by some nice sensitive and sincere



Then there is VK Choudrys approach, and personality, which works for some.

Bravo for them.


I for example have a very hard time being around Virgo, as I¹ve mentioned

before. It¹s 6th from my lagna, and 8th from my moon.


But VERY MANY astrologers and students thereof are VERY virgoan, because

that sign is one of the main rulers over books, libraries, study,


studiousness, exactness, etc. I don¹t have this wavelength in me. I work

from a very different set of places.


So for them, the simplified, rule driven, approach may be better, more

attractive. Again, follow YOUR heart and YOUR gut and find YOUR happy

place. We all can. Vedic is HUGE. Vedic is a BIG set of HUGGING ARMS.

There¹s room in it for EVERYBODY.


One thing about Veda, all the Vedas, is that they are not really

India-centric, not Hindu-centric, not anything Centric. This is a bit

unique and WONDERFUL. Everyone can find something there, from Kama Sutra


Liberation, from Jyotish to Free Will, from Hell Worship to God Worship.

Everything is there. If someone dislikes these statements, sorry, I just

personally found everything in the books. Everything. Dark Gods and

Spirits, and Light Ones. Belief in total free will, and belief in total

pre-destiny, and so on.


Well, that¹s enough.









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Errata: "to apply it in the domain level" should read "to apply SA in

the mundane domain".


valist, "Th. Thorgeirsson" <ththor@i...> wrote:

> Dear Rick,


> Just a few words to share my viewpoint to your interesting essay.


> First, I appreciate your approach to be open minded about what

works in astrology.


> As an Aries, you are something of an exception in the field of

astrology. Professor Chouhdry, puts it this way "Since Arians are men

of deeds, they believe less in Astrology." That said, I think it is

your strong Jupiter that makes you the exceptional Aries, interested

in both religion and astrology. However, even then the tendency is

for finding an outlet for activity, such as developing a great

software package, which is good for the rest of us. So, you find

some happy balance between the need to engage in the outer field of

action, while retaining an inner realm of meaning. You have made a

business out of your astrology and religious interest.


> Likewise, has developed his system to accurately

read charts, to pinpoint the karma and offer astral remedies. I find

that it works really well at the individual level. I have now spent

around five years to apply it in the domain level and find the going

more tough there, but there are breakthroughs along the way.


> Second, regarding the choice of type of astrology, I think for most

people it it a question of what works for them that it is really all

about. I came to jyotish from western in the mid 1980s because I was

tired of the seeming endless array of possible interpretations and

the lack of predictive consistency and accuracy. Jyotish seemed to

offer much more systematicity for interpreting the chart and

predicting events, past, present and future. Even then, over the span

of one decade of studying vedic, I again felt submerged in too many

alternatives. I even dropped out of jyotish for a few years. In 1998,

I then stumbled on SA and became impressed with its analytic

simplicity and reproducibility of predictive result. I don´t think


has anything special to do with the fact that I am a Virgo native. In

fact, I find SA attracts all ascendants, in as much as there is an

interest in astrology to begin with. Moreover, I find SA is being

undersold, when it is claimed to be just a simplified version of

jyotish. It is every bit as rich as Jyotish can hope to be even if it

has been made internally consistent.


> That said, whatever seems to work for others is what matters.

Ultimately, we can and must follow that which resonates with our own

understanding. I just think those having discovered SA are lucky to

have found a comprehensible, comprehensive and reproducible system of



> Cheers,


> Thor




> Aries Ascendant

> Aries is a fiery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy.

The Sun, the significator of vitality, is exalted in this sign.

Saturn, the planet of lethargy, becomes debilitated in this sign.

These factors render the Arians most active, strong, aggressive and

healthy in case Mars is strong. If Aries rises as the ascendant, the

Ishta Devata would be mother divine, Goddess Durga. Worshipping the

Ishta Devata would help in spiritual evolution and in maintaining

mental peace. This sign rules head (cranium and forehead) and brain.

If Mars and Mercury are strong, the Arians enjoy good health.

Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from wounds,

headache, mental tension, fevers, short-temperedness, insomnia,

diseases of impure blood, bilious diseases, inflammatory disorders,

constipation, stammering, etc. Aries is the mooltrikona sign of Mars,

and therefore Mars represents the native fully.


> Aries is a moveable, positive, rajasic, pitta, male, violent,

barren and quadruped sign and has strong preferences. Depending on

the influences on the ascendant and/or Mars, the sign Aries usually

renders their natives independent, adventurous and skilful in what

they do, becoming leaders, with initiative, industrious, ambitious,

impetuous, fighters, authoritative, brave, courageous, heroic,

competitive, energetic, enterprising, mentally clear, visionary and

strong-willed or headstrong, argumentative, offensive, impatient,

irritable, impulsive and self-centered. If Aries rises as the

ascendant, the influence of Saturn turns them towards construction,

engineering and makes them entrepreneurs. They earn lot of wealth by

persistent efforts.


> Apart from Rahu and Ketu, Mercury also becomes a functional malefic

planet. Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are

functional benefic planets for Arians. Budhaditya Yoga i.e.

combination of the Sun and Mercury signifying extra-ordinary

intelligence, does not show positive results for the native. An Arian

with deep combust Mercury means that the Sun forms close conjunction

with the functional malefic planet, Mercury, and gets afflicted. Such

natives have weak digestion, are not sharp and are impulsive. Since

Arians are men of deeds, they believe less in Astrology. The Arians

excel in the fields governed by the planet or most effective point of

a house forming close conjunction or aspect with a strong Mars in the

nativity. The transit unfavorable influences are less. The persistent

unfavorable influences with long repercussions are only due to the

impact of transit Rahu-Ketu forming close conjunction/aspect with

weak natal points. Transit unfavorable influences generated by

Mercury are short lived as Mercury is a fast moving planet and its

conjunction separates in a day or two.


> The Moon rules the fourth house for Aries ascendant and hence a

strong and well-placed Moon bestows comforts of affluent parents,

education, property and vehicles. The association of Mars and the

Moon creates auspicious results and blesses the native with status in

the govt. The association of the Sun with Mars fructifies the impact

of intelligence and helps the person in realizing his high ambitions.


> Venus has its mooltrikona sign in the seventh house and is a

functional benefic. Strong Venus blesses the native with a good and

beautiful wife and blesses him with taste for pleasure, music and

action. They love adventure. Jupiter has its mooltrikona sign in the

ninth house which makes these persons practice the principles of

religion. It blesses the Arians with divine qualities of kindness,

generosity, honesty and protector, whenever Jupiter forms close

conjunction with Mars, ascendant and other natal points. Finally,

Saturn has its mooltrikona sign in the house of income and

fulfillment of desires. This keeps the Arians always on the move, as

influence of Saturn without the positive influence of Jupiter keeps

the person always on the move to earn more and more and does not

allow the native to become content. Arians with the Sun in Virgo,

Scorpio or Pisces suffer from disorders of stomach and unhappiness

from progeny in case Jupiter, too, is weak. There are tragedies with

regard to these significations if the weak Sun, Mars and or Jupiter

form close conjunction with the Rahu-Ketu axis.


> Exalted Sun blesses Arians with sharp intellect, government

authority and long-lived father provided Jupiter and Mars are also

strong or even well placed in the chart. Exalted Moon blesses them

with good status, wealth and executive posts. Exalted Mars blesses

them with good professional rise and good health. Exalted and

unafflicting Mercury blesses them with good health, sound financial

position and good analytical faculties. Exalted Jupiter with strong

Moon blesses them with affluent parents, spirituality and fortune.

Exalted Venus blesses them with comforts, visits to foreign lands,

residence abroad and wealthy and healthy spouse. Exalted Saturn with

strong Venus blesses them with good income, highly placed and helpful

friends, good relationships and wealthy spouse. Similarly, are to be

read the results of the planets when they are in their signs of

debilitation causing deterioration in the aspects signified by the

weak planets. However, the significations likely to be promoted when

the planets are exalted get a setback when the concerned planets are



> The close affliction of Ketu to a weak Mars makes the native

vulnerable to serious health problems if Mercury, too, is weak. The

close conjunction/aspect of Ketu to Mercury makes one vulnerable to

paralysis and nervous breakdown. The close affliction of Ketu to the

Sun causes sufferings on account of progenic matters and marital

problems to female natives. The close affliction by Ketu to the Moon

robs the native of the mental peace and causes setbacks in property

matters. The close affliction of Ketu to Jupiter gives setbacks in

life and curtails the longevity of the father. The close affliction

of Ketu to Venus causes setbacks in married life, renal problems and

the death of wife. The close affliction of Ketu to Saturn causes

problems in income, financial gains and health problems pertaining to

joints and blood impurities.



> Favorable colors

> Yellow, black , all shades of blue, red, pink, orange, golden,

white, silver and variegated colors.

> Favorable stones

> Diamond, red coral, pearl, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire and ruby.

> Unfavorable colors

> Green, steel grey, smoke grey and dull navy blue.

> Unfavorable stones

> Emerald, gomedh (hessonite) and cat's eye (lasonia)

> Weak and afflicted PlanetsEffects

> MarsWeak health and medium span of life.

> Moon Obstructions in education, loss of comforts and mental peace,

trouble to mother, etc.

> SunWeak digestion, anaemia, trouble to male progeny.

> MercuryWeak health, recklessness and impulsiveness.

> VenusLack of marital happiness.

> JupiterObstructions to father and prosperity.

> SaturnDeficient income, diseased bones and nervous system.


> Depending upon the strength of Mars being prime determinant for

profession, the Sun ruling intelligence and being general

significator for success in profession and the Moon ruling education,

Arians become administrators, sportsmen, civil engineers, advocates,

commanders-in-chief, dentists, executives, executioners, gangsters,

manufacturers, military and para-military forces, police, project

erectors, surgeons, vocations employing fire and metals and involve

themselves in adventurous and enterprising pursuits. The influence of

other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the

professional pursuits. Arians are born to command more by force than

by persuasion as Mercury, the planet of communication, is a

functional malefic for them.


> Das Goravani <das@g...>

> Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:50 pm

> Vedic Astr. Verse SA, Verse KP, etc





> There have been astrologers from time to time who bring into

the market

> their own systems of how to do astrology. I think this is

done mainly

> because:


> 1. They personally like astrology, found it, studied it, got

into it

> 2. Developed their own style over time as all do

> 3. Found they could market their style and make money


> Driven by the need to make a living, we all do what we can to


> that.


> Sometimes, some persons, who have leadership and business

qualities, find

> that they can make a living as teachers and leaders. They

often have to have

> a unique angle in order to stand out, so they label their

approach and go

> about teaching it.


> Others go about this without making a new label, such as BV

Raman. He didn¹t

> make a ³Raman² version of astrology, he just talked


Vedic book after

> book.


> Krishnamurti made some large departures from standard Vedic,

such as using a

> Western House system, and emphasizing one part of Vedic to

the extreme (the

> nakshatra sublords).


> The SA approach is not that radical of a departure from

Vedic. What it does

> is teach a simplified approach, with stricter guidelines. The

overall mood

> of SA in my mind is ³Here¹s a handy subset of the


easier to memorize,

> easier to apply, which work well². That¹s it¹s

claim. It¹s

not a radical

> departure. It¹s more of a streamlined version.


> The Sanjay Rath group, their version is very complex, and

emphasizes many

> Jaimini techniques. I suppose there are other groups to

comment upong, but I

> can¹t think of them now.


> If one is the type mentally that needs rules to follow, SA is

not a bad

> idea. I myself am the opposite. My karma mentally is such

that I dislike

> rules, and I approach based on broad reading, which I let

sink in, and then

> I go with intuition, which is nothing more than the brain

using what it has

> stored subconsciously. I do notice things scientifically as

well, such as,

> my repeated speaking about the efficacy of the equal house

madhyas being hit

> by the transiting lagna as indicators of moments when things

will happen in

> the day. This is called the MEP in SA, a point I happen to

agree with only

> because my daily research has proved it out, but it¹s a

standard part of

> standard Vedic Astrology. It was not invented by myself or VK



> I personally find standard Vedic Astrology of the simplistic

type works

> well. I do not follow rules, and I do not follow SA or KP or

anything. I

> just read all the books, watch things, try things, and have

found much

> reality in Vedic Astrology.


> To say, as some in SA and KP do, that in general Vedic

Astrology with all

> it¹s books and conflicting rules is a hodgepodge, is an


> in my opinion. There are many books because many enthusiasts

over thousands

> of years felt compelled to write their findings down, just as

the two

> professors behind KP and SA have found they wish to do so,

and their rules

> now add to the pile of Vedic Astrology rules.


> When people ask me for good beginner books, I never recommend


> specifically. I just tell them:


> ³Go searching, and see where nature leads you. You will


the books you

> are supposed to find, and go from there².


> This is easy for me, and I believe it.


> Following your heart will lead you to the land of your love.

Truth be told!


> And your gut is literally connected via nerves to your brain.

This is why

> nervousness is felt in the gut, and the brain, and why

Seratonin (brain)

> medications affect digestion intensly- because their reuptake


> affects the seratonin nature of the stomach (true science,

cutting edge,

> don¹t believe me, look it up).


> So believing your gut, and your heart, is your best guide.

These are places

> where you can feel the truth, YOUR truth.


> When I see the old books of Jyotish, I am drawn to them in

reverrences. If a

> modern person tells me ³ignore those², and follow my

simplified approach, I

> get a bad feeling. That¹s me. It¹s because I like old


and standard

> things, and I want to go through, from the ground up.


me. I liked

> buying Saravali, Jatakaparijata, and BPHS. I liked reading

them. That was

> my beginning.


> I¹ve never been out for ³finding out how to read real


I was out for

> the experience of enlightenment. I found it. I found it very

much so in

> the old ones, and in some new ones by some nice sensitive and


> authors.


> Then there is VK Choudrys approach, and personality, which

works for some.

> Bravo for them.


> I for example have a very hard time being around Virgo, as

I¹ve mentioned

> before. It¹s 6th from my lagna, and 8th from my moon.


> But VERY MANY astrologers and students thereof are VERY

virgoan, because

> that sign is one of the main rulers over books, libraries,

study, students,

> studiousness, exactness, etc. I don¹t have this wavelength


me. I work

> from a very different set of places.


> So for them, the simplified, rule driven, approach may be

better, more

> attractive. Again, follow YOUR heart and YOUR gut and find

YOUR happy

> place. We all can. Vedic is HUGE. Vedic is a BIG set of


> There¹s room in it for EVERYBODY.


> One thing about Veda, all the Vedas, is that they are not


> India-centric, not Hindu-centric, not anything Centric. This

is a bit

> unique and WONDERFUL. Everyone can find something there, from

Kama Sutra to

> Liberation, from Jyotish to Free Will, from Hell Worship to

God Worship.

> Everything is there. If someone dislikes these statements,

sorry, I just

> personally found everything in the books. Everything. Dark

Gods and

> Spirits, and Light Ones. Belief in total free will, and

belief in total

> pre-destiny, and so on.


> Well, that¹s enough.


> Cheers,


> Rick





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