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Weird Stuff

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For years I've been casually dabbling in astrology - eastern and

western. I've always gotten certain info "second hand" as it were, but

never took it seriously. Let me explain.


I'll be looking at a chart and will hear voices tell me things, see an

image, or feel something very powerful as though I were the person

whose chart I'm doing. It's not that I'm following some rule that

tells me the info -- it's coming from a separate channel altogether.

I've discounted this for a long time as imagination, grandiosity, and

delusion. But recently I accepted money to do a reading and did my

version of a chart reading. Yes, I followed the rules I knew to follow

and derived the basics, but there were a few items that came to me this

alternate way.


I decided to share those with the client in the same casual way I

shared all the other info. But in each case, the response from the

client was very much stronger. "Oh my!" they'd say "Nobody ever

understood that before!" They laughed and giggled and went on about

how this was exactly how they felt and saw the world, and that it was

so cool to hear it from me. But I have to be honest -- the chart was

just a tool that took my mind to a different place. A place where the

rules didn't matter anymore. So now I'm partially confused, partially

encouraged, and partially spooked.


Just wondering if you all experience such things with astrology and how

you decide between the rules and the "other stuff."

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I have this gift as well. There is a yoga known to give it, tri kala gya yoga,

which I have partially in my chart. But yogas aside, some people have good

intuition- gift of forsight, or knowing, about people and things. Real psychics.

You seem to be one. The proof is in the fact that these things happen to you.


So there's no second guessing it, it's there, it's real. However, you have to


such a thing flow, and accept that sometimes it may be wrong, or some may

say you're wrong, and sometimes you're right, or they say so... in such a realm

it's hard to nail it down to proof.


So it comes down to being something you carry and wield like any special

power, doing the best you can with it, honoring it the best you know how. You

will develop with it, as I am, get used to it, and it will shape you. Naturally

amongst those who are attracted to Jyotish, some will emerge who are such



One of the greatest stories I've ever heard of such a thing is when Yogi Karve

told Nehru that he will be prime minister, and so will his daughter, and her

son, and her son's wife... and it all came to pass, though it took so many


and who could have known those things to be facts at that time? Impossible.


But there are many such examples in India. Many yogis and strange people

have strange and powerful gifts of sight. The fact is that the universe is

ordered, and interrelated, and sometimes sensitive people simply tap into the

system of things, see things because on a subtle level their brains are

receiving the ordering information from so many sources, putting it together,

and coming out with correct answers in other areas than what they saw- it's a

matter of subtle pattern recognition really.




Rishard Nua Mwin Teera Cheena

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