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Bush has Kala Sarpa Yoga, .....for Jola

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I gave you a more detailed reply on a private email. However, for

the benefit of everyone in the forum, I would like to say that Bush's

policy in Iraq perpetuates the suffering that humankind has been

suffering for millenia. Violence only begets violence as shown in

the politics of Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnia and elsewhere in the



Political leaders need to adopt a new paradigm and a new vision for

the future of mankind. In short, peace is the way to attain the

birth right of humanity. As discussed by the enlightened writers of

ancient India and the Judeo-Christian tradition, the purpose of life

is creativity and to enjoy the various manifestation of creation in

relative life.


In jyotish, the rashi chart shows the four pillars of human

existence. These are:


1. Dharma

2. Artha

3. Kama

4. Moksha




John R.









valist, Aikido108@a... wrote:

> Dear John,

> I don't know you and do not mean to single you out, but your last


> reminded me in style and substance of so many other messages I have

read on this

> board. In my opinion Jyotish is rooted in Vedic pilosophy, i.e.

Bhagavad Gita

> for example. As such, if opinion is inserted, it would be

preferable that it is

> based on tenets of timeless Vedic pilosophy rather than politics

of the day.

> Just prior to the election this list was swamped with comments and

> interpretations that tried to massage and twist Bush's chart to fit

a political agenda.

> Some of these messages were outright arrogant, sniveling and

pompous. It

> pains me to see people who use techniques that took centuries of

sophistication by

> true masters to perfect and then attach their infantile and very


> interpretation. One of the few exceptions to this "feeding frenzy"

of Bush-bashers

> was Christopher Kevil who spoke up with a voice of reason. Cudos to

him and

> those capable of understanding what he was saying…


> And now to some specific comments on your message: "Knowing the law

of karma"

> Yeah, right. (check out Krisna's comment to Arjuna: "even the wise


> bewildered at the laws of action" (4:16 & 17) or, 2:47 "you have

control over action

> alone, never over its fruits." Your statement is silly because,

first of

> all, you don't know Bush or what 'his' karma or dharma may be, much

less what the

> outcome of anybody's action is including your own. Furthermore, the


> of political agendas is even more nebulous. It took the Soviets 70

years to

> realize that socialism did not work for them…


> Did it ever occur to you that the Arabs and assorted terrorists

also have

> karmas, or don't they count (they're just third world "little

people" anyway,

> right?); and only Bush (by extension Americans) have the

sophistication and

> gravitas for that burden to bear? Why must it be our fault that

there is a war?

> Could it just be that the Middle East has loaded up with so much

rotten karma by

> stewing in hatred for a century, that someone like Bush

was "called" by the

> forces that are and given the thankless task of being the messenger?


> If Bush was indeed chosen to complete the destiny for the nation,

why not be

> supportive of it? His chart seems to indicate thatâ€"as do a few

other details,

> like being reelected to be the commander in chief of the US war

machine. That

> ought to be a hint. Unless your chart shows that you are destined

to be the

> great opposer of the dharma and karma of Bush (if you know karma so

well, it

> ought to be a cinch to figure out), it would make sense to stick to

what you

> know: food good, fire bad.


> Astrology is a fine science that can only be done well with a


> broadness of views and detachment from petty personal and emotional

agendas. Inner

> growth and wisdom is a necessary precondition to tap into these

subjects beyond

> carnival parlor level.

> Jola


> In a message dated 11/6/04 1:51:31 PM, Aikido 108 writes:


> << Hello all!



> The election results show that Bush has been chosen to complete a


> destiny for the nation. It appears to me that his role for the



> is to get rid of terrorism and Al Qaida. His natal Rahu is located


> in the 11th house, a badhaka house for a Cancer ascendant. This


> position makes him especially suited to fight violent undercover


> factions like the terrorists (represented by Rahu) in the Middle



> and the rest of the world.



> I believe this is the main reason the Americans voted him for the


> second term. In the final analysis, his Kala Sarpa Yoga


> (traditionally considered to be detrimental for success in life)



> him distinctive from the rest of humanity.



> However, the readers should be aware that I did not vote for Bush



> the fear that he might create another war somewhere else in the



> Unfortunately, the majority of the Americans chose Bush's method of


> governance. One way or another, this is going to cause more unrest


> for the world and more wasted expenditures of taxpayer dollars.



> Knowing the law of karma, I fear that Bush's worldwide policy in



> and elsewhere will somehow haunt the Americans in the end.



> Regards,



> John R. >>

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