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Free Weekly Vedic Astrology Forecast

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Hello All,

I am a Vedic Astrologer in San Francisco. I am a level 2 certified

Jyotishi through ACVA. I have a busy practice and part of that is

sharing this weekly Astroforecast with any and all who wish to

recieve it.


This is not an offer to join another discussion list. yOu will

receive just 1 email per week on Monday morning which has a weekly

portrait of the prevailing energy in the Vedic sky and then a daily

forecast of Monday - Sunday. Just 1 e mail per week. here is the

link - and the latest forecast copied




Sam Geppi (Sadasiva)



Saturn is the planet of perseverance, restriction and control –

he makes us face our limitations, creating pressure, fear and stress

about the many things known and unknown. He does this so we will

learn to focus and concentrate on that which is of ultimate

truth, rather than of temporal need or want. The ultimate limitation

we will face is our own death, or the death of our physical body,

but again Saturn will scares us into looking deeper, arriving at the

realization that we are much more than a physical being. Through the

trauma and psychological complexes of Saturn we learn to let go of

the iron grip we have on life, we learn to stop clutching or pay the

penalty for doing so.


Saturn is the main planet of ill health. He makes us grow old, gives

the pain in our bones, he kills our friends, makes us blind, takes

our limbs through amputation, gives terminal illnesses like Cancer

and nervous conditions like MS and mental retardation. (Down's

syndrome) But he is a funny planet; he might also pile mountains and

mountains of debt, responsibility or success onto those who cling

too tightly to worldly security. He may bury us beneath a mountain

as if to say, "OK, you want control, CONTROL THIS!" It is


funny actually! (Or maybe I just have a twisted sense of humor) This

is to make us stop and give up the illusion of control. He will

shatter it one way or another and force us to our knees and into

solitude to face the truth we have been fleeing. From there it gets

easier after some tears, we learn to thrive in isolation and work

through our salvation alone, which is the only possibility anyway.


Saturn turned retrograde (appearing to move backward in the Sky)

last Monday in the sign of Cancer. He will be retrograde until April

2005. When planets are retrograde they are closest to the Earth –

therefore we will all be revisiting certain areas of life for the

next 6 months or so. (depending on what houses saturn rules in your

chart and which house Gemini is) Often times we will revisit

recently concluded relationships or partners in order to finish the

karma with them in some way, or job / career issues that we though

were doen will re surface. Perhaps health issues like our teeth will

suddenly need attention. So It would not be surprising if your last

lover / partner or boss, co - worker, or Dentist has suddenly made a

reappearance in your life.


Last week was a tough week news wise. Arafat died on Monday as soon

as the Moon entered the sensitive area of the Zodiac that I was

speaking of. The next couple of days afterward (11th and 12th) saw

very heavy bloodshed in Iraq as well as attempted assassinations.

Also some important legal news resolved suddenly, with the Peterson

verdict, as shown by the planets in Libra, (Law and Justice) also

there is a lot of rumbling and concern right now in Washington about

the Supreme court, again all of this energy in Libra. Something else

interesting, yesterday there was a report that Scientists are

believed to have found the missing City of Atlantis. The South Node

Ketu rules ancient teachings and knowledge and he is powerfully

placed in this active sign of Libra right now. Thankfully though,

there has been no dramatic terrorist event, etc. despite all of the

recent bloody news. I think after the Monday, when Sun changes

signs, will be important, then after 11/17 I think there will be

much more diplomacy, for about a month Sorry to say, the holidays

and the first of the year also look kind of harrowing. Also i had

seen the possibility of the Stock Market taking a major loss on

11/11 or 11/12, actually that day it took a major upturn, based on

the price of oil. A Scorpio / Ketu thing. Predicting the future of

500 million people can be tricky business. At least something

happened with the market that day, but thankfully I am not doing

business Astrology yet, but i am taking notes. I was looking at the

right thing but saw the wrong result.




Weekly Moon report: I will include the planetary energy at the

beginning of each explanation for those students of

Astrology. The planets will show the lord of Day / Sign / Nakshatra

– just as it is written


Monday: Sagittarius (Purva Ashada) Moon / Jupiter / Venus –

Jupiter's aspect protects The Mind by transit. May feel just a

little muddled in the head and body today as Sun changes signs. A

day to enjoy the water if you can in any way - - enjoy the ocean

Venus aspect near deep debility may not feel too civil and leaver us

feeling overly sensual.


Tuesday: Sagittarius / Capricorn (Uttara Ashada) Mars / Jupiter /

Saturn / Sun. Mars is still very close to Ketu and aspecting Rahu

from Libra. In the afternoon we should feel a little better, less

agitated, more grounded and practical as the Moon enters Capricorn.

Those who accept the challenge today will rise and be



Wednesday: Capricorn (Sravana) Mercury / Saturn / Moon. Jupiter and

Saturn aspect gives support on Mercury's day. Lord Vishnu, the

pervader and manifester of the universe, rules Sravana. Sravana

gives the power of hearing, a keen listener is one sensitive to hear

the truth and connect to it. Great connections are possible today,

both heard and spoken.


Thursday: Capricorn / Aquarius (Dhanista) Jupiter / Saturn / Mars

A material Nakshatra of Mars is operating on Jupiter's day, Venus

in her own sign will bring some peace to the heart and more sensory

control. A There is more active potential this afternoon. An

opportunity to help yourself and others connect to a higher



Friday: Aquarius (Shatabisak) Venus / Saturn / Rahu. Venus will be

happy to run the day as she runs the world, with courtesy and charm.

She is the preceptor of Rahu and friend of Saturn so the power of

Varuna as expressed through Shatabhisak to be the 1,000 Doctors

could very well come true.


Saturday: Aquarius / Purva Bhadra. Saturn / Saturn / Jupiter. A day

to turn inward and connect to the highest truth. Saturn retrograde

will support your sadhana today, otherwise a heavy energy. Sun in

Scorpio will trine retrograde Saturn so the outer personality is

darkened so the inner will be revealed.


Sunday: Pisces / Uttara Bhadra. Sun / Jupiter / Saturn. Jupiter

aspects his Nakshatra and the Sun and Saturn are in trines. This is

another good day for Spiritual matters. But today with more hope and

faith than yesterday as Jupiter would have it no other way with the

Moon in his house. The lord of this Nakshatra is ahir bhudnya, a

cosmic serpent who will dig into every nook and cranny of life to

seek the answer. This is your day.


Till next week



Those interested in an Astrology reading can visit my web site for

more details then contact me. I have added some general Jyotish

information as well as some audio explanation of the readings I

specialize in. I have also been teaching correspondence classes on



Home Page - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/home.htm

Relationship - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/relationship.htm

Relocation - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/relocation.htm

General Life Reading - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/vedic.htm

Muhurta - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/muhurta.htm

Career - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/career.htm

Health - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/medical.htm

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Dear Sadasiva:


Thank you for the nakshatra information of the weekly planetary

portrait. I

especially like the commentary regarding the Lord of the Nakshatra

since this

changes the effect of the Moon sign with each nakshatra and even

though I

have a chart somewhere, I like guidance on how each nakshatra impacts


current planetary pattern. To clarify, Venus then rules purva ashada,

according to the arrangement below?


Monday: Sagittarius (Purva Ashada) Moon / Jupiter / Venus


Then please explain the "Sun" in Tuesday's report since Saturn rules


ashada (and subsequent planets in the last column in other days):


Tuesday: Sagittarius / Capricorn (Uttara Ashada) Mars / Jupiter /

Saturn / Sun.


I would appreciate knowing the significance of these planets

following the

Lord of the Day, the Sign, and the Nakshatra.


Also do you have any commentary on the nodes which remain stationary


Nov 26? Today, the sidereal ephemeris shows that the nodes moved from


yesterday to 7*59' today, then back to 8* Fri Nov 19 where they will


until the station ends Nov 26 at 7*. I'm sensitive to the moon's

nodal changes

(with 4 planets and an ascendant in Cancer) and the Node's stations

have the

effect of a Grand Square/Cross (in Western terminology) today with

Saturn in

Cancer and Moon in Capricorn square stationary Rahu-Ketu.


Satyam Shivam Sundaram




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valist, "Sam" <sadasiva108> wrote:



> Hello All,

> I am a Vedic Astrologer in San Francisco. I am a level 2 certified

> Jyotishi through ACVA. I have a busy practice and part of that is

> sharing this weekly Astroforecast with any and all who wish to

> recieve it.


> This is not an offer to join another discussion list. yOu will

> receive just 1 email per week on Monday morning which has a weekly

> portrait of the prevailing energy in the Vedic sky and then a daily

> forecast of Monday - Sunday. Just 1 e mail per week. here is the

> link - and the latest forecast copied

> vedicastroforecast/


> Namaste

> Sam Geppi (Sadasiva)

> ============================


> Saturn is the planet of perseverance, restriction and control –

> he makes us face our limitations, creating pressure, fear and stress

> about the many things known and unknown. He does this so we will

> learn to focus and concentrate on that which is of ultimate

> truth, rather than of temporal need or want. The ultimate limitation

> we will face is our own death, or the death of our physical body,

> but again Saturn will scares us into looking deeper, arriving at the

> realization that we are much more than a physical being. Through the

> trauma and psychological complexes of Saturn we learn to let go of

> the iron grip we have on life, we learn to stop clutching or pay the

> penalty for doing so.


> Saturn is the main planet of ill health. He makes us grow old, gives

> the pain in our bones, he kills our friends, makes us blind, takes

> our limbs through amputation, gives terminal illnesses like Cancer

> and nervous conditions like MS and mental retardation. (Down's

> syndrome) But he is a funny planet; he might also pile mountains and

> mountains of debt, responsibility or success onto those who cling

> too tightly to worldly security. He may bury us beneath a mountain

> as if to say, "OK, you want control, CONTROL THIS!" It is

> quite

> funny actually! (Or maybe I just have a twisted sense of humor) This

> is to make us stop and give up the illusion of control. He will

> shatter it one way or another and force us to our knees and into

> solitude to face the truth we have been fleeing. From there it gets

> easier after some tears, we learn to thrive in isolation and work

> through our salvation alone, which is the only possibility anyway.


> Saturn turned retrograde (appearing to move backward in the Sky)

> last Monday in the sign of Cancer. He will be retrograde until April

> 2005. When planets are retrograde they are closest to the Earth

> therefore we will all be revisiting certain areas of life for the

> next 6 months or so. (depending on what houses saturn rules in your

> chart and which house Gemini is) Often times we will revisit

> recently concluded relationships or partners in order to finish the

> karma with them in some way, or job / career issues that we though

> were doen will re surface. Perhaps health issues like our teeth will

> suddenly need attention. So It would not be surprising if your last

> lover / partner or boss, co - worker, or Dentist has suddenly made a

> reappearance in your life.


> Last week was a tough week news wise. Arafat died on Monday as soon

> as the Moon entered the sensitive area of the Zodiac that I was

> speaking of. The next couple of days afterward (11th and 12th) saw

> very heavy bloodshed in Iraq as well as attempted assassinations.

> Also some important legal news resolved suddenly, with the Peterson

> verdict, as shown by the planets in Libra, (Law and Justice) also

> there is a lot of rumbling and concern right now in Washington about

> the Supreme court, again all of this energy in Libra. Something else

> interesting, yesterday there was a report that Scientists are

> believed to have found the missing City of Atlantis. The South Node

> Ketu rules ancient teachings and knowledge and he is powerfully

> placed in this active sign of Libra right now. Thankfully though,

> there has been no dramatic terrorist event, etc. despite all of the

> recent bloody news. I think after the Monday, when Sun changes

> signs, will be important, then after 11/17 I think there will be

> much more diplomacy, for about a month Sorry to say, the holidays

> and the first of the year also look kind of harrowing. Also i had

> seen the possibility of the Stock Market taking a major loss on

> 11/11 or 11/12, actually that day it took a major upturn, based on

> the price of oil. A Scorpio / Ketu thing. Predicting the future of

> 500 million people can be tricky business. At least something

> happened with the market that day, but thankfully I am not doing

> business Astrology yet, but i am taking notes. I was looking at the

> right thing but saw the wrong result.


> ===================================================


> Weekly Moon report: I will include the planetary energy at the

> beginning of each explanation for those students of

> Astrology. The planets will show the lord of Day / Sign / Nakshatra

> – just as it is written


> Monday: Sagittarius (Purva Ashada) Moon / Jupiter / Venus –

> Jupiter's aspect protects The Mind by transit. May feel just a

> little muddled in the head and body today as Sun changes signs. A

> day to enjoy the water if you can in any way - - enjoy the ocean

> –

> Venus aspect near deep debility may not feel too civil and leaver us

> feeling overly sensual.


> Tuesday: Sagittarius / Capricorn (Uttara Ashada) Mars / Jupiter /

> Saturn / Sun. Mars is still very close to Ketu and aspecting Rahu

> from Libra. In the afternoon we should feel a little better, less

> agitated, more grounded and practical as the Moon enters Capricorn.

> Those who accept the challenge today will rise and be

> supported.


> Wednesday: Capricorn (Sravana) Mercury / Saturn / Moon. Jupiter and

> Saturn aspect gives support on Mercury's day. Lord Vishnu, the

> pervader and manifester of the universe, rules Sravana. Sravana

> gives the power of hearing, a keen listener is one sensitive to hear

> the truth and connect to it. Great connections are possible today,

> both heard and spoken.


> Thursday: Capricorn / Aquarius (Dhanista) Jupiter / Saturn / Mars

> –

> A material Nakshatra of Mars is operating on Jupiter's day, Venus

> in her own sign will bring some peace to the heart and more sensory

> control. A There is more active potential this afternoon. An

> opportunity to help yourself and others connect to a higher

> vision.


> Friday: Aquarius (Shatabisak) Venus / Saturn / Rahu. Venus will be

> happy to run the day as she runs the world, with courtesy and charm.

> She is the preceptor of Rahu and friend of Saturn so the power of

> Varuna as expressed through Shatabhisak to be the 1,000 Doctors

> could very well come true.


> Saturday: Aquarius / Purva Bhadra. Saturn / Saturn / Jupiter. A day

> to turn inward and connect to the highest truth. Saturn retrograde

> will support your sadhana today, otherwise a heavy energy. Sun in

> Scorpio will trine retrograde Saturn so the outer personality is

> darkened so the inner will be revealed.


> Sunday: Pisces / Uttara Bhadra. Sun / Jupiter / Saturn. Jupiter

> aspects his Nakshatra and the Sun and Saturn are in trines. This is

> another good day for Spiritual matters. But today with more hope and

> faith than yesterday as Jupiter would have it no other way with the

> Moon in his house. The lord of this Nakshatra is ahir bhudnya, a

> cosmic serpent who will dig into every nook and cranny of life to

> seek the answer. This is your day.


> Till next week

> Sadasiva


> Those interested in an Astrology reading can visit my web site for

> more details then contact me. I have added some general Jyotish

> information as well as some audio explanation of the readings I

> specialize in. I have also been teaching correspondence classes on

> Jyotish.


> Home Page - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/home.htm

> Relationship - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/relationship.htm

> Relocation - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/relocation.htm

> General Life Reading - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/vedic.htm

> Muhurta - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/muhurta.htm

> Career - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/career.htm

> Health - http://www.sfyoga.net/jyotish/medical.htm

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