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Females, Tanvir, etc

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Hello everyone,


If you know Indians, Bengali Hindus (Tanvir lives in Bangladesh), that way

of thinking and speaking, like I do, then you would not be offended. Also, I

agree with those who saw in his letter that he wasn¹t targeting woman.


With that said, there are differences between men and woman. They do see

life differently, and they have different interests if we look in a general,

sweeping way, which is how he and I were speaking.


Then also we have to recognize that the woman on this list are not

representative of their gender really because this list regards a very

mystical, spiritual, macro-cosmic intellectual subject matter, so naturally,

there are some brainy chicks (Eagles?) on this list.


If there are patriarchal super men however, they just might be Hindu, and I

might be one of them, even though I¹m no longer Hindu. And Tanvir may be

one, and some ladies on this list probably like dominant men. That exists

too. I know some ladies who really love dominant men and who like being

considered ³woman² in the patriarchal sense. I have to say, that they

generally don¹t speak up, because it¹s not in their nature to. So, we oft

only hear from those woman who think men and woman are ³equal² in all

respects. There are woman who like being the dominated moiety. (Half of

the whole) Hinduism does teach this in many of it¹s old books, so naturally

we will find it amongst Hindus at least to some extent. To object to it

completely and strongly on a Hindu subject list is somewhat like being a

feminist in Saudi Arabia (somewhat).


Every time republicans speak, democrats don¹t need to go crazy with

reaction, and vice versa. And every time a Muslim expresses his belief that

his wife might be his property, Westerners don¹t need to have a tizzy fit.

And every time a Hindu says woman are less intelligent than men, Western

feminists don¹t need to go bonkers and mount their soap boxes. Chill, in

other words. It¹s a big world, and all if woman have a right to be equal to

men, and if America and Rome believe in ³Freedom of Religion², and religion

is often what dictates how people view everything in their lives, and each

other, then can we not let Hindus and Muslims have, in their own countries,

their own view of woman? Sure, stand up and say the woman there are

oppressed and helpless... Then you¹ll have to back the Marines. And do that

too if you like.


But don¹t with another breath then say that ³All is karma² and ³God is in

control and all is good², and so on. Pick your philosophy, in other words.

I know that many woman in Arab countries and in India are just as happy as

American feminists, or more so, but it¹s just different. It¹s completely



The fact is that the world is a place where various ideologies exist, and if

one nation, people, go around pressing their views onto everyone else, then

that will make the world homogenous, boring, dead, basically. This won¹t

happen, and it shouldn¹t, because apparently divinity doesn¹t want it, at

least not yet.


I personally see that there is a direct link between brain size, literally,

and intelligence, man or woman, and since woman are generally smaller, it¹s

harder for them to have big brains, but it does happen. So, watch the

height of foreheads, size of heads, and watch the intelligence factor go up

with larger, down with smaller, it¹s that simple. More brain means more

storage and ability to make connections. Those with large brains are not

better, but they may be more intelligent, I think so, and that is not

³feeling², or ³Goodness² or ³nice² or other things... It¹s JUST

intelligence, which may be evilly applied in some cases.


There is a reason why there are far less woman computer programmers than

males. Many fields are like that. Woman do not gravitate, in general,

towards some fields. There are differences between the sexes, and to deny

this is folly.


Men are not better. Woman are not better. They are different.


In general, the things I¹m into, I don¹t particularly find men or woman

Œmore interested in¹. The things I¹m into it¹s about half and half. Woman

are definitely into spirituality, philosophy, deep feelings, magic, celtic

realms, and so on. They were not excluded from Druidry, nor do Hindus

exclude the possibility of woman Saints, Astrologists, etc.


These areas are understood by my favorite cultures to be open to either

gender, and both recognize that the natural heightened qualities of ³womanly

feeling, love and caring² actually go to help in these fields.


Amma is a perfect example.


My two best friends are both females, and both to me are great thinkers.


I have a third new friend these days who is a virtual genius at age 18, and

female. Amazing brain.


Condi Rice has a huge forehead, and is now Secretary of State for the US,

and she¹s African, and Female, the right hand woman of Mr. Wasp himself. Go



Anything is possible, and nothing is static, the truth is changing, and

nothing ever changes.


Hate me or love me. Do as you will. I will still quill as I chill. Bye the

way, this odd thread started with another of my somewhat lamentational

postings. Those moods come and go. Matra sparsas tu kaunteya... Tolerate

them, Krishna says, OK OK I¹m trying, it¹s just hard, the whirlwind of

trouble in my head just sometimes overwhelms me so much, that I cannot

remember... Which is what Krishna says happens, when ³it¹s² just too strong.


In other words, I¹m just a soul, under the modes of nature, just another,

amongst the many.


A non-²I must²





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Hi All,

Its true that in last few centuries women in India have been dominated......

But the true vedic view gives perfect explanation of feminine aspect of

nature,of world,of universe.....

Women represent supreme Power.

Well, i think what Tanvir has said is rightly for general ladies.......

as we can say about general boys.....careless,roaming here and there,teasing

etc. etc...

so there is no question of intelligence between the two.

As i should mention ...in india most of the time the percentage of students

clearing exams have greater ratio of girls....

As das has said both are different....

Actually where complexity comes......is the way of relationship between man and


Both man and woman look at each other for companionship carrying


let me clear my point.....

when a man/woman look for a partner in woman/man his/her inherent motive is

quite different.....so that force of "Love" can't be interested in the

intellectual stuff.........thats why the statement made by tanvir

"This is because they never try to understand or pay much attention to

it. For they are not interested in this.".......stands true.

But one interested in these intellectual things is a brain.....here no question

of sex arises.

a brain is communicating with other one.......

some relationships may be a mixture of both ................

whom you meeet is destiny.


enjoying feminine powers of GOD............




Das Goravani <> wrote:



Hello everyone,


If you know Indians, Bengali Hindus (Tanvir lives in Bangladesh), that way

of thinking and speaking, like I do, then you would not be offended. Also, I

agree with those who saw in his letter that he wasn¹t targeting woman.


With that said, there are differences between men and woman. They do see

life differently, and they have different interests if we look in a general,

sweeping way, which is how he and I were speaking.


Then also we have to recognize that the woman on this list are not

representative of their gender really because this list regards a very

mystical, spiritual, macro-cosmic intellectual subject matter, so naturally,

there are some brainy chicks (Eagles?) on this list.


If there are patriarchal super men however, they just might be Hindu, and I

might be one of them, even though I¹m no longer Hindu. And Tanvir may be

one, and some ladies on this list probably like dominant men. That exists

too. I know some ladies who really love dominant men and who like being

considered ³woman² in the patriarchal sense. I have to say, that they

generally don¹t speak up, because it¹s not in their nature to. So, we oft

only hear from those woman who think men and woman are ³equal² in all

respects. There are woman who like being the dominated moiety. (Half of

the whole) Hinduism does teach this in many of it¹s old books, so naturally

we will find it amongst Hindus at least to some extent. To object to it

completely and strongly on a Hindu subject list is somewhat like being a

feminist in Saudi Arabia (somewhat).


Every time republicans speak, democrats don¹t need to go crazy with

reaction, and vice versa. And every time a Muslim expresses his belief that

his wife might be his property, Westerners don¹t need to have a tizzy fit.

And every time a Hindu says woman are less intelligent than men, Western

feminists don¹t need to go bonkers and mount their soap boxes. Chill, in

other words. It¹s a big world, and all if woman have a right to be equal to

men, and if America and Rome believe in ³Freedom of Religion², and religion

is often what dictates how people view everything in their lives, and each

other, then can we not let Hindus and Muslims have, in their own countries,

their own view of woman? Sure, stand up and say the woman there are

oppressed and helpless... Then you¹ll have to back the Marines. And do that

too if you like.


But don¹t with another breath then say that ³All is karma² and ³God is in

control and all is good², and so on. Pick your philosophy, in other words.

I know that many woman in Arab countries and in India are just as happy as

American feminists, or more so, but it¹s just different. It¹s completely



The fact is that the world is a place where various ideologies exist, and if

one nation, people, go around pressing their views onto everyone else, then

that will make the world homogenous, boring, dead, basically. This won¹t

happen, and it shouldn¹t, because apparently divinity doesn¹t want it, at

least not yet.


I personally see that there is a direct link between brain size, literally,

and intelligence, man or woman, and since woman are generally smaller, it¹s

harder for them to have big brains, but it does happen. So, watch the

height of foreheads, size of heads, and watch the intelligence factor go up

with larger, down with smaller, it¹s that simple. More brain means more

storage and ability to make connections. Those with large brains are not

better, but they may be more intelligent, I think so, and that is not

³feeling², or ³Goodness² or ³nice² or other things... It¹s JUST

intelligence, which may be evilly applied in some cases.


There is a reason why there are far less woman computer programmers than

males. Many fields are like that. Woman do not gravitate, in general,

towards some fields. There are differences between the sexes, and to deny

this is folly.


Men are not better. Woman are not better. They are different.


In general, the things I¹m into, I don¹t particularly find men or woman

Œmore interested in¹. The things I¹m into it¹s about half and half. Woman

are definitely into spirituality, philosophy, deep feelings, magic, celtic

realms, and so on. They were not excluded from Druidry, nor do Hindus

exclude the possibility of woman Saints, Astrologists, etc.


These areas are understood by my favorite cultures to be open to either

gender, and both recognize that the natural heightened qualities of ³womanly

feeling, love and caring² actually go to help in these fields.


Amma is a perfect example.


My two best friends are both females, and both to me are great thinkers.


I have a third new friend these days who is a virtual genius at age 18, and

female. Amazing brain.


Condi Rice has a huge forehead, and is now Secretary of State for the US,

and she¹s African, and Female, the right hand woman of Mr. Wasp himself. Go



Anything is possible, and nothing is static, the truth is changing, and

nothing ever changes.


Hate me or love me. Do as you will. I will still quill as I chill. Bye the

way, this odd thread started with another of my somewhat lamentational

postings. Those moods come and go. Matra sparsas tu kaunteya... Tolerate

them, Krishna says, OK OK I¹m trying, it¹s just hard, the whirlwind of

trouble in my head just sometimes overwhelms me so much, that I cannot

remember... Which is what Krishna says happens, when ³it¹s² just too strong.


In other words, I¹m just a soul, under the modes of nature, just another,

amongst the many.


A non-²I must²




















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Oh, Dear all... I see some misunderstandings here !


Well I should have written it in a well, clear manner. I appologise for not

doing so. But many took the wrong meaning of my words, which I did not want to

mean. I was out of city and checking mails and posts in a hurry from a shop. I

did not write to my list all these days, or no where else, but I wanted to reply

Das since I felt a bit sorry for him, so tried to help. The hurry up writing

with no revision made this confusion... :-)


I did not mean that ladies are less intelligent. All I meant that they are

*generally* simple in thinking, less technical, less practical. More emotion,

more softness, more humanity in general. That does not make them less than men.

Both are different. Both have some things others do not. Again, this is just the

general trend of behaviour. There are very good exceptions, we all know.


By the way when I wrote-


"They will not understand the SIMPLE things of karma, astrology, hinduism etc.

But they are easy to us, and simple"


this *US* certainly does not mean MALE PEOPLE but means spiritual people, people

involved in Jyotish, Hinduism etc. Because the nest sentence clarified it,


"But ladies, and actually MOST of the PEOPLE and TEENS and YOUNG PEOPLE will not

understand them"


So I wrote here that it is "Actually most of the PEOPLE" [sO not ladies were



Thanks to the kind hearts who took the right meaning of my words. Thanks for

understanding me. Yes it is only a general way / manner of talking. Just as we

say that guyz are wanering around, teasing girls, etc etc... but not all of them



Women are *generally* naiver (THAN MEN). They are less rude. More soft. More of

humanity. Their weakness and naiveness is what is their beauty. A woman is not

as strong physically, or even mentally, generally. That is what makes them

beautiful, that is what makes them "females". That is what is "feminity",



A lady would not like male qualities in her.


So it is not less, not more, but it is the difference.


Guys do technical works. Ladies do too. But, generally they are good in taking

care of the kids, generally dads can not take as much care, I repeat generally.

A home without a lady / wife looks and feels so different, so bad.


Ladies need guys, guys need ladies. Combining both, it comes to fullness.


It is Shiva when united with Shakti does he have the power to create.


All the Goddess supply the powers to their Gods as well :-)


If there is no Shakti, what the God would do?


If there is no one to use the Shakti, what would it worth?


I hope I am not again misunderstood :-)


Thanks everyone.




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