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Waves from the Tsunami

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Waves from the Tsunami by /Das Goravani


I am picking up on something lately. The survivors who lost their whole

families, or part of, the survivors, in general, of this tsunami in Asia,

they are undergoing rapid cleansing of attachment, and getting infused with

spiritual replacement for mundane attachment, to such a high degree, and in

such great numbers, it's like a major meditation is taking place, and it's

affecting everyone.


In other words, this was like a huge sacrifice, and the result of the

sacrifice is that there is a greater sense of truth on Earth. We are all

benefiting from being reminded of mortality and our smallness, and benefited

by the sacrifice and acceptance of the survivors.


This is also the most major camera lens into real Asia that people in

America, many of them, most of them, have ever seen, so this is a way, a

bridge, for these two to meet. It is causing understanding and brotherhood,

between peoples who previously never met each other.


Between the Iraq war and now this, the Americans are really getting a dose

of "the other folk" big time this year, it's a big year of learning and

understanding about diametrically different cultures.


Myself, I've been to all those Asian countries. Oddly, I've camped on the

shore of an Eastern Sri Lankan village before. I know those countries

somewhat personally myself, and I have grieved and cried as I watched the

news. So intense, so very very intense. Sri Bhagavan shall need to be

scolded for his intensity this time!


To those on the list in those countries, we are all wondering how you are

and wishing you good thoughts as you deal with this huge change.


Change, change beyond our control. That's really something huh? We try to

control things- put on seat belts, take along a flashlight, check twice, and

so on. Nothing can stop the fury of the nature, the first gods. We are

bacteria to their power.


It is a reminder of things that Jyotish deals with. The inevitable, the

great, the inescapable. And change? What is that? It's things beyond our

control just being themselves... Like time, and the ocean, and the wind.

Change is when all our plans and possessions are forced to be altered by

something other than ourselves. That's what change is. It's ultimately a

control issue. We see it as "change" whereas nature sees it as "self

serving". The Earth serves itself by scratching an itch, changing a plate

around just a tad, and the ocean laps up on the shore as a result, and we

experience "change" from our body, out into space, ejected from our current

flesh body... Into the soul realm, whatever that is. Change. It scares and

hurts, the attached soul, the soul who is not sure where he shall go next.


So much change, brings detachment. Detachment is surrender. Surrender is

freer because it doesn't fear change as much. It values smiles more,

because it isn't busy protecting anything. It can listen better, and serve



I am happy to see my fellow Americans being forced to see and serve those

countries. I am happy for that. I'm sorry it took this event of such tragic

proportions. I am happy for many of the outcomes, which I am seeing and

feeling, because they are of the type of thing which are deeper, better,

more solid, spiritually.


I see the Divine through Their machinations, making the souls in human

bodies get closer, and closer, and more one. That appears to be happening,

to me. Closer, and more one, more brotherly, more together, more loving

towards each others, Arab, American, Asian, sharing and surviving together.


He aint heavy- He's my brother- Kind of thing. Both ways. They have to

carry US too, in some ways, carry our young-country-mindset into maturity

more, as we serve with our youthful energy and massive body.


CNN is now talking about Astrologers in Sri Lanka, and Vivekanandas

statue... I mean, suddenly CNN is like a lesson in Hindu culture, for

example. They were always there, our brothers and sisters, in Sri Lanka and

India, but now common Americans are really seeing and getting to know them.

The distance is turned to nothing, the barriers become unimportant, as we go

about trying to "save our own", and what is that? Humans. That's "our own".

Not countrymen, not race, but just Humans.


The Gita has a verse that says


The supreme is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.


This wave caused a BIG sacrifice. Now we're getting big dose of the Supreme

as the Prasad (mercy-result of sacrifice). And what is that?

Understanding. Coming together. Serving each other. Reminded of the

Supremacy of "something" over us, a reminder to not stay in our mental rat

holes selfish pursuits alone. When we contact the Supreme, the result is

more awareness of and more contact with the All Beautiful Truth, the Supreme

begets more Supreme, and where there is such light, there cannot be

darkness, so through this sacrifice, there is more light, between peoples on

this planet. Our more spiritually advanced brothers and sisters took it on

their head, for the rest of us, who will now benefit by their sacrifice, and

therefore we vow, never to forget them, and their sacrifice, and we shall

remain together, though separated, union in separation, which benefits us,

because when we remember the departed, we remain better people in the Earth

drama day to day. Our lives will have a new spiritual rainbow in them, which

is made of the souls of these newly departed, our lives are better, because

of knowing and remembering their sacrifice as they proved to us that the

great is greater than the small, thus proving all spiritual philosophies and





Love to all



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Das, I really enjoyed your thoughts on the tsunami, thank you. I was wondering

if you had a chance to read the e-mail I sent you at Dancing Moon concerning the

problem I'm having with your program running the Moon transits since the new

year? I just can't get the Moon transits to run anymore, It just displays Dec.

30th, 2004 until Dec. 31st., 1900! Any ideals on what might be the problem?

Thanks, Warren Garstecki.


Das Goravani<>


Sunday, January 09, 2005 10:13 AM

Waves from the Tsunami





Waves from the Tsunami by /Das Goravani


I am picking up on something lately. The survivors who lost their whole

families, or part of, the survivors, in general, of this tsunami in Asia,

they are undergoing rapid cleansing of attachment, and getting infused with

spiritual replacement for mundane attachment, to such a high degree, and in

such great numbers, it's like a major meditation is taking place, and it's

affecting everyone.


In other words, this was like a huge sacrifice, and the result of the

sacrifice is that there is a greater sense of truth on Earth. We are all

benefiting from being reminded of mortality and our smallness, and benefited

by the sacrifice and acceptance of the survivors.


This is also the most major camera lens into real Asia that people in

America, many of them, most of them, have ever seen, so this is a way, a

bridge, for these two to meet. It is causing understanding and brotherhood,

between peoples who previously never met each other.


Between the Iraq war and now this, the Americans are really getting a dose

of "the other folk" big time this year, it's a big year of learning and

understanding about diametrically different cultures.


Myself, I've been to all those Asian countries. Oddly, I've camped on the

shore of an Eastern Sri Lankan village before. I know those countries

somewhat personally myself, and I have grieved and cried as I watched the

news. So intense, so very very intense. Sri Bhagavan shall need to be

scolded for his intensity this time!


To those on the list in those countries, we are all wondering how you are

and wishing you good thoughts as you deal with this huge change.


Change, change beyond our control. That's really something huh? We try to

control things- put on seat belts, take along a flashlight, check twice, and

so on. Nothing can stop the fury of the nature, the first gods. We are

bacteria to their power.


It is a reminder of things that Jyotish deals with. The inevitable, the

great, the inescapable. And change? What is that? It's things beyond our

control just being themselves... Like time, and the ocean, and the wind.

Change is when all our plans and possessions are forced to be altered by

something other than ourselves. That's what change is. It's ultimately a

control issue. We see it as "change" whereas nature sees it as "self

serving". The Earth serves itself by scratching an itch, changing a plate

around just a tad, and the ocean laps up on the shore as a result, and we

experience "change" from our body, out into space, ejected from our current

flesh body... Into the soul realm, whatever that is. Change. It scares and

hurts, the attached soul, the soul who is not sure where he shall go next.


So much change, brings detachment. Detachment is surrender. Surrender is

freer because it doesn't fear change as much. It values smiles more,

because it isn't busy protecting anything. It can listen better, and serve



I am happy to see my fellow Americans being forced to see and serve those

countries. I am happy for that. I'm sorry it took this event of such tragic

proportions. I am happy for many of the outcomes, which I am seeing and

feeling, because they are of the type of thing which are deeper, better,

more solid, spiritually.


I see the Divine through Their machinations, making the souls in human

bodies get closer, and closer, and more one. That appears to be happening,

to me. Closer, and more one, more brotherly, more together, more loving

towards each others, Arab, American, Asian, sharing and surviving together.


He aint heavy- He's my brother- Kind of thing. Both ways. They have to

carry US too, in some ways, carry our young-country-mindset into maturity

more, as we serve with our youthful energy and massive body.


CNN is now talking about Astrologers in Sri Lanka, and Vivekanandas

statue... I mean, suddenly CNN is like a lesson in Hindu culture, for

example. They were always there, our brothers and sisters, in Sri Lanka and

India, but now common Americans are really seeing and getting to know them.

The distance is turned to nothing, the barriers become unimportant, as we go

about trying to "save our own", and what is that? Humans. That's "our own".

Not countrymen, not race, but just Humans.


The Gita has a verse that says


The supreme is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.


This wave caused a BIG sacrifice. Now we're getting big dose of the Supreme

as the Prasad (mercy-result of sacrifice). And what is that?

Understanding. Coming together. Serving each other. Reminded of the

Supremacy of "something" over us, a reminder to not stay in our mental rat

holes selfish pursuits alone. When we contact the Supreme, the result is

more awareness of and more contact with the All Beautiful Truth, the Supreme

begets more Supreme, and where there is such light, there cannot be

darkness, so through this sacrifice, there is more light, between peoples on

this planet. Our more spiritually advanced brothers and sisters took it on

their head, for the rest of us, who will now benefit by their sacrifice, and

therefore we vow, never to forget them, and their sacrifice, and we shall

remain together, though separated, union in separation, which benefits us,

because when we remember the departed, we remain better people in the Earth

drama day to day. Our lives will have a new spiritual rainbow in them, which

is made of the souls of these newly departed, our lives are better, because

of knowing and remembering their sacrifice as they proved to us that the

great is greater than the small, thus proving all spiritual philosophies and





Love to all




















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